Second Chance Love (Heaven Hill Book 6)

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Second Chance Love (Heaven Hill Book 6) Page 16

by Laramie Briscoe

  “C’mon, man, we’re waitin’ on you,” Steele told him from the doorway.

  That was great, they were waiting on him. Shit. “I’m coming,” he yelled back, putting his helmet on the bike and running into the clubhouse. He looked around, not seeing anyone in the main room; he realized they were all in the meeting room. This shit could not be good. He walked in, taking his backpack off. “What’s up?”

  Liam glanced up at him, his face stern, and his lips a thin line. “We’ve got some business to discuss, and we needed you here to do it.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. What the fuck had he done now? He did not have a good feeling about this. He wondered if he should take his backpack off his shoulders so that he would have a weapon to use if need be. Thinking better of it, he took it off, instead resting the pack in his lap. “Is there something I can help you all with?”

  “Someone came to me yesterday, actually two people,” Liam started. “They aren’t in this club, but I care about them a great deal, and they wondered what it would take for us to patch a new member. This person they wanted to nominate has done a lot for us. He left the life and job he knew to come hang out with us. Some of us have taken the time to get to know him. Some of us have been wary of him, but I’m here to tell you this. If my sister and my son see what a great guy he is, then there’s no other doubt in my mind that we need him on our sides. So I bring up a vote. Should Rooster become a part of Heaven Hill?”

  Rooster was blown away. Roni and Drew had spoken up for him, had gotten him a nomination. This was something he had never expected to happen, not in a million years. As they went around the table there were a ton of yesses and it was amazing to hear. It came back to Liam.

  “We lost track of what was important as teenagers and young adults, but now that we’re older and hopefully wiser, I know that friends like you don’t come around every day. I’m blessed to have the family that I do and friends I have, but there’s always been something missing, and that’s you, man.” He reached underneath the table and pulled a box out. “If you want it, this is yours. There’s a property patch in there for Roni too. I know she wants to wear it, like yesterday.”

  It was hard to talk past the tightness in his throat. He hadn’t been accepted in a long time. In his family, he had been the outcast who went to the camp for teenagers; on the force he’d been the one trying to do the right thing, but sometimes realizing it was the people who were sworn to protect that were wrong; and then even in this clubhouse at first people hadn’t wanted to trust him. Now he was getting that trust, and he didn’t know what the fuck to do with it. He opened the box and inhaled deeply as he saw the cut there. It had his name on it, along with the patch of the Heaven Hill MC. There was no prospect on this patch; he would be a full-fledged member.

  “What do you say?” Travis asked from where he sat. “Be a part of this family. We both know the one you got ain’t doin’ you any favors.”

  That was it in a nutshell. He needed to belong somewhere. He needed someone to care and he had it here. He had it at this table with this group of people. If he said yes, he’d never be alone again. Loner had never suited him, he’d felt on the outside looking in for too many years. He was going to embrace this with everything he had. “Can I put it on?” he asked, laughing to cover up his emotion.

  “If you want to, but know that if you do, you’re a part of this now,” Liam told him. “No going back.”

  “I don’t want to go back.” Rooster said it with conviction and honesty. The most honest thing he’d ever said in his life.

  “Awesome,” Tyler said from where he sat next to Liam. “So, we’ll be getting you signed up for your first run next week.”

  The group laughed, all starting to cut Rooster down as men tend to do when it gets too emotional. As they calmed and Rooster pulled the box closer to him, he saw the property patch there and knew that he had to go to her now. He had to tell her just what she meant to him.

  Roni sat on her couch, flipping through her DVR, much like she had been doing back in March. It amazed her the difference a few months could make. Gone were the fears of being alone, gone was the not knowing what she was going to do with her life. Gone were the secrets that had plagued her for most of her adult hood. It felt good to breathe, good to just be. Pointing her remote to the TV, there was a loud knock at her door. “Shit,” she breathed, pressing the pause button.

  “Roni, I know you’re in there.” It was Rooster, and she was having serious déjà vu.

  “Give me a sec,” she laughed. Throwing the door open, that laugh caught in her throat when she saw what he wore. “They did it?”

  “They did.” He nodded as he picked her up and spun her around.

  She squealed with delight and hung onto his shoulders as he spun them until they were both dizzy.

  “I came right over to tell you and to give you this.” He pulled the property patch out of his pocket. “Please tell me that you want this, please tell me you want to spend the rest of your life with me and do all that domestic shit I told myself I would never do.”

  “As long as you want babies, because I really do, and I want to try as soon as possible.” There, it was out and she wouldn’t be able to take it back—better to know how he felt before she got too deep into this that she couldn’t get out.

  “I’m glad you said that because I want it all with you. All that stuff we never got to have before because people and circumstances came in between us. It’s not there anymore and I want everything.” He cupped her face in his hands. “Tell me you want everything too.”

