Patriots Awakening

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Patriots Awakening Page 33

by R. M. Strauhs

  Chief Phillips hung his head and chuckled. “That’s all?”

  “Yep.” Ricky held up the ring of keys.

  “You got it. Unlock the door.”

  As Ricky opened the door, he waved to someone behind him in the hall and half dozen men carried the police weapons into the cellblock, laying them in a heap on the floor. The Chief stepped out of the cell with the six other men, stopped in front of Ricky and Billy Bob, and then put his hand out to them. “I don’t know how you pulled it off, but they were going to take all of us to the country tomorrow to bury us. Thanks. You saved our lives.”

  Ricky grinned and said, “Sure, Chief. Any time you need help, you just let us know.” Then he laughed and finally said, “C’mon, Chief. I’ll give you a ride over to the TV station. Hell, I’ll even let you get on camera with me. You know which station’s working?


  The President saw the young man telling Americans to fight the invaders, and he laughed until he cried when he saw Ricky Vasquez and Billy Bob MacArthur reporting their liberation of San Antonio and how they had killed all the enemy.

  The Mexican guy had said in a matter of fact way, “Well, hell, they resisted, ya know. What could we do?”

  When he finally managed to quit laughing, the President of the United States said, “Well, that kid urging people to fight for their country had a lot of guts, and it must have really stirred those two to action. I’d bet their victory in San Antonio will cause a lot more people to fight. I plan to make an appearance in a few days, if they feel it’s safe enough. Damn, I hate sitting in here, not able to at least talk to the people.”

  The First Lady sat next to him; tears filled her eyes. “I’ve been in here so long I want to scream.” She stood up and faced him for a moment. Then, she said in a quiet but deliberate voice, “I want this nightmare over. I want to get out and run barefoot in the grass and feel the sun on my face. I want to hear the birds sing again. I can’t take it anymore.” She began crying and between sobs she told her husband, “I’m sorry. I know I should be stronger, but all this has just about driven me to the brink. When can we get out of here and do something? I’ll pack a damned rifle myself if it will help. I just have to get out of this hole in the ground!”

  The President wrapped his arms around her and tried to calm her, knowing it wouldn’t do for the people at the compound to see the First Lady in such a state. “Honey, it’ll be over soon. As soon as we have enough people together under one command, we’ll attack and, I promise you, our people will have orders to give no quarter. There will be no prisoners when this war is done.”

  ~ 29 ~

  At their compound in the Colorado Mountains, Stephan and the others decided they had remained in a defensive posture long enough. After hearing of the successes of other groups around the country, they decided it was time to kick some ass themselves. At six in the morning, the men kissed their wives and children goodbye, and left the compound. Alice’s uncle Dick left with them to lead Stephan’s Raiders to his home close to Colorado Springs. There was little they could do in their immediate locality, so it was time to go farther. Denver was the major enemy stronghold, and they needed to be working their way there. Stephan had chosen Cord, Brandon, David, Enrique, and Raul to accompany him. Ralph and the older boys would stay and defend the compound.

  The old Huey, buried under the barn, had been uncovered and inspected. Surprisingly, although it looked beat up, not much mechanical work had to be done on her. Fuel brought from the cave storerooms filled her empty tanks. The M60 machine guns were mounted by the doors and ammo loaded, along with a bazooka, grenade launchers, and other deadly play toys. This was to be the men’s heaviest assault, and they intended to make it count.

  They lifted off and swooped down the valley, heading north. Stephan piloted the bird and was thrilled to be in the air again. David flew as his co-pilot, while Cord and Brandon manned the M60’s.

  Stephan circled Dick’s home to see if it was clear before landing. Everything looked fine and, before the rotor’s quit, the men had already jumped out and were in attack mode.

  “Anyone in the house, you better come out with your hands up, or we’re gonna blast your ass out.” Cord yelled.

  A scared voice answered, “Hold your fire! Shit, man, we’re Americans, too. We’re coming out.”

