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Her Dragon To Slay (Dragon Guard Series)

Page 7

by Julia Mills

  He looked around her room, noticing she’d placed a tee shirt and sweat pants on the dresser. He knew from the size of the stack of clothing they were much too large for her. It stood to reason they were men’s clothing. Again his jealousy reared its ugly head. He couldn’t help but wonder where his lovely Kyndel had gotten men’s clothing in the middle of the night. As he picked them up, he inhaled only her scent on the clothing. No one else, aside from his mate, had worn or touched the clothes since they were washed and that had been quite some time ago. His jealousy grew, such an unfamiliar feeling for him, as he came to the conclusion that they were from a previous lover. He immediately inhaled deeply, scenting her home. He relaxed a fraction when all he found was her intoxicating fragrance and that of another female. No other male had been there for quite a long time. Still he couldn’t shake the sudden urge to see his mate and hold her in his arms.

  Rayne threw the clothes on the bed and marched out the door. When he rounded the corner to the family room he saw her there, curled up on the couch, her back facing him with her feminine behind pushed out towards him. He did not even try to deny the force that pulled him. If she wasn’t obviously asleep, he would have sworn she had grabbed his hand and tugged him towards her.

  He stood over her, marveling at her beauty. The Universe had definitely shown favor on him the day She created this elegant creature. He would spend the rest of his life adoring her. He wanted to wrap his body around hers, to feel her soft feminine curves pressed against his hardness. He dreamt of spending entire days getting lost, staring into her expressive emerald eyes. More than his next breath he wanted to taste her pouty pink lips, nibble and suck her bottom lip between his teeth and tug. He wanted to slide his lips across her jaw to that little spot behind her ear that he knew without a doubt would make her shiver and sigh. His hands itched with a need he had never before experienced to cover every single inch of her body, following with his lips and teeth, touching, nipping and tasting, leaving not an inch undiscovered. The longer he stood gazing at her, the more his hunger rose. He could feel his cock pushing against the zipper of his blood covered jeans begging him to act upon his desires. He snapped out of his lust induced haze. He would not touch his beautiful mate while covered in gore.

  Turning, he sprinted to the bathroom, ripping the offending clothing from his body as he turned on the shower and stepped under the spray, not even waiting for the water to warm. If he had to wait longer than a few minutes to get his hands on her body, he was sure he would combust. Warm water was a luxury he just could not care about. That he was able to show the restraint to wash the horrible evidence of last night’s altercation off before touching her showed the depth at which the mating call had already taken hold of him. Her welfare and comfort would always come before his. Her needs and wants always his priority, from the moment he’d laid his eyes on her, until the end of their very long lives.

  She was his everything. No matter who entered their lives she would always be first. When they had children and there would be many of that he was sure, she would always be number one in his heart, mind and soul. There would be adorable little vibrias running around the countryside, a riot of auburn curls swirling around their beautiful faces with amazing green eyes spitting fire at all who dared to get in the way of their fun and troublemaking little drakes with dark brown hair and violet eyes playing pranks on anyone with the courage to get close.

  He was in and out of the shower within seconds. He threw on the sweat pants she had laid out for him while practically running down the hall. To hell with the shirt, his only thoughts were of Kyndel. He could only imagine how funny he looked. Wet hair dripping down his back, a wild look in his eyes and sweat pants tented from his erection. He came upon her just as he’d left her, adrift in her dreams. She looked like an angel, fallen to earth especially for him, so peaceful and breathtaking. Her long dark eyelashes curled against her cheeks highlighting her natural blush and accentuating her adorable freckles. He sat next to her delectable bottom and gently ran his fingers through the tangle of red curls running down her back. They felt like spun silk as each strand slipped through his fingers. He began to rub light circles down her spine with just the tips of his fingers, even in her sleep she leaned into his touch, sighing. His beautiful Kyndel was so receptive to his touch. Her body already recognized him as her mate and accepted his hands on her body. His soul along with his cock leapt for joy.

