Darkness Of Truth (An FBI/Romance Thriller~ Book 6)

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Darkness Of Truth (An FBI/Romance Thriller~ Book 6) Page 41

by Kelley, Morgan

  Agent Christensen pulled open a medicine cabinet in the attached bath. “He wasn’t on any prescriptions, but he did have a variety of over the counters.” The Tori found a tube and started laughing.

  “What?” Elizabeth crossed to her, curious to see what had her friend giggling.

  “I found a tube of ‘prolong’ cream.” She held it out for her friend to see. “It seems our sheriff had an endurance problem and was topically medicating it.”

  Elizabeth shuddered. “If I find that in my house I’m going to weep. We don’t need anyone prolonging anything for hours.”

  Tori started laughing. “I just had a visual and it was funny as hell.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t share it. We don’t need them getting any ideas.”

  “Elizabeth!” came the call from downstairs. “You need to hear this!” Blackhawk called, from the bottom of the stairs.

  The two women headed down, finding the three men around an answering machine.

  “Holy shit, do people actually still have landlines and answering machines?” she asked. “You don’t happen to have the killer on there admitting his crimes, do you?”

  “No, but we have absolute confirmation on who the last moments of his life were spent with,” stated her husband. Pushing play they all listened.

  Jimmy baby, it’s Carly. I think I left my phone in your

  truck just now. Can you drop it at my shop when you

  come into town tomorrow? Thanks for the fun, as

  always you were the best I’ve ever had, Tiger.

  Julian shuddered. “Is anyone else creeped out by that message from the barracuda?”

  Callen raised his hand. “I’ve been her intended target, and I have to say, I’m right there with you.”

  “I have not a single worry,” answered Ethan. “Lyzee will keep me safe,” he said, laughing.

  Elizabeth grinned. “Well, since you three have issues with her, I guess I’m the one going to talk to her. Tori, you want to ride shotgun to the skanky… I mean Carly’s workplace?”

  Tori glanced over at Julian. “She’s hit on you before?”

  “Carly Kester hits on anything with the right ‘equipment’,” he answered, honestly.

  She offered her boss a fist bump. “I’m in. You want me to hold her down while you kick the shit out of her?”

  Elizabeth laughed. “I love a beat down. Let’s go.”

  All three men stared after them as they walked out the door. It was Callen that spoke first. “She was kidding right?”

  Blackhawk wasn’t sure. “She did kiss you in front of her at the diner. So, I’m not sure on that one.”

  Julian shook his heads. “Somehow gentlemen, we’re going to be in trouble for this, mark my words. Two angry women and a nympho having a talk means shit for everyone involved.”


  Elizabeth drove them to the woman’s book store. It had been a long time coming, and she sincerely hoped Carly made a comment about the men in her life. All it was going to take was one snarky comment and the blonde was a goner.

  “You’re thinking about killing her, aren’t you?” snickered Tori. “I can tell by the look on your face. It’s somewhere between amusement and evil plotting.”

  She started laughing. “Yeah, she had her mouth on my man, and last time Carly tried playing footies with Ethan. I’m only so easy going before I lose my damn mind.”

  Tori wondered if it was a good time to change the subject. “I have something I’d like to talk to you about,” Tori said, watching her boss drive. “If you don’t want to do it, you’re not obligated, but I wanted to just throw it out there.”

  Elizabeth could hear the nerves in her agent’s voice. “What’s wrong, Darlin’? Just spill it.”

  Here went nothing. “Julian and I are getting married in the fall, probably August. I was wondering if maybe you’d be my matron of honor.”

  She glanced over. “Wow, that’s an amazing offer!”

  “Like I said, you can say no.”

  Elizabeth grinned wickedly. “Hell no! I’m not going to say no to a request as wonderful as that! I’d love to be in your wedding and stand there for you and Julian.”

  Tori relaxed. “I don’t have a lot of family. In fact, I don’t have any at all. I have one more request, and I hope you don’t take it the wrong way.”