  The door opened and fifteen men marched out with their hands in the air. One of the men came forward. “I’m Dwight Henderson, the so called leader of this band of outlaws. Who might you all be?” he asked, looking at the seven men in full combat dress and armed to the teeth.

  “Well, you’re in my house,” Dick stated. “These guys are Stephan’s Raiders.”


  Back in the house, Dwight told Stephan’s Raiders, “Me and the boys know the Colorado Springs and Denver areas quite well, and we’ve gathered here at Dick’s place to plan an attack on the enemy. Great minds think alike,” Dwight chuckled. “I was a pilot in the Air Force until this shit came down and can’t wait to get back in the driver’s seat of an F16 to go after these pricks. Better than riding horseback like I have for months. I had a small charter service on the outskirts of Pueblo. If we can get there, maybe there’d still be enough jet fuel for your Huey.”

  Dwight said, “Give me and my boys a day’s head start, and then you fly to this area near Pueblo.” Dwight showed Stephan a place on a map. “Wait there until I send word to come on in.”


  Dwight and his men made it to his small airstrip and found no enemy in the immediate area. He quickly posted lookouts. The underground tanks were almost full of jet fuel, so he sent a rider out to tell Stephan. The high winds had ruined his hangars, but crawling underneath to inspect the two planes, they found one with little damage. His helicopter needed some repairs, but he thought they could put it back in flying condition.

  Stephan brought the big bird in almost at ground level and sat down where Dwight indicated and shut her down. A half hour later, his bird was refueled and ready to fly. Dwight and his men jumped into a pickup and drove to the airport. After waiting ten minutes for Dwight’s men to get into position, he said. “No need to let daylight go to waste.” Stephan started the engine and headed straight for the airport.

  A rocket took out the tower in one blast. The gunners wiped out men running for the planes and the two Nighthawks parked there. Those Nighthawks were top priority to grab, and Stephan knew Dwight would be trying hard to get to one. The battle lasted a shorter time than they’d figured. One of Dwight’s men was killed, but no other patriots were hurt.

  On the mop-up, they found only one enemy soldier, and he died immediately. “Damn. You mean they had stationed only a few men here?” Enrique asked.

  “If there were others, they must have run. Otherwise, they’re low on help. Guess their recruiting process isn’t working,” Cord sneered. “Hopefully the next operation will go just as smooth.”

  Within an hour, American outlaws were coming from every direction. They’d heard the noise at the airport and came with guns and backpacks. They walked in by ones and twos to join any group going against the enemy.

  “Would you look at that,” David said. He stood watching the new patriots congregate on the tarmac. “Hell, some look to be no more than fifteen years old.”

  “I know, but they’re carrying guns, and that’s what we need,” Dwight answered. “It’s their country, too. It reminds me of the Revolutionary War. I guess if you stop and think about it, this is the second Revolutionary War.”


  Stephan and Dwight divided the new forces into groups, which now numbered a good hundred and fifty.

  Group One -- Pilots.

  Group Two -- Explosives, Seals, Special Forces.

  Group Three -- trained shooters . . . military or law enforcement. Group Four -- engineers, electronics, communications, mechanics.

  Group Five -- Medical.

  Group Six caught the remainder of the assembled men and women.

>   The inventory now included two Nighthawk helicopters, three F-16’s, a Huey, a small helicopter, and a fixed wing Cessna. Mechanics were sent to repair Dwight’s two damaged aircraft at his field a few miles away.

  The men found eight large trucks, gassed them up, then spray painted a large flag of the United States across the hoods and on the doors. Pickups were also painted with the colors of freedom.

  Stephan, Dwight and Cord, along with four new pilots, checked out the aircraft, and stocked them with the needed armaments. The mechanics had Dwight’s aircraft up and running in no time. The men stood back and looked at their new Air Force and were quite pleased with themselves.

  At 0500, everyone stood inside the hangar listening to Stephan. “The plan is to hit Colorado Springs, and we need input from all you troops.”

  In an hour the plans were formed, and the Freedom Fighters jumped in the trucks and headed north.

