Danny's Main

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Danny's Main Page 11

by Lisa N. Paul

  Once in Paris, they did all of the “touristy” things—the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Arc de Triomphe. But what the other tourists didn’t get that he did was the look of fascination and awe that blanketed his wife’s face and softened her eyes.

  He fell in love with Julie day after day on that trip, without exception.


  TRAVELING TO SPAIN was a dream. What was she thinking—the whole damn trip was a dream. But there was something special about Barcelona. The city still sparkled with its post-Olympic shine.

  As they traveled from place to beautiful place, taking in sights and turning them into memories, something clicked in Julie’s mind. The old saying “everything happens for a reason” played on a loop in her mind as the trip wound down, and she realized that while her original plans with her parents would have been an unbelievable dream come true, she couldn’t imagine sharing her first world traveling experience with anyone but Danny.

  “How’s this for the grand finale?” Danny whistled, taking in the magnificent sight around them.

  Julie had planned the whole trip, but Danny had requested she let the last four nights be his special surprise. She couldn’t turn down the determined look in his eyes, so she, with a bit of hesitation, handed her husband the reins and asked no questions. Looking around the island paradise, she realized that had been a wise decision.

  Bora Bora was heaven on earth. The small South Pacific island northwest of Tahiti was surrounded by turquoise water and coral reefs. Never had she seen something more exquisite, and never could her dreams have imagined such beauty.

  “Danny, oh my God, this…this is beyond words.”

  “This is what I should have given you when you accepted my last name.” He cupped her cheek, lifting her eyes to his. “Stunning.”

  In that moment, she wondered if her husband was still talking about Bora Bora.

  For four days and four nights, they worshipped the sun, snorkeled in the lagoon, hiked, and made love. They stayed in a bungalow perched on stilts above the lagoon, making the lapping sounds of water part of their soundtrack each night.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he rumbled, his hands stroking the sensitive flesh between her thighs.

  “You’ve had me three times today, sweetheart.” Though she certainly wasn’t complaining. She could spend full days devouring her man, and that was exactly what she’d intended to do on their last day in paradise. Mission accomplished. Warm water splashed around them as the jets from the hot tub massaged her skin.

  “Fucked you, baby. Over and over again.” As always, his naughty words had her body tingling before his fingers penetrated her. “Wanna make love to you this time, savor you, yeah?”

  Emotion made her throat so thick, her words got caught.

  Danny didn’t need them. “Bottom lip, honey…”

  With that, he shut down the jets, scooped her up, and exited the tub. With lagoon water lapping in the background and a warm breeze blowing through the open room, her husband gave her the most poignant memory of their whole trip.

  Chapter Ten

  Hint Number Three

  THE BEDROOM WAS still dark when Julie’s eyes popped open. A slight wave of nausea rolled through her, reminding her of the lulling waters she and Danny had seen in Bora Bora. The feeling was becoming more familiar with each passing day. Six weeks had passed since they returned home from what had been the most enchanting time of her life. In each day, she and Danny found a sense of peace that neither had realized was missing before their trip.

  When her tummy clenched again, she slid out of bed, mindful not to wake her husband. There was no reason to get him excited if the test was once again negative. She tiptoed to the bathroom. Once the door was shut and the light on, Julie pulled out the home pregnancy test kit she had purchased several days before. Her period was late—two weeks late, to be exact—but over the past few months, her previously regular cycle had become more sporadic. The doctor had informed her that nerves could mess with her menstrual cycle, and since she had been nervous about their trip, she didn’t jump the gun when her period was late…again. Two weeks late, however, was something to be concerned with.

  Her hands fumbled as she opened the box and pulled out the articles inside. She’d purchased a different brand of home pregnancy test, foolishly hoping the new test would give different results, positive ones. Butterflies replaced the nausea as she read the instructions. Oh, God, I want this. Please let me be pregnant.

