Chocolate Girls with Golden Hair

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Chocolate Girls with Golden Hair Page 14

by Carrie Carr

"Bianca, did you hear me?"

  She slipped out of her momentary trance, and collected her worries. "Did you say anything to the police?"

  "I answered their questions."

  Bianca stared down at the floor, and tried to give the impression of indifference. "What did you tell them?"

  "I told them I saw a black woman with blonde hair coming from the men's room last night."

  "Did you tell them it was me?"


  Relief swept over Bianca's face as Rollie continued. "I told them it could have been you. Or Michelle. Or Camina. They're going to want to talk to you. All three of you."

  Bianca turned her attention away from him, trying to figure out what to do. After a long silence, she abruptly made a U-turn away from Rollie and headed down the stairs like a woman with a purpose.

  "Where are you going?" Rollie called out to her.

  Bianca didn't look back as she continued towards the elevators and through the crowd. Though Rollie continued to call her name, she purposely ignored him. Finally, she reached the bank of elevators in a fluster. More concerned with her surroundings, she accidentally buttoned her coat incorrectly. What she wanted to do was sweep off to the ladies' room and guzzle a taste of Chardonnay from her travel mug, but there was no time. Only seconds passed before the elevator arrived, but it felt like forever.

  Camina had nothing to hide or so she believed. With Bianca and Michelle unavailable, she was the first to be questioned by the detectives and glad about it. As soon as possible, she wanted to clear her name with the hope of narrowing the number of suspects to one.

  In the chilly conference room, she patiently awaited Detectives Uhler and Lane. She anticipated them bursting through the door with a slew of unnecessary questions, most of which she had already answered. And all because she just happened to be one of three black blondes in the firm.

  Although she had good reason to harm the late Bruce Colby, she was not the one with the identity problem. She hadn't behaved like a slut, half-naked in the men's room like someone else she knew.

  Namely, Bianca.

  She shared no responsibility for his death, nor did she feel any remorse. Still, she was on the list to be questioned and there was no way out of it. Determined not to let this whole interrogation business smolder her, she scooted her chair up against the long table, straightened her jacket and slipped out of her three-inch heels. She forced herself to relax. The sooner she answered their questions, the sooner the detectives could move in on the true culprit.

  The door opened and Detectives Uhler and Lane moved towards her. Detective Uhler appeared to be the one in charge. He wore wire-framed glasses, and his grey sideburns matched his grey wrinkled suit. He possessed a soft look with a little extra weight here and there on his thick frame. Right behind Detective Uhler, Detective Lane closed the conference room door, then planted himself in the seat across from Camina. He wore black bifocals, which did not complement his stylish leather jacket.

  Detective Uhler pulled out his tiny note pad and scribbled something down, probably something along the lines of: Suspect No. 1. From the corner of Camina's eye, she studied Detective Lane as he studied her.

  "Do you know why anyone would have wanted to kill Bruce Colby?" Detective Uhler asked Camina.

  Camina hesitated for a moment, then raised her shoulders.

  "Is that a yes or a no?" Detective Lane asked.

  "I don't know. Why don't you talk to Bianca? She's the one with the identity problem."

  The detectives exchanged quick glimpses at each other as if secretly communicating.

  Detective Uhler seated himself across from Camina and after a moment asked, "What do you mean identity problem?"

  "Just what I said. She doesn't know who she is."

  "How do you mean?"

  "In the last three weeks, she did a complete makeover of herself, bleached her hair, and did a complete revamp of her wardrobe in the hopes of becoming more like me. And right about now, she's capable of almost anything."

  "Like murder?" Detective Lane asked.

  "Anything. That's who you should be questioning right now. Not me."

  Detective Uhler gave Camina a firm stare, pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned his glasses. "Ms. Givens, all of that information about Ms. Bell is very interesting, and we appreciate you sharing it with us, but let me put it to you this way."

  Camina's eyes vacillated between Detectives Uhler and Lane while Detective Uhler continued. "A witness reported seeing a black woman about your height and build, with blonde hair, coming from the men's room right around the time Bruce Colby was strangled."


  "You're tall, have blonde hair, don't you?"

  "Yes, but I'm not the only one."

  Detective Uhler pushed his glasses up on his nose. "Ms. Givens, we are well aware of the other two blondes on staff here."

  "Well, why don't you talk to them?"

  "We plan to," Detective Lane stated.

  "Does that mean I can leave?"

  Detective Uhler ignored her question and continued. "Did you see Bruce Colby yesterday?"

  "Are you going to ask Bianca these same questions?"

  "Don't worry, she'll have her turn," Detective Lane said as he stood up.

  "And what about Michelle?" Camina asked.

  "She called in sick this morning, but we'll talk to her too." Detective Uhler paused. "Now," Detective Uhler said. "Once again, did you see Bruce Colby yesterday?"

  "Of course I saw him. I work for him."

  Detective Lane interrupted. "You mean you used to work for him."

  "Yeah, whatever," she said.

  Detective Lane continued. "Did you see him last night after hours?"

  "I saw him yesterday before I left."

  "Before you left for where?"

  "Before I left for my doctor's appointment."

