Stand-in: Take 3 of the Kanyon and Daylen Series

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Stand-in: Take 3 of the Kanyon and Daylen Series Page 24

by K. B. Draper

  “Got it. I was just taking a few seconds to plot your death.”

  “What’d ya come up with? Death by tongue down my throat?” Theo taunted.

  Kanyon smiled. “She brings out the best in him. It’s like he’s growing up right before our eyes.”

  “Yes. We should be so proud,” Daylen offered as she pulled Blue back farther when she tried to kick out at Theo. “Blue, knock it off.”

  “Ha! You got in trouble!” Theo taunted.

  “Theo, you too.” Daylen directed.

  “Totally the mom,” Kanyon added.

  As they walked, Blue glared at Theo, Theo glared back, and Ralph sniffed the air for food. Kanyon glanced at her watch feeling the effects of the long day and the Lexi encounter. “It’s nearly two-thirty,” Kanyon groaned.

  “You have to be tired.” Daylen stated, laying a hand at the small of Kanyon’s back.

  “Tired and sore, but good thanks to you.”

  “You know, this healing thing doesn’t give you a stupid pass to jump into every dangerous situation. We have no idea what the limits are,” Daylen stated.

  “No stupid pass. Got it. Are there any other passes available?”

  Daylen chuckled. “One that gets you a ride home.”

  Chapter 18

  When Daylen parked in Kanyon’s driveway, Kanyon looked at the passengers in the backseat. Blue, Theo, and Ralph were all asleep. “Crashed out.” Kanyon stated. “Get them inside?”

  They roused the sleeping trio. Blue grumbled her way to the guesthouse, Ralph disappeared into the living room where they heard the TV go on, and Kanyon got Theo tucked away in a spare bedroom before meeting Daylen back in the kitchen.

  “All tucked in?” Daylen asked.

  “All tucked in,” Kanyon confirmed.

  “Okay. Then I should probably–” Daylen started.

  “Stay. You should probably stay,” Kanyon suggested, moving to stand in front of Daylen.

  “You sure?”

  “What kind of Guardian would I be if I let my Seeker drive across L.A. at three in the morning?” Kanyon asked while sliding her arms around Daylen’s waist.

  Daylen wrapped hers around Kanyon’s neck. “A pretty sucky one, I guess.”

  They pressed together in a kiss. Daylen leaned back with a smile. “Is that a supernatural cologne bottle in your pocket or …”

  “Both,” Kanyon chuckled, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the ornate, silver spray bottle.

  “Crazy how such a small, pretty thing can cause so much havoc,” Daylen stated.

  Kanyon looked down at the small, pretty thing standing before her that was currently causing her heart so much havoc. “Crazy,” Kanyon agreed.

  Daylen took the bottle, sat it on the counter, then focused her attention on Kanyon. “Upstairs?”

  “Upstairs,” Kanyon confirmed.

  “I’d like to find my aunt tomorrow or I guess today. I think it’s about time we get some more answers and find out why she’s been avoiding me. She didn’t offer any help on this case and I want to know about–”

  “About the guy with a flame thrower for hands?”

  “That. Definitely that.” Daylen agreed before she paused at Kanyon’s bedroom door, remembering the last time she’d entered, the last time she’d ended up falling asleep in Kanyon’s bed, curled up in Kanyon’s arms. A sudden flash of heat rushed into her body.

  Kanyon noticed Daylen’s hesitancy. “I simply want you with me tonight. I’m not assuming that … I mean …” Kanyon waved awkwardly at the bed. “We don’t–”

  “It’s not that. Just thinking about the last time I was here. You were hurt then too.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “Can I see?”

  Flashes of the last time Daylen inspected her wounds rushed through Kanyon, causing her to pause. “I think they’re fine,” she started hesitantly, not sure if she’d be able to hold back this time if Daylen touched her.

  “I’d like to just make sure. I don’t even know if I fully understand what happened.”

  Kanyon nodded slowly. “I’m not exactly sure myself.”

  “Let me look?” Daylen asked as she moved to Kanyon.

  Kanyon knew her back was still red and raw. She could still feel a light stinging. “I don’t thi–”

  Daylen pulled the tail of Kanyon’s shirt out of the waist of her jeans. She slid her hands up Kanyon’s sides, lifting Kanyon’s shirt as she went. Her thumbs grazed the curves of Kanyon’s breasts, pausing briefly before continuing their ascent.

