Tripp (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 4)

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Tripp (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 4) Page 5

by S. Nelson

  “Fuck you,” he grated, grabbing two of the cubes from the glass and throwing them at me. I dodged them, but Hawke hadn’t been so lucky.

  “What the fuck?” he yelled, tossing them right back at Ryder. A hint of a grin appeared on my brother’s face, but it was gone before anyone else saw it. At least they weren’t tackling each other to the ground.

  The thing with men that many women didn’t understand was that we could argue, and even go to blows, but a few minutes later it was done with. We were all brothers and, as such, we had each other’s backs. Sure, we got on each other’s nerves, and sometimes a battle ensued, but we didn’t hold grudges. When it was done, it was done.

  With the exception of Trigger and Stone. Trigger still harbored some ill feelings toward Stone for going against code and gettin’ with his niece. Their relationship wasn’t as bad as it once was, especially after Riley was born, but anger still reared up every now and again when Trigger spoke to the club’s VP.

  The antics at our table took my mind off her. Slightly. Peering around the club, I still didn’t catch a glimpse of her. I wondered if she left for the evening. All of a sudden, thoughts of where she lived, how she got there, and if she was being careful bombarded me. Why I cared about the safety of a woman I’d never met baffled me, but the questions and concerns were present nonetheless. After ten minutes, I decided to put my crazy thoughts to rest.

  Straddling a stool at the bar, I waved Carla over. “Did the new girl leave already?” I tried to appear as disinterested as possible, but her smile told me she knew I was anything but. I averted my eyes but her silence pulled my attention back to her. “What?”

  “I told you she was quite somethin’, didn’t I?” She smiled bigger at my intrigue. I didn’t answer. Instead, I raised a brow in irritation. Carla laughed. “No, she didn’t leave yet. I believe she’s in the back room giving a private dance.”

  My hands instantly clenched the edge of the bar, the look on my face surely telling Carla that I was less than pleased with the news. Although I couldn’t explain why, not to her and certainly not to myself.

  Rising from my seat, I walked across the open area and headed toward the private rooms. Only one was in use at the moment, the green sign above the door reading ‘Occupied.’ Every step closer had me on edge, my heart racing so fast I swore it was gonna beat right out of my goddamn chest if I didn’t get a fuckin’ grip.

  I was ten feet away when I heard a man shouting. Then I heard a woman’s screams, pleading with him to get off her. And I knew I only had seconds before something horrific happened to her, if it hadn’t already. Not stopping to check if the door was unlocked, my shoulder hit the thick wood and splintered the frame.

  Berating myself for ever taking my eyes off her in the first place, a mistake I would never make again, I rushed into the room and threw myself at the man pinning her to the ground. My sheer size, mixed with my surprise attack, was enough to knock the guy to the ground in no time, wailing on him with my fists while he did his best to defend himself. He tried to throw a punch, but all that got him was a broken wrist. My rage poured from me in droves, the adrenaline coursing through my veins hyping my need to end the fucker. My fists were still flying at him when hands grabbed at me from behind, tugging me backward to get me to stop.

  “Tripp!” Ryder shouted. “Come on.” I tried to shrug him off, but he wasn’t the only one pulling at me; my brother was helping to diffuse the situation as well.

  “Bro, he’s right. Come on. You did what you needed to. It’s over.” Hawke had no idea what was going on, but he knew I would never attack someone without a damn good reason. It took me a few extra seconds to calm down enough to hop to my feet, leaving the other guy on the floor still breathing. Unfortunately.

  Gripping my hair, I turned around and found the woman I’d rescued cowering in the corner, her knees pulled tightly to her chest as she buried her head from view. I could see her body trembling from clear across the room and I wanted nothing more than to protect her, to soothe her worries and comfort her. A stranger. A woman I’d seen for the first time on stage, dancing for a crowd of men. A woman who willingly came into this room with a stranger because she wanted to make extra money. A woman who would put herself into this very same situation again in the future.

  Not if I have anything to say about it.

