Quest for Love: Los Angeles Armstrongs 1 (The Armstrongs Book 7)

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Quest for Love: Los Angeles Armstrongs 1 (The Armstrongs Book 7) Page 2

by Jessica Gray

  Ev shrugged her shoulders. “The material worth of the statues doesn’t amount to much; it’s the intangible value that makes them irreplaceable. They are the culmination of my career as the best actress of the century.”

  Now she was smiling again. She probably wanted his admiration for her outstanding achievements. But Chuck merely nodded. “I understand their sentimental value to you, but what kind of monetary value might they bring if they were to be auctioned off? Just a ballpark number will do.”

  “Well, other actors and actresses that have fallen upon hard times have auctioned their statues off; the last one brought only a half million dollars.”

  Only a half million? Schooling his features, he asked, “And how many are missing?”

  “All four of them.” She paused for a moment and let her hand slide over his upper arm. Her oriental perfume wafted into his nostril and the room suddenly seemed too small. He wanted out. Away from the woman who couldn’t be bothered by values like loyalty.

  “Chuck, the shame that goes along if the public would learn my Oscars have been stolen would be unbearable.” She continued with a seductive voice, her hand lingering on his arm, “Therefore everything that happens in this room has to remain absolutely confidential.”

  He took the chance and got up to retrieve a small notebook from his briefcase. “Off course, Mrs. Ross, I’m a private investigator. Discretion is my job.” Standing, he made a few notes, and then asked, “Do you have any suspects?”

  “It’s Ev, not Mrs. Ross. But to answer your question I suspect either the new maid or my lover.”

  “I’ll interview the entire staff, but tell me more about this lover. I thought you were married to…”

  Ev waved a hand to stop him, “Yes, I’ve kept word of my second divorce quiet. The divorce isn’t yet final but I see no reason to live like a nun while waiting for the courts to act. My soon-to-be ex-husband moved out months ago.” She gave him a smile that didn’t come close to reaching her eyes. “Young men have so much more stamina. A strong and virile man like you, Chuck, is sure to satisfy an experienced woman like me.”

  He cursed himself for taking on this job in the first place. “Ev. To investigate what happened to your Oscars, I need to see where you kept them. Would you be so kind and show me?” He prayed it wouldn’t be in her bedroom.

  “Of course. I kept them on a special shelf, in my bedroom. I’d be happy to take you up there and show you everything you’re interested in.”

  Chuck mentally rolled his eyes at how badly she was flirting with him. Loyalty was a character trait his parents had hammered into him from childhood on, along with honesty and integrity. He could turn a blind eye to her having a boyfriend while living in divorce with husband number two. But as for her advances on him at the same time… Disgusting.

  When she laid her hand on his arm as they ascended the impressive stairs, he tried to politely move away from her touch, but on the staircase, that was impossible. He bit the inside of his cheek to prevent a harsh and impolite remark.

  Ev took him directly to the master bedroom, throwing open the double doors. The room was bigger than his sister Vivian’s entire one-bedroom apartment, and had three doors: the one they’d just entered through, which Ev had quietly closed behind them, and two more that he figured led into an attached bathroom and walk-in-closet.

  Chuck began a thorough search of the room for the missing statues, while Ev sat down on her king-size bed with burgundy silk sheets in a posture that looked straight of a pin-up poster from the fifties.

  Surprisingly enough, her taupe cocktail dress contrasted perfectly with the burgundy sheets and he wondered if she’d intended it. Probably yes.

  “What are you doing?” she asked with a guttural voice.

  “Searching for the statues.” His words were gruff.

  “Are you doubting my word?” she asked with a pouting look. “Well, in that case, you might want to check out the bathroom. I could help…”

  Chuck gave her a tight shake of his head. “No need.”

  Ev gave him a tour throughout the mansion while he made a few notes here and there. The place was huge, boasting ten bedrooms and twelve baths. When they reached the ground floor and had seen the last room, he sighed in relief that he didn’t need to tolerate her touches or her flirting a moment longer.

