Defenseless Hearts

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Defenseless Hearts Page 23

by Meagan Brandy

  My mother’s eyes fly to mine. Every muscle in my body tightens as a grin starts to form on her Botox-filled lips, but before she has a chance to throw me under the bus for my relationship with Kenra, the nurse steps out the door.

  She addresses my mother, “Ma’am, if you would please make your way into the lobby to your left. This is for immediate family only, and it seems you have none here.”

  She looks down on the woman, making it a point to look from her shoes to her badge around her collar, trying to belittle her as best she can. “I will not be sitting in that germ-infested space. I’ll step outside a moment.” She locks her glare with mine. “I will be back, and if you want to avoid going to jail for kidnapping a minor, sister or not, Payton will be here when I do.” With that, she spins and slowly walks back the way she came.

  Nate catches my eye and then turns back to once again gain his mother’s attention. “Ma, what happened? And how’d you get here so fast? Where’s Dad?”

  “I caught a red-eye, but there was only one seat, so Dad’s coming in on the next one. Your aunt and the others picked me up at the airport. We only got here a couple of minutes before you.”

  “What do we know?” Brady asks, moving to kiss his mom’s forehead.

  “Not much,” Nate mumbles.

  Tears start to fall from Sara’s eyes again, and Nate moves to wrap his arms around her.

  “They said Kenra’s unconscious, but from what they could tell, she had nothing major wrong. Nothing visibly broken, just cuts and bruises. They said she hit her head against the window, but the airbag saved her life by lessening the impact.” Sara sniffs, fighting to calm her breathing. “They’re running a bunch of tests on her now. They’re worried about swelling in her brain, but she’s expected to be okay.”

  “Expected?” I breathe, the wind getting knocked out of me at her words.

  Sara’s eyes jump to mine. “We just have to wait, honey.”

  “And Kellan?” I ask, a mixture of anxiousness and uncertainty causing pressure on my chest.

  “He’s in surgery. So far, they said he had a broken elbow and ankle, a punctured lung. They said he almost drowned in his own blood just before paramedics got there.” She covers her mouth with her hand, shaking her head. “God, could you imagine? That family could have lost both their sons tonight.”

  “And Deaton?” I ask quietly. “How’d he … what happened?”

  “There were no airbags in the back, and when they flipped, his head …” She gets choked up. “They said he died instantly.”

  “But Pretty Little … she’s …” Mason’s eyes jump to mine, his forehead creasing from the thought of her pain.

  When I drop my eyes to the floor, he lifts his hands to cover his face.


  “Mason, language,” his mom quietly reminds him, and he storms off, punching the wall as he goes.

  Sara looks to me, her curiosity lacing her tear stained face. “Pretty little?”


  “She and Deaton were a couple?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I whisper.

  She nods. “She’s your sister?”

  “She is.”

  “That poor girl …” She trails off, and the women step forward to hug her.

  That’s the last thing said for the next two hours until the double doors open.

  A man in a white jacket steps through, and Sara tenses and then turns to him. Everyone shields her as he comes closer, and I swear, I’ve never felt so heavy.

  “Mrs. Monroe?”

  “Yes,” she whispers, gripping Nate by his arm.

  “I’m Dr. Bennett. I wanted to let you know your daughter’s tests have come back, and everything looks clear. She was very lucky the airbag went off when it did. We see no major damage or areas of concern. She will have a heck of a headache for a few days.”

  Sara starts sobbing, and Nate’s nostrils flare as he tries to keep it together. And I can’t handle it; moisture builds in my eyes, and I squeeze them shut to blink it away.

  “She does have two cracked ribs, but those will have to heal on their own. Not much we can do but wrap them and help keep her comfortable with medication. Other than that, it just appears she has some expected bruising and fresh cuts.” He glances off, tapping the side of his clipboard a moment, and my muscles tense.

  Her scars.

  I know that’s what he’s thinking about. He wants to mention it, but he has no right. I know how confidentiality works. They aren’t related to the accident, so he can’t say a word.