  As soon as the stick was dipped in the “first morning urine” resting on the vanity, Julie sat on the closed toilet lid and waited. Three minutes, she thought as she stared at her watch, may as well be three hours.

  “Jul?” The bathroom door creaked open, and there stood Danny, sexy from sleep but awake enough to look concerned. His presence infused the small bathroom with security and comfort that instantly settled Julie’s nerves. His eyes searched her face before they landed on the countertop. “Woman?”

  “I…I didn’t want to wake…” She shrugged as heat moved from her neck up to her cheeks.

  “Baby,” Danny tsked, shaking his head, “you leave my arms, I feel it. You don’t return, you bet your sweet ass I’m awake.”

  She dropped her gaze as her cheeks rose, the smile too hard to fight. She should have known he’d wake up without her by his side. The man kept her tucked close as they slept; she often felt as though he protected her even in sleep, and she loved it. Since marrying Danny, her nightmares were all but gone, and she owed that to the feeling of safety and love that he provided.

  “Danny, umm, I think I might be pregnant.” She looked at her watch. “We’ll know in about thirty more seconds.”

  Puffing out his beautifully naked chest, an expression of confidence formed on a very alert Danny. “Julie, honey, you should’ve just told me you were doing this. I could’ve saved you the time. You’re preggo, babe.”

  How was it possible for him to look so serious even with his lush lips curved into a shit-eating smile? That was what crossed Julie’s mind. What crossed her lips was, “Stop it, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “The fuck I don’t.” His brows arched as if to punctuate his statement. He lowered himself before her, his knees resting on the blue, fluffy bath mat, his large hands on her bare thighs. “It’s my job to know your body.”

  Goose bumps rose on her heated flesh as his hands slid down her legs and rested on her knees. Slowly he parted her legs, exposing her most intimate parts. There was something so sexy, so naughty, and so primal about him when he just watched her, staring at her nakedness, as an expression of his desire for her. She’d lost her inhibitions with him years back, but Christ, she got so seduced by his hunger.

  His gaze shot back up to hers. “Your pussy is mine, is it not?”

  Her heart thundered as she whispered the answer. “It is.”

  “Been licking it, eating it, savoring it for years now.” His nostrils flared, and his voice lowered. “I’d know my pussy if we’d been separated a decade and I was blindfolded the first time I tasted it again.”

  A delicious shiver surged through her, pulling her naked nipples into tights buds and sending a rush of wetness to her exposed core.

  An appreciative growl vibrated in Danny’s chest. “This is my pussy, and as sweet as it is, over the past month or so, it’s been changing.”

  Julie’s body tensed as she tried to pull her knees together.

  “No way, honey.” Danny’s eyes lit up like candles. “Said there was a change, never said it was bad.” He moved his hand to her center. With his eyes never leaving hers, he dipped one thick finger into her warmth. “So wet, always so wet and responsive. And lately, a bit more swollen.” He plunged a second finger in, turning his wrist and immediately finding her sweet spot.

  “Ah, Danny, that feels so good…too good.” Her body was wound tight. He hadn’t even touched her clit, and she felt tremors of an orgasm in the pit of her belly.

� He bent down and dropped kisses on her upper thigh. “Hint number two, beautiful, you’ve been more sensitive lately.” His finger swiped her g-spot again, massaging with perfect pressure as her breaths became shallow and uneven.

  “Oh, God,” she pled, “you can’t possibly imagine…” She couldn’t finish the sentence. She had no words.

  “Oh, honey, I can imagine,” Danny groaned.

  Julie whimpered as his face disappeared between her legs. The minute his talented tongue entered her while he caressed her clit with his thumb, she unraveled. Thrusting herself onto his face, Julie rode his tongue like a pole dancer out to make rent. Her pulse raced as tremors shook her legs. Her climax consumed her, stripping her of air and rational thought. When it passed, every muscle in her body was shaking like gelatin and her mind was practically blank.