  Chapter 4

  An hour later, Linda had managed to pull herself together. With a glance at her watch she groaned; it was almost time to leave for work. She returned to the house and reached for the back door handle, but then paused.

  Chuck’s SUV was still parked outside, and the last thing she wanted was to see him again. No, that was a lie. She badly wanted to see him. But he’d shaken the very foundation her life was built on in their few minutes together earlier. No telling what might happen if she were to run into him again. It was better to avoid him.

  She took an extra moment to wipe her fingertips over her cheeks, making sure no traces of tears were evident. No reason to give Mother something else to berate me for.

  Then Linda opened the door, intending to slip up to her bedroom and retrieve her purse before being seen. She quietly closed the back door, and then moved quickly down the hallway, her eyes on her toes once again as she tried to make it to the stairs unseen and unheard.

  But fate was against her, and she almost landed in a heap on the floor when she barreled into something hard. A hard, chiseled chest.

  “Oomph!” she exclaimed as the breath rushed from her body.

  Strong arms reached out and kept her from landing on her backside. “Whoa! Easy there.”

  Chuck’s sexy voice fired up her libido. As if the embarrassment of bumping into him wasn’t enough, now desire flushed her entire body. She probably featured the distinctive color of a tomato by now. She didn’t dare to look up and instead focused on his strong arms still holding her.

  “Linda! How many times have I told you to walk like a lady? Chuck, I must apologize for my daughter’s clumsiness. You’d think she hasn’t received any education at all.” Ev’s voice was sugar-sweet when she spoke to Chuck, but pure venom when she addressed Linda.

  Her mother’s words made her wish the flooring would open up and swallow her whole. On top of being embarrassed, she now felt utterly useless.

  She knew she was clumsy, but she’d held out hope that the smoking-hot man wouldn’t come to find out about that for a while yet. No such luck, Linda. He knows exactly how useless you are, just like everyone else does.

  “It’s okay. No apology necessary,” Chuck assured her mother, his fingertips slightly squeezing Linda’s arms before he released her.

  “Oh, but there is. If you only knew how much money and how many years of education have been wasted on sending her to the best boarding schools in the country… apparently with nothing to show for it.”

  Linda wanted to scream at her mother. Was she expecting Linda to thank her for sending her off and away from her home? She’d hated those boarding schools. Classes in decorum and table manners. The matron had been an evil woman who seemed to care more for the appropriate greeting for an English prince than the young charges she was being paid to care for.

  Linda wasn’t now, nor had she ever desired to be, an elegant lady. She’d failed miserably while at school, having no desire to conform for the sake of conforming. That had created a situation where she was picked on by the staff, and she’d never understood why her mother had sent her to such a hateful place.

  Realizing her mind had drifted off, she scooted it back. “I’m sorry,” she murmured, skirting around Chuck and her mother before heading for the stairs. Now she was going to be late to feed and care for the dogs, so she pulled her cell phone from her pocket and quickly tapped out a message to Nate. He would cover for her, but she still needed to get a move on or she’d be late for her first therapy session of the day.

  She rushed into her room and fetched her purse. As she returned to the hallway, her mother was threading an arm through Ch
uck’s. Gulp. A sick feeling took up residence in Linda’s stomach.

  Her mother lived like she had every right to date, and sleep with, whomever she pleased. Evidence: her latest boyfriend, who was only two years older than Linda. Evangelina Ross – married or not – had throughout her entire live openly flirted with every man who struck her fancy. Most of them willingly succumbing to her charms. Linda feared Chuck would, too.

  The way Ev was hanging onto Chuck’s arm as if he was her property – a new plaything that had arrived just for her own enjoyment – augmented Linda’s hate for the woman who was her mother. Not because of Ev’s questionable morals, but because Linda wanted Chuck for herself.

  She stopped in the foyer, watching the duo in the mirror, and caught Chuck’s uncomfortable expression. Now would be a good time to come to his rescue, saying something to her mother. “Mother, I…” Words failed her. She never knew what to say in the presence of her mother.

