Quest for Love: Los Angeles Armstrongs 1 (The Armstrongs Book 7)

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Quest for Love: Los Angeles Armstrongs 1 (The Armstrongs Book 7) Page 11

by Jessica Gray

  Linda held her breath, knowing her mother wouldn’t give in that easily. Her revenge was too sweet.

  “Why should I do that and risk my reputation?” The actress smiled, but it never reached her eyes.

  Frank had come prepared to be tough. “Mrs. Ross, there won’t be a risk to your reputation. We’ll handle everything with the utmost confidentiality. Apparently the whole incident had been a misunderstanding, because your daughter had sent the statues out to be cleaned and polished as a surprise for your upcoming birthday. When Linda heard about the charge you’ve pressed, she was able to clear everything up for you.”

  “That is a very far-fetched story,” Ev protested.

  But Frank fought her with her own weapons, “I’m sure the best actress in Hollywood can make it a convincing story.”

  Evangelina basked in his flattery, but her expression changed as it hit her that he was using her vanity to his advantage. “And why exactly would I want to do that?”

  “Because you want your Oscars back…” He paused. “… without a media freak-out and negative headlines.”

  She pursed her lips, but after some thought she agreed. “Okay. I’ll tell the police that my Oscars have been found, but I won’t drop the kidnapping charges.”

  “Why not?” Linda exploded, having kept quiet up to this point.

  “Linda. He’s just a private investigator; you can do so much better. You may not believe me now, but later, you’ll thank me for saving you the heartbreak.”

  Linda wanted to scratch out her mother’s eyes, but Ev had already turned to Frank. “Mr. Gershwin, I’m floored by this unfortunate situation and don’t want your client to suffer unduly. But you will understand that I need to protect my only daughter?”

  The lawyer nodded with an intent face, and Ev continued, “I’m willing to drop the kidnapping charges, if Linda agrees to never see Chuck Armstrong again.”

  “How can you do this?” Linda screamed.

  “Linda, I don’t think your mother’s request is that unreasonable,” Frank said.

  Linda looked from one to another and violently shook her head. She wouldn’t give up the man she loved – and who loved her. With that knowledge, she felt strong and courageous. “I love Chuck.”

  Then she watched how both her mother’s and Frank’s jaws dropped to the floor. Ev was the first one to find her voice. “Love? You’ve known that man for less than a week. What do you know about love?”

  “Everything you don’t,” Linda said and stared her mother down. “And I won’t sit by and let you destroy my or Chuck’s life.” It was great to feel powerful for a change and she basked in it for a minute.

  “And what exactly do you suggest?” Ev broke the silence.

  “Well, this is how it works. You are going to tell the police the truth and drop the charges against Chuck. All charges.”

  “And if I don’t?” her mother challenged her.

  Linda smiled, the warmth of it never reaching her eyes. “Then I will hold a press conference and tell the reporters every last, dirty detail of your life. It will probably take me multiple days and long hours. But I will do it.”

  The color drained from Evangelina’s face. Her public image was sacred. “You wouldn’t,” her mother whispered.

  “Yes. I would.” She’d do almost anything to help Chuck.

  Ev held out for two minutes and then she capitulated. “Fine. I’ll tell the police Chuck didn’t have anything to do with stealing the statues or kidnapping you. Just…don’t talk to the press.”

  Inside Linda grinned from ear to ear, but on the outside, she maintained a stern expression. “Call the police and ask them to come here and take your statement.”

  “Now?” her mother exclaimed.

  “Yes, now. Chuck’s been in prison long enough,” Linda insisted, which earned her an admiring glance from Frank.

  Ev nodded and placed the call. Half an hour later, she was tearfully apologizing to the Chief of Police for any misunderstandings that had been caused by her jumping to conclusions.

  Linda sat in the room, making the appropriate facial expressions when they were warranted and trying not to laugh at how bored Frank Gershwin looked.

  Chapter 30

  Chuck woke to the first rays of sunlight and it took him a moment to orient himself. Then he cursed. The thought of being stuck in this cell for god knows how long curled his toes.