  “Hint number three”—Danny grinned as he wiped his mouth, then licked her juices from his hand—“you taste sweeter than you ever have. I can’t get enough of you, baby. I think about it constantly.”

  Her breath and wits were finally coming back to her. “Danny”—she shook her head—“none of those things can possibly be signs…”

  She watched in fear as her husband picked up the test stick. An enormous smile broke over his face. “Told you you didn’t need that test. We’re gonna have a baby, honey.”

  Tears filled her eyes as the news sank in. “I’m…we’re…oh my God! Danny!”

  Instantly she was lifted into his muscled arms and carried back into their bedroom.

  “It’s too damn early to call anyone, but Dad and Anita will be here later for the Memorial Day barbeque. Why don’t we celebrate just the two of us?” He waggled his brows, making it as clear as the line on the test just what kind of celebrating he was up for, and she wanted nothing less.

  They were finally starting their family. Life was amazing.

  Chapter Eleven

  Always You

  RAYS OF SUNLIGHT stretched through the bedroom blinds, painting stripes of gold on Julie’s skin. Danny lay on his side, his head cupped in his hand, and watched her chest rise and fall with each soft breath. She’s having my baby. His throat tightened as thoughts of the little person forming in his wife’s stomach filled his mind. He’d had a feeling she was pregnant for the past couple of weeks, but if his parents and older brother had taught him anything, it was never, ever ask a woman, no matter who she was, if she’s pregnant.

  “How was I supposed to know she was just fat?” Jeff had asked their mom as she placed an icepack over his shiner.

  She’d flicked his ear. “You never ask a woman when she’s due, ever. In fact, the only time you inquire about a lady’s baby is when she’s actually holding it, fool.” She flicked him a second time and left the kitchen, giggling.

  So no, he hadn’t said anything to Julie, but he hadn’t been lying when he told her how he knew. He licked his lips, her flavor burned into his senses. There had been other signs as well. He’d noticed she was falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, and while he could find creative ways to wake her, the dark circles under her eyes made him want to hold her close while she slept. Her pussy wasn’t the only thing changing. Her sweet tits were getting bigger and firmer each day. His dick twitched as he stared at the pretty pink nipples that peeked out of Julie’s blanket-covered form.

  She’d given him everything he’d ever needed and was about to give him everything he could ever want.


  “WHAT’S THIS?” ALLAN asked, holding a tiny green gift bag.

  Danny snaked out his arm, grabbed Julie, and pulled her against his chest. “Just open it, Dad.”

  Excitement clicked from Danny to Julie like a Newton’s cradle as they waited for Allan to remove the newly purchased item from the small bag.

  “A plush Dalmatian?”

  As his father tried to make sense of the stuffed toy, Anita shrieked. “Oh… oh… you’re… oh, Allan, they’re pregnant!”

  She embraced Julie, murmuring words of elation, while Danny waited for the news to hit his father. Allan’s eyes widened as he stared at the black-and-white dog.

  Danny smiled. “Every firefighter needs a mascot, right?”

  “Oh, Daniel.” Allan’s eyes welled with tears, making Danny’s follow suit. “Come here, son.” Allan opened his arms, and Danny walked into them. “I’m so happy for you and Julie. So much joy and love you and your brothers have given me. Enough to fill every single day of my life, even the horrible ones, with beauty. I wish that for you, Daniel. Congratulations, son.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Danny said around the lump in his throat. “I can only hope to be half the father you’ve been.”

  The news was shared again a few hours later when Chester arrived. The bag he received contained a pair of shot glasses that Julie had found at the local gift shop when she and Danny went out first thing that morning, and they read, “Lil Shooter.” Upon pulling the glassware out of the small bag, Chester’s face held the same blank look Allan’s had.

  Julie beamed. “It might be a while, but we figure there’s no one better than Uncle Chester to teach our kid the dos and don’ts of drinking.” She placed her hand on her flat stomach and shrugged. “Think you can keep those for him or her?”

