Forever Charmed

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Forever Charmed Page 51

by Rose Pressey

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  I couldn’t believe this demon had crashed my party. She must have figured out how to break the spell that had banished her from the manor.

  “How did she get back here?” I asked Annabelle.

  I knew she wouldn’t be able to answer, but I asked anyway. She just shook her head in response and continued to stare. Isabeau was arm-in-arm with Nicolas.

  “What is going on? Why is she so cozy with Nicolas?” Annabelle stood beside me as we watched them.

  He knew that she was a demon. He knew that she had partnered with the woman who had killed his mother. Had he lost his mind or had I been lied to? They didn’t notice that Annabelle and I were watching them. They were engrossed in their private conversation. Nicolas’ back was to me, so I couldn’t see his expression. They walked out of the house and onto the veranda were other guests were mingling under the moonlight.

  Lights had been strung up and twinkled in the dark sky. It would have been a romantic scene if I hadn’t been following a demon witch.

  I grabbed Annabelle’s hand. “Let’s follow them. I want to confront both of them and find out what’s going on.”

  This party got worse by the minute.

  Just as I was about to confront Isabeau and Nicolas, the Coven leader Misty Middleton appeared out of the darkness. She stared straight at me as she walked across the lawn.

  Annabelle noticed her too. “Is she staring at us?” she asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I think so. And she doesn’t look happy.”

  “Do you think it has something to do with what I said to those women?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, but if she doesn’t like it then that’s just tough,” I said, swallowing the bleakness in my throat.

  Misty could be mad at me for not telling her my powers had been taken away before the party. It honestly was none of her business though. And I didn’t care to tell her that either.

  Misty walked right up to me and shot a cold look my way. “I want the books and I want them now.”

  Wow. She hadn’t wasted any time letting me know what she wanted.

  “I don’t have the books,” I said.

  It was the same lie I’d told Nicolas and I was sticking to it. There was something weird about Misty’s appearance. Her eyes kept changing colors, from blue to green, and then to a pitch black.

  Annabelle looked at me with fear in her eyes. I was pretty sure she was ready to run away at any moment. I couldn’t say that I blamed her.

  “Misty, what is wrong with you? Why do you want the books? They are of no use to you. I am the leader of the Underworld now.”

  I didn’t know if that was true, but it sure sounded good. It sounded like I knew what I was talking about and that was all I needed. Misty’s face started to change. Her nose started growing out and her cheeks were higher. This wasn’t right.

  “Who are you?” I managed to choke out.

  I felt Annabelle’s tension beside me. I knew she was freaking out and so was I.

  “I think you know who I am,” she said with an evil grin.

  Fear ran through my body. As soon as she said that I knew exactly who she was. Mara Abney.

  She’d used her powers to take on a new image. This was not good. I was frozen. I didn’t know what to do next.

  “You didn’t think you would get away with hiding the books from me forever, did you?” Her lips twisted into a cynical smile.

  I didn’t know what to say to her. I was never giving those books to her though. She’d have to kill me first. With the thought, I looked over to find Nicolas. He wasn’t outside and neither was Isabeau.

  “Now be a good little witch and go get the books for me.” Mara cackled.

  She really had that witch laugh down pat.

  “What do we do now?” Annabelle whispered.

  If I acted like I was scared Annabelle would freak out even more. I had to keep it together for Annabelle’s sake. I knew this was going to turn into something that I wasn’t sure I was prepared for. How did I fight a powerful witch like Mara? A witch who had already killed the last Underworld leader. Not that I was the leader anymore. I was sure the leader had to have powers to lead, and I had none.

  I stood a little straighter and tried to come up with a plan. “The books aren’t here.”

  Wind began to blow in the trees around the manor. Mara’s eyes glowed a red hue. “I know you are lying to me.”

  “What are you going to do about it? Without me you can’t get the books. I demand that you leave my property immediately.” I pointed toward the gate at the end of the driveway.

  The wind blew even harder. Annabelle stepped closer to me.

  “Annabelle, why don’t you go inside and get the other Coven members for me, okay?”

  Annabelle didn’t answer. She just turned and ran away toward the house.

  Some of the Coven members had started a bonfire at the back of the property near the river to perform the annual ritual to their loved ones in the spirit world. The clouds had rifted enough to allow the moon to poke through. I kicked off my heels and ran in my bare feet around the manor toward the fire. I hoped someone could offer help for my fight with Mara.

  The flames flickered high toward the sky as I rounded the manor. I glanced over my shoulder as I ran, but saw nothing. I found it odd that Mara wasn’t running after me. I knew she was up to something though. She wasn’t going to let me get away that easily.

  Where was Nicolas? As I looked through the crowd of people gathered around the fire, I spotted a familiar face. I’d never been happier to see Liam.

  He looked up and saw me. As I rushed toward Liam, he looked up, then ran over to me as I neared.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Mara is here,” I said in a panic.

  He looked over my shoulder. “Where is she?”

  “She was on the veranda, then I took off running around here. She didn’t follow me.” I looked behind me. “But I know she didn’t go away.”

  Liam held my arms. “You have to get rid of her, Hallie.”

  I stared him in the eyes. “What do you mean I have to get rid of her? I’d love to, but how do you propose I do that?”

  “You have to fight her for the power.” He lifted my chin with his index finger to meet his gaze.

  Looking down, I shook my head. “She took my power, remember?”

  “She can’t keep it forever. The spell she cast can only last so long. You can be stronger than her now. You’ve got the books, remember?” There was defiance and challenge in his words.

  How could I forget? It was all that I’d thought about since the moment I found the first one.

  “You have the power of the earth, air, water and fire,” Liam stated.

  That did sound quite impressive, but I had no idea what to do with these powers.

  “You must destroy Mara once and for all and take over her power.” His voice was firm.

  “Nicolas said I need to destroy the books. That I shouldn’t be the leader.” I searched his eyes for a reaction.

  Liam scoffed. “Of course he would say that. He has other motives for wanting you to do that.”

  My stomach was twisted into a knot. “Why do you say that? You two have done nothing but pull me to each side and I don’t know who to believe.”

  “You can believe me. Nicolas is only there to steal your blood.” Liam touched my arm.

  My eyes widened. “What? What are you talking about? Why would he want my blood?”

  “He wants your blood because it holds special powers for him,” Liam said. “Vampires seek out witches’ blood. I told you how the Underworld is in chaos. Stay away from him, Hallie. He is not good for you.” He touched my chin.

  My world was spinning. Liam’s handsome face stared down at me.

  The wind started to whip again. The tree branches swayed back and forth as if a huge storm was brewing. I knew that it was.

; Liam pulled me close and held my chin in his hands. “You can do this, Hallie. I am here to help you.”

  “Get your hands off her,” Nicolas yelled from across the lawn.


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