  He was pounding his fists against an imaginary enemy when his cell door opened.

  “Armstrong. On your feet. You’re free to leave. The discharge officer will have your personal effects waiting outside.”

  Released? Why? Has Frank been able to post bail? A thousand questions stormed Chuck’s head, but he kept his mouth shut and walked out of his cell, not wanting to chance his luck.

  The discharge officer handed him the papers to sign and his personal effects and then dismissed him with the words, “There’s a lady waiting for you.”

  Chuck nodded and entered the small waiting area, expecting to see Vivian picking him up. Instead he stopped in his tracks the moment he saw her. “Linda.”

  She bit her lower lip, and her anxious expression stabbed his heart. “Do you hate me?”

  “Of course not, sweetheart.” He closed the distance between them and took her face in his hands to lock eyes with her. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she said and pressed her entire body against his, making him remember how much he’d missed her. All the tension of the last days left him and he swooped down with his head and took her lips in a kiss that was both punishing and possessive.

  At last he heard someone clear his throat behind them. It was Knox. “Sorry to interrupt, but can you take this outside?”

  Chuck grinned. “Sure, man. Hope to see you again – just not here.” And then he and Linda walked out hand in hand to her car.

  “Where to?” he asked.

  Linda gave him a smug smile, apparently very pleased with herself. “We should head over to your parents’ house. Everyone is waiting there for you.”

  He shot her an inquiring glance. “Mom’s and Dad’s house?”

  She nodded and let him open the driver’s door for her. During the drive his gaze didn’t stray from her for one second while she caught him up on the happenings. She looked different. Radiant. Strong. Liberated.

  Chuck smiled, because she looked even more beautiful now. She had to stop at a traffic light, and he took the opportunity to kiss that adorable woman, until they were both gasping for breath – and the cars behind them honking.

  Linda’s face took on a shade of purple as she broke free from his embrace and set the car in motion. When she’d finished her story, he said, “But you can’t keep living at the doctor’s office.”

  She wrinkled her cute nose. “I know. That’s why I spoke with Nate, and I’m going to live with him until I find something else.”

  Chuck knew Nate didn’t pose a threat to him, but jealousy was a strange thing and his stomach churned at the mere thought of Linda living with another man. “Do you think that’s wise?”

  “Don’t tell me you’re jealous of Nate.” She laughed out loud.

  “I’m not. But I still don’t like it,” he sourly denied her statement.

  “You are.” Her eyes gleamed and he had no idea what was so funny about that.

  “I just don’t want to share you with anyone.” If Chuck had a say, she’d be moving into his apartment this very minute. He understood, though, that she wanted to stand on her own feet, but living with another guy, even if that man was gay, was a bit too much for his liking.

  “You won’t be sharing me. I promise,” she said.

  Chuck searched her face and then raised her hand to his lips. “Loyalty is important to me. I won’t ever cheat on you and I expect the same from you.”

  A small shadow crossed her face and her voice was barely audible. “I’m not like my mother.”

  “I know, sweetheart.”

  They had reached
his parents’ house and even before Linda turned off the motor, Vivian and Gwen came running outside to greet them. Then Annie and Jeff appeared in the door, to pull their son and Linda into bear hugs.

  Chuck’s mother held him tight for such a long time, he said, “Mom. It’s okay.”

  She tried a small smile. “I’m so glad you’re back and you’re okay.” Then she turned to look at Linda. “You have to thank this girl over here for your miraculous release. She’s a very special person.”

  Chuck saw Linda blush and stepped aside to pull her into his arm. “I know, and that’s why I love her so much.”

  As soon as he’d finished a sentence, everyone stopped talking and one could have heard a needle drop. All eyes were on him and Linda until his mother was the first one to break the silence: ”I’m so happy for you guys. You will see that relationships that start out bumpy have the best chances to last forever.”

  Jeff took the opportunity to give his wife a searing kiss and Chuck wondered what his parents hadn’t told their kids about the way they met. Then he was surrounded by family congratulating them.