  Ev was charmingly chatting with Chuck, apparently on the way to show him the gardens, when her cell phone rang and she disengaged her arm from Chuck’s to answer the call.

  Linda used that moment to slip out the front door, but was called back only a second later. “Linda! How dare you run away? Come back here and show Chuck the gardens and the servants’ quarters.”

  “I’m already late for work, Mother,” Linda said in a feeble voice.

  Ev looked at her daughter with distaste. “As if that matters one bit. Show Chuck the gardens. Now.” The discussion was over as far as she was concerned, and her actions stated as much.

  Linda wasn’t sure where the words came from, but she tried one last time to state her case. “I’m late for work.”

  They’d been over this topic several times – since she’d decided to go into animal-assisted therapy – and her mother had made her point of view more than clear. What kind of worthless work is that? With me as your mother you’d have every change to become a highly paid actress. But working with dogs? For god’s sake! What kind of lady would do that?

  Her mother didn’t even bother to reply to Linda, and made a sound of disgust before she addressed Chuck as if her daughter wasn’t standing eight feet away. “You’ll have to excuse my daughter’s inappropriate behavior. She seems to think playing with a pack of smelly dogs is actual work.”

  Linda’s shoulders slumped, as she wanted to disappear in shame. Why can’t she accept me the way I am? And why does she have to tell everyone how useless she thinks I am?

  Ev turned her eyes back to her daughter, and Linda cringed at the look of disapproval and the promise of retribution she saw there. At least Chuck seemed to think her work might hold some merit, because he said, “Ev, I’m fine with walking around on my own while you take this call.”

  Ev? He’s calling her Ev? Linda’s heart raged with jealousy and she murdered her mother with her stare.

  Her mother, though, only had eyes for Chuck. “Don’t be silly, sweetheart. My useless daughter will show you around. Right now.”

  Chuck opened his mouth to protest, but Linda blushed bright red and relented, acquiescing to her mother’s request. Fighting with her mother never ended up with her winning.

  “Fine.” Her tone indicated it was everything but.

  Sighing, she stomped back down the hallway. “Fine. The gardens are this way.” She didn’t wait to see if Chuck was following her. Anxious to get this tour of the premises over with, she took a direct path to the middle of the gardens. Then she could get on with her day.

  She stopped and turned, hating and loving at the same time to be around him. When he thoughtfully watched her, an intense longing swept over her. “As you can see, these are the gardens. Mother hires a professional gardener to make sure they always look trimmed and orderly.”

  Linda pointed to a large building to the right side of the gardens. “That is the servants’ quarters. It contains six separate living and sleeping quarters, one large kitchen, and a large living room. At this time of day, it should be empty. Feel free to wander around inside.”

  Chapter 5

  Chuck had no choice but to follow Linda into the gardens. And if he were honest with himself, he’d have to admit that he liked being around her. A lot.

  The way she swayed her hips with anger made her even more attractive. Beneath her apparent lack of self-confident lay a strong woman.

  “I’m sorry for the inconvenience,” he said. Linda looked at him, surprised.

  He held her gaze until she finally took a breath and her face softened a bit. “Do you have any questions about the gardens?”

  Chuck smiled and glanced around. “There is a full-time gardener?”

  “Yes. He lives on-site.”

  “And these sculpted gardens are the extent …”

  Linda shook her head, “No, that would not be enough for my mother.” She blushed furiously and turned around, walking him through the rest of the gardens: flowerbeds, sculpted hedges, and a mini-orchard.

  He took notes, asked questions, and longed for an excuse to spend the rest of the day with her. This woman was a miracle. Usually he was very good at reading people, but Linda gave mixed signals. Or maybe it was just his growing attraction that confused him?

  Her light and flowery perfume made him want to smell more of her. To taste her. To feel her. At the same time he feared she might break if he grabbed her too hard. When she’d stumbled into his arms, he’d felt nothing but skin and bones.

  Then there was the pain hidden inside her… He had the urge to get to know her better. To know her story. Expertly he turned the conversation from the property and its inhabitants to Linda herself.