  She bit her lip. “I do,” she squealed. “Is this real?”

  “It’s as real as it’s ever gonna get.” He leaned in, kissing her hard, kissing her deep, kissing her thoroughly. “I wanted to make sure you knew I was real,” he joked as he pulled away, both of them breathing hard.

  He was right. This was as real as it was ever going to get.


  In the last two months things had become routine with the Heaven Hill MC. Runs had started back, the girls hung out with one another, when the guys weren’t escorting Wet Wanda’s girls home or out on their respective runs, they hung at the clubhouse. Tonight though, as they celebrated their first cookout of the fall season, Rooster and Roni stood at the back of the property—orange and black balloons in hand.

  They had done a lot of work with Doc Jones both together and separately. They’d realized quickly that while Rooster and Roni the couple needed to work on things, so did Rooster and Roni the individuals. Just because they knew they wanted to be together hadn’t made things easy at all—in fact, some days were hard, but they were working through them—together. Doc Jones had brought up on their last session that while they both said they had let go of the guilt of not having their child, they needed to figuratively let it go. Hence the balloons. They were releasing their grief into the sky.

  “Okay, so you wanna go first or do you want me to?” Rooster asked as he stood next to her, clasping their free hands together.

  “I think we should go at the same time,” she answered. “As we release it, we need to say what we want to and be done.”

  He agreed and counted to three. Once he did, they let them go. Both shouting “I’m sorry” at the same time. At one time the guilt had been stifling, but they were working through it, realizing that they were victims of circumstance and a game played by a man who didn’t care about anyone but himself.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t be the mother you deserved and I couldn’t be the strong person I am now. I will work the rest of my life to be that person, and I will use you as my example of what happens when I don’t stand up for myself. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. I love you and I always will.” It surprised Roni that she was able to say that without tears and without getting completely emotional, but it felt good, it finally felt right.

  “I’m sorry that I wasn’t the type of man you needed for a father and that I couldn’t protect you.�
�� Rooster moved behind Roni and clasped her around the waist. “But I promise to you I will protect your new brother or sister with my life. They will live knowing about you and they will know that they have an older sibling.”

  She reached down, kissing his forearm. They’d found out the week before that they were expecting, something that had brought up all these feelings they both thought they were done with and over.

  “You feel better?” He gripped her hand in his.

  “I do,” she told him, exhaling deeply and looking at the group of family that had gathered. They’d graciously given them their privacy as they’d set the balloons off, but now Roni allowed herself to watch everyone.

  Liam and Denise played with Tatum. Mandy and her friend Layla were giving Drew and Charity, who, bless her heart, was still hopelessly devoted to Drew, a hard time as they sat together at the picnic table. Jessica and B played beer pong with Jagger and Steele, but it was Tyler and Meredith that caught her eye. Adalynn was still with them, and growing like a weed. She squealed and ran away from Tyler as he chased her, hiding behind Meredith’s legs. Meredith reached down and picked her up, smiling at the little girl, blowing raspberries on her face. With the help of an attorney, the two of them were petitioning to adopt, but there were a lot of obstacles in their way. Hopefully in the end, things would work out the way they were supposed to.

  “They look perfect with her, don’t they?” Rooster asked, walking them back towards the party.

  “They do. I hope they get to keep her,” Roni whispered.

  “Me too.”

  Looking between the two of them, he noticed the ring that he’d placed on her left hand sparkled, even in the setting sun. He was thankful for his friends, his family, and for his second chance at love.

  The End

  Heaven Hill #7

  (Coming Early 2015)


  Meredith sighed, she was tired. So very tired.

  “Is she down for the count?” Tyler asked as he walked into the living room, towel-drying his long hair.

  “God, I hope so.” She smiled ruefully.

  Adalynn had been with them for almost a year, and while they loved her with all their hearts, she was a force to be reckoned with. Even sick with the stomach flu, she’d managed to run them ragged. “I kinda do too,” he whispered. “I don’t want her to puke in my hair ever again.”

  She giggled, holding her arms out for him. “She didn’t mean to do it.”

  “I know.” He collapsed on the couch next to her. “But if I ever have to deal with getting that out of this hair again—it will be too soon—and I might be forced to cut it.”

  Meredith shot him a look. “The hell you will. I love your hair.” She ran her fingers through it, getting the tangles out as she did. “It’s one of the main reasons you get lucky,” she flirted.

  His dark eyes heated as he glanced over at her. “Is that right?” He threw the towel on the floor and within seconds, he had her spread out on the couch, her body underneath his.

  “Completely right,” she breathed as she circled her arms around his neck.

  The words he whispered were laced with dark promise. “Then we’ll just have to see if I can give you better reasons besides my hair.”


  Thank you so much to everybody who helps make this crazy journey I’m on possible! Fellow authors—Allison Jewel, Stella Hunter, Chelsea Camaron, Bijou Hunter, & Carian Cole! I am so blessed to have met you all!

