Because of Logan

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Because of Logan Page 9

by Erica Alexander

  We walk up the three steps to the building’s front door, and I punch in the code for the keyless entry. He opens the door and guides me in first.

  I take a few steps into the hall and hesitate in front of my apartment door before unlocking and leaving it open for him to follow me inside. I drop my new book and my purse on the side table near the couch and unzip my jacket, glad for the warmth inside. I expect to see him behind me, but he’s standing just outside my door.

  For the space of a breath or two, we look at each other in silence, the moment filled with expectation. He takes a step, then another and another until there’s only inches between us. His fingers push a lock of hair behind my ear and trace my cheek and chin just before rubbing my lower lip with his thumb. On instinct, my tongue licks the spot he touched as if trying to capture his taste. He groans a little and comes closer to me, his hands around my waist, fingers spread, his touch spanning from my hip to the band of my bra.

  “I had an amazing day, Skye. I hope you did too.”

  “I did. Thank you. It was the best birthday ever.”

  We stand there for a few seconds, no words between us, and yet so much is said. We both want more. Neither of us wants this day to end. But it’s too soon for anything else. As much as I want to give into the need growing inside me, I know I’d regret it come morning. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. It’s just that I’m not that comfortable in my own skin. Taking what I want has never been something I could easily do.

  Logan seems to understand this. I can see the need in his eyes, in the way his breath comes out in short pants, and in the possessive touch of his hands on my body.

  “I should go. It’s been a long day. But I want to see you again.”

  “I'd like that.”

  He leans into me then. His mouth is soft on mine, teasing. He licks and nibbles at my lips before going in deeper and opening my mouth with his tongue.

  Jesus, the man can kiss. His body presses into mine and he pulls me closer, lifting me off the floor a few inches to adjust for our height differences. One arm wrapped around my back anchors me to him and the other holds my head where he wants it. I can feel all of him, the thundering of his heart against mine, the muscled arms and the way they flex, the hard flat of his stomach, and his erection pressing into me. My hands move over his shoulders and biceps and tangle in his hair. I don’t think I’ve been this turned on since . . . well, never.

  When we finally break the kiss several minutes later, his forehead touches mine, our mingled breaths rapid and shallow. We stay there in each other’s arms, in each other’s space, until both our hearts return to a steady beat and our breaths are no longer hurried. He lifts his head, his eyes lock on mine, and he lets me slide down his body. The friction nearly undoes me. I almost ask him to stay. Almost. My lips move, but the words stay stuck inside. His thumb brushes my bottom lip again.

  He steps away from me slowly.

  “I’m going now. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Have a good night.”

  He pulls the door closed behind him, and I’m still frozen in place when I hear the soft click of the lock.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I lie in bed, and my skin still damp from the shower, is chilled, but I’m burning on the inside. I grab my phone and find Liam’s contact.

  Logan: That girl I met? I spent the entire day with her.

  Logan: God...she’s a tiny little thing, and so full of life. When I look at her, I feel like a blind man seeing colors for the first time.

  Logan: I’m so fucked.

  Logan: Where are you, Liam? Talk to me.

  Logan: I wish you could respond to this. I’m trying so hard to do what you said. To let go, but it feels like taking my clothes off in the middle of a parade. Like being completely exposed.

  Logan: Come home, baby brother.

  I think of the last time I talked to Liam and his parting words.

  “If you change who you are because of him, because of what Dad did to you, he wins. The biggest ‘fuck you’ that you can give that bastard is just being you. The real you. Not some made-up version. What they did to you was beyond wrong and fucked up. But they did you a favor. Imagine if you’d never found out. You’d be trapped right now.”

  God, when did my little brother get so smart?

  Always. He was always the smartest one. The kindest. The most generous. I wonder where Liam is and how he’s doing now. It’s been months since I last heard from him. He’s too gentle a soul to be in the middle of a war.

  “Okay, Liam, I’ll try.” I hope you’re right and I hope you’re okay.

  “Come home, baby brother.”

  I say it like a prayer.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The faint rumble of thunder outside awakens me. I blink, chasing away sleep, glad it’s Sunday and we don’t have classes. I can see the rain beating against the window through the partially open curtains. God, did it all really happen? I can’t help the smile on my face. I’m still in dreamland when River walks into my room with two coffee mugs. I push myself up and fluff up the half-dozen pillows on my bed. She gives me one of the mugs and settles under the covers with me. This is something we used to do a lot, but River hasn’t come to my bed in the morning for several months now.

  “Thank you, Sis.”

  “You’re welcome. Now tell me everything.”

  “Hmm, the first sip is always the best.”

  I look at my sister. Her beautiful hair is messy and loose around her shoulders, and like always, she’s wearing a purple sleep shirt and panties. River hates pants. She drinks her coffee and waits for me.

  “It was such a perfect day.”

  “Yeah? You look happy.”

  “I am, I really am. He's sweet and funny and he surprised me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don't know. I guess I expected him to be like Blake or Jon. My previous experiences with guys don't really give me the warm fuzzies, you know?”

  “Yep, I was there. I know. Where did you go?”

