The Zoran's Mate (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides)

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The Zoran's Mate (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides) Page 6

by Luna Hunter

  He furrows his brow, and it’s so damn sexy it makes my pussy throb with desire. I’m trying to have a heart-to-heart here so I try to ignore it, but my body wants what my body wants. And right now, what I want is pressing right against me, only a thin layer of furs separating our two naked, perfectly compatible bodies.


  “Yes, your tribe. The Maker. That’s what you call your tribe, right?”

  He shakes his head. “No tribe. Only Turnon. Only Maker.”

  “I don’t understand. You don’t have a tribe?”


  “So it’s just you out here?”


  “But how?” I ask. “This doesn’t make sense. You didn’t crawl out of an egg. You must have come from somewhere.”

  “Yes,” he says, looking up at the sky. “The Maker.”

  I’m more confused than ever. He’s all alone? A myriad of emotions fill me. I’m relieved I won’t have to deal with a whole tribe of alien warriors who might not accept me, but at the same time, the realization that we truly are alone out here kinda scares me.

  I realize that in the back of my mind I thought his tribe might have some way of contacting humanity. The fact that I’m really stranded out here was something I just couldn’t quite accept.

  But now I know it’s the truth.

  I’m stranded.

  I might never see home again. My parents. Sarah. Her unborn baby. I’ll never see any of them again. The Nezdek ship could have been killed by the Asir. Humanity might be locked into a massive war with the Nezdek — I’m just one lost human of many. The girls back in the shuttle probably don’t register on the galactic scale of this war.

  No one might be coming.

  “Are you okay?” Turnon asks.

  “I, I need a moment,” I say. My chest feels small, like I can’t breathe. It’s all hitting me at once, like a ton of bricks. No one might be coming. I thought that’s what I wanted — to start our own little family, free of all cares, free of work and stress and traffic and noise, just me, him, nature, and a baby or two or three — but now that it’s coming true I feel overwhelmed.

  I feel trapped.

  I can’t breathe.

  “Calm down,” Turnon says. “Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. I’ve got you.”

  He holds me tightly, running his hand down my back as I hyperventilate. I follow his instructions, and the black spots in my vision disappear.

  Okay, I might be trapped here.


  But at least I’ve got Turnon.



  I WAKE up with the sun shining in my face. I squint and see the vague outline of Turnon, hunched over a fire, preparing yet another exquisite meal for us both.

  Memories of last night come trickling in. I remember how panicked I was, and my heart rate is instantly jacked up.

  I also remember how Turnon held me, how he stroked my back, how he let me fall asleep in his arms, keeping me warm, safe, protected.

  The alien warrior is the silent type. I know little about his past, about his life here, what makes him tick. I do know he’s an excellent kisser, hunter, warrior and provider. Perhaps I’m crazy for putting my life in his capable hands, but I don’t really have any other choice.

  I sit up straight and take a deep breath and find my center. Last night I let my emotions get the best of me. I won’t let that happen again. I’m a capable woman. A scientist. I can learn to take care of myself, and I’ve got the ultimate woodsman to show me the ropes. Granted, I thought my life would center more around publishing papers and giving lectures than hunting wild animals, plucking berries and weaving baskets, but the same principles apply.

  It’s all about learning.

  “Morning,” Turnon says. “Did you sleep okay?”

  Either I’m starting to understand the warrior’s grunts and growls more, or he’s becoming more articulate by the day.

  “I slept fine, thank you,” I say, stretching my arms above my head. “What’s on the menu for today?”

  “Fresh satik from stream,” he says as he hands me a grilled fish. I eat in silence as I watch Turnon work the fire.

  I can’t let him dote on me like this, as tempting as it is. I want to be able to pull my own weight. Rather than let his sexy muscles distract me, I’m going to keep my focus on watching how he does all that he does.

  “How is ankle?”

  I move my toes and try it out. “Feels good,” I answer. “Still a bit sore, but I should be able to walk just fine.”

  He nods. “Maker not far. Half a day. Maybe less.”

  I thought we were going to see his tribe at first, but now I don’t have a clue what ‘the Maker’ actually is. Every time I ask him about it he points up at the sky. My best bet is that we’re heading to some kind of shrine where he prays to his god.

  We could use some divine intervention right about now.

  “Is there anywhere nearby where I can freshen up?”

  Turnon raises one eyebrow. Perhaps some things do get lost in translation. I mimic washing myself, and he finally gets the hint and points me towards a small stream.

  I thank him and make my way over to the water. It’s surprisingly cold, and I already miss Turnon’s hot spring. Despite the cold, I try to clean up as best I can.

  When I return to the campsite I find that Turnon has extinguished the fire, rolled the tarp back up and cleaned the campsite. It’s like we were never even there.

  “Ready?” he asks.

  I nod. “Lead the way.”

  I follow his cute behind back into the jungle. It’s decidedly cooler today than it was yesterday — though it’s far from cold. The sky is overcast, the two suns hidden behind thick layers of grey clouds.

  I know what that means.

