Cowboy Bikers MC #5

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Cowboy Bikers MC #5 Page 5

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “No,” Kadence gasps and the look she gives me is one where she thinks I brought her to the slaughterhouse my-fucking-self.

  “I didn’t know. Get behind me,” I snap and quickly move her behind me myself.

  Reaching for my gun, I growl, “She’s my old lady and she’s staying right fucking here.”

  “Tone it down, Colt,” Weston says. “Rowen agreed to your offer. Well, with a slight change but the result is the same. Kadence, as your old lady, is under the protection of the Iron Hot Blood.”

  I’m itching to know what the slight change involves but if Weston set this up—along with the statement he just made how Kadence is in fact mine—who fucking cares?

  “Need us for anything else, Prez?” I question, needing to get my woman out of here.

  Weston throws his thumb over his shoulder. “Head inside the clubhouse, we need to have a little chat.”

  I reach behind me and wrap an arm around my woman’s waist to drag her close as we head for the clubhouse.

  “Kadence, a word, please,” her brother says.

  I’m about to deny the asshole but Kadence says in an icy voice, “Fuck you, Rowen. You’re dead to me.”

  Rowen’s eyes carry sadness for a brief moment before it’s gone. I shouldn’t be intrigued but I find myself asking, “Prez, are the old ladies inside?”

  Weston nods. “Harlene and Mayven, the rest will be here within a half hour.”

  I place a kiss on the top of her head and whisper, “Go inside, doll. I’ll be right there.”

  She glares at her brother but disappears inside. I spin on my heels and face Rowen who is still standing right next to his VP.

  “You and I, a word,” I sneer and don’t wait but stalk a few feet away from the clubhouse.

  Rowen saunters my way and crosses his arms in front of his chest when he reaches me. “You’re my sister’s old man now?”

  “She’s always been mine,” I simply state.

  I would like nothing more than to bury my fist into his throat and keep hitting the fucker until he’s no longer breathing, but this asshole is my woman’s brother. No matter how angry she is at the idiot or the fact she just stated he’s dead to her.

  “All I wanted was for her to be kept safe and protected. With our folks both dead she had no reason to stay connected, and you and I damn well know you can’t cut out a connection if you were once the president’s daughter…and now the president’s sister. Making her an old lady would have kept her close and protected. Cannon has always shown interest in her, it seemed like a good choice.”

  Fuck. He’s right and yet so damn wrong. And Cannon was never a good fucking choice.

  But in the end, it doesn’t matter. “Sounds like your wish was still granted. She’s my old lady and with it she’s protected. I would say you can have some form of contact, but she’s pretty pissed and hardheaded. You blew your chance of gaining her trust and maintaining a connection.”

  “Cannon seemed like the right choice: he’s always wanted her,” Rowen repeats and rubs the back of his neck and sighs.

  “Always wanted to rape her you mean.” I whisper the words low enough for only his ears.

  His eyes flame with hatred. “What?” he snaps.

  “Didn’t know that little fact, huh? Not to mention, the fucker was the one who led those two idiots right to her a few weeks ago. She could have died that day when they came at us with guns blazing. My sister was there too and her old man. That’s the kind of fuck-up you wanted for your sister? Your sister who has every reason to say her brother wanted to whore her out to one of his brothers. Did you ever fucking put yourself in her shoes, asshole?” My chest is heaving and it’s fucked-up because I can always contain my emotions but I seem to fail when anger surges through me at the thought of what my woman had to endure.

  Rowen nods. He looks defeated and deep in thoughts.

  I should walk away but I surprise myself when I tell him, “I have your number. I’ll be sure to text you pictures when our first kid is born and any others after that. Do you understand? She’s mine. For-fucking-ever. No one will harm her or so much as make her feel like an object needing to be tossed around to be displayed since it would fit somewhere else better. For fuck’s sake, man. What the hell were you thinking?”

  I don’t wait for an answer. I couldn’t care less. But I probably shouldn’t have risked one final glance at his eyes because they are filled with pain.

