Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Rescuing Annabeth (Kindle Worlds) (Team Cerberus Book 2)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Rescuing Annabeth (Kindle Worlds) (Team Cerberus Book 2) Page 15

by Melissa Kay Clarke

  It had been six weeks since Phoenix. True to her word, Annabeth had made arrangements after being released from the hospital and promptly moved to California to be with him. Together, they had finished the little bungalow, and last week moved in together. He could never describe the joy at waking up with her in his arms every day.

  Hick pushed thoughts of her to the back of his mind. Now was not the time to lose focus. The mission they were on was far too important.

  "Eyes on Fedora; second floor, northeast corner."

  Railroad's voice filled the earpiece. Hick's hands tightened on the assault rifle as he took several cleansing breaths. A deep sense of righteous satisfaction flooded him with the words. This time, al-Bashir would not be getting away. One way or another, this all ended tonight. It was rather ironic that his greatest bid to hurt the United States had lead to this moment. It seems al-Bashir had sent one of his most trusted lieutenants to supervise the operation and had been caught sneaking over the Canadian border. It had taken time, but he had cracked. They now had more intel on the number one terrorist's activities than they ever had before including the location of his favorite safe house.

  "Move into position," Bruiser murmured.

  Cowboy, Finch, Abe, and Benny broke away, moving to the right until they disappeared on the left side of the wall. Likewise, Cookie, Wolf, and Toad moved to the right and faded into the darkness around the corner. That left Hick, Dude, Mozart, and Bruiser to take the main door opposite.

  Once everyone was in place, the signal was given, and they all moved in.

  The courtyard was quiet, and it took less than three seconds for Railroad to put the sentries down from his position on an outcropping rock overlooking the site. They had already dispatched the three men guarding the nest where Railroad now waited with his sniper rifle trained on the compound. As the last one crumpled to the hard packed sand, he affirmed the coast was clear.

  Hick placed one hand on Bruiser's back as he felt Mozart do the same behind him. They would stay in constant contact once the lights were cut by Wolf's team. The twilight swallowed them as they advanced through the previously lit pools to the doorway looming in the distance. Quickly, Dude slapped charges to the hinge side of the door and motioned for everyone to move back. "Set," he murmured into his mic.

  "Charges set," Cowboy whispered through the coms.

  "Surveillance down," Toad confirmed.

  "Everything's clear," Railroad replied.

  "Go," Bruiser gave the command in a low monotone.

  The silence of the compound was shattered as twin explosions ripped through the air and the compound was plunged into darkness. Hick flipped his tactical goggles down over his eyes. It took seconds for the eerie green glow to stabilize, and they were breaching the complex.

  Moving as one, the unit poured into the house and spread out in the main living area. This looked more like what they had come to expect from the terrorist. Although everything was washed in the dull monotone green, they could tell it contained expensive furniture, wall hangings, and even tiled floors.

  The area was in a state of chaos. Women screamed, and children cried as panic took them. A wide-eyed woman wearing traditional garb sprinted by them, but Dude grabbed her and pulled her kicking body against his. She began to stammer in her native language and pointing.

  "The only word I can make out is 'baby,'" Hick's voice rose over the noise.

  "Yeah, found them. We've got children," Abe's voice in their ears confirmed. "Six. Intel says there should be three more."

  "We don't want this turning into a bloodbath," Wolf barked. "We have three minors somewhere in the building. Abe, you and Finch, stay with the kids. Dude, take her to them."

  "Roger," the others answered.

  A set of stairs materialized at the back of the large room. The thud of heavy footsteps echoed in the room as two men ran down, guns blazing in their hands. With two well-placed shots from Mozart and Hick, they fell and slid the final three steps. Hick grabbed one by the collar and pulled him out of the way. The rest of the team except for Abe and Finch assembled and quickly sprinted up the stairs and stepped out onto a landing. Another armed guard appeared and fired at them and was quickly dispatched.

  Using hand signals, they split into two and took each side of the hallway. Systematically, they worked their way down the rows of rooms until only one was left. Hick knew from the sketched floor plan; this was Fedora's bedroom and office.