  Kanyon let Daylen slide her shirt over her head and simply stood there as Daylen stepped back to take in the sight of her.

  Daylen sighed. “God, you’re so beautiful.” She ignored the desire to undress the rest of Kanyon, wanting first to make sure that she was okay. “Turn around?” Daylen asked softly. Kanyon didn’t comply immediately. “Please.”

  “Promise you won’t–”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Daylen assured her.

  Kanyon nodded, doing as Daylen asked, dropping her head at Daylen’s quick intake of breath.

  “Oh my god.” Kanyon’s once beautiful back was scarred with overlapping slashes of long slicing wounds that were in vicious contrast to Kanyon’s otherwise smooth, olive-toned skin. Daylen reached out tentatively, her fingertips lightly brushing over a slash. “It’s like you were struck with a whip.”

  Kanyon spoke to distract her body from Daylen’s soft touch that was sending waves of warmth to her core. “That’s pretty much what it felt like. Not that I’ve been whipped before. Well, there was that one time in Key West in my early twenties after several shots of tequila with a drag queen named Missy Spanks-o-lot.”

  “Cute.” Daylen traced a finger down a pink wound, then pulled it away when she felt Kanyon’s muscles tremor underneath her touch. “I’m so sorry. It has to hurt.”

  Kanyon turned back to her. “Quite the opposite actually.” She lifted Daylen’s hand and pressed it against her heart. “Your touch heals me. Old wounds and new.”

  Daylen leaned into Kanyon. “Then I guess I better touch you a lot.” Daylen laughed. “Good lord, that was bad.”

  Kanyon chuckled. “Bad, but I like the way you think.” She lifted Daylen’s fingers to her lips and kissed their tips.

  “Do you have any aloe or Vitamin B? Maybe we can put some on your back so it doesn’t scar?”

  “In the bathroom cabinet, maybe.”

  “Lie down on the bed and I’ll see what I can find.”

  Kanyon jolted as cold lotion hit her back, then moaned when Daylen began to rub it into her wounds. The mix of cold and the heat of Daylen’s hands soaking into her skin had her insides groaning in need.

  Daylen focused on Kanyon’s injuries letting the heat rise in her then releasing it through her hands. She straddled Kanyon’s hips and unlatched the black bra strap that lay across the scars. She had to speak about something or this was going down in the Guinness Book of World Records as the shortest massage ever. “Tell me again what happened tonight?” Daylen prompted. “Is it possible the hooded guy was there?”

  Kanyon took in a deep breath and let it out on a groan. “I don’t know. I didn’t see him. Or sense him.”

  “So, the only person there was–”

  “Yep,” Kanyon confirmed.

  “That would mean–”

  Kanyon rolled her hips to face Daylen. “Means,” Kanyon sat up with Daylen still straddling her hips. “I don’t want to think about her tonight.”

  Daylen wrapped her arms around Kanyon’s neck. “What do you want to think about?” Daylen gave a little roll of her own hips against Kanyon’s, just in case Kanyon needed any suggestions. She didn’t.

  Kanyon pulled Daylen’s mouth down to hers and drank her in, in one long intoxicating tease of her tongue.

  Daylen had been so lost in the soul-melding kiss, it wasn’t until she felt Kanyon’s hands slide up the bare skin of her back, that she realized Kanyon had removed her shi
rt. She traced kisses along Kanyon’s jaw and neck as Kanyon traced fingertips along her waist, sides, and the edges of her breasts. Kanyon’s fingers were electrified sending sparking waves and arches of passion throughout Daylen’s body. Daylen moved against Kanyon. “God, I want you,” escaping on an exhale into Kanyon’s ear as she kissed and nipped her way back to Kanyon’s mouth.

  Kanyon’s heart groaned and the light between them grew brighter. She pushed up, wanting … no needing to see Daylen. She slid a hand to the clasp of Daylen’s bra. She took the clasp in two fingers then flicked.

  Daylen smiled when her bra released, looking down at it loose at her breasts. “You’re ridiculous. You know that, right?”

  Kanyon lifted a finger and gently tugged down a strap, causing the bra to slide off the rest of the way. “I want you too,” Kanyon whispered before taking Daylen in her mouth.