  “You can ask. I’ll try not to be offended.”

  “My dad and brother aren’t here to walk me down the aisle. I was wondering if I could borrow Ethan and Callen. You know, have them escort me to Julian.”

  Elizabeth pulled into Carly’s parking lot and looked over at her friend. “I have no problem with that. I think it’ll be amazing, and I’m blessed that you’d allow us to take part in your special day.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Uh, you okay?” Tori asked, taking Elizabeth’s hand.

  She nodded and pointed at the baby. “Hormones.”

  Tori began laughing and hugged her boss. “Save the crying until you see the dress you have to wear.”

  Elizabeth snorted. “Nice. Kick a pregnant woman while she’s down. It better not make me look fat.”

  Tori grinned. “If I swear it won’t will you help me with the decorating? At the Christmas party, Ginny said that you came up with all the table ideas and lights. We’re having this out by a lake at sunset, and I need serious girl decorating help.”

  “You must be hard up if you’re asking me to be girly.” Elizabeth smiled at her friend. “Is it wrong of me to be sad that you’re not coming back to work?” she asked, honestly. Friends were hard to come by, and Elizabeth was attached.

  Tori shook her head. “No, Lyzee. It’s not wrong for you to be sad about it. I’ll be honest; I’m going to miss the job and you. This is home now, and I want to be here with Julian. He wouldn’t survive off the Rez. His mother and siblings are here and this is his center. I’m used to traveling and moving.”

  Elizabeth hugged her. “I’ll miss you when this is over,” she started sniffling again. “If you need a letter of recommendation you give me a call. I’ll give you a glowing one.”

  Tori was so grateful for everything that the Blackhawk’s had done for her. Without them, she never would have met Julian. “I’m getting my private investigator license. Julian and I are going into business together.”

  “I happen to know the boss out of FBI West, and I’ll keep this in mind,” she winked. “You’ll have all our business.”

  That meant a lot to Tori. Family and friendship was an amazing thing. If they didn't refocus, she’d be crying soon too. “Want to go kick the crap out of a blonde hussy?” Tori offered.

  “Oh yeah I do!” she exclaimed, sliding out of the Denali. “Let’s go break the news and grill Jimmy’s love toy.”

  * * *

  It was time to set the final scene in the man’s chapter.

  He drove everything out to the man’s house, placing it cautiously where it would make an impact. This would kill two birds with one stone. First, the man guilty of previous sins against his people would be caught, and the trail would mess with the FBI.

  It would all work out, giving him time to disappear into the background, like any good skinwalker.

  There was one more man left that needed to pay for his crimes against the Native community, and then he’d be done.

  This man had been a little too helpful in trying to hunt his own people. Don’t get him wrong, he was a good guy, but there came a time when even the best men in the world needed to be accountable for their sins.

  Now was that time.

  Sneaking onto the property, he knew his schedule and was aware he wouldn’t be home.

  It was time to point the finger and start the ball rolling. The skinwalkers that had passed would be so proud to call him one of their own as he balanced justice.

  * * *

  The store was empty of customers and sitting behind the counter reading a book was the town floozy. Elizabeth had no intention of being overly kind to a
woman that poached married men. To her, that was a line that you never crossed.

  Not now or ever.

  How it all unfolded would come down to Carly Kester and her behavior. Polite would beget polite and viciousness would bring a world of hurt from an agent with raging pregnancy hormones on her side.

  Carly glanced up and rolled her eyes. “Great. They let you off your leash. The local pound is down the street. Why don’t you wander there and find a different home,” she stated, dropping the book and staring down Elizabeth. “How you ever got a man to knock you up is beyond me. You’re about as pleasant as a rash.”

  “I have no doubt you know a great deal about communicable disease and itchy red bumps,” stated Tori, defending her friend.