  Wolf checked the knob and found the door locked. Hick slung his rifle to his back and dropped to his knees, pulling out a small kit from one of the pockets of his uniform. It took less than five seconds to pick the lock and return to his position behind the others.

  With a kick of his booted foot, Wolf led the team into the room. They spread out along the wall as several voices screamed. Hick slapped the googles off his eyes as light flared to life on the other side of the room. Emergency lanterns bathed the area in a soft glow. What they saw made Hick want to curse.

  Haafiz al-Bashir stood surrounded by several women and three children. He glared at the intruders as his black eyes danced maniacally in the flickering light. One of the women stood in front of him, his hand wrapped in her hair and her head pulled back. Her almond-shaped eyes were wide with terror as she glanced at the approaching men.


  The words reached them easily. The man dubbed as Fedora by the task force and later identified as The Left Hand of Allah spat them at the intruders as he hid behind the woman. Quickly, he raised a wicked knife and pressed it against the woman's throat. A hiss rose from her lips as he nicked the surface and a drop of blood trickled down her dusky throat to saturate the translucent gown she wore.

  "She's one of your wives. I don't think you want to hurt her." Wolf's tone was low and even from behind the sites of his assault rifle.

  "She is but a woman - one that has disappointed and given me only worthless girl children. There are many more to replace her," he spat back angrily in his heavily accented tone. "I will have many more wives and many more sons. It is Allah's will."

  "Can't father sons when you're dead," Wolf's reply was steady.

  "Then I will have my seventy-two virgins and sit at Allah's side," he snapped. Quickly, before anyone could react, the knife plunged into the woman's throat, and he tossed her bleeding body aside. Screams filled the room as the other woman bolted with her hands covering her head. As she sprinted past, Benny snagged her and took her out of the room.

  Grabbing one of the children, Fedora pulled her close to his body, wrapping an arm around her waist and lifting her until she covered his face. As before, the knife was pressed against her throat threateningly.

  "Let the girl go."

  "She is mine to do with as I wish."

  Hick's memory of Annabeth being held in the same manner filled his mind. This man, hiding like a coward behind a twelve-year-old little girl was responsible for so many deaths. He was responsible for almost taking Annabeth from him. Hick's hand tightened on his rifle, causing the tactical gloves to squeak. There was no way in hell this bastard was getting away again.

  "Last warning. Let. Her. Go." Wolf's voice was low and even.

  "You will not risk harming her. "

  Wolf grinned at him. "You'll be surprised what we'll risk."

  The sound of suppressed fire reached them in the room. Reflexively, Fedora turned his head, glancing at the window in the direction of the noise. When he did, the girl's body dropped a few inches, and his profile emerged over the top of her covered head. It was all they needed.

  Gunfire filled the room along with the terrified screams of the children. Hick dropped his assault rifle, allowing it to swing from his shoulder by the strap. He caught the little girl that had fled towards him in his arms. She struggled, but he held her gently. Dropping to his knees, he murmured soft words to her, telling her she was safe, stroking her long dark hair tenderly. The child finally understood these men were not going to harm her and threw her arms arou
nd Hick's neck, burying her face against his chest as she cried and spoke in rapid Arabic. He didn't know what she was saying, but it didn't matter. Gently he lifted her in his arms and followed Cookie and Cowboy back down to the main room. Each was carrying one of the three girls. Wolf, Bruiser, and Toad remained in the bedroom, documenting the kill and taking DNA and photographic evidence.

  Hick followed Dude as he led them back to the room containing the children. They were huddled in the center of the room around the two women sitting on the floor. Hick deposited the girl in the woman's arms and stepped back. Cookie and Cowboy handed off their charges as well.