  Cord, Dwight, and a new pilot named Chris taxied the F16’s to the end of the runway, turned and screamed down the strip and out of sight. Within minutes, they were giving a wake up call to the enemy forces in Colorado Springs. Their job was to scout out the area and wipe out what they could with the jets. Sort of soften them up for the forces coming from the south. The pilots made every shot count in the target rich area.


  “Listen up, all you cowboys out there. Understand what I say. This here is Pueblo Joe.” A voice blasted out from the short wave. “Yes sir, I’m Pueblo Joe, and me and my friends are having a party. You’re all welcome to attend. Gonna be lotsa fun and games. We’re heading right now to get some of that clear spring water. The party will be in a couple days, and we’re gonna sing, ‘County Road and Rocky Mountain High very loud. Now don’t forget, Pueblo Joe’s inviting you to the big shindig. Oh, yes, almost forgot. Come dressed to the nines”

  “Thank ye, thank ye, Pueblo Joe. Got the message and will sure ‘nuff make your party. Right now I’ve got to finish off my Tom Collins. Out.”

  “I want to party, too. Wife says I gotta move those large rocks out of the way first. Out.”


  “What the heck is all that?” Mike asked,

  Ralph was laughing his head off listening to the chatter.

  “What are they saying, Dad?” Dan asked. “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s very simple. Our guys have taken Pueblo, and plan to take out Colorado Springs. They’re asking everyone in the area to meet in Denver for a major assault. One man in Fort Collins said he was heading south, and the other is heading into Boulder with his group to take the city back, and both groups will meet up in Denver.

  “I wonder if Cord and Stephan are in that group at Pueblo?” Mike said.

  “I’d bet they are. Yes sir, I’d bet they are. Heck, they’re probably leading it,” Ralph stated, laughing and slapping his leg. “Dammit, wish I was with them.”

  Once more, the radio squawked to life. “Hey you lubbers. This is Smack Cruise, and I’m cruising along and eating a big sub sandwich. I’m comin’, and goin’ to be the first one there. You just see if I’m not. Out.”

  “What the heck did he say?” Mike asked a startled looking Ralph.

  “My gosh, he said he’s on a submarine and going to send in a missile first.”

  “Hold it, Smack Cruise. I’m Mr. Cruise and I have Mrs. Cruise here. I’m going to the party before you. Out.”

  “Let me guess. Another sub with two missiles. Am I right?” asked Dan.

  “I believe you are, son. Man, what a party that will be.”


  The assault in Colorado Springs lasted until noon. Once more, the resistance was much less than the patriots expected. Mop up continued throughout the day, finding a few prisoners. The Freedom Fighters liberated a camp holding civilians and had several hundred more volunteers by the end of the day.

  Arnold, a communications man, rushed to find Stephan and Dwight. “You’re not going to believe the “party” messages I’ve heard on the radio.”

  “We need to warn as many civilians as we can. If there’s a way to get out of Denver, they better do it,” Dwight stated after listening to Arnold.

  “I’ll see if I can find a radio station,” Arnold said, and took off on a dead run. By the next day, Arnold and the rest of the technicians had the local radio station up and running . . . as well as a TV station.

  A videotape was hastily made in the TV station. The men projected a picture of the American flag on the wall behind the announcer, and opened with The Star Spangled Banner playing loudly. Stephan stood in full battle dress and looked directly into the camera.