  Barely thirty minutes into our trek, thick drops of rain start falling from the sky. At first the leaves and branches of the trees above us keep us dry, but soon the water starts trickling down as well. I look up to see a beautiful rainbow cut across the sky.

  “Look!” I point.

  I glance down — and see Turnon is completely naked and stuffing his loincloth into his pouch.

  “W-wow,” I stammer as I watch thick drops of water slide down his purple chest. That’s a sight I wasn’t expecting to see. “W-what are you doing?”

  The alien warrior strides over to me, his orange-colored cock, already an impressive size even when it’s not fully hard, moving around mesmerizingly.

  He grabs my furs and strips me naked. I’m too flabbergasted to protest. He stuff my furs into his pouch as well — it’s impressively elastic.

  “Rain,” Turnon growls. “Furs get wet, take time to dry. Better to walk without.”

  “You mean naked?” I blurt out. “You expect me to walk through the jungle naked?”

  He furrows his brow. “Yes,” he growls. “Is there problem?”

  I glance around. Normally, I would say yes-of-course-that’s-a-problem-you-crazy-hermit-alien, but there’s nothing normal about my stay here.

  There’s nothing ordinary about having sex with a smoking hot, purple, seven-foot-tall alien warrior in the hot spring underneath his cave. So why would I draw the line at streaking through a forest?

  After all, we’re on a deserted planet, aren’t we? There’s nothing out here except us two.

  “No problem,” I say, a naughty current running through me. “Lead the way.”

  His eyes scan my naked frame with a smile on his lips before he turns around. I see his cock is already growing, and I can already feel myself growing wet.

  I find him impossible to resist.

  The alien warrior leads the way, and I follow in his tracks, my eyes never leaving that sculpted ass of his for a moment. He was right — this is much better.

  The rain makes Turnon’s body glisten, accentuating the many muscles in his fine body, and making my arousal grow stronger by the minute.

  Thick drople
ts of the cool rain fall down on my shoulders as well, sliding down my naked body. The water is cool, and my nipples stiffen as a result. A breeze of warm air whips my hair up, and it feels perfect on my naked, sensitive skin.

  I stop for a moment to enjoy all of the sensations. The wet grass between my toes, the cool rain kissing my naked body, the warm wind stroking it… I feel in harmony with nature itself, like this strange planet is welcoming me.

  When I open my eyes again, I see Turnon looking right at me.

  And his orange cock is standing at full attention.

  I can’t help but lick my lips. Being so completely naked out in the open is making me more adventurous than normal. I want him — right here, right now, in all our savage, animal glory.

  I do the most lewd thing I can imagine. I turn around and place my hands against a tree, jutting my naked ass out towards him in a wanton mating display.

  I don’t need foreplay — the sight of his naked body has left me dripping wet already. Right now, I just want to be fucked.

  Luckily, the alien warrior gets the hint. He strides over and grabs hold of my waist with his strong, purple hands. He lifts me up effortlessly, so that my toes are dangling above the forest floor, my hands resting against the bark for support.

  “Fuck me,” I breathe. “Fuck me, Turnon. Make me yours.”

  I don’t need to tell him twice.

  He enters me with a single push — I’m that wet. His cock spreads me apart, filling me up so beautifully. Pure pleasure radiates from my core outwards, reaching every last fiber of my being.

  Turnon growls my name as he drives himself into me. I close my eyes, the world around me disappearing for an instant. My universe is condensed down to one thing and one thing only: The beautiful, strong, hard, throbbing alien cock that’s being forced inside of me.

  “Oh god,” I moan. “Oh yes!”

  My pussy makes a squelching sound as he fucks me. In any other place, on any other planet I would have been embarrassed, but with Turnon, I don’t care. We’re fucking like animals, all sounds, smells and tastes included.

  The rain continues to fall down us both. I feel it sliding down my back, my waist, my legs. The birds are chirping above us as we create our own animal sounds — my moans coupled with Turnon’s low grunts.

  My alien mate lifts me up and turns me around, pressing my back against the massive tree as he slides his cock back into me. My legs hook around his waist, urging him in deeper, as he impales me on his spear.

  I can feel every inch of him. Every ridge, every bump, every single part of him — and I crave and savor every second of it.

  His mouth finds mine, and we kiss passionately and hungrily. His teeth sink into my bottom lip, and I cry out his name, begging him to fuck me harder, deeper, faster.

  Turnon’s hips become a blur as he pounds himself into me, driving me up the wall. The massive tree itself shakes as he fucks me with all his might, a few of its fruits falling to the ground.

  “Come inside me,” I plead.

  I want nothing more than to feel his cock grow again. I love that moment right before he comes, when he can’t hold back, when he gives that final, hard push, when his face scrunches up in ecstasy. It’s the most intimate moment imaginable, and I want it — now and forever.

  Turnon gives me just what I need. His tongue meets mine, a low throaty growl rising from his chest as he fucks me even harder and his cock grows harder and harder until his fingers sink into my skin and he explodes deep, deep inside of me with a loud cry that moves the treetops and frightens the birds.

  I bury my face in his neck, drowning in his manly scent as he fills me with his seed. My toes curl up, my nipples rubbing against his hard chest, and the feeling of his cum filling me sends me over the edge.