  Daylen’s head lulled back as Kanyon kissed and teased with her tongue. The groan escaping her lips was cut off, when the door slammed behind her. Daylen looked over her shoulder, then back at Kanyon in time to catch the smirk on her lips and the flashes of blue light dancing in her eyes.

  Kanyon flipped their positions. “Only you,” she whispered, as she hovered over Daylen’s lips.

  “Only you,” Daylen whispered back, as she took Kanyon’s mouth again.


  Kanyon left Daylen sleeping in her bed, knowing just how little sleep they’d gotten. She was too happy to sleep. Too … well, yeah. So, she was down in the kitchen by eight with an eight-mile run already complete. The first three worked to burn off extra energy while thinking about Daylen, the last five had been because Marcus popped in and ordered, “With me Guardian.” And they ran. He’d pushed her to keep up with him, her legs burning with a new speed she’d never known before. Not ‘The Flash’ kind of speed, not even supernatural speed, but that of the most gifted athlete. It felt good, the release of energy, the challenge to keep such an enduring pace, the fight to keep stride with such an elite warrior. When they hit her driveway, Marcus simply bowed as he disappeared.

  She grabbed her bottle of water and walked into the backyard, quickly checking it and the pool for creatures. She found a red-skinned, horned, she-demon that looked suspiciously like her mother lying poolside on a lounge chair with a sun reflecting board under its chin. She smiled.

  She peeled off her T-shirt and shorts, leaving herself in her sports bra and underwear. She moved to the deep end and dived in, causing the slightest ripple in the water. She emerged, transitioning easily into the smooth rhythm of a well-practiced swimmer. She glided effortlessly from end to end, adding lap after lap to her morning workout. The sounds of the world around her drowned out, she lost herself in the memories of the night before. Pale pink toes, skimmed the edge of the water bringing her from the past into the heart-pounding present.

  “Good morning,” Daylen greeted, as Kanyon swam up to her. “You’re up early.” She ran a hand through Kanyon’s wet hair.

  “Met Marcus on a run, then decided to jump in and cool off. Join me?”

  “No bathing suit.”

  Kanyon smirked as she moved between Daylen’s legs. “All the better.”

  “I ahh …”

  “Have no excuse,” Kanyon finished for her, sending a playful splash her way.

  Daylen leaned away. “Hey, you’re getting my clothes wet.”

  “My clothes,” Kanyon reminded her. “And since they’re mine, I want them back. Now.”

  Daylen met Kanyon’s challenging look. “Fine.” She stood, not taking her eyes off Kanyon. She pulled off her top, exposing a lacy red bra. She hooked two thumbs in the waistband of the sleeping pants Kanyon had left out for her, shimmied her hips a few times, watching as Kanyon’s eyes went from playful to lustful. When Kanyon gave her a “give me” signal with her hand, she slid the pants the rest of the way down her legs, happy that she’d adopted the keep a change of clothes in your car policy, as the matching red underwear revealed itself. She held up Kanyon’s pants for dramatic effect, then dropped them before walking around to the other end of the pool.

  Kanyon watched Daylen’s every step, having to remind herself to breathe.

  Daylen stepped up to the edge of the pool, dived in, and like Kanyon, split the water with barely a wake. Kanyon was still replaying the way Daylen’s muscles stretched and flexed as she dove, when her feet were suddenly swept out from under her. She went under, popping up two seconds later sputtering. “Ohh, you’re going down now.”

  Daylen screamed as she took off swimming. Kanyon quickly overtook her, grabbing one leg and drawing Daylen back to her. “Kanyon, don’t.”

  “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t … whatever you’re thinking. Don’t.” Daylen laughed as Kanyon brought her in against her chest.

  “I’m thinking you’re going under.”

  “Kany–” was all Daylen got out before Kanyon took them both under.

  Daylen broke the surface, arms already in full splashing motion. Kanyon fought back for a minute then dove back under. Daylen stopped her water assault when she realized she was the only one engaged. She spun around, trying to find Kanyon above or below the water. She felt the water move at her back just as two arms came around her, pinning her arms to her sides. “What ya gonna to do now, super soaker?” Kanyon taunted as she treaded water for both of them. “Beg for mercy?”

  “Never.” Daylen twisted and kicked to no avail.

  “I should warn you, I’m trained in the art of Chinese water torture,” Kanyon threatened.