  A smile split Chester’s face barely a second before he swung Julie into his arms. “Julie girl, anything and everything for you. Your parents would be so proud.” He looked from Julie to Danny. “Thanks for including me in your life. I’m honored. You need me, I’m here.”


  “WHAT ON EARTH would make you think I’d miss today’s appointment?” Incredulity laced Danny’s voice. “Honey, have I missed any of our prenatal visits yet?”

  “No.” Julie shrugged, guilt blooming in her belly for having thought, not to mention vocalized, her concern about Danny being unable to make the ultrasound appointment.

  He had started a new job, bartending at a popular club in the heart of Baltimore, when they returned from their vacation. The money was great, but the hours were long and the management strict. They didn’t take kindly to staff being late for any reason. Since the only appointment Julie could get with the ultrasound technician was in the late afternoon, she’d prepared herself to see their baby for the first time…alone. She’d been fidgeting in the chair, sucking back water and praying they would call her back before her bladder exploded, when Danny strutted into the obstetrician’s office. All thoughts of bladder blowout vanished when his hazel eyes met hers.

  He leaned over her chair and pressed his lips to hers. Mint and pine filled her senses.

  “You’re my reason, Jules.” He gave her another soft kiss. “Always, you.”

  Julie sighed. His actions always spoke just as clearly as his words, and his words were the best. As it did whenever it heard Danny’s voice, the baby kicked, making its presence known.

  “The bean feels neglected, sweetheart,” Julie teased, rubbing her baby bump before placing Danny’s hand directly over the spot where their future soccer player was practicing.

  There was nothing better in the world than Danny’s face when he felt their baby move. The first time he’d felt it, with misty eyes and a thickened voice, he uttered, “Magic, honey. You’ve given me magic.” Each time since, he’d smile as if it was the greatest thing to ever happen and he was the only man to experience such a miracle. She grew more in love with her man as she watched him fall in love with their unborn child.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Marcus, we’re ready for you.”

  The nurse’s words pulled them out of their bubble and into the here and now. It was time to make certain their baby was developing properly with ten fingers and ten toes. They were also hoping to learn if they would be painting the nursery pink or blue.


  THE TECHNICIAN HANDED Julie a towel and closed the door behind her, leaving a speechless, slack-jawed, glassy-eyed couple in the cramped room.

  “We’re having a daughter,” Danny whispered, his hands trembling as
he used the towel to wipe the gel from Julie’s belly.

  She nodded, words still caught in her throat. Their baby—their daughter—looked perfect. She measured exactly where she should for twenty weeks and three days.

  “A little girl,” Danny said, his eyes almost as round as Julie’s stomach. He pulled her into a tight embrace, and she felt the rapid beat of his heart.

  It was one thing to hear the technician utter those words, but for them to come from her husband… “Oh my God.” Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. “A healthy baby girl. Danny! We saw our sweet baby.” Putting a few inches between them, she looked at his handsome face. The inner light she saw radiating from him mirrored her own feelings to a tee.

  “Come here, honey, I need you in my arms.”

  “And there’s no place I’d rather be, but”—she hesitated, a pronounced bounce in her stance—“if I don’t use the restroom first, you’re going need to change your pants before you head into work.” She smiled over her shoulder and saw Danny throw his head back as laughter erupted from his chest.


  THE WEEKS FLEW by as she and Danny worked long hours and, in their free time, prepared their lives and their home for the arrival of their little girl. The walls in the third bedroom turned pale pink, and Danny spent hours flexing an artistic talent Julie barely knew he had. The day he unveiled his finished mural of a castle nestled in the clouds on the nursery wall, he told Julie, “The perfect fairytale for my princess.”

  Beautiful furniture was ordered and set to be delivered four weeks before her January seventh due date. Each time Julie walked out of Macy’s department store, she found herself with another tiny, new onesie in the prettiest shade of pink.


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