  Nate sighs. “When can we see her?”

  “We’re getting her cleaned up and moved now. After she’s hooked up and settled, we’ll let you know. Few short hours.” He glances around at us all. “Unfortunately, it will be immediate family only for the first twenty-four hours.”

  Everyone nods in understanding.

  “And Kellan?” Sara asks. “How is he?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t share that with you, Mrs. Monroe. I realize he and your daughter were engaged; however, that doesn’t give me permission to openly discuss his case with you.”

  She nods lightly. “I understand.”

  She thanks the doctor, who excuses himself and moves down the hall to Kellan’s mom, and then everyone moves to shift into the private waiting room, but I slip past them, ignoring Nate’s questioning frown as it follows me to the nurses’ station.

  The woman, the one my mother was a bitch to, glances my way. “What can I do for you?”

  I clear my throat, glancing over my shoulder quickly before turning back to her.

  I keep my voice low. “Kenra Monroe—”

  “Are you family?” she cuts me off.

  I narrow my eyes. “She’s being moved into a private room right now. Her family is here, worried to death and desperate to see her. When they do, they won’t be able to help the guilt they’ll feel for her being in that bed even though it makes no sense.”

  The woman sits back in her chair, her face smoothing out as she listens.

  “Because that’s what good family does. They worry. She’ll be in there, unconscious, and they’ll wanna hold her hand and whisper how much they love her, begging her to wake up,” I croak out the last two words, clearing my throat to try to get a handle on myself. “That girl has a secret they don’t know about, one that might hurt her family more than this accident has.”

  When her brows furrow, my gaze flits between hers.

  “I need you to save those people in there from any more heartache tonight.”

  “How?” she whispers.

  “Wrap her arms from her wrists to just below her elbows. Palms if it’s possible.”

  The woman’s head pulls back slightly, and then her face goes slack as realization dawns.

  Tears fill her eyes, and she slowly stands from the chair. With a small nod, she disappears through the double doors, and I turn back to find Nate leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, his eyes narrowed on me.

  When I get closer, his jaw gets harder, but he kicks off and disappears into the room.

  And that’s good because I don’t have it in me to get into anything with anyone right now.

  I peek in on Payton, finding both her and Chase passed out, her in his lap, him against his fist, and I keep going.

  I make way out to the bottom floor and head out the side entrance.

  I step into the cool morning air and fight for a deep breath.

  It’s still dark out, so I move to find a small corner beside the building, and I fucking cry.

  I had her. She was mine for a night.

  Then, she left me, like she always does, and the cruel world got even crueler, stepped in, and tried to take her from me for good. And I’m fucking over it.

  I’ve been tested. I’ve loved her and lost her, and I’m still here.

  Still so far gone on the girl who cries on the inside and smiles on the out.

  I’m convinced I’m the only one who can bring her back to
being her.

  And I will. Because I’m her safety.

  And I’ll be her defense, protect her from anyone who gets in her—in our—zone even if I have to protect her from herself.

  I don’t care what happens today, tomorrow, next fucking month.

  In the end, it’s her and me.

  It has to be.

  Nate sighs for the hundredth time as he ends his call with Lolli.

  “She threaten to hold out on ya again if you go out there with her?” Mason teases to try to lighten the mood. It works a little, and Ari and Cameron give half-grins while Nate chuckles quietly.

  He looks off with a nod, a deep crease in his brows. “Yeah, man. Something like that.” He brings his hands up to scrub them down his face. “I hate this shit. I feel like I’m picking sitting up here instead of being there for her, and I’m not. I wanna go down there, but she’s stubborn as hell. Fightin’ me tooth and nail.”

  “Yeah”—Brady leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees—“’cause she knows your mama needs you. She ain’t mad, my man. She’s proud you’re up here, doing what’s right by your family.”

  “She’s gonna be my fucking wife. She’s my family just as much, if not more now.”