  Annie clapped her hands. “It’s time to eat breakfast.”

  About an hour later, Drake left the room to take a phone call and returned to the dining room with his brows knitted together – a sure sign something was wrong.

  Chuck motioned to Drake. “What’s up?”

  Drake grimaced. “That was the person I’d sublet my apartment to. He just backed out.”

  “That sucks,” Chuck sympathized.

  “It wouldn’t matter, except I leave in less than two hours and don’t have time to find another housesitter to take care of my plants and the two cats, not to mention the aquarium.”

  Vivian scrunched her nose and then said, “We can all take turns. Don’t worry about it.”

  Everyone at the table agreed and Drake shot them grateful glances, until his eye fell on Linda. He watched her for a few moments, before he asked, “What about you? I heard you need a place to stay. Are you interested in subletting my apartment?”

  Chucked squeezed Linda’s thigh beneath the table.

  “Hmm. I… For how long?” she asked.

  “Six months. Give or take a few weeks.” Drake grinned and exchanged a silent glance with Chuck, before he mentioned a monthly rent so cheap, Linda just couldn’t walk away from it.

  “I can see those little wheels turning inside your head,” Chuck teased her.

  Linda looked between the two men. “I’m really tempted to say yes.”

  “Why don’t you? Drake will be thankful to have someone take care of his animals.” And I will be overjoyed to have you live far away from Nate, even though he’s gay.

  “I will. And according to this infatuated youngling,” Drake gestured to Chuck, “you’re good with animals.”

  “Really? You’d trust me to stay there?” Linda asked.

  Both men nodded. “Absolutely.” Chuck pulled her into his embrace once again. “Don’t you think it’s a good idea?”

  Linda reluctantly nodded. “I do.” She was quiet for a minute. “Fine, I’ll stay at his place. But I’m going to pay whatever the going rate is for apartments in that area.”

  “There’s no need…” Drake protested.

  “There is for me. Besides, I can afford it. I’m not poor…”

  Everyone at the table laughed, and Annie raised her voice. “It’s a deal then.” She took her husband’s hand and said, “I want you all to know how proud I am of you. And Linda, I couldn’t be happier about Chuck’s choice. I believe you’re the perfect woman for him.”

  Chapter 31

  Linda blushed furiously as all eyes at the table rested on her. “You are so nice, Annie.”

  “That’s because you deserve it,” Chuck’s mother said and then clapped her hands, “Welcome to our family, Linda.”

  Linda swallowed a lump down her throat. This situation was almost surreal. The Armstrong family members wore their hearts on their sleeves and openly showed how much they loved and cared for one another, and apparently they’d now decided to make Linda part of their close-knit family.

  Everyone seemed to actually like her, not because of her famous mother, but in spite of her. It was a liberating feeling. But before she could go down the nostalgic road, Chuck pressed her tighter against his side and a warm feeling spread from her heart throughout her entire body.

  Nobody had truly loved her before, but with Chuck, she suddenly had not one, but a bunch of people caring for her.

  “I hate to break things up, but if I don’t head toward the airport in the next five minutes, I’m likely to miss my flight.” Drake was pointing to the watch on his wrist.

  Chuck offered to drive him. “We’ll take you.”

  “Are you sure you don’t have other plans with your girl?” Drake asked with an insinuating grin that was answered by a dark stare from his brother.

  So much for unconditional love. Linda almost giggled at their brotherly teasing, but at the same time, the images ran wild in her mind and her skin heated up. She almost wished Chuck would withdraw his offer and instead take her to his place.

  “We’ll drop you off at the airport and then I’ll show Linda your apartment.”

  Drake nodded. “Thanks, guys. Preston was supposed to give me a ride, but he had to leave unexpectedly for Sandy Beach last night.”

  Preston. Linda gulped. With all the excitement of the last days, she’d totally forgotten to tell Chuck about the incident with Sandrine. She’d do that later, when they’d dropped off Drake…


  Linda stepped inside Drake’s two-story condo and let her eyes travel around. “I like it.”