  He continued his light, slow exploration of her body, gently massaging the soft skin through her worn tee shirt. He tenderly slid his hand under her clothing. The skin to skin contact was magical. His cock jumped at the spark of recognition he had heard about so often from mated couples in his clan. It was like nothing he could have ever imagined. He had felt it when they touched on the sidewalk but now that his body was healed, the impact was indescribable. He continued his sensual exploration, amazed at the silky softness of her skin in contrast to his calloused hand. Leaning forward, his only thoughts of her, he buried himself in her hair, breathing the scent that was uniquely Kyndel into his being. His head swam, he felt drunk. She was better than the finest wine, more potent than hundred year old scotch. In his wildest dreams he had never imagined anyone so exquisite. Perfect in absolutely every way. She was home. As long as she was by his side, he was complete. He would spend the rest of his life loving this woman.

  He moved her hair to the side revealing her neck. He rubbed his nose along that elegant column, marking her with his scent and drawing more of hers into him. The tip of his tongue slid from his lips to trace an erotic path behind her ear to the spot where her neck and shoulder met. He nipped lightly, right on the spot that would soon bear his mark. She shuddered and moaned, turning to allow him greater access. His hand gripped her hip as emotions he never imagined he was capable of feeling, flooded his body. The sensory overload from just the touch of his lips on her body was legendary. There was no way he could stop; he had to have more of the exquisite creature made just for him. His dragon chuffed in his head, spurring him on. His beast desired their mate as much as the man did. He would settle for nothing less than Rayne’s cock buried deep within her weeping womanhood.

  Rayne slipped the collar of her shirt off her shoulder, moving the strap of her camisole, continuing his slow sensual exploration of her body. Her scent coupled with her responsiveness to his touch was heady. If they lived two thousand years, he would never have his fill of this woman. The hand gripping her hip slipped under her shirt again and began a slow examination of her stomach working his way toward her voluptuous chest. Rayne’s hands shook at the thought of touching those beautiful breasts, his mouth watered as he imagined sucking her tantalizing flesh between his lips.

  When his hand reached its goal, he let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding, while he palmed her already hardened nipple. She arched into his touch, pressing for more contact. He used his other hand to support her lovely head. He could now see her lips opened slightly while she panted breathily in her sleep.

  Rayne began to massage her flesh, finding it hard not to simply lay her down and cover her mouthwatering curves with his body. He kissed and nipped from her shoulder to her collar bone and back to her jaw until he reached her pouty pink lips. He lightly licked the corner of her mouth, once again overwhelmed at the taste of his mate. He smiled as his name fell from her lips on the most erotic exhale he had ever witnessed. She recognized him. Her body already knew it was his hands and his mouth touching her. He could hold out no longer, he had to have her mouth. He moved his lips, smoothly covering hers. Kyndel’s mouth opened naturally. He slid his tongue along hers in a slow erotic exploration. The touch causing all coherent thought to flee his mind. The world outside the two of them ceased to exist, all that mattered was her. He laid his mate flat on her back and moved over her. Words to describe how amazing this woman was had not yet been created. He would never get enough of her.


  Kyndel slowly floated towards consciousnes
s. This was the best naughty dream she’d ever had, the most realistic by far. She actually felt his hands on her skin, his mouth on hers. She had fallen asleep thinking of Rayne; so of course, he had the starring role in the best erotic dream of her life. She seriously debated staying asleep a little longer. After all this was just getting good and it was still the middle of the night. She tried to come up with a reason to wake up but the dream she was having was not one to be left unfinished. If her first experience with the sexiest man she had ever met was any indication, tomorrow, actually later today, was going to be another bumpy ride. Decision made. She was staying put just a bit longer. Her dream version of Rayne could kiss like a demon. She snorted in her head, wondering if demons kissed. She really did crack herself up sometimes but thinking was becoming difficult, along with breathing, as she enjoyed the feel her dream lover’s hands and lips on her overly sensitive skin. This was the kind of once in a life time dream girls put in their diaries to revisit over and over. If waking up meant that ‘dream Rayne’ would stop kissing her like she was his air then she was staying right where she was.