  “Water torture, huh?” Daylen tried to wiggle free.

  “Yep.” Kanyon kissed Daylen’s shoulder then her neck.

  Daylen stilled and moaned. Kanyon loosened her grip and Daylen reached back to hold Kanyon tighter against her.

  Kanyon spun Daylen to face her, trailing kisses up her chest and throat.

  Daylen wrapped her legs around Kanyon’s waist and raised Kanyon’s mouth to hers as she slowly rolled her hips. Kanyon pulled back, breathing hard.

  Daylen was struck silent by the water dripping from Kanyon’s impossibly long eyelashes.

  The heat in Kanyon’s body changed from 98.6 to core of the sun, give or take a degree, as the memories of last night mixed with feeling Daylen’s every curve against hers.

  The fire that had lit in Daylen combined with the desire she found in Kanyon’s eyes was choking the breath from her lungs. Her hands moved to Kanyon’s face. “God, I want you. Need you,” she added in a rushed breath.

  Kanyon’s heart tripped. “I lo–”

  “Yeah, sorry to barge in on the Blue Lagoon moment,” Blue said from the pool’s edge as she dumped a Rubbermaid tub into the pool.

  Kanyon didn’t take her eyes off Daylen until she heard the multiple splashes. “Shit. Out! Out of the pool!” Kanyon ordered, pulling Daylen toward the nearest ladder.

  “What is she–” Daylen started as she scrambled to find a foot hold on the ladder.

  “If I had to guess? Freaking guinea pig piranha monsters.”

  “What?” Daylen yelped as Kanyon pushed her up the ladder.

  Blue knelt at the side of the pool, watching the little balls of fur dart around under the water. “I was up all last night making them. Well, all this morning, since you lifted the pool restrictions.” She smiled down at the water splashing over the sides. “Aren’t they freaking awesome?”

  Kanyon and Daylen looked cautiously over the edge to see approximately twenty giant hairballs zipping around. “Creepy is more like it.”

  “Creepy equals awesome, duh.” Blue watched, transfixed on her creations.

  “How did you–” Daylen jolted as two collided causing one to jump out of the water.

  “Those motorized toys people torment their cat with,” Blue answered.

  “And where did you get twenty cat toys at three am?” Kanyon asked.

  Blue waved her off. “I know a guy.”

  “Comforting.” Kanyon walked over to
the cabana and retrieved two towels. She took the opportunity to absorb the sight of Daylen standing there in nothing but her bra and underwear. “Breathtaking,” Kanyon whispered before handing Daylen a towel.

  Daylen gave her a quick smile before turning back to the pool to watch the chaos. “Creepy, yet impressive.” Daylen knelt at the pool’s edge and grabbed for one of Blue’s creations as it swam by. She didn’t even come close.

  “Blue or the creatures?” Kanyon knelt beside her, tracking a creature as it made a pattern around the pool.

  Daylen made another grab. Missed. “Both.” She grabbed again. “Freaking fast little suckers.”

  Kanyon shot her hand in and came out with one by the little wet tail. “What are you calling these things again?” She held it out to Daylen.

  “Show off.”

  “Killer Guinanhas,” Blue supplied.

  “Nice.” Daylen gave the thing a quick inspection, then held it out over the water and dropped it. “Catch and release so you can maim and kill another day.”

  Kanyon stood and toweled off. “I’m going to catch a shower. Care to …” She gave Daylen an eyebrow wiggle.

  Daylen gave her an answering wink. “I’ll meet you there.” Daylen kept her eyes on Kanyon until she disappeared into the house. Still smiling Daylen turned to Blue, just in time to see her finishing up a “gag me” gesture. “You have something to say this morning?”

  “Though I fear I’ll now be subjected to the third ring of kissy-face hell, I’m glad you guys finally pulled your heads out. The will they, won’t they crap was getting exhausting. It was like watching freaking Starsky and Hutch.”

  “Starsky and Hutch?”

  “Yeah, you know, will they jump each other’s bones, won’t they jump each other’s bones. All the sexual tension is exhausting.”

  “Starsky and Hutch never …” Daylen rolled a wrist, “you know.”

  “Slapped night sticks?”

  “No. God. No. And where in the world …” She shook her head. “I wouldn’t even want to know why you thought that, plus Starsky and Hutch is way before your time. Heck, before my time.”


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