  Disregarding my crazy thought, I moved toward her with my hands held in front of me to show her I meant no harm. The commotion caught the attention of not only my men but Carla and the guy we had working security that evening.

  “Oh my God!” Carla cried. “What happened?” She took a step toward the woman, but I stopped her.

  “Don’t. I got her,” I said, crouching and resting my hands on her shoulders. “Look at me.” She ignored me and kept her head down. “Look at me,” I said more forcefully, while still keeping a hint of compassion in my voice. Finally, she complied, lifting her head slowly until her eyes connected with mine. “What’s your name?”

  “Reece,” she whispered. Tortured blue-grays shredded me, the hurt and fear lingering in her gaze pumping my anger to new heights all over again. It was then I noticed she’d been choked, the bastard’s fingerprints bruising her delicate neck, the reddened area already starting to darken.

  Barely controlling myself, I reached for her hands and guided her to her feet, pulling her into me to shield her nakedness from everyone present. Without turning around, I shouted to Hawke, “Get him the fuck out of here and make sure he understands that if he ever comes near this place, or her, again that we’ll snatch his life from him.”

  As Hawke and Ryder dragged the bastard past us and from the room, she began to tremble more, wrapping her arms around my waist and trying like hell to disappear. If she could’ve climbed inside my body, I swore she would have. After what felt like forever, I dislodged her hands from around me and took a small step back. I shrugged off my cut and wrapped it around her. The sight of how it swallowed her up was almost comical, but at least she was covered.

  “Thank you,” she said, her voice small and frail. I nodded before turning my attention to Carla, who was still standing close by. “Can you stay with her for a second?”

  “Absolutely.” Carla drew Reece into her embrace, whispering something in her ear in an effort to comfort her.

  Stalking toward the security guy, I grabbed his collar and shoved him against the wall. “Where the fuck were you? Why weren’t you watching the cameras?” I roared, slamming him against the wall once more. “You could have prevented what happened to her.” Stunned, the guy went mute on me, eyes widening in fear for his life. “Where were you?” I repeated.

  “I’m sorry. I . . . I was . . . busy,” he stumbled over his words.

  “Busy doin’ what? Gettin’ your dick sucked?” The surprised look on his face told me I’d hit the nail on the head, and it took everything in me not to snatch him by his throat and squeeze the life out of him. “Well, I hope it was worth it because you’re fired. Get your shit and get the fuck out of this club before I make it so you can’t walk outta here,” I threatened.

  Spinning around, I headed back toward the two women. “Carla,” I said, pulling Reece from her arms and back into mine, “I need you to tell all the girls they aren’t to mess with the men when they’re on duty. Ever. And give the guys the same message. Because if this shit happens again, I’ll rain holy hell down on whoever fucks up.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” she assured, glancing quickly at the younger woman and then back to me before giving me what looked like a thankful smile.

  Once it was just the two of us standing in the middle of the room, I stepped back to put some distance between us. With my fingers under her chin, I slowly lifted her head. “How’s your neck? Because it looks pretty fuckin’ bad.”

  “Nothing I can’t handle,” she confessed.

  “Fuck!” I shouted, calming my tone once I saw her flinch. “Sorry. You don’t have to be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you. I promis

  “I know.”

  Looking into her beautiful, soul-captivating eyes, I knew she meant what she’d said. Those two simple words of acknowledgement were all I needed to forge ahead with my plan.


  What I felt when in this man’s presence was unlike any other emotion I’d ever experienced. His concern wrapped around me like the warmest of blankets, his desire to protect me settling my wayward nerves. My nakedness shielded by his large leather vest, I clutched it tighter and walked next to him as we headed toward the exit. I had no idea where he was taking me, and for the briefest of moments I didn’t care. All I wished to do was live in the existence that a stranger rescued me. A stranger who captivated my attention and never let go. I didn’t understand the pull I felt toward him, but after the night I’d had, all I wanted to do was forget about what happened and try and salvage an ounce of dignity before I broke down in front of the large man walking beside me.