  Brady nods. “Yeah. She is, but your sister’s hurt, your mama’s sad, and your pops ain’t here yet. And Lolli?” He he holds Nate’s stare. “Lolli’s all right.”

  With a huff, I move to stand, and all eyes shift to me.

  “I’m gonna go check on Payton. See if she or Chase needs anything,” I let them know and head for the private room down the hall.

  When I reach the small room, I find Payton still asleep, her body now cradled in Chase’s lap.

  He gives me a tight nod when I open the door and step in.

  “Hey, man,” I speak quietly. “She … said anything yet?”

  “Not a word,” he whispers.

  “This is so fucked up,” I mutter, lowering myself into the chair across from them, and my head drops to my chest.

  “She told us they’d split up.”

  When my eyes lift to his, he stares.

  “Kenra. She said she and Kellan had broken up, called off the wedding. Was that a lie?”

  I drop back in the chair. “Yeah, man. That was a lie. Far as she told me, she was planning on leaving him. Then, all of a sudden, today happened, and she just … left with him. Just like that.”

  “She’s in love with you, isn’t she?”

  I clench my jaw and glance off with a deep breath.

  “She’s never said it,” he realizes out loud, and my eyes snap to his. He sighs. “And neither have you.”

  “She knew. She knows.”

  “When she wakes up, you need to tell her. Don’t wait any longer, man.”

  I eye him. “You thinking ’bout doing the same thing with Arianna?”

  His gaze cuts from mine. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  A chuckle leaves me. “Come on, man. Your squad’s not in here.”

  He drops his head back and blows out a harsh breath before looking back to me. “I don’t know what’s going on with me and Ari. I used to be able to push thoughts aside, but lately … all of us being at that house, having her right there all the time …” He licks his lips and looks away. “It’s not as easy to keep myself away.”

  “I don’t think she wants you to.”

  “I know she doesn’t. But Mason’s my best friend, and I can’t mess with that. Besides, you see how he is with her and Cameron and even Lolli now. Shit, he’s full caveman with Payton, and he’s known her for a week.”

  We both laugh lightly, and Payton stirs in Chase’s arms.

  Her blue eyes open, shifting around a moment before squeezing shut again.

  I drop down in front of her, running my hand over her hair. “Peep …” I whisper, and her empty eyes slowly fight to reach mine.

  “Parker …” Her voice breaks, and she shifts to wrap her arms around me. “Can I go home? Home to your house home?”

  “Are you sure, Payton?” I whisper into her hair, and she starts nodding against me. “I’m not sure any of us will head back there for a while.”

  “I’m sure. I don’t want to be here. Please.”

  Chase catches my eyes and nods lightly. “I’ll take her home. Stay with her.”

  “You sure?” I ask, and Payton pulls back to look at him.

  He offers her a sad smile and nods. “Yeah, man. I got her.”

  I thank him and stand, and he does the same, still not putting her down.

  Unfortunately, when we make it a few feet down the hall, we hear the arguing, and my mother’s voice shouts louder than all the others.

  “Where the hell is she?”

  I rush ahead of the two, quickly coming around the corner. All the yelling stops as my mother and Nate spot me, and her cold blue eyes slice to mine.

  “I gave her long enough.”

  “She needs to be with people who care about her right now. Not someone who treats her like a puppet.”

  Chase steps around the corner right then, and Mason hops up from his seat, quickly moving to stand beside them, behind me.

  “Put her down,” my mother snaps. “She needs to learn to live with disappointment. It’s life. And we’re leaving.”

  “She’s not going anywhere with you,” Chase calmly tells her, and Brady moves to take Chase’s other side.

  “Put. My daughter. Down,” she seethes, her face turning red.

  “Get the hell out of here, Ava,” I growl. “Now is not the time for this shit. For once in your life, be a good mother and let her have some time before you start your shit again. Please.”

  “Time for what?” she shouts. “It’s not like it happened in front of her, and she’s sixteen! So, her little crush is no more. Not my problem! Deaton is dead. She’ll get over it!”

