Ellena [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Ellena [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Exactly. There are numerous ongoing investigations, but I have a feeling Parker K is involved somehow,” Leon told them.

  “Parker K? That asshole outta jail already?” Mack asked, knowing very well that Parker was a gangster involved with police corruption and illegal drugs, among other things.

  “He got out three months ago, but his operation ran strong in his absence. Anyway, yesterday, I was working and one of the officers brought in a guy on drug selling and possession. A good amount, too. But we have some leads indicating that a few hotels and restaurants may be fronts for these drug transactions. I want you to be aware of this, Mack, considering you do a lot of business transactions and lunch dates in the area. Watch your back, keep your eyes opened. These thugs would think nothing of shooting up a joint to get their message across or to cover up a situation,” Leon told Mack.

  “Will do, brother, and you better watch yourself, too. Didn’t Parker K threaten Eloi at one time or another?” Mack asked.

  “Him and a few of the officers working in the Eighth District. That’s how the feds found out about the corruption,” Roy added, and Leon nodded.

  “I’m careful, but I’m also not turning my back on something just because Parker K is involved. He’s going down for good and I wouldn’t mind one bit being on the team that takes him down.”

  “You be careful, Leon. As Cherise would say, you don’t need to call on the devil. Sometimes the devil finds you,” Roy said. Leon took a slug of his beer as a feeling of foreboding filled his gut.

  Chapter 3

  Ellena checked in to her hotel then decided to stroll the streets of the French Quarter. She started out on Decatur Street then made her way through Bourbon Street and Royal. Her favorite part about walking through the touristy spots was the sound of street musicians. The way they strummed on the guitars and blew on their trumpets and tubas as people tossed bills and coins into a bucket was so cool to see and hear. Tonight she would dine at Lustre Restaurant, her friend Frederick Owen’s place.

  She stood by one of the corner stores that was selling jewelry, homemade candles, and cosmetics from local artisans. She listened to the band playing music and noticed the tourists coming and going, all smiling and enjoying their visit. The smell of food from the various vendors filled the air. Her stomach growled, and she debated about having a quick snack before heading back toward Lustre. Knowing Frederick, he would prepare everything from appetizers to dessert for her to try. He wanted to impress her in the hopes that she would continue to say that he cooked like a local and maintained authentic New Orleans cuisine. She in turn was on the hunt for some new delicious recipes to offer at Aubert’s.

  It was a beautiful, warm night. The sun was setting, and she had a good thirty minutes before having to head to Lustre. She browsed some of the items on display from a local merchant. There were gorgeous silk scarves, fine handmade jewelry, and a pretty set of earrings that caught her attention.

  “Those are beautiful. I hand make all the jewelry myself. The backings are gold coated, so they last and they even have a clip to lock them in place,” the older lady behind the table told her.

  “They are very pretty,” Ellena said as she looked at the green-and-gold dangling earrings. They were nearly identical to her eye color.

  “Try them on, miss. You can look in the mirror,” the woman said. As Ellena began to try on the earrings, she noticed two men approach the table. The woman who worked there looked a bit frightened but annoyed, and she reached under the table and pulled out an envelope. She handed it to one of the men. They in turn began to walk away toward a car with tinted windows.

  Ellena knew it wasn’t any of her business, but it sure did seem suspicious. She was looking at herself in the mirror, checking out the earrings when she heard a male voice and sensed someone behind her.

  “Those are lovely and bring out the brilliant green of your eyes.”

  She noticed the woman behind the counter almost bow before moving a bit away to help another customer. Ellena had the feeling that the man was important as she turned to look up at him.

  She swallowed hard. He had dark, almost-black eyes, well-styled hair, and a firm jaw. Dressed in a button-down dress shirt and tie, he appeared sophisticated. She instantly felt on guard.

  “I’m not sure really.” Ellena began to take one of the earrings out of her ear. He stopped her by gently tracing a finger down her arm.