  “What kind of work involves playing with a smelly pack of dogs?” he asked, imitating Evangelina’s voice.

  Linda’s eyes widened. Then she laughed. “Animal-assisted therapy.”

  “What is that?”

  “You’ve never heard about it?” she asked.

  “I’ve heard the term, but that’s it.”

  “You really want to know?” When he nodded, Linda’s face brightened as if someone had switched on a chandelier and she explained, “Some people have severe problems with trusting other humans. This is usually based on some kind of trauma. PTSD. Abuse. Whatever. But animals and especially dogs can reach those persons. Dogs have a good intuition and they’re non-threatening.”

  “Dogs?” he asked unbelievingly, trying to hide the fear that wanted to creep into his voice.

  He evidently didn’t do such a good job, because she gave him a look that said she knew. Since he’d been bitten by a Doberman so many years ago, he avoided dogs. No need to relive those memories.

  “Yes, dogs. Well-trained therapy dogs have an innate ability to offer comfort. They are patient and non-judgmental. Our dogs are really special and they’ve helped lots of patients.”

  “You like your job.” It was a statement, not a question.

  She beamed at him. “Yes. I love it.”

  She continued to talk about the different aspects of her job, and he loved her enthusiasm. Linda was different from so many other famous kids he’d met. Despite being the daughter of a famous actress, she wasn’t a spoiled Hollywood brat. No, she was serious about her career and doing something useful with her life. He didn’t like that it involved dogs, though.

  With every step they took, he nervously scanned the property for dogs rushing towards them ready to tear him apart. None. He exhaled deeply. No signs any dogs lived on the property.

  Linda must have interpreted his nervous glances and smiled. “Don’t worry. There aren’t any dogs around here. My mother hates them.”

  “Good to know.” He wanted to say something uplifting, or funny, but as a man of few words he couldn’t think of anything, except I want you. But that would surely scare her away. “Have you always wanted to work with dogs?”

  Linda shook her head, swinging her beautiful blond hair. “No. Not with my mother’s hatred for dogs. Well, she didn’t like my other choice of profession either.
” She paused, and Chuck longed to ease the pained expression off her face. “I started out as an occupational therapist, but it was dull. I soon found out my true love was dogs. But I didn’t want to work exclusively with dogs, though, because…” She shyly looked away, and he couldn’t resist the urge to touch her chin with his finger to turn her face to him.

  As far as he was concerned, he’d grab her and kiss her senseless. But he didn’t. “Why?”

  Linda shrugged, “It might seem ridiculous to you, with my mother’s money and all, but I wanted to be able to pay my own way.”

  “Not ridiculous at all,” Chuck said.

  “See, most positions in dog training are on a volunteer basis, so when a friend mentioned animal-assisted therapy, I jumped at it. With my training as an occupational therapist I had to take only a few extra classes. And then I found Nate. I started working with him, and it’s the best decision I ever made.”

  “You two share a practice?” he asked, curious as to how she handled clients, being so shy and self-conscious.

  “No,” she said with a quick laugh. “We’re part of a large practice with psychologists and other therapists. We mostly treat children. Part of their therapy is working with our dogs.”

  “Interesting.” What was even more interesting in his opinion was the way she’d changed from awkward girl to radiant woman while talking about her work.

  “One day I’d like to branch out into training dogs to become personal companions to people who need them.”

  “Who need them?”

  “Yes. You probably know about seeing-eye dogs.”

  He nodded.

  “But there are so many possibilities. Dogs have been used effectively with veterans returning from war suffering from physical disabilities or mental and emotional problems like PTSD. And one of my dreams is to train therapy dogs that will ultimately be handed over to live with a person who needs them.”

  “Linda. You are admirable.” And he meant it. This woman had conquered his heart within a few moments of talking to her. She blushed at his praise and turned back toward the house. They walked in silence for a few steps, but the nearer they got to the house, the more her steps dragged, and then she stopped. Evangelina stood on the porch, observing them.


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