  None of the team had been hurt, and only one innocent had died. Hick's heart ached for the poor woman Fedora had killed, but that was on him. Hick liked to think it had been his bullet that had killed the bastard but they would never know for sure. The three holes in his skull were so closely grouped it there as no telling who had taken the kill shot. In the end, it didn't matter. The man responsible for so much death and destruction was gone. He thought seeing the mastermind behind the plan that had almost gotten Annabeth killed lying on the floor dead would be satisfying. Instead, he felt a sense of sadness for he knew that other monsters would surely rise to take his place. They had won this battle, but the war was far from over.

  "Let's finish up and go home," Bruiser said as the lights were re-established in the building.

  Hick couldn't have said it better.

  Chapter 22

  "Can I look now?"

  Hick maneuvered Annabeth by holding on to her arms and gently pushing her forward. She had her hands out as she shuffled along.

  "Not yet, beautiful. Almost."

  He walked her over the sidewalk until they stopped before the cabin he had rented for them in the Colorado Mountains. Looking over her shoulder, he made sure the view was perfect then let out a held breath. He untied the scarf wrapped around her eyes and pulled it away. "Okay, look."

  Annabeth's face lit up as she pressed her hands to her cheeks. He took a step to the side and watched the joy on her face as she discovered the special accommodations he had found for them. The cabin's sides were made of rough-hewn logs chinked with tan mortar with a wall of windows covering most of the front on the top story. A large porch wrapped around the front and disappeared around the back where a covered hot tub waited. The entire structure sat on a slight hill covered in leaves and pine needles. Her green eyes flicked over the cabin and zeroed in on the spectacular sea of yellows, red and oranges painting the mountains behind it. Her perfect lips circled in an 'O' of surprise. "Oh, Levi, it's beautiful!"

  That was the reaction he was looking for. With a grin, he relaxed and tossed the scarf to rest on his shoulder. Taking her hand in his, he looked at the building through her eyes. The reality far exceeded the pictures sent to him by the booking agent.

  "It's not bad. I was a little bummed when the original one I found wasn't available when we were ready. The agent suggested this one instead. It has a fireplace, hot tub, king size bed with down covers and vaulted ceilings. There's no sauna here, but I figured trading that for this view would be worth it. I hope you aren't too disappointed in having to wait two months past the time I promised you. On the bright side, we caught the September foliage perfectly."

  She pulled her hand out of his and threw her arms around his neck. Looking him in the eyes, she smiled and shook her head gently. "I'm not disappointed at all. If you tell me the kitchen is full of food, so we don't have to leave this week, I'd call it perfect."

  "I'll do you one better. I booked the concierge service to come here once a day. We'll have a nice meal daily." He nipped at her nose playfully. "We don't even have to get dressed if we don't want to. The chef will come, do his thing and leave without ever having to see us."

  "I can't even begin to think how much this whole thing is costing you. It seems so extravagant."

  He stared into her eyes, becoming lost in their liquid depths. Cupping her face tenderly, he whispered, "Nothing is too good for you, my Georgia. Every penny I spend on us is money well spent." He grinned at her mischievously. "Besides, how am I going to have my wicked way with you if I don't wine and dine you first?"

  Her eyes sparkled with mirth as she took his teasing good-naturedly. "Those sound like pretty nefarious plans, Mr. Salter."

  "Mmmhm. I have plans for you, Ms. Switcher. Wicked, sensual, naughty plans that will take the entire week to execute properly."

  He saw the tiny hairs on her neck stand to attention at his words, and she shivered in his arms. Her eyes darkened with desire, and she licked her lips slowly causing a groan to erupt from him. She looked so damn delicious standing there in her jeans, sweater and those gawdawful ugly slouch boots she favored. Wisps of her crimson hair danced about her face as the chilled breeze caught them. Snagging one, he tucked it behind her ear then slid his hand to cup the nape of her neck. Staring deeply into her eyes, he traversed the slight distance between them and captured her lips in a tender kiss.

  He tasted the sweet flavor of the strawberry balm she used as he nipped and sucked on her lips. A soft sigh brushed his mouth as she surrendered, pressing herself tightly against him. His hand slid up and under her sweater, splaying over her back in a possessive manner. She felt right in his arms, and he was never going to let her go. Slowly his hand slipped down, cupping her amazing rear in his palm and squeezing. She gasped and rubbed herself against him like a cat - all hot and feral.