  She relaxed deeper into the couch and felt it move from under her. In the next instant, a cool breeze touched her skin followed by the skin to skin contact of a warm muscled man. The contact was thrilling. Teeth scraped across her very hard nipple. Her back bowed off the couch, pushing more of her flesh into the incredible mouth working her nipple to a painfully stimulating peak. Her eyes flew open to find a beautiful head of chocolate brown hair sweeping across her chest. This was no dream and Rayne was definitely not a figment of her well exercised imagination. A moan tore from her throat and moisture flowed from her pussy as he continued his sensual assault on her senses. She was on fire, a fire being stoked by the most incredible man she’d ever known. He was making an art form out of erotically torturing her. His touch must have short circuited her brain. The calm cool façade she had worked years to perfect was cracked wide open and the wanton woman that emerged found no reason to deny her feelings.

  Fully awake and highly aroused, she grabbed Rayne’s beautiful mane of hair with both hands and jerked his head up to her mouth. There was a flash of surprise in his very gorgeous violet eyes right before their mouth fused together. Their first real kiss was not a slow sensual kindling of the fire, it was a complete assault on her senses. He took complete control of her mouth bringing his hands to either side of her face, moving her into the position he desired. He deepened the kiss, their tongues dueled, neither able to get enough air. Nothing in the world was more important to either of them than that moment and that kiss.

  Kyndel slid her arms around his shoulders letting her hands explore what she already knew was the most spectacular back ever created. The tattoo on his back rippled as she dug her fingers deep into his skin. As their passion grew so the markings became more pronounced. It felt as though the dragon on his back was enjoying their passion as well.

  She knew somewhere in the deep recesses of her sex addled mind that it was too soon to be kissing this stranger and definitely too soon to be doing anything like her body was demanding but no matter how hard she tried she could not convince herself it was wrong. Stopping was not an option. Nothing wrong could feel so good, so right.


  Rayne left her mouth, sliding down her body, kissing every inch of silken skin he could reach. His destination already decided. Her aroused scent was driving him insane. Neither he nor his dragon would be denied the taste of their mate. The unquenchable need to draw as much of her essence into him was a driving force in his every action. He would taste every inch of her center, enjoying every one of her orgasms as much as she, only stopping when she was swollen and tender and completely spent. When she lay on the verge of unconsciousness from ecstasy he would then be ready to sink into the paradise that was his mate. His mind reeled and his cock pulsed at the thought of filling every inch of her channel. His incredibly honed control threatened to break. He was holding on by a thread, the need to be deep inside her pushing his every action.

  He reached the top of her pajama pants and slid his hand inside. The heat rising from her arousal as he reached the top of her mound stung his fingers. He slid his fingers over the top of her slit, feeling the moisture of her arousal, making his mouth water. Her pants limited his access. He slowly pulled them over her hips kissing and caressing all the while. As he bared her completely, ready for his hands and mouth to devour her, ready to make her his, he glanced up at her face and their eyes met. He saw what he already felt reflected in those expressive emerald pools. Mirrored there was her absolute belief that what they were doing was right. He knew she had no understanding of the force drawing them together but he had her complete trust. His heart soared as his body and his dragon begged him to take her before he embarrassed himself like a randy teenager.

  “Rayne…” his name on her lips held so much feeling, so much passion; he was completely lost, at her mercy as he’d never been to another. There would be no other for all eternity.

  “Hold on for me, baby. I have to taste you. Ok?”

  She bit her bottom lip. He watched slight unease cross her face. Looking deep into her eyes, searching, he asked, “Kyndel, do you want me to stop?” Although stopping right now would probably kill him, he would do whatever she needed.

