Evander (Stratham Shifters Book 4)

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Evander (Stratham Shifters Book 4) Page 8

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Okay, well we can’t do anything until then.”

  He nodded and let her lead him from the kitchen and to their room. It was his home now, too. He loved how she touched him. Even in the smallest way. The contact between them was important. He felt their bond would only continue to grow. But he’d never been around mated pairs growing up in the castle. Since he was a prisoner, he wasn’t ‘let out’ in front of crowds. He only knew of the king and queen’s mating, and he didn’t even think they were a true mated pair. Not if she was able to fuck everything with a dick.

  He shuddered, glad to be home. “You’ve saved me, love.”

  “You’ve said that.” She pressed her lips to his cheek. “Now, let’s go to bed.”

  “Yes, love.” He wasn’t tired, but he knew he should be. The days had taken their toll. If he hadn’t just released one beast, he might have already been asleep, but as it was, he was energized in a way he’d never been. She seemed sluggish, though. “Are you okay?”

  She smiled at him. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  She had that faraway look again. “You have a secret, too, and I think it’s affecting you. It seems like you don’t have energy. You should.”

  “Maybe it’s taken a toll on my body to accept such a big change.”

  He sensed the partial lie, but he could tell she was exhausted. He’d ask later. No matter what, he’d find out what she was hiding. “Let’s sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow. I love you.”

  Again, she smiled. “Sleep sounds perfect.” Then she crawled into bed, and before he laid next to her, she was out. She had yet to tell him she loved him, but he felt she did. He didn’t have to hear the words to know it was true, but he felt the need to hear them. No one had ever loved him, outside of his mother. And that was different.

  He laid down and closed his eyes willing, himself to sleep. Callie rolled next to him and slid her arm over him.

  “I love you, too, Evander.”

  He smiled. It was as if she read his mind. But that wasn’t her gift.

  “I felt it,” she replied, but her eyes were still shut. “Guess I know what others are feeling?”

  “Empath.” The word came to him.

  “Oh,” she replied. “I’ve always been sensitive to others.”

  “So, it makes sense then.” He kissed her forehead. “Go to sleep, mate.”


  Then she was out. So, his mate was an empath. It also seemed that Blane was, too. He’d felt his emotions. But he was a purple dragon. Blue must have been his dual beast. The one his mate would take. It was so surreal. How did he not know this was even possible? Shouldn’t it have been part of his nature?

  But then, his beasts did know. That’s why he came to Stratham. And now he would fight with the town instead of against them.

  Chapter 12

  It was dark as the three stepped around the house. They made no sound for others to hear. They’d been trained by the masters. No one would see them coming, and when the time came, they would find their mark. They didn’t miss.

  A branch cracked beneath Ike’s foot, and Jaz hissed. “Stupid, silence is key.”

  His brother frowned and raised a brow. “Yet your voice is louder than the branch.”

  “Stop it, you two.” The eldest, Lon, said. “We were sent to do a job. What the fuck is wrong with you?” His voice was quiet, but the twins looked at each other and tensed.

  “Sorry,” they said in unison. They were more submissive than Black Dragons should be, but only to their older brother. Otherwise, they had quite the nasty streak. They didn’t enjoy the Council ordering them to some hole in the ground town, but the pay was triple their norm. That made up for it.

  “They’re inside sleeping. I say we take the girl. That will get the male’s attention real fast.”

  “But it’s his mate.” Jaz said. He didn’t like the sound of taking another dragon’s mate. It seemed too risky to him. Who knew how the dragon would react? “I think we take him. He’s the one the Council wants anyway.”

  “All or nothing, Jaz. You know how they are. Did you see the look on the queen’s face? She’s an evil bitch.”

  Jaz shuddered and agreed. He never wanted to be alone with that woman–ever. “So, we take her?” Still, unease crept up his spine, but he wasn’t strong enough to disobey Lon. He was the strongest and the oldest. Ike was younger than him by mere minutes. Their older brother led them, taught them, and kept them safe. He nodded. “How?”

  Lon narrowed his eyes and rubbed his hands together with a smirk. “I’d say fire. But that’s too showy. I say Ike sneaks, like he does best. But not yet. Wait until she’s alone. We can distract him easily enough if we need to.”

  It was a plan, but not one he trusted. He wasn’t used to Lon acting this impulsively. Something had come over him, and Jaz was worried all of this was going to backfire. Then they would be screwed. He could sense a growing dragon population in this small area. And the town smelled heavily of powerful witchcraft. There was at least one very old witch in town.


  Evander woke up and immediately knew something was wrong. The bed was cold, and he was light-headed. He knew without looking Callie was gone. The beast inside him roared. Their mate was gone. He ran his hand over her side of the bed, and his lip curled into a snarl. It was cold. Meaning she’d been gone for too long, and he didn’t wake up. He knew he’d been drugged. It was the way the Council worked. They’d always had to drug him when they let him out for more than a short period of time.