  “First, we went to an amusement park, and get this, they have Go Karts!”

  “Oh, no. Please tell me you didn’t beat him and then gloat about it.”

  “I sure did.”

  “And what did he do?”

  “Nothing, he just laughed.”

  “He didn’t get mad or annoyed?”

  “No, not at all. One can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle competition and losing a game or a bet. You know how I get with Go Karts, and I decided that if I beat him and he got mad about it, then that would be it, right? I’d endure the day, be polite, and be done at the end. But he didn’t get mad or annoyed. He got a big kick out it, actually.”

  “Yeah, I remember how pissed Blake would get if you beat him on the Xbox. He’d stop talking to you for days.”

  “I know. I made so many excuses for his behavior. But I’m not seventeen anymore. I’ve learned my lesson. No second chances for assholes. That’s my new motto.”

  “I’ll toast to that.”

  She touches my mug with hers.

  “What else?”

  “Then we had lunch at a taco truck and went back to the park, where I beat him two more times, just to be sure, and all he did was laugh.”

  “He seems like a nice guy. I have a good feeling about him. He’s nothing like Asshole Jon.”

  “No, he’s not.”

  “Did he kiss you?”

  “Yes. Well . . . technically, I kissed him.”

  A giggle escapes my lips.

  “Shut up!”

  “I did. I don’t know what came over me, River. But one moment, I’m just standing there looking at those blue eyes, and the next, I have my mouth on his.”

  River high-fives me.

  “One to ten?”

  “It was a twenty.”

  When we were kids—teens, really—River came up with a kissing scale from one to ten on how good a kisser a boy was. Silly teenage stuff, and we hadn't used the scale
in years.

  “That good, huh?”

  “God, yes. And then we drove back to his house, and he cooked and baked. Can you believe it? He made lasagna and baked me a birthday cake. He even had garlic bread. And it was delicious. We talked a lot, and he gave me this bracelet.”

  I show her my wrist.

  River fingers the charms with a smile on her face.

  “And this.”

  I reach to my nightstand, put the coffee down, and show her the book.

  “Son of a bitch. He got it. I thought this book wasn’t out until next week.”

  “It isn’t. He emailed the author and asked her about the book, and she mailed it to him. I still can’t believe this is happening. I expect to wake up at any minute now and be disappointed that was just a dream. Thank you, by the way, for the part you played in it.”

  “I didn’t do anything other than answer his questions. Can’t take credit for it.”

  River watches me, and I know what she’ll ask next.

  “Did you sleep with him?”

  “No. I wanted to. But, you know me.”

  That’s a first too. I’ve never felt so attracted to a guy that I wanted to sleep with him.

  River nods at me.

  “I think it’s better this way. Let him marinate a little.”

  “What about you? How was the strip club?”


  “Not good?”

  “It was okay until Becca got really drunk and puked on one of the guys and we got escorted out.”


  “Yep. It was my birthday, and she’s the one who got drunk. I had one margarita, and she was already five tequila shots into the night. Her last boy toy found someone else, and you know how she is with that. She doesn’t take rejection very well.”

  “I don’t understand. She doesn’t even like those guys. She uses them for a few weeks and then moves to the next one. Why would she care if they move on?”

  “She doesn’t care if they move on. She cares if she's not the one to dump them. Becca has major control and abandonment issues.”

  “Her way to deal with it is to break up with them first?”

  “I’ve tried talking to her, but she shuts down and tells me I don’t have a psychology degree yet, so save it for someone who needs real help. And then she tells me I have a hang-up because I’m not hooking up with a different guy every other week. Been there, done that. This is not high school or freshman year anymore. I’m kind of tired of the same old jocks and guys who can’t have an interesting conversation. Last night, this one dude walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to fuck. No hello, no can I buy you a drink, no nothing. Stick it in dry, will you?”

  “What an ass. I wonder if that line ever works in real life. I mean, how often does a guy walk up to a strange girl and asks if she wants to fuck and she says yes, please, I was sitting here waiting for someone to come up and ask me that.”

  “I know. I guess there’s nothing wrong with it, if that’s what you want. But I’d like, just once, for a guy to look me in the eyes for more than five seconds instead of at my tits.”

  “At least you have tits.”

  She rolls her eyes at me.

  “Is it asking for too much to meet a guy who wants to get to know me a little? Sometimes, I feel like a thing people want to use and show off rather than a real person with feelings and flaws.”


  This is the most open River has been in ages. I don’t want to say the wrong thing and have her shut down again.

  “Yes. They don’t even see it. I did a few experiments. I was rude, mean, shallow, completely obtuse, boring, and dull, and guys still looked at me, hanging onto my every word like I’m a rock star or something.”

  “Some guys will do anything to get in your pants, River.”

  And there goes the conversation. She visibly puts her walls back up and shifts the attention back to me.

  “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

  “Nothing. No plans. It’s raining, so it’s a perfect day for TV and books.”

  My phone buzzes, and I grab it from the side table. A smile is already on my face when I see Logan’s name.

  Logan: Good morning, Skye. I had a great time yesterday.