  “I would not lie to such a lovely woman. Those are meant for you,” he whispered. She couldn’t help but stare at him and the intense, almost dictator-like aura he had.

  “Mia, these earrings are made for her don’t you think?” He asked the woman behind the counter, who immediately stopped helping the other customer to help this man.

  “Yes sir, they match her eyes beautifully. She is quite lovely.” Ellena felt her cheeks warm. This was kind of embarrassing.

  “How much?” he asked.

  “Twenty, sir.”

  He tossed the twenty-dollar bill on the counter then looked at Ellena and smiled. “You deserve even better.”

  “Oh, I can’t let you pay for these for me.”

  The woman, Mia, gasped then lowered her head and walked away. Ellena could see the expression on the man’s face change to almost shocked that she’d said such a thing then quickly relaxed again. What was up with this character?

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “Well, I don’t even know you. I do not accept gifts from strangers, especially around here.”

  “I am so sorry. Please excuse my ignorance. My name is Parker and this is my neighborhood.” He reached his hand out for her to take it.

  Cautiously, she reached out, and they shook hands. His grip was firm as he slowly brought her hand up to his face and kissed the top. She was stunned by his debonair move as she stared up at him. He was at least six feet tall. He held his lips inches from her hand as his eyes held her gaze. “And you are?” he asked sweetly.

  “Ellena,” she replied.

  He slowly released her hand and smiled.

  “Now we aren’t strangers.” He winked at her before walking back toward the car. She watched him, her interest piqued by his charismatic display and ability to snag her attention like he had. That was when she saw him whisper something to one of the men. The man looked at her then back at Parker and nodded his head. As not to appear immature or awestruck by the man, she quickly turned away and back toward Mia.

  “Would you like to wear them, miss?”

  “Yes. Who was that man?” Ellena asked Mia. Mia swallowed hard as she took the twenty-dollar bill and placed it into her cash box.

  “You do not know who Mr. Parker is?”

  “No, I don’t live in the French Quarter. I’m just visiting a friend.”

  “Oh, well he is very important around here.”

  “How so?”

  Mia looked around and seemed to be uncomfortable about discussing Mr. Parker in public.

  “He just is. Would you like anything else?”

  Ellena shook her head then turned to walk down the street toward Lustre.

  Feeling as if Mia still watched her as she walked, she turned her head, pretending to decide to cross the street or continue down the block, and she saw the man that Parker had been talking to. He was speaking to Mia, and Mia was shaking her head. He then passed something to Mia, and she said thank you. Then the man turned toward Ellena. She had a funny feeling in her gut, and as she made her way down the street, she knew that the man was following her.

  As she approached the entrance to Lustre, she looked down the street one more time and there was the man leaning against the pole on the side street, watching her. She wondered what the hell was going on, but decided if the man was still there when she got out, then she would call Eloi.

  * * * *

  “So what do you have for me?” Parker K asked his guard Dexter.

  “She is dining at Lustre along with Frederick Owen, the owner and chef. They appear to be friends.”
  “Friends, huh? I want you to remain there and see if they are only friends. Then find out where she lives.”

  “Mia said the woman is just visiting around here, sir.”

  “Then make sure you find out where she is from or at least where she is staying. I’ll have a talk with Frederick tomorrow. We’re meeting then anyway.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Parker hung up the phone and thought about the very young, attractive woman with her shoulder-length black hair. She was so stunning and sophisticated looking. She also had an amazing figure. The slim-fitting knee-length black skirt and beige camisole she wore showed off her tan skin and voluptuous figure. She had hips and an ass and was nowhere near a stick-thin woman. She was perfect. She caught his attention immediately upon driving up to the streets for his men to collect their weekly earnings from the vendors. Seeing her there, she stood out as unique, and he knew that he needed to know her name.

  Dexter would get him the information he needed, and then he would surely see her again.