  “Attention American citizens. I’m not saying world citizens, because you’re not. You are citizens of the United States of America, and our country still stands, no matter what you may have been told. There are patriots all over this land knocking the crap out of the enemy. City after city has been reclaimed for the United States. I’m asking all of you who are able to stand up to this foreign Army to do so and the best way you can. I know many of you are living in Euclaid’s camps being fed and housed. Those are nothing more than concentration camps to keep you under his control. Understand that Jarmain Euclaid is a dictator, and you are nothing but prisoners. He has spouted nothing but lies. He even offered you money to turn in your fellow Americans. Why was that? The answer is simple. To kill the men and women who are trying to free this country of his evil. Yes, Jarmain Euclaid wants everyone dead who still loves America and is willing to fight and die to save her. See that flag behind me? It’s the flag of our land, and she is still flying high and proud. I can now confirm the people in Pueblo and Colorado Springs are free from the clutches of this evil world dictator. Yes, they are free Americans once more. I’m also informed that the people in Fort Collins, Greeley, Loveland, and Boulder are also free.” A map of Colorado filled the screen, and Stephan pointed out the cities as he called out their names. American flags immediately covered each city. “Pretty impressive isn’t it? Now, look at the center. What city isn’t covered with a flag?” He pointed to Denver. “I suggest you who live there had better get out of the way, and do it quick. Spread the word to everyone you know to clear out. Because, folks, we’re coming in.”

  “To those of you who have come to our country to destroy it, and to those of you who have committed treason by joining the enemy, I want to notify you, your days are numbered. You thought the people of the United States would lie down and acquiesce to this madman who would be king of the world. I want to give you fair warning. We are huge in numbers, and we will crush you into the ground! Yo, you Cruisers, if you’re out there, come on in and join the fun.”

  The picture of the flag once more filled the screen and the music increased in volume. A sound track of the tape was made and played continually over the radio station, and short wave radio.


  Whoops filled the Holden cave as they sat and watched Stephan on television. “Wow, they are whooping ass,” Mike yelled out. “Duck for cover Denver cause here they come.”

  “That’s my man. Didn’t he look fierce? I think anyone watching him will see he means business.” Susan commented to no one in particular.


  Stephan’s uncle, General Parker, saw the broadcast and smiled proudly at his nephew’s pronouncement. He sat at the radio console and ran a scan on the short wave frequencies that were becoming more active. When he found the frequency Stephan was on, he called, “Nephew, nephew, this is Big Dog. Hold ‘til 0800 two days. Help is on the way. Do you copy?”

  Cord answered, “Big Dog, Big Dog, we copy. Nephew inquires about Top Dog’s safety.”

  “That’s a roger. Out.”


  At General Parker’s headquarters, Parker gave a long sigh of relief. He had seen Stephan on television and was relieved to know he was alive. Now, he had to make the final preparations for the attack on Denver. It seemed with the country being split in half by the Mississippi, the enemy had decided on Denver as their
main base of operations. After Tinker Air Force base was retaken by friendlies, Parker had ordered the one Spy Plane stored there to fly over Denver to locate troop concentrations. With the information gathered by the Predator and by picking off intelligence from the signals flying back and forth between the enemy positions, he had a good picture of where the troops were.

  General Parker had no number estimate of aircraft the United States still had, but he knew he had at least a dozen fighter bombers he could depend on, along with the cruise missiles he’d ordered launched from the subs at sea. Parker wondered what they would find in Denver. He wanted to get his hands on all those bastards from D.C. who went over to the enemy -- all the Senators, Representatives, and their staffs.

  Most of Parker’s troops were already on their way toward Denver in anything that would fly or was drivable. The four Apache helicopters guarded the long convoy through the mountains, landing at each available wide spot in the road to refuel. The Apaches would be the forefront of their attack, taking out any ammo dumps or fuel supplies the enemy had built up in the Denver area. He would leave on the last Huey.

  At dinner that evening, he asked the President, “Sir, what will we do with the defectors from Congress if we capture them?”

  Clarence Lawson gazed at Parker for several seconds before answering, “I would hope we don’t take them prisoner.” He spoke in a deadpan, serious tone.

  General Parker’s brow furrowed for a moment, then grasped what the President was saying. “I understand, and I fully concur, Mister President.”

  So, the President was not interested in taking prisoners. Parker hoped no one in Denver wanted to surrender. After what the bastards had done to his country, the General wondered how he could relay the message to his troops not to accept any surrenders without coming right out and saying it. After all, what would they do with prisoners? There would be few resources to go around for the people without having to house and feed prisoners. And all these people were guilty of invading our country or, in the case of U.S. citizens fighting for the enemy, guilty of treason. He would have to figure out some way to let his people know.


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