  “Take care of her.” His words trail behind me.

  I raise my hand and give him a one finger salute. “A million times better than you did, that’s for damn sure.”

  I would like to add the fact that this woman is mine to damn treasure, something no money in the world can buy. And when you realize you actually love someone it’s then you understand the value of having something precious in your life.

  But it leaves a bad taste in my damn mouth about the fact Rowen accepted the deal. Meaning he took the money and the property I told Weston to offer him in exchange for Deranged Hounds to fuck off and leave Kadence alone. Weston mentioned there was a slight change in the deal and I’m itching to find out what the change was.

  First, I need my woman in my arms so I can breathe her in to obtain some sense of calmness. Stalking into the main room, I quickly scan my surroundings and see Kadence sitting at a table along with some of the women and Joaquin. With determination I close the distance and drag her into my arms to kiss the fuck out of her.

  When the both of us come up for air, I nuzzle her neck and murmur, “You good?”

  “Yeah,” she sighs in contentment.

  A little thrill flows through me and I pull back to cup her face and lock our eyes. “Stay with your friends, I’ll be right back. I need to have a word with Weston, okay?”

  Thank fuck the smile is back on her face and she rejoins the women. I turn to head for church but my sister is right in my face. I expect her to blow up about the fact I took her friend and withheld information–leaving her to worry about Kadence–but instead she launches herself at me to hug me close.

  “Thank you so much,” she gushes.

  I wrap my arms around Mayven and hug her tight. I’m not much of a hugger and she knows it too. Add the fact I expected her to blow up and rip my head off, I’ll take the hug any time of day.

  I place a kiss on the top of her head. “You’re welcome. Now go plan a wedding or something, I need to talk to Prez.”

  “You’re getting married?” Mayven squeaks, making all heads turn our way.

  I shoot her a grin and simply say, “I ain’t letting her go, sis. Not ever. So, we might as well get hitched since she’s already my old lady. And I’m set to knock her up some time soon.”

  “You’re horrible,” she grumbles, her eyes going to Kadence who is staring at us in shock. “You should have proposed in a normal way instead of throwing it out as if it’s another thing to tick off your to-do list.”

  “Fuck normal,” I mutter and head for church.

  “Asshole,” Mayven bellows.

  “Ah, there’s the anger I was expecting when I walked in here, sis. Good to know you don’t disappoint.”

  She grumbles a string of curses but I’m already closing the door behind me. Alfie, Garrett, Ledger, and Roper are sitting at the table. The door behind me opens and Weston stalks inside.

  “What a fucked-up situation,” Weston says as he takes a seat.

  “What part of the deal was changed?” I ask, needing to know every damn detail.

  Roper throws a file on the table in front of me. “He didn’t want the property you offered.”

  “Dammit. Why? They are about to be evicted, why turn down the property that could be a potential clubhouse?” I wonder out loud.

  “Something about the location and space. They have issues with another MC and the property is close to a bar some of those fuckers hang out at. Rowen doesn’t need the extra pressure. But Alfie gave him another option and he gladly accepted. They will sign the papers tomo
rrow, bright and early.”

  I nod in understanding of what Weston just explained.

  “Rowen needs to pay that fucking dollar,” Alfie snaps. “And you owe me, man.”

  “He’s buying the property for a dollar?” I question.

  Alfie shrugs. “We have it in black and white his MC will back off, and gave the well wishes to the happy couple and shit. Shit. We should have asked for him to make a video when he tells Cannon the joyful news.”

  “I hope he fucking chokes on it,” I mutter.

  Weston’s face turns grim. “He might have mentioned Cannon wouldn’t back away easily. But Rowen would handle it. Even if it meant killing the fucker. He was honorable, Colt. Once we told him what was going on between you and his sister. Rowen respects Kadence’s choice and would have accepted if he knew, without the damn money offer but we put that shit on the table before we mentioned you claimed his sister as his old lady. So, the fucker got the money as a bonus.”