  “You’re not working here anymore,” he blurted, making me stop dead in my tracks while he continued on ahead. He hadn’t realized I stopped following him until he happened to turn his head to the side, expecting to see me beside him. The look of anger mixed with fear on my face propelled him to walk back toward me. “What’s the matter?” he asked, as if he hadn’t just stolen my livelihood right out from under me.

  Cinching his vest tighter around me, I narrowed my eyes before speaking, trying to choose my words wisely. But as soon as my lips parted, I rambled like some sort of fool. “How . . . how is it my fault? I didn’t provoke him. I swear. I was only trying to give him a lap dance, and then he stroked himself and when I told him to stop he got angry, and when I tried to escape he got angrier and came after me and . . . and . . . I’m sorry.” After all that, I ended up apologizing for being the cause of the eruption at the club that evening.

  The stranger’s head cocked to the side and studied me for a moment before asking, “Why are you . . . ? What’s the matter?” Truly looking confused, he rested his hands on my trembling shoulders.

  “I need this job,” I pleaded, lowering my head in nervousness. “Please don’t fire me. I swear it won’t happen again.” How I could promise such a thing was beyond me, but I did. I’d say anything I needed to, no matter how ridiculous, to ensure I kept my job. I wasn’t above begging and groveling, having been doing it for years. Raising my chin I stared at his broad chest, covered by a thin white T-shirt. Imagining what his naked torso looked like distracted my overactive brain, if only for a few seconds. Lifting my chin higher, I had no choice but to finally look at him, the frown marring his handsome face quite puzzling.

  “I’m not firing you for what happened. But I won’t lie and tell you that you’re gonna continue to work here. It’s not happenin’.” His fingers trailed over the tops of my arms, and even through the thick leather covering me, the contact heated my skin to scorching levels.

  I needed space.

  “I said I was sorry. It’ll never happen again.” There I go again with my half-assed promises.

  “You’re goddamn right it won’t happen again. I’ll make sure of it.” The muscles in his jaw jumped, his fingers digging into my arms in what appeared to be anger.

  I couldn’t figure out why he blamed me entirely for that bastard attacking me.

  Shrugging out of his grasp, my own anger took hold, but experience told me to watch my tone. Although, all reasoning aside, there was something about the man brooding in front of me that told me he wouldn’t physically lash out at me.

  “What makes you think you have the authority to fire me?” I grasped at straws, but hopefully throwing a legit question at him would make him take his attitude down a notch.

  Apparently, I was about to be schooled.

  “First off, I told you I’m not firing you. Well, not exactly. And second, who I am is your boss. See the patch on that vest coverin’ ya? It says ‘Knights Corruption.’ The very same club that owns this place.” Cocking an arrogant brow, he leaned down and said, “So I hold all the authority, sweetheart.”

  Captured in a good old-fashioned stare-off, it wasn’t until Carla placed her hand on my shoulder that I turned my attention away from the man in front of me and on to her.

  “You okay, hon?” she asked, concern for my well-being written all over her pretty face.

  “Yeah, but . . . I just got fired.” I tried to remain strong, but the hitch in my voice gave me away.

  “What do you mean?” Stealing my space, she stood in front of me. “Tripp, what is she talkin’ about?” Pinning her hands on her hips, she asked, “Did you really just fire her?”


  “She’s not workin’ here anymore.” The look on his face left no room for argument, but that didn’t stop Carla.

  “She didn’t do anything wrong and you know it.”

  “I know that,” he argued.

  “Then why?” Carla pressed, reaching behind her and grasping my hand, funneling her support through her touch.

  “I’m not justifying my choice to you or anyone. It’s done. Let it go.” He stood taller and crossed his arms over his broad chest, his muscles stretching the fabric of his shirt.

  His size should have intimidated me, but it did the exact opposite—I felt safe next to him, protected, like nothing in the world could harm me. And even though he’d just fired me, I couldn’t help but commit every facet of this incredible man to memory. Carla’s next words shoved me out of my assessment and back into the increasingly tense situation.