  The kiss deepened as the fire between them leaped from smoldering embers to raging inferno. He felt her hands slip into the hair at the base of his neck, clutching desperately as she took his onslaught and returned it with renewed fever. Their tongues tangled and fought, stabbing impatiently as hands curled and nails scratched. He released her mouth, turning his attention to her jawline and neck, pressing hot kisses followed by nips and soothing licks until her breathing became pants and her legs trembled.

  His eyes zeroed in on the silver line marring the creamy expanse of her shoulder. He had yet to forgive himself for her injury, but he knew she held no animosity toward him. Right then and there, he made a solemn oath to himself and her to never, ever allow her to be put into a situation where she could be harmed again. Yeah, part of him knew that was impossible, but at least the alpha male protector inside felt marginally better. When he remembered how close he had come to losing her, he felt sick. That was one feeling he never wanted to experience again.

  He kissed the mark then followed it and bit playfully on the area where neck and shoulder met causing her to gasp and turn to goo in his arms. He grinned. He loved every squeak, moan and sigh from her.

  "Hick?" Her voice had taken on that heavy drowsy sound he equated with her need for him. He forced himself to release her shoulder.


  Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes bright. He felt her trembling against him as he held her tightly in his arms. She swallowed and bit her kiss-swollen lips. "I... I want you," she breathed.

  He knew the smirk on his face would piss off most people, but not her. He pressed her tightly against him again, letting her feel the way she affected him. Nipping her ear, he whispered, "Then let's do something about that."

  He reached down, hooking his hand under her knees and lifted her easily into his arms. She tightened hers around his neck and squealed as he picked her up. Carrying her onto the porch, he stopped at the door. "The keys are in my pocket."

  She reached in, finding them easily then gave him a squeeze that made his eyes cross. "Naughty girl," he growled at her. She giggled, unlocked the door and opened it for him. He marched them across the hardwood floor, slammed the door with one foot then threw her on the oversized sofa facing a huge stone fireplace. "Too far to the bedroom," he answered her unasked question. Easing down on top of her, he slid his hand under her sweater and around to the back where he unfastened her bra. "You're not going to need that for a few days," he murmured then proceeded to undress her slowly. When she was bare, he took in
her body appreciatively. "My beautiful Georgia. I love you more and more every single day, and I can't wait to show you how much."

  "Then love me, Levi. Show me everything."

  He smiled.

  Later that evening, after they had finished the amazing dinner provided by the concierge service, Annabeth managed to get dressed despite Hick's best intentions. She had compromised and was wearing one of his Navy tee shirts and nothing else. It wasn't as loose as she would have liked, but it did at least cover her girl bits, so she wasn't flashing Bambi and the rest of the woodland creatures. It was silly to think that way, but she couldn't help herself. All those gorgeous windows brought the outdoors right inside.

  Standing at the sink, she dried the plates they had used and put them away. The cabin was beautiful and had all the amenities you could ask for. They had only been there one day, and already she was dreading having to leave. They had yet to try the hot tub, so she sent Hick out to make sure it was ready to go. After the workout they had in the bedroom, her sore muscles could use a nice long soak.

  She heard her cell phone ding and frowned. Everyone knew she was going to be out of pocket this week and were told only call if it were a dire emergency. Dropping the dishtowel over the stove handle, she found her purse and dug in it until she found her cell. Pulling up her text messages, she saw it was from Hick. Most likely, he had gotten into the tub and was too lazy to get her, electing instead to send a message. She smiled to herself.

  Swiping the screen, she looked at the emoji puzzle he had sent. They hadn't played the game much since Phoenix. First, she was recovering, then getting everything together to move and now living with him; it was just something they had let go. She wrinkled her brow as she studied the picture. It contained a man, a ring, a woman and a question mark. Normally, the answers came to her immediately, but this one was going to take a little time.

  Keeping her eyes on the screen, she padded through the back to the deck. "I'm not sure I know this one. It may take me a..."


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