  “Good one! I’m so going to miss you,” Elizabeth stated, handing out a fist bump. Then she placed her focus back on the woman behind the counter. “Trust me, Ms. Kester; this isn’t a social call to discuss me or my pregnancy. We’re here to ask you a few questions.”

  “That’s terrific because I love dealing with you. It just makes my day complete,” she sipped her coffee. “I’d offer you some, but frankly I don’t really like you. So you can kiss my ass, and so can your red headed underling.” Now her animosity was focused on Tori.

  “She must mean me,” stated Tori, looking around. “I don’t see any other redheads. Then again, I find her tossing out hair color funny, since we all know she’s not a real blonde.”

  “Well, WE don’t know that, but I’m sure half the men in this town do,” added Elizabeth, stirring the woman up.

  “Half? You think it’s not more like two thirds?” continued Tori.

  “What do you two comediennes want? Shouldn’t you have something better to do with your time than come in here and spread your sunshine? Hey, how about you go back to your Indians.” Carly crossed her arms across her chest. How she wished she could punch them both in the face.

  “Yeah, let’s get down to business, shall we?” Elizabeth answered ignoring the Indian comment. “Where were you last night?”

  Carly didn’t look impressed. “I don’t believe I have to tell you what I spend my time doing.”

  Tori shrugged. “Can we PLEASE handcuff her and take her into the police station? I’d love to beat the smug off her face.”

  “Answer the question, Carly or we’re going to get out the cuffs and slap them on you. When the damn FBI comes asking questions, you don’t get to decide if you want to answer. It’s pretty much a requirement.”

  “Kiss off.”

  “One last time, Carly. Where were you last night?” Tori asked, pulling out her cuffs.

  “No way! I get to cuff her this time. You got the last round,” interjected Elizabeth. “I’m sure there’ll be more turns. You know how much Carly likes handcuffs.”

  Tori snickered, tossing them to Elizabeth. As she moved towards the woman, Carly backed down.

  “I was at Sal’s all night.”

  Elizabeth pulled out her phone and started making notes. “You were there until what time approximately?”

  Carly thought about it. “I was there until maybe eleven and then I cut out of there.”

  Tori stared at her. “Were you cutting out alone?”

  She shook her head.

  “Want to share with us the finer details, Ms. Kester?” requested Elizabeth. “We aren’t here because we give a damn about your social life. Trust me; I have a more exciting one waiting for me at home.”

  Carly gave her a dirty look.

  “Come now, Ms. Kester. Why are you hesitant about giving us girls some info?” inquired Tori. “It can’t be that you’re shy. You chase every man in the town around. You obviously don’t care what people think. So spill the details.”

  Elizabeth watched her friend work. They needed Carly to admit she was with James Duffy. “We promise it’ll stay between us girls, oh and the report we have to file for the official record.”

  The women didn’t get why they were even there. “Last I looked it’s not illegal to have sex in this country. You’ve obviously been doing it yourself or is your spawn still afraid to come out and see its mother?”

  Elizabeth laughed. “You’re funny for a woman that chases down married men. What we call that back where I grew up is a home wrecker.”

  Tori shook her head. “We call them slut bags where I’m from. Damn the North and their colloquialisms.”

  Carly had enough. She just wanted them out of her business and far away from her. “I got a ride home with Jimmy. Okay? Anything else I can do for you two?”

  “Time line it for us Carly. We need to know when Sheriff Duffy dropped you off last night.” Elizabeth waited patiently.

  “One in the morning.”

  Tori stared at her boss. “Huh, two hours unaccounted for then. Were you taking the scenic route of Red River?”

  The woman fumed. “No, trust me, there was no tour going on, and what happened between us isn’t any of your damn business. Jimmy and I can see each other. Neither one of us is married.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “True. When he dropped you off was he inebriated?”

  “What’s the point of all this? Did Jimmy have an accident and hit someone?” She looked concerned.

  “Again, was the man drunk when he dropped you off?”

  She shrugged. “We had a few in his truck and a few at Sal’s.” There was no way in hell she was going to implicate Jimmy in anything.