  “Oh my God!” Nate’s mom hops up, and Nate is quick to move in front of her.

  And, finally hearing the words, Payton starts to wail. She is still cradled in Chase’s arms, and he tucks her into him more.

  My fists clench at my sides as I stare at the evil woman in front of me. “Leave, Ava. She’s not going anywhere with you.”

  “Shall I call the police?” Her stony eyes harden. “Payton is a minor. She never should have left Alrick. And she sure as hell doesn’t get to decide to stay here. I still control her.”

  “You, Ava Baylor, are a sick, twisted bitch.”

  My mom gasps, and all our heads swing to find Lolli standing just a few feet away, Al right beside her.

  “Oh, look.” My mom crosses her arms. “The whore who made my son fall in love with her, only to love his friend and force him to watch it.”

  Nate goes to step toward Lolli, but Sara places a hand on his chest, her eyes on Lolli as protective as his. But Lolli is not a weak soul; she’s not like the people my mother is used to. I think Sara knows it.

  Lolli’s face is blank as she stares. “You need to leave.”

  A surprised chuckle spits from my mother. “Of course, I’ll get on that. I will leave when Payton is following behind me, as she should.”

  “Payton won’t be going anywhere,” Lolli tells her calmly.

  At that, Chase takes it upon himself to leave with her in his arms.

  My mom narrows her eyes and steps right up to Lolli, who is completely unfazed. “Watch yourself, little girl, or I’ll take what you treasure most. It’s my strong suit.”

  Now, it’s Sara who tries to step forward, but her son holds her back.

  While Lolli’s face doesn’t change, there’s a flare in her eyes at that. “You come within a state of him, and I’ll flip your life upside down without thinking twice. You wanna play with no rules, lady? Fine. I’m game.”

  “Who the hell do you think you are? You have no idea who you’re dealing with!”

  “Don’t care. I don’t need to know you to know you. What you’ve done to your son is enough. Parker is my family now. Payton,
too, for that matter.”

  “You can have the boy. Hell”—she spins to smirk at me and then Nate—“you probably already have. But Payton—”

  Lolli steps forward, cutting my mother off, “Go now, or I’ll share the offshore accounts my friend Al here helped me track down.”

  My eyes fly to my mother, and for the first time in as long as I can remember, her defenses slip a bit, her hands dropping to the strap of her bag, as if needing something to keep her standing.

  “I don’t know what—”

  “Sure you do. But don’t worry. This isn’t me threatening you. We don’t want nor need your money. None of us, not even Payton. We just want you to go away. If or when your daughter decides to talk to you, she’ll reach out. In the meantime, Al here has emancipation papers ready for you to sign. Payton belongs with her brother, with us. People who care for her. And that’s not you.”

  Ava’s eyes fly across the group, pausing on me a moment before landing back on Lolli. She opens her mouth to speak, but Lolli cuts her off again.

  “Nobody standing here gives a damn, Ava. Save it, sign the paper, and get the fuck outta here.”

  Ava smooths her shirt down and lightly pushes her long blonde hair over her shoulder. She eyes Lolli a moment before all but snatching the paper from her hands.

  Lolli quirks a dark brow at her, and Ava spins to me and then looks to Sara and back.

  “There’s always a second villain.” She smirks, addressing no one directly but making sure it’s heard around the room. “You got rid of one, but the other won’t be so easy. He is still alive.” She tilts her head. “Right?”

  “Get out of here, Ava.” I glare.

  “What the hell is she talking about?” Sara asks, panic in her voice, and Nate rubs her back.

  Al motions for Ava to lead the way, and the two disappear. Just like that, she is trading her daughter for her money.

  Everyone glances around, taking a minute to catch their breaths, while Nate rushes for Lolli.

  She steps into him, turning to speak to me, “I’ll explain everything.”

  I nod. I owe her huge for this, for everything really. She’s not only saved me now, but she’s also saved my baby sister.


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