  “I don’t care about the fucking money. Rowen should have killed the fucker the second he wanted my woman. He was blind not to see what kind of fucking idiot Cannon is,” I snap.

  “Calm down, Colt. Everything is handled for now, okay?” Roper shoots me a look of warning.

  I hold my hands up. “Hey, I’m done. If you guys say it’s handled, it’s handled. We can move forward, no danger and shit.”

  “Why the hell did you need to jinx us with the ‘no danger and shit?’ You should never voice such things, asshole,” Garrett grumbles. “Rowen still needs to bring the news to his club and control Cannon.”

  I merely shrug and glance at Alfie. “Let me know what you paid for the property you’re selling to Rowen for one dollar. I’ll make sure you’ll get it in the next few days.”

  Alfie is now the one to shrug. “Don’t mention it, we’re good.”

  “We’re good if I pay you. Text me or I won’t stop nagging you until we’re even.”

  “Fine.” Alfie grins. “Three dollars.”

  “Fucking rich asshole motherfucker,” I grumble and turn on my heels to leave the room. I have better things to do than being around these idiots.

  Though I’m wearing a huge smile on my face, knowing these fuckers always have my back and made it possible to bury the past and spread the future wide open for me and my old lady.



  “Where are you taking me?” I ask with laughter in my voice since Colt is dragging me out of the clubhouse when we only just got here.

  “I can finally show you something. I swear you can spend some time later with your friends but I have a surprise I’ve been working on.”

  A surprise? I keep my lips shut before I start to fire question after question. I won’t be able to stop. Seriously, whenever my mother would buy me a gift I would harass her until I knew what it was or she would simply give it to me. I know, I’m horrible that way, but I’m just overly excited.

  And along with the joy comes the sadness, hitting me straight in the chest. I miss my mother and father. Some days I still can’t believe I can’t pick up the phone and call them. They’re really gone. It’s another harsh realization how you can never take anything for granted.

  The only family I have left by blood is my asshole brother. And I have no need to see him. Besides, I have a load of new people surrounding me who have accepted and welcomed me with open arms.

  Even if I brought trouble to their doorstep, there’s not one single evil eye or rejection. That’s a brotherhood. Blood or no blood, it’s a true meaning of family. Every single one lets you know the important things in life and has their priorities straight.

  It’s one of the first things I noticed when I arrived here weeks ago. And it was a welcoming realization when I stepped foot inside the clubhouse a moment ago. The support of everyone is overwhelming.

  “What are we doing in the stables? What could you possibly have hidden here to surprise me with?” I question, failing to keep quiet and wanting to get my head in the here and now to prevent myself from being sad.

  Colt stops in front of a stall where a gorgeous deep brown horse with large white spots is standing.

  “This here is Chucky. She’s an American Paint Horse. A breed that fits you perfectly. She’s twelve. No longer a rookie and I’ve ridden her a few times this week to get to know her since she used to belong to Alfie. She deserves more attention than he can give her but Alfie has three horses and he wanted to keep a new one he’s breaking in now. I knew she’d be perfect for you and Alfie agreed. Otherwise he wouldn’t have sold her.”

  “She’s mine?” I croak, tears filling my eyes and I am grasping every bit of strength inside me to keep it together.

  But I’m failing when I hear a sob, knowing it just ripped from my throat.

  “Aw, dammit, sweetness. I didn’t mean to make you cry,” Colt mutters and takes me into his arms.

  Maybe it’s the overload of stress causing me to fall apart, or remembering my parents, or because a mere moment ago we heard the threat of my brother and Cannon has been handled. Whatever. The point is…I want to feel overjoyed with happiness. And I’m allowed to because in this moment I am wrapped in the embrace of a man who cared enough to kidnap me to keep my ass safe.

  On top of it he’s given me so much more than just safety or as he stated it when he gave me the choice of his help; wait for me if you want to change your life. Clearly the wait is over because this man has drastically changed my life and I can’t imagine it any other way.