  * * * *

  “This is amazing, Frederick. You have really outdone yourself,” Ellena said as she finished off the oysters Rockefeller. She took a sip from her glass of wine and smiled at him.

  “I am so happy that you are here, Ellena. It has been too long, my friend.” He took a small sip of wine then stood. “I need to check on a few things. Take your time, relax and the main course will be out momentarily.”

  She stared up into his big brown eyes. The man was a good ten years older than her and had a lot of gray mixed into his dark hair. The stresses of owning and operating a successful restaurant in the French Quarter, she supposed.

  “I look forward to it,” she told him as he winked then walked away.

  Ellena loved the ambiance of Lustre. It was fine Cajun cuisine with a bit of French undertones. His menu varied, offering some fabulous items to satisfy many types of diners. The live band that played in the main dining area wasn’t too loud and maintained light jazz arrangements. Frederick informed her that on Friday and Saturday evenings, the band played more upbeat music, and a soloist sang many traditional New Orleans songs.

  She took a sip from her glass of wine and felt herself relaxing. This was great, and she already looked forward to the meals she would try tomorrow throughout the day starting with breakfast at Casper’s that was a block from her hotel.

  A few minutes later, Frederick returned with her main course.

  “Oh my, Frederick, that smells so good,” she told him as he placed the first platter down in front of her.

  “That is one of my best sellers on the menu. It is lobster étouffée. It’s lobster, shrimp, and crawfish tails sautéed and served in the lobster tail. The side dish is crabmeat au gratin. I like to use cheddar and Swiss, along with the Cajun potatoes and vegetables. You let me know what ya think, sugar,” he stated in his Cajun accent.

  She didn’t know where to start. It all looked and smelled so delicious. She opted for the au gratin, loving the idea of cheddar and Swiss. Taking a small forkful, she relished in the taste and closed her eyes.

  “My, my, Frederick, I may be needing this recipe from you.”

  That brought a smile to his face.

  “Fantastic. I’ll be right back. I need to make sure the kitchen is secure before I break and have supper with you.”

  She smiled at him then continued to enjoy her meal, taking her first bite of the lobster combo.

  An hour later, after indulging in some homemade praline ice cream with fresh berries, Ellena was stuffed and rather tired. She and Frederick knocked off another bottle of red wine, and it was getting late.

  “So what is on the agenda for tomorrow?” he asked as he escorted her to the front of the restaurant.

  Ellena pushed the strands of hair from her face and placed them behind her ear. “Well, Casper’s for breakfast and someplace fun and lively for lunch, perhaps on Bourbon Street, and then of course back here to you for the evening.”

  He smiled wide as he held her shoulders and looked down into her eyes.

  “I am so happy that you decided to visit. I have heard wonderful things about Aubert’s and of course your sister’s lingerie store. I bet you get free samples.” He winked. She felt a bit embarrassed at first and then on the defensive. Since her sister Angelique launched the new store, many people were talking and saying similar things.

  “I’m very proud of Angelique. Thank you so much for dinner. It was exceptional, Frederick.”

  “You are quite welcome.” Frederick gave her a kiss on her cheek.

  “Be sure to keep your eyes opened on your walk back. You’re certain you don’t need an escort?”

  “I will be fine. Good night.” She waved as she stepped out into the evening crowd. The sidewalks were bustling as the late night partiers began to descend onto the streets of the French Quarter. She glanced around and hadn’t caught sight of that man from earlier. She shook her head and wondered why she was such an alarmist. She totally read into the guy following her as well as that man, Parker, who bought her the earrings. She reached up and touched them, loving how pretty they were. Even Frederick had complimented them. She stayed along the main streets making her way back to the hotel. The live music filled the streets and roars of laughter echoed along with it.