  My orgasm matches his for intensity, but I muffle my screams by kissing his ear, neck, cheek, anything I can get my mouth on. My nails sink into his back, the pleasure crashing over me in endless waves, one after another, until I’ve forgotten where we are, and all I can do is let Turnon lower me to the floor and let me doze off on his naked chest.

  When I open my eyes again, after regaining my breath for a minute, I feel embarrassed. Did this alien warrior just make me orgasm so hard I nearly passed out?

  Turnon is lying on his back on the grass, his hands stroking my back, a permanent smile etched onto his chiseled face, while I’m resting on top of him.

  “Welcome back.”

  I don’t know what to say, so I don’t say anything, and I kiss him. He kisses me back, his hands traveling down my back. I love his firm touch, the way he holds me and positions me in whichever way he wants.

  “Shouldn’t we get moving?” I ask, my finger drawing circles on his broad chest. “Before we spend another day here frolicking about.”

  “Yes,” he growls. “We should… there’s just one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  He reaches down and places his still-hard cock against my dripping wet entrance. With one hand he grabs my neck and pulls me down, kissing me hard as he slides his cock back into me, his hips thrusting upwards.

  A tingle of joy travels down my spine when I realize this is only the beginning…




  My body is still tingling when we arrive at the lake in front of Batu Hill, home of the Maker, an hour later.

  My home.

  The rain has stopped, yet neither of us have found any reason to get dressed. Being naked allows for better access, after all. We walk with our arms wrapped around each other’s waists. I grab her ass every few steps, while Ava grabs my cock and giggles.

  “Does it ever get smaller?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  Her cheeks are crimson. “Never mind.”

  Ava’s eyes light up when she sees the clear lake. “Last one in is a rotten egg,” she says as she dashes forward and dives into the water. “Oh my god, it’s freezing!” she cries.

  I can’t help but laugh. This water comes directly from the mountains, and as such, it’s still quite cold.

  “What are you waiting for?” she says. “Come on in!”

  As tempting as the offer is, we’re too close to delay any longer. I must ask the Maker for answers. And arriving wet is a bad idea… I made that mistake once as a child. Never again.

  “I can’t,” I say. “I must travel to the top of this hill.”

  “Are we close?”


  “Okay, I’ll get ready,” she says as she climbs out of the water.

  My cock hardens instantly when I see her naked, dripping wet form. Fuck, her body was made for my cock. I have to use every ounce of my self-control to resist her.

  “No,” I say. “You wait here.”

  She stands still, one foot dangling in the water.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You must wait here. It’s not safe for you up there.”

  “But I’ll be by your side. You can protect me, right?”

  “Not from the Maker.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest and frowns at me.

  “Trust me. I’ll be right back, as soon as possible.”

  I kiss her on the forehead. “Beasts never venture close to Batu Hill. You will be safe here. I won’t be long.”

  I can tell from her body language that Ava is far from satisfied, but I have no other choice. The Maker can be… erratic. Hard to understand. Safer this way.

  The climb upwards is longer than I remember. I traversed this road so often in my youth, but I abandoned it many suns ago. The path has become overgrown, and I nearly lose my way. Finally, after a hard climb, I have reached her.

  The Maker.

  She is just as tall as I remember, dominating the crater on top of the hill. The light is reflected off her curved body, the sun illuminating her many colors.

  I approach carefully.

  “Sorry,” I say. “It has been too long. I have retur
ned with many questions, Maker.”

  I stand still in front of her and place my hand on her body. Lights start flashing, and I hear a familiar hum coming from inside.

  “Turning on…” her voice says.

  I nod. “Yes, I’m here.”

  “Welcome back. It has been… 549 days… since your last visit.”

  “I am sorry, Maker,” I say. “I have come with many questions. Where do I even begin? A guest has arrived from the stars… my mate! She is wonderful. My wait is over! I feel so many things, all the same time, it’s indescribable. Happiness beyond what I thought possible. Yet, it also leaves me with many questions. Questions I am afraid to ask her. That’s why I turn to you, Maker. What does it all mean? Where did she come from? Where did I come from?”

  The Maker hums softly as she contemplates an answer. I kneel down in front her and wait, like I have done so many times before.

  Now, more than ever, I need her guidance, for I am beginning to doubt all of the Maker’s teachings.



  I PACE across the tall grass. I skip stones across the water of the lake. I start counting all the different flowers that grow by the waterside. I draw figures in the dirt with a stick.

  I can’t take this anymore.

  It’s been, what, an hour? If not more? Turnon said he’d be right back, but I haven’t seen any sign of him since he disappeared up that hill, and the twin suns are starting their descent. I am cold and hungry, and the post-sex glow has completely faded away.

  Now, I’m just becoming increasingly worried. I should never have let him leave my side.

  A bird cries out close by, and I nearly jump out of my skin. Fuck this. I’m finding Turnon, whether he likes it or not!

  Full of vigor, I start my climb up the hillside, following the track my alien mate traveled. It’s overgrown, but underneath the plants I can see the signs of a path. The suns are shining on my back as I travel up, the sky slowly turning pink.


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