  "What time was that?" Detective Uhler asked.

  "About four forty-five, five o'clock."

  "And that's all? You never saw him anymore after that?" Detective Uhler asked.

  "That's what I just said, isn't it?"

  Detective Lane stepped towards Camina. "Ms. Givens, were you having an affair with Bruce Colby?"


  "No?" Detective Lane asked, doubtfully.

  "No. Do you want me to break it down for you? No. Bruce was married. I may have had a drink with him, but I have no interest in married men."

  Bianca's coat was nearly off by the time she reached the inside of her apartment. She trampled through the litter of Macy's shopping bags, which she never seemed to throw away. She swung her shoes from her feet, unbuttoned her blouse and made her way towards the bathroom. Off with her skirt, blouse and then her pantyhose.

  She was wearing only her lace panties and bra when she bent down to her bathroom cabinet and yanked out everything that she could secure with her hands.

  Laundry detergent.


  Bathroom cleanser.

  Glass cleaner.

  Bubble bath.



  Finally, all the way in the back of the cabinet, she found what she was after─A box of black hair color.

  She refused to be caught up in a nasty investigation, lumped together with two other blonde suspects. After all, blonde wasn't even her natural color. Though dying her hair at this time was probably not a sensible move, it needed to be done.

  Her blushing blonde hair symbolized transformation, discord and regret. And she wanted out. She could no longer be the person she so much wanted to be just a few weeks earlier, the person who fell under the spell of excitement and adventure.

  It was worth a concentrated effort to try and make things right again. And ridding herself of the blonde hair was just the beginning. More changes were to follow.

  Bianca massaged the black hair color into her hair fast. Her heart pounded as the black hair color penetrated her tresses, knowing that soon her hair would be back
to its natural black color. She liked to think that solving her problem was as simple as coloring her hair, but she knew differently. She was still a suspect, blonde hair or not.

  Chapter 14

  DETECTIVES UHLER AND LANE WERE in the midst of drilling Camina about the nature of her relationship with the late Bruce Colby when a uniformed police officer entered. "Detective Uhler, I need to speak with you outside."

  "Excuse me," Detective Uhler said to Camina.

  When Detective Uhler stepped outside the door, Camina's eyes met with Detective Lane. He was watching her and she was watching him. With the door ajar, Camina could hear bits and pieces of Detective Uhler's conversation with the uniformed police officer. Soon Detective Lane stepped over to the door, closed it as if he noticed Camina's inclination to listen in.

  Minutes later, Detective Uhler returned to the conference room, sat down next to Camina and before he could say anything, Camina asked, "What was that all about?"

  "We pulled a copy of the sign-in sheet from security."


  Detective Uhler referred to his notes in hand. "You said you left the office at about 4:45. Is that right?"

  "That's right."

  "Well. According to the sign-in sheet, you came back and signed in at six o'clock." Detective Uhler moved his glasses upon his nose. "But there's no record of you signing out. How do you explain that?"

  His question stumped her and frazzled her nerves, causing her to swallow hard. She would have to explain after collecting her thoughts.

  "We're waiting," Detective Lane stated.

  "I did come back," Camina said. "But only to get my purse."

  "And then what?" Detective Lane asked.

  "Then nothing. I grabbed my purse and left and I didn't sign out because when I was leaving, the security guard had stepped away, and I was in a hurry."

  "When you came back, did anyone see you?" Detective Lane asked.

  Before Camina could answer, Detective Uhler interrupted and rephrased the question. "Did you see anyone?"


  "Are you sure?" Detective Lane asked. "I mean you can think about it if you want to. Maybe you forgot."

  "I ought to be able to remember if I saw anyone or not."

  "Well, you forgot that you came back to get your purse," Detective Lane said.

  "That was different."

  "Whatever you say, Ms. Givens," Detective Lane said.

  "I'm sure I wasn't the only person here, besides Bruce Colby, I mean."

  Detective Uhler examined his small note pad, then the sign-in sheet.

  "There is a record here of Ms. Bell signing out at about six thirty."

  "And what does that tell you?" she asked him.

  "It tells us that you, Bianca, Bruce and God knows who else were here in this office last night."

  "Well, for the record. I did not kill Bruce Colby. I'm sure it's the question on everyone's mind."

  "We'll make firm note of your firm denial," Detective Lane said. "For the record."

  "Is there anything else you want to tell us?" Detective Uhler asked.

  "No," Camina said.

  Detective Uhler glanced over his notes and then glanced over at Detective Lane. "It seems Ms. Bell came in this morning and immediately left back out."

  That was all Camina needed to hear. It was so obvious who the culprit was.

  Camina pushed her chair away from the table and stood up. "I guess you won't be needing me anymore."

  "I didn't hear you ask if you could leave," Detective Lane said.

  "May I leave?"

  "You may leave," Detective Uhler said. "But we'll talk again."

  As Camina moved towards the door, Detective Lane stepped to the door and opened it for her. His one gentlemanly act failed to change Camina's image of him. She still saw him as a smart ass with a badge.

  Camina was about to step through the door when the same uniformed police officer rushed in.