  She worried her edible bottom lip with her teeth a second longer then slowly nodded her head. That was all the answer he needed. He scooted between her heavenly thighs, tasting every inch. She was full and curvy, everything a woman should be. He placed her legs lovingly over his shoulders, drinking in the fragrance that was all Kyndel. Once again he felt drunk from the heady scent of her arousal. He kissed, licked and sucked all around her outer lips, leaving no area untouched. Her hands in his hair and the sweet moans falling from her lips pushed his resolve to take it slow to its very limits. She was the biggest temptation he would ever experience. He slowed down in an attempt to regain his control. Kyndel pulled his hair and mewled at the reduced stimulation, making him smile against her skin. His mate craved his touch.

  He pushed his tongue between her swollen lips, her taste exploded on his tongue. Flashes of light and swirls of color burst into his vision from just one taste of her magnificent honey. Rayne pushed one finger into her aroused flesh and then added another, pumping in and out, driving her higher and higher. He separated her outer lips with his fingers, driving his tongue as far into her as he could go with one smooth thrust. Kyndel’s back bowed off the couch, her thighs tightened around his head. She thrashed and screamed his name while he continued to devour all that she was.

  He smiled to himself at her responsiveness to his touch. Her nectar alone could suffice as his sustenance for the rest of his life. He fucked her with his tongue while he teased her clit with his thumb. He placed his tongue flat on the bottom of her slit, licking slowly from the bottom to the top, sucking her engorged nub between his teeth, nipping lightly, causing her to grind her hips against his face. He alternated between fucking her with his tongue and licking her like the best ice cream cone he’d ever eaten until she was tossing her head side to side, speaking in tongues, about to pull his hair out by the roots.

  Rayne once again licked her long and slow from bottom to top, sucking her clit into his mouth with renewed vigor, this time he bit down with more intent on her swollen nub, thrusting his fingers into her wanting channel while curling the tips to reach her very sensitive bundle of nerves at the top. Kyndel came with such force he had to focus all his attention to catch the honey that poured from her pussy. He petted and suckled as she slowly came back to earth. He couldn’t and wouldn’t stop the grin that came to his lips as once again she graced him with his name upon her lips in a sweet sign of contentment, “Rayne…”

  “Yes, ce’adsearc.”

  “That was…that was amazing.” Her voice just a whisper, for his ears only, as she laid still, completely relaxed, eyes closed.

  He positioned his cock against her swollen lips, rubbi
ng slowly against her clit as it continued to peek out from its puffy red hood, coating himself with her essence. He pushed slowly into her pussy, stopping when just the head as his cock crossed her entrance. She contracted around him, pulling him deeper inside. He pushed forward, deliberately, inch by inch, teasing both of them until they were panting and their skin was slick with sweat. Once seated all the way inside, he held still, savoring the feel of her body contracting around his pulsing cock. Her womanly channel massaged him until he was harder than he thought possible. If possible, he wanted to stay in this place forever, held together by the perfect union that can only happen when you are truly made for one another but their ever growing passion was searching for release. He pulled out slowly, hovering at her opening. One slight movement and he would have slipped from the heaven that was his Kyndel. He pushed in, looking down to witness the spot their bodies were joined as one, in the most intimate of ways. It was the most awe inspiring thing he had ever seen. The way he moved in and out of her, his erection glistening with her juices, joining them together as only mates could be. Their rhythm increased, each stroke of his cock rubbing against her feminine walls. He saw stars. It felt like heaven to be buried inside his mate.

  Rayne leaned forward, running his hands along her ribs and palming her breasts. He used his thumbs and forefingers to tease both her hardened nipples until they grew longer and harder. Kyndel arched into his touch, threw her head back and pulled his hair until he was sure he was bald in a few places. Never, in over a hundred years of existence, had he seen a more beautiful sight. No words could describe the beauty of his mate in the throes of passion. He was close to losing control and he needed her to peak one more time before he emptied into her. He released one of her nipples and reached between them using his thumb to rub circles over her engorged clit, feeling her squeezing him tighter and tighter. She screamed her release, milking his cock with such force he thought the top of his head would surely fly right off.


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