  “And I like the new tenant.” Chuck leaned up and kissed her, while shoving his hands beneath her shirt. A delicious tingle shot across her skin and Linda opened her lips.

  Chuck scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, where he tossed her on the bed. Her head fell back, but didn’t give her time to think or speak, because in the next moment he’d straddled her legs and slowly moved his hands up her flat stomach, taking her shirt with him. His soft touch made her want to crawl out of her head, and she quivered in anticipation.

  His hands paused for a moment at the bottoms of her breasts, as if deciding where to go next, and then she felt his fingers skim under her bra and with one swift movement he pushed it up and over her arms, leaving her exposed to his hungry gaze from head to waist.

  And hungry he was. His stare pinned her into place and she squirmed beneath him, still tightly locked between his thick thighs. When he licked his lips and leaned down to slide his tongue across her sensitive skin, goosebumps appeared and she slung her arms around his neck to pull him to her lips, away from her stomach.

  Chuck obeyed with a chuckle, but broke their kiss and arranged her arms over her head, “Keep them there,” he said and sat up to feast his eyes on her upper body. Inch by inch he devoured her with his eyes. Linda felt excited wetness dripping from her core and moaned. Until suddenly self-doubt entered her brain. What if he didn’t like what he saw?

  Linda moved her arms and folded them across her breasts to keep his gaze away. She could see the disappointment in his eyes when he said, “Sweetheart, why are you hiding from me?”

  She bit her lower lip and tried to look away, but he’d already moved beside her and pulled her into his chest. “You are so beautiful, I could look at you forever.”

  He couldn’t mean that for real. Or could he? Chuck wasn’t a man to use empty flattery and so far he’d meant everything he’d said in her presence. Linda closed her eyes for a moment and then pushed away from his embrace and searched his eyes. She couldn’t find any dishonesty in them, only desire, love – and concern.

  “Wait,” she said and took a deep breath. “Tell me the truth, do you really think I’m beautiful?”

  Chuck gave a short laugh, but immediately became serious. “Linda, you have no idea how gorgeous you are.” Nate had said the same t
hing, but she’d always believed he’d done so to make her feel better.

  His hand caressed her cheek. “Your brown eyes make me lose my control and I want to kiss your adorable smile every time I see it.” He cocked his head and slid his hand down her neck, “I love every inch of your beautiful body, and I wouldn’t mind a few more inches to worship here…” stroking her shoulder, “and here…” sliding down her ribs, “and here…” resting on her hips, “and most definitely here,” cupping her ass.

  Tingles shot across her body and her eyes widened. “You don’t think I’m fat?”

  His hand stopped and he propped himself on his elbow. “Whoever put that idea in your mind? If anything, you’re too skinny.”

  She sighed. Chuck was right, but all her life she’d been surrounded by women chasing size zero, and somehow being skinnier than everyone else had become her goal – a means to receive the appreciation she’d always been denied.

  “I love you, “ he whispered, “and for me you’re the most beautiful woman on the planet.”

  Her skin tickled and heated at his words, and she decided to table her self-doubts and problems for now and let him finish what he’d started. “Make love to me.”

  Chuck grinned down at her and gave her a rough kiss. A kiss that displayed all his love and desire for her, but also his desperate need to have her trust him – and herself.

  He undressed both of them, and then crawled between her spread thighs, using his hands and his mouth to skim up her body. She was as ready for him as she could ever be and urged him to make her his.

  Chuck didn’t need much coercing, and carefully entered her in one slow move. Linda gasped at the sensation and lifted her heels to bracket his hips, countering every of his thrusts with a move of her hips. “Feels. So. Good.”

  “Yes…Don’t. Stop.” He groaned.

  “Can’t. Don’t want to,” she gasped out as her body began to spasm uncontrollably. Pleasure consumed her and she screamed his name as, with one final thrust of his hips, he sent them both soaring for the heavens.

  Much later, they drove to the doctors’ office to pick up Courage and her suitcases. “Do you think he’ll get along with Drake’s cats?” Chuck asked her.


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