  "Detective Uhler, remember the other woman, Michelle Moore, the one who called in sick?"


  Camina stood still, listening, her eyes on the police officer.

  "She just showed up," the police officer said.

  "What is this?" Detective Uhler said. "Everyone wants credit for this murder?"

  Through the conference room door and down the clustered corridors, Camina hustled through. She was glad to be out of the hot seat and relieved that they were through with her. She wanted to talk to Michelle before the detectives made their mark and warn her of what to expect. But most importantly, she wanted to know what Michelle knew.

  Camina approached a pack of people in the reception area and saw Rollie talking to one of the police officers. Patiently, Camina stood across from them and waited for them to finish, trying not to look too obvious. When Rollie separated from the police officer, Camina trailed behind him. She was practically on his heels when he turned around, and they almost smashed into each another.

  "Sorry," Camina said. "Do you know where Michelle is?"

  "She's in the small conference room on the east side," Rollie said. "They're going to question her."


  On that note, Camina hurried to the east side of the office. She made her way into the conference room and saw Michelle at the table. Michelle appeared dreary eyed and half asleep. In front of her were notes of paper and receipts of some sort.

  "Hey," Camina said as she closed the door behind her. "I guess you heard what happened." Camina crumbled in the seat next to Michelle.

  "I don't understand why they want to talk to me," Michelle said. "I wasn't even here last night."

  "With the description Rollie gave to them, they're covering all tracks."

  Camina leaned closer to Michelle. "Listen," she said in a whisper. "They're on their way down here so I have to say this fast. We both know who killed Bruce."

  A surprised look flashed over Michelle's face. "We do?" Michelle asked.

  "Of course we do. It was Bianca or BeeBee, whatever she calls herself these days."

  "We don't really know that."

  "Who else could it be? It wasn't me, and it wasn't you."

  Michelle seemed to ponder the thought.

  "Plus they found his ring and belt in her desk drawer," Camina said.

  "How do you know this?"

  "I overhead the police officer telling one of the detectives. They're going to ask you some questions and try and shake you up. Just tell the truth, and you'll be all right."

  "Why are you so concerned, not to sound ungrateful, but it's so unlike you."

  Before Camina could reply, she turned, saw Detectives Uhler and Lane coming through the door. Camina witnessed the suspicious look on their faces. Not the least bit intimidated, she stood up. "I was just leaving."

  "Michelle Moore?" Detective Uhler questioned.


  "I'm Detective Uhler and this is Detective Lane," he said, as he seated himself across from her, holding his tiny note pad in hand.

  Detective Lane stood by the door, his hands in his pockets.

  "Was that a friend of yours?" Detective Uhler asked.

  "Yes, we're friends."

  Detective Uhler peaked at his notes.

  Michelle stared down at the table in front of her. This whole experience unnerved her, and she could only continue if she shared no eye contact with them.

  "We'd like to ask you some questions about last night."

  "I thought so."

  "How late were you here last night?"

  "I was here until almost five, left promptly because my boyfriend and I had dinner plans. I have everything written down for you."

  She handed him a handwritten list, then returned her hands to a neatly folded position in front of her. Before Detective Uhler could even read the list, Michelle continued. "We had reservations so you can call and verify that. After dinner, we saw a movie at 600 Michigan Theatre, and I have the ticket stubs right here. The ticket agent will remember us because

  Detective Lane interjected, as she sat down.

  "I'm sorry to interrupt, but why are you staring down at the table. Your answers might be a bit more convincing if you looked up when you spoke."

  Still very nervous, she continued to stare down at the table though she tried to accommodate his wishes. She lifted her head and looked in Detective Lane' direction.

  "Thank you," Detective Lane said. "Go on."

  Michelle held a straight face devoid of any emotion as she continued. "After we left the movie theater, we went back to my place, showered and made love until about three-thirty this morning, which explains why I was a little too out of it to come in. We awakened early, made love again and here I am."

  The detectives peered at each other, exhausted just listening to her.

  She returned her eyes to the table in front of her. "Now. Is there anything else you want to ask me?"

  "Did you kill Bruce Colby?" Detective Lane blurted out.

  "I wasn't even here."

  "Just answer the question."

  "No. I admit when he used to make vulgar remarks about my hair and figure, I was a little angry with him, especially since I knew that he was married, but that was that."

  "So what happened?" Detective Uhler asked.

  "Nothing happened. I told him where he could get off."

  "And what did he say to that?" Detective Lane asked.

  Michelle glanced over at Detective Uhler, then Detective Lane. For a moment it appeared as if they were enjoying this line of questioning and would not be satisfied until she answered all of their questions, no matter how trivial.

  "When I told Bruce I wasn't interested," Michelle said. "He informed me that he was going to change my mind."

  "Did he?" Detective Uhler asked.

  "No, he didn't."

  "You never slept with him?" Detective Uhler asked.


  "Never?" Detective Lane asked again.

  For a moment, Michelle remembered Camina's warning. Obviously, the word no seemed to be an unacceptable answer, as if they thought asking her the same question over and over would somehow produce a different answer.

  Out of annoyance, Michelle exhaled a deep breath. "Never. I never slept with him."


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