  “Stone left it up to me to find Heather’s replacement, and I did. So you can’t stroll in here and undermine me. That’s not how any of this works.” Tripp remained still, only the repeated arch of his brow a giveaway that he was even listening. Carla huffed and stepped closer, releasing my hand in the process. Shoving a finger into his thick chest, she said, “You don’t scare me, Tripp, so stop trying.”

  His response was sudden. He reached around the club manager and snagged my wrist, gently pulling me behind him as he strode quickly toward the door. “It’s done, Carla, so find another girl.”

  When I ventured a glance behind me, I saw Carla shaking her head, her lips moving so rapidly I was sure she was having quite the conversation with herself.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Home,” he answered, never bothering to look at me.

  “I don’t need you to take me anywhere.” I tried to pull free from his grip but he only tightened his hold. “I’m fine by myself. You’ve had your say. You’ve fired me, so stop confusing me with pretending you care what happens to me. I can make my own way home.”

  He continued on, walking so fast I tripped over my feet in my haste to try and keep up. When I smacked into his back on my lurch forward, he stopped and spun around, his hands instantly steadying me. “Sorry,” he apologized. “I walk fast when I have a purpose.” Then he did something which completely threw me off-kilter—he smiled . . . and I swore I thought I was gonna faint. In an instant, all the anger and frustration I’d felt toward him melted away.

  The way his green eyes lit up captivated my soul. Odd sentiment, I know, but so very true. The breath in my lungs stung after endless seconds, but I wanted to remain frozen in the moment, relishing the odd peace catapulting me into a different place in time.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his fingers dancing over the tops of my arms once more. Closing in on my personal space, he stood so close I had to crane my neck just to see his face. His warmth enclosed me, his intoxicating scent flicking on a switch inside me that had been off for a very long time.

  I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around his waist and nuzzle myself into him, to rest my head against his chest and feel the thrum of his heartbeat, but of course I held back. He’d think me some kind of fruitcake if I did such a thing. Instead I stood tall and allowed myself to escape inside those entrancing orbs of his.

  “You okay?” he repeated, cocking his head to the side while waiting for an answer.
br />   “Y-yeah. I’m fine,” I finally responded, my hold on his vest unrelenting as I used it to keep myself covered. “But I’d like to get dressed before we leave.” Knowing he wasn’t going to make the first move and back up, I retreated a few steps, his hands falling to his sides.

  Music vibrated from the speakers. Men shouted at the naked performer on stage, their hoots and hollers blending into one another’s. A glass shattered in the distance, followed by a few choice words from Carla. A woman’s laughter rang out into the sexually charged air, but none of it registered completely. It was as if I existed in a daze, everything around me a mirage. As if it weren’t really happening. But dead center in the mix of the cloudy vision of the club stood two people, everyone else fading into obscurity with each second ticking by.

  Tripp and me.

  Our eyes devoured the other, the air between us shared.

  Our worlds were colliding, exploding and threatening everything we thought and knew. I saw the shared experience in the twinkle of his eyes and in the way his full lips kicked up in the corners, smiling because he saw the same recognition in me.

  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Tripp nodded before pushing a strained puff of air through his lips. “Go. Put some clothes on and grab your things. I’ll be waiting right here.” His tone told me everything, and I knew I’d better hurry before he lost his patience and dragged me out of the club. Naked or not.


  “Are you fuckin’ him?”

  I knew exactly who’d asked the abrupt question, my locker door thankfully blocking the woman from sight. But I couldn’t hide behind the metal barrier forever. Once the latch clicked closed, I turned my head and gave her a fake smile.

  “Can I do something for you, Arianna?” I asked, wishing she’d just leave me alone. Ever since I started working at the club she’d given me a hard time, throwing me nasty glares, hiding my costumes and makeup, and making snide comments. I got it—she didn’t like me, although I couldn’t fathom why. I’d never done anything to her, but I gave up caring, especially when Carla told me she was only acting like that toward me because she was jealous of all the attention I was getting from the customers. The same customers who used to fawn all over her.


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