  Skye: I did too. It was so much fun. Are you off today?

  Logan: No, I’m already at work. What are your plans for tonight?

  Skye: Nothing. Just hanging out with River.

  Logan: Got enough leftovers for another dinner. Want to come over tonight?

  Logan: You can bring your sister if you want.

  I show the phone to River. The old doubt tugs at my chest. What if Logan comes to his senses and falls for River? Men are visual beings. He can’t deny that she’s beautiful. I have the urge to say no, so he won’t be around her, but I ignore it. I’m being stupid. It’s not like I can keep them away from each other. If I end up dating Logan—if this is not just a fluke—they will be around each other a lot.

  “Leftover lasagna and cake? Heck, yes. It’s always best the next day. I’m in.”

  Skye: Yes, we’ll be there.

  Logan: You forgot your little yellow friend in my truck last night.

  Skye: Stuart!

  Logan: I got a good ribbing about it at work.

  Skye: LOL. Sorry?

  Logan: No worries. See you at 8. Back to work now.

  Skye: Be safe, Logan.

  I look at my phone for another minute, but he doesn’t text me back. My mind goes back to doubting myself. What if this whole thing is just to get closer to River?

  “What’s that look for? What are you thinking?”

  Her too-perceptive eyes study me.

  “Nothing. Hungry. Let's go make breakfast.

  “You’re weird.”

  “You’re weirder.”

  “You’re weirdest.”

  And just like that, we’re back to normal.

  Chapter Eighteen

  For the first time ever, my job is annoying me. And not because of the array of bad or sad things I come across every so often, but because it's getting in the way of my seeing Skye.

  Logan: Hey, Liam. I haven’t texted you all week, so we have some catching up to do.

  Logan: That girl I told you about? Her name is Skye. I saw her three times last week.

  Logan: Had dinner with her and her sister the day after our first date. Wish you were there. I made Mary’s lasagna and the cake she used to make for our birthdays.

  Logan: On our second official date (I’m not counting the dinner with her sister as a date), we went to the movies and dinner at Domenic’s. We stayed there talking until they invited us to leave so they could close the place. I don’t even know what we talked about. I just know that spending time with her makes me happy.

  Logan: I texted Skye earlier today, asking her what she was doing for lunch. She said she was just grabbing a bite to eat at Riggins since she only had an hour between classes. And now, I’m here. Stalking her.

  Logan: She’s coming. 10-73, baby brother.

  The police radio codes came in handy when we were kids. I memorized them early on and taught Liam. It was a great way to communicate and not get caught by our father. Saying 10-73 instead of goodbye doesn’t make it any easier, though.

  I see her small frame and blond hair shining in the sun before she sees me. She’s wearing skinny jeans and an open blue ski jacket over the navy Riggins hoodie. Pink sneakers on her feet.

  Bruno is on her left and another girl on her right. The girl is tall, and her two friends dwarf Skye. They’re laughing as they walk the path to the cafeteria among the dozens of students going in the same direction.

  Bruno nudges her in a playful way, and she pushes him back, her hands on his chest in a way that feels too familiar for comfort, but I remind myself they’ve been friends for years and she told me they’re just friends and that he has a girlfriend out of town.

  Her eyes land on me then and her step falters. Bruno holds he
r arm and steadies her. A second later, a warm smile spreads over her face as she veers off and away from her friends and stands in front of me near the curb by the cafeteria entrance where I’d been stalking her. Her smile turns shy, and she casts her eyes down for a moment before looking back at me.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Her eyes shine with anticipation and excitement. She's happy to see me.

  “I wanted to see you.”

  I step closer, my hands on her hips, and I inch her toward me, lean in, and kiss her forehead. What I really want to do is push her against the wall, a tree, my car—any flat surface will do—and kiss her until she forgets her name. But it might be too much for the lunch crowd around us, and I’m in uniform, so I refrain. She can see the intention in my eyes because her face blushes prettily. My fingers press a little tighter into her hips.

  Her friends stop a few feet away from us. Bruno is the first to speak.

  “Joining us for lunch, Logan?”

  “Yeah, if you don’t mind my crashing in.”

  My words are friendly, but I’m sure the way I’m looking at him says clearly that I don’t like the way he’s so comfortable around Skye, who luckily missed the exchange since it’s all happening right above her head.

  The bastard laughs and shakes his head a little.

  “Sure, we don’t mind your company, if you don’t mind the cafeteria food.”

  I make sure to place my hand on Skye’s back and put myself between her and Bruno. It does not go unnoticed by her friend, and she gives me an odd look. Skye introduces us.

  “Sabrina, this is Logan. Logan, this is Sabrina Giorgi, and you already know Bruno.”

  I shake her hand and nod at Bruno. Yes, I’m the jealous-for-no-reason asshole. Nice to meet you.

  I feel like an ass. I’m not a possessive or jealous guy. I just can’t shake what River said about them being fuck buddies and how familiar they are with each other. I’m not so stupid that I would say anything about it, but I can tell Bruno is on to me. I hope he says nothing. I don’t want to look like an idiot.


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