  “Aw, she liked Chucky, didn’t she? All sentimental and shit,” Alfie says from behind us. “You better take good care of that little bundle of goodness. And I do mean the horse, not your old lady. Okay, clearly her too, whatever. You did mention about her mouth, did you?”

  “I haven’t had the chance yet, Alfie,” Colt grumbles.

  “What about her mouth?” I question.

  Alfie steps closer and opens Chucky’s stable. “She’s too sensitive for a bit. It’s why I only ride with her using a hackamore, the headgear uses a noseband to control the horse. But she’s a real sweetheart and perfect for a beginner like you.”

  “Thank you,” I croak and throw my arms around his waist to give him a hug.

  It only lasts a fragment of a second before I’m pulled away.

  “Yeah, not happening,” Colt grumbles. “He’s selling us the horse because he knows she’s staying here on the ranch and will be well looked after. Not to mention, you’re going to be riding her every day so she will get more attention.”

  “I could still need a hug for it, brother.” Alfie grins.

  “Like I said, not happening. Not from me and not from my old lady since you swing both ways. Go hug Joaquin and squash some chick in between.”

  I plant my elbow in Colt’s ribs.

  “Be nice,” I tell him in a firm tone.

  “I was being nice to suggest he go have a threesome instead of getting a hug from either of us,” Colt grumbles.

  “I could settle for you two hugging while I watch. But no tears this time. I hate it when people cry, it makes me uncomfortable.”

  “It’s because you have no feelings, asshole.” There’s a low rumble coming from Colt’s chest before he adds, “Go watch Joaquin hug someone, weirdo.”

  Alfie places his hand over his heart. “I do have feelings. I have many.” His hand starts to slide down to his crotch. “Especially when I grab–”

  “We don’t want to hear it. So, leave us alone. We’re going to take Chucky home with us.”

  Alfie laughs. “Fine. Want me to bring your bike over later?”

  “Yeah, thanks. Why don’t you bring Joaquin along with you? Ledger and Mayven are coming by later too. We’re gonna grill a few steaks, hamburgers, whatever.”

  “Will do.” Alfie points at Chucky. “Take good care of her for me.”

  I give him a genuine smile and promise, “Absolutely. I already love her to pieces.”

  Alfie snickers.
“No wonder you’re with Colt. I was kinda worried with him not being loveable with his grumpiness, but I get it now. You fall in love that easy and all.”

  “Get the fuck out of here, Alfie,” Colt snaps.

  “Just kidding, grumpy.” Alfie laughs as he stalks out of the stables.

  “Come on, let’s saddle up and bring her home.”

  I nod enthusiastically at his words and the both of us fall into a routine like we’ve done every day with Cavier whenever Colt had time to teach me how to ride.

  We’ve almost reached the cabin when Colt asks, “Like her?”

  “Love her,” I tell him and look down at Colt but his eyes are set on the cabin in front of us.

  We might have exchanged our feelings, but with Alfie mentioning how I fall in love easily, he made me think. Yes, I might fall in love easily when it came to the horse, but it was the same with Colt.

  I thought he was extremely sexy the first time I met him and the attraction only intensified until it evolved into a solid bond between us. So, yes. It might be hard and fast, but it’s real and something I haven’t experienced before. And the way he takes care of me and goes through great lengths to make sure I’m okay and safe, I know we’re equal in our relationship; it’s where our strength lies.

  I take a deep breath and let my gaze lock on our home as I voice the words, “I love you more, though.”

  A soft chuckle rings out and I feel him pat my leg. “I sure as fuck would hope so.”

  He didn’t say it back is the first thing flowing through my head.

  But then he stops the horse and says, “Come here, doll.”

  He curls his finger, demanding I lean over to close the distance. And when I do, he places his hand on the back of my neck and gives a tender squeeze before he takes my lips in a rough and demanding kiss.

  He pulls back and tells me, “I’m pretty sure I love you more.”

  Colt is already taking the reign and leads Chucky around the cabin toward the stable while all I can do is stare at the man I know is mine in every way. It’s still hard to believe–to accept–our future has only just blown wide open for us to explore and enjoy.


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