  It was time to tell the woman the bad news. “We need a timeline for his last whereabouts last night.”

  Carly didn’t understand. “Is he missing?”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “Last night after leaving you at your home, James Duffy was abducted and murdered. We’re investigating his death.”

  That was the nicest Elizabeth could possibly say it. Despite Carly being a bitch, she wasn’t going to hurt the woman with the bad news.

  “What?” she asked, mouth open. “What are you talking about?”

  “James Duffy is deceased.” Tori stated in a calm voice. “We’re here to find out when you saw him last.”

  The tears started.

  “You have to be lying. I just had sex with him last night. He was fine, laughing and very much alive.” Carly, wiped at the tears. This all had to be some mistake. Her heart ached at the woman’s words. Surely, they couldn’t be right.

  “I’m sorry Ms. Kester, but it’s not a mistake.” Elizabeth answered, softly. “I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.”

  She nodded as all the hate drained from her, and she was filled with intense sorrow. “I loved him.”

  The women listened, trying to offer her some sort of support and solace in her time of pain. Honestly, Elizabeth didn't believe the news would affect her this way, since Carly was a notoriously known to not give a damn about anyone but herself.

  “I’ve loved him since we were in high school, but Jimmy didn’t ever want to settle down. I took whatever part of his life he was willing to share with me.”

  “We’re going to find his killer,” Elizabeth guaranteed. “It’s a matter of time.”

  “He told me it was some Indian doing the killings. Jimmy was pretty pissed off at the FBI. Now he has to rely on them to find the person that did this. That’s poetic.”

  Elizabeth cut her a break, since the fire in her had banked. “We don’t conclusively know if it’s a Native American or not. Right now we’re working on it.”

  Carly nodded, crying more. “When can I claim his body? I want to get him buried.”

  Tori took over. “Not until the investigation is done and then you can have his remains.”

  “Jimmy didn’t have any family left, since you killed his brother. I’ll make sure he’s buried alongside him.” Carly would do that for her friend and the man she loved.

  “We’ll clear it for you when we can.”

  Carly glanced up. “How did he die?”

  Neither woman was planning on dropping that information. No one had the details on that. They
were holding that close to the vest as their main information.

  “He was stabbed in the heart.”

  Carly nodded. “I can’t help but find that ironic. A man that never shared his heart was killed by it.”

  Elizabeth slid her card across the counter. “Did anything happen at Sal’s last night? Someone start a fight with Jimmy or follow you two out of the bar?”

  She shook her head. “No, we left there, because he wanted to head out and have sex. I was up for it and agreed.”

  They nodded. “We’re sorry for your loss, Ms. Kester. Call us if something comes to mind or you need anything.”

  Carly Kester followed them to the door and flipped the closed sign. She wasn’t in the mood to face the world.

  “I’ll miss you, Jimmy, and I love you,” she whispered to no one, as she locked up and shut off the lights.

  This wasn’t the first time she lost her heart to James Duffy.

  The crime scene was just about complete. The techs gathered up all the samples and were loading up the evidence to be taken back to the lab. There wasn’t much there that they didn’t expect. Blood, skin and human matter was scattered by the fire. If they found anything different, they’d be shocked.

  Julian eyed the crowd that was beginning to form outside the crime scene tape by the driveway. “Someone’s been talking,” he stated, pointing at the five or six people standing there. “Jimmy doesn’t have any neighbors close enough to see us in the back yard.”

  Blackhawk nodded. “I’d put my money on one of the deputies or Sheila Court. This is going to explode soon.”

  “Great! I can’t wait to have to deal with the Natives, the outsiders and now the media,” stated Whitefox, knowing it was going to suck.

  Just then, Elizabeth laid on the horn, scattering the bystanders. When she hopped down with Tori, she was entertained at how they scrambled out of her way. “Who invited the ants to the picnic?” she asked, nodding her head towards the people.

  “Someone must have spilled the news.”


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