  Lindsay, Kari, and Paul—thank you for always working me in and sometimes making me a priority when I realize that my timelines that I’ve set for myself are completely, completely wrong. You all are top notch and I am very lucky to be working with you!

  Briscoe’s Badasses, I appreciate all the love and support you give to me, especially on those days when you’re feeling like you just aren’t good enough! You always let me know I am!

  To all the bloggers & FB Pages, thank you so much for taking a chance on me, pimping me, and helping me out whenever I ask for it! I appreciate it more than I can tell you.

  To the Heaven Hill fans—thank you for showing up, loving, and following these guys. I love the way you love them!

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  Also by Laramie Briscoe

  Only the Beginning

  Rockin’ Country #1

  Chapter One

  The crowd screamed loudly, causing her palms to sweat and her heart to race. Harmony Stewart inhaled deeply and then exhaled, letting the breath flow through her. The relaxation technique worked. Shoulders that had been so tight she couldn’t even roll them were now loose. It was always like this, she realized. Right before she went on stage, the nervous energy started, causing her to tense up—not fully being able to appreciate the life she was living. Closing her eyes, she breathed again, feeling her muscles loosen up even more.

  “Harmony, you’re up next.”

  She nodded, glancing at the production tech. “Thanks.” Her voice was thin even to her own ears. This was just something that she went through, no matter how many millions of albums she sold or awards she garnered.

  Looking out onto the stage, she saw the rock group, Black Friday, finishing up. A fan of the band, she tried to still the heart that threatened to beat out of her chest as they finished their song and walked towards her. The lead singer was the personification of hotness in her opinion. She had always wanted a meeting, but had never been able to approach him when they had been in the same space. This time he would have to walk right by her—not that she had deluded herself to think he would know who she even was. Pulling her shaking hands to her body, she gripped them hard as the group approached.

  “Good job, guys,” she smiled as they passed her. One by one, they nodded and accepted her smile until she came face to face with Reaper, the lead singer. She only knew his stage name. What she wouldn’t give to know his real one.

  “Thanks. Good luck out there, sweetheart,” he smiled widely. His teeth were white and straight, the dimples that she had caught glimpses of in pictures deepened widely in his cheeks. He was tall, much taller than she had originally thought. He towered over her 5’6 frame (with heels, thank you very much), and the tattoos that traveled down his arms were a feast to her eyes. They were intricate, and she wished she had the time to study them all.

  Harmony opened her mouth to tell him something else, but he was already gone. Disappointment hit her stomach hard and fast. But at least it had been a start. With any luck, she would see him at some other award show. She heard her cue as she looked back to where the rock band stood, debriefing with some of their management. For just a split second, her eyes met Reaper’s and goose bumps appeared on her arms. If only they’d had more time.

  Reaper sat with his head back, eyes closed. The night had been long. He never really liked doing these awards shows, but their fans were amazing. Even though they didn’t have what others called “crossover” success, they had some of the most rabid fans in the music industry. That, however, didn’t change the fact that he was lonely and tired of not having someone besides the members of his band to share his life with.

  “Who was the cutie that smiled at us as we walked by?”

  “That was Harmony Stewart,” he answered, moving only his lips.

  “Country singer?”

  “Yes, dude,” he sighed. “The country singer.”

��She’s cuter than I imagined. I’ve only seen her on TV a few times.”

  Reaper sighed again. “Seriously Train, you’re getting on my fuckin’ nerves. Do you have to talk all the time?”

  “What’s your problem? Do you need to get laid?” Train asked, having a seat next to his friend.

  “Do you ever get sick of all this?” He lifted his long arms and big hands up; gesturing to the backstage green room they sat in.

  “Sick of what? The free pussy, the free booze, the amazing trips overseas and around this great nation? Playing the music we love every night? I’m ready to do this the rest of my life. Why aren’t you?”

  Reaper lifted his head up and opened his eyes, staring into the eyes of his friend. “I’m burnt out. Not with the music, but with the lifestyle. I need a change, something different to shake things up.”

  “Burnt out? How can you be burnt out?”

  “It’s just…” he ran his fingers through his hair. “We’ve been on the road for a year. I need something new and exciting in my life. I’m sick of the same girls, the same bus, and the same hotel rooms.”

  “You’re bein’ a moody fucking pansy is what you’re being. Do you know how many guys would give their left nut to be where we are?” Train slapped his friend on the shoulder, the disbelief showing on his face.

  Reaper realized he would get nowhere with his friend. Train dealt with his demons in unhealthy ways and perhaps tonight wasn’t the best time to approach him about this. He couldn’t rightfully explain his feelings if he didn’t fully understand them himself. Better to just pretend that everything was peachy. “You’re right. I’m crazy. I just need some good alcohol and a good cigarette. Let’s get to the after party.”


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