  She thought about Orchidea and how it was beginning to prosper. The town was changing and if all went well, they would have a few more local businesses and perhaps that small inn that Mikayla said Pierre was interested in building. That would be wonderful, and as Pierre mentioned, it would be the only inn allowed. That way they could control the amount of strangers in town at one time and enforce the laws. They all agreed, along with the town board that was newly established, that Orchidea needed to maintain that warm, down-on-the-bayou atmosphere. Sure there could be music and celebrations but not craziness.

  Ellena made it to her hotel safely, waving hello at the manager working the front desk before taking the elevator to the third floor. Her room was really pretty and authentic. The hotel was one of the oldest around, and she didn’t worry about any of the spirits that supposedly wandered around at night. Cherise gave her some powder to sprinkle around the room and also a bottle of some special potion to leave out as a gift for any walking dead. Ellena chuckled to herself. How crazy was that voodoo priestess? But then again, Cherise seemed to always know when something was going to happen and if help was needed, so Ellena did as the voodoo priestess instructed.

  Tomorrow she looked forward to breakfast, some time in the spa downstairs, and then more shopping and lunch before Lustre for dinner.

  She looked into the mirror and carefully took off her new earrings as she thought about how much fun she’d had so far. So why was there a slight feeling of nervousness as she removed the earrings and thought about the stranger in town?

  Chapter 4

  Leon and his partner Jessy Berdoux were sitting in a patrol car over on Bourbon Street.

  “This just makes me sick,” Jessy stated as he stared out the window and watched Parker K’s thugs collect money they were forcing vendors to pay. It was a security fee that vendors paid him to ensure protection from crime.

  “Tell me about it, but our hands are tied. This shit goes way deep, Jessy. As much as I’d like to go over there and knock the shit outta those two perps, I can’t.”

  “I know, I know. Just saying it burns me inside is all. So how was that party you went to in Orchidea the other day? Make any progress with that Aubert sista ya like?”

  Leon exhaled.

  “Sorry. I guess I shouldn’t have brought it up then.”

  “Dat woman got us all crazy now. She’s been so busy and then did this sexy song and dance out there at the restaurant, and boy, it took every ounce of self-control for all the Rues to remain in line.”

  “Shit, well she is a mighty fine-looking woman.”

  “That she is. Ya know, Eloi said she taking a few days and staying out here in the Quarter. Visiting a friend,
he said.”

  “Yeah?” Jessy asked as he sat forward and stared at Leon.

  “Well, what you and your brothers gonna do ’bout that? Don’t ya think ya should track her down or something?” Jessy asked, his thick Cajun accent becoming more prominent in his speech the more riled up he got.

  Leon shook his head. “Got to play this smart, Jessy. Ellena as tough as a Cajun woman comes. She’s stubborn, she’s always trying to take care of everyone, and she’s just plain scared of us. I don’t know why, but I’m hoping to start working on it when she returns to Orchidea. It would be great if I saw her here.”

  “Maybe you should have asked Eloi what hotel she staying at. That way you could just happen to be nearby and bump into her. Ya know, maybe ask her to supper or something?”

  “I thought about it. Believe me, I especially don’t like the idea of her walking around here at night with the food festival and drink contests going on. She’s only twenty-seven, and as you said, a mighty pretty young woman. She shouldn’t be wandering the streets alone.”

  “More the reason for you to track her down and provide a bit of security, don’t you think?”

  Leon thought about that a moment. It probably wouldn’t do any harm to stop in and check on her. She’d probably get all annoyed with him. He felt the anxiety immediately. What if some horny Cajun tried to move in on her. She wasn’t used to walking around the streets of the Quarter. “Shit,” he stated as he started the ignition and headed back toward the precinct. He would ask Eloi where Ellena was staying and then decide what to do next.

  * * * *

  Ellena had finished a delicious breakfast and was now trying to walk off her meal and do some more shopping past Royal Street. She was making her way through the small crowds when she spotted the patrol car coming down the road. She nearly twisted her neck trying to see the driver, hoping that it was Leon. As the officer passed by, she realized that it wasn’t him and was shocked at the disappointed feeling she had.


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