  He jumped out of bed and paced. He couldn’t go halfcocked after her. He had no idea what he was up against. Other than the Council being pissed that he’d found a way to break the link the demon set on him. It was a relief, but not at his mate’s expense.

  He strode to the wall and slammed his fist into it. The drywall crumbled, and he growled, allowing his eyes and claws to shift. The beast wanted to rip whoever it was apart, but first he needed a scent. He closed his eyes and let his senses take over. The beast led him through Callie’s house to the back door. It was open, but not damaged.

  Someone picked the lock easily enough.

  It came to him faster than he thought it should, but he wasn’t alone anymore, and he really needed to make sure Aris and his mate were okay. His innocent nephew. He growled again.

  Hell no.

  He didn’t waste any more time. He went out the back door, shutting it behind him, not like it mattered anymore. Callie was gone, and her scent had faded. He should have been able to find her anywhere, but his beast couldn’t sense her. He tried not to panic and he ran. Fast. It didn’t matter who saw. He was nothing but a blur in the early rising sun. It was just at the horizon, leaving most of the town in a bit of darkness. He took the same path he did the night before, only this time, he kept going down the road. There were no lights, making it much easier for him to use his beast’s magic. He ran faster than he ever had.

  Before long, he found the driveway they’d left from and he ran. He hoped no one attacked him.

  No one did.

  As soon as he was about to knock, the door opened, revealing the queen.

  “You’re here early.” She looked over his shoulder. “Where’s your mate?”

  He let out a breath. “Taken. The Council sent someone.”

  “How did they get her?”

  “Drugged me.” He couldn’t even understand how they managed. They must have been good. Or working with someone else. It was the only way.

  Her lip wobbled, and she rubbed her stomach. “Oh dear, come in.”

  He let her grab his hand and tug him inside. She shut and locked the door. “Can never be too safe.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Oh, it’s not your fault. You have no control over the actions of others.”

  He shook his head. “But because of me–”

  “Stop. We’re here to help. You’re family.”

  He nodded, feeling the knot in his throat. He hadn’t expected her to be s
o warm to him–not after she surely knew everything. She led him to a large room. The same one he was in before. The others gathered there. Each one looking at him much differently than they had before.

  “They have your mate.”

  He nodded. “I was drugged. I didn’t even catch a scent. She’s long gone. I have no idea what to do.”

  Aris sighed. “This isn’t the first time the Council has used one of their own to kidnap a mate. I’m certain they’ll be in touch.”

  He growled. “Why would they take the females? They’re innocent.”

  “Best way to get to you, right?”

  That was true. He nodded. “I’ve lived with them my whole life, and I never fought because I knew I wasn’t strong enough, but now they’ve gone too far. Whatever you need or want, I’m here.”

  “She’s really missing?” This from Willow. She looked sick. “She didn’t just get mad and leave?”

  He didn’t want to feel insulted, but he did. “No, she knew everything. I didn’t even have to tell her. Gaining my beast did that. She and I are fine. Our bond is strong, but I’m guessing it’s too new. Maybe one of you can find her?” He hoped one of them could track.

  Blane smiled. “I should be able to. I’m not sure, though. Depends on who or what took her.”

  He sighed. “That demon probably helped whoever it was. I know it’s got to be a dragon.”

  “We’ll find her, but I’ll need your help.” Blane said.

  Evander felt calm. It was almost as if he had no control over what he was feeling. “What are you doing to me?” Even his tone was calm, the anger he felt building was stuck in place.

  “Helping you relax so you and your beast can focus on Callie. I can’t find her if he’s pacing and you’re angry with yourself. You didn’t fail. Sometimes, the Council gets the upper hand. But we’ll always win.”

  He sounded so confident. Evander wanted to believe him. The warmth in his eyes tried to convince him.

  “Okay, fair enough. I’m calm. Now tell me what I need to do to help you find my mate.”

  “Come sit down.”

  Evander walked to the couch. The queen sat down and patted the spot. He followed her directions and sighed when she gripped his hand. She was kin. She was Golden. She was home, too, but in a different way than Callie was. He let her hold his hand, and he rolled his shoulders.

  “Relax. If anyone can find her, it’s Blane. He found me, and because of him, I was saved from more horrors than you can imagine.”

  Her voice was soft, and he let it lull his eyes closed. Her touch grounded him. He inhaled and let the magic take over.

  Chapter 13

  Callie opened her eyes and groaned. Her mouth was dry. She licked her lips and winced when she tasted blood. Her lip was split. Somehow, she knew someone had hit her and dragged her somewhere. At first, she thought it was a dream.

  Only now she realized it wasn’t. The beast inside of her was sluggish, and so was she. She couldn’t focus on where she was. It was dark and damp. In the distance, she thought she heard whispers, but as soon as she’d made a noise, they stopped. Her vision was cloudy, and her head was heavy. This was just another reason why her doctor had been right. She’d made herself weak. She purged out everything she needed to be strong, and now she was going to pay. Whoever had taken her wasn’t going to just up and let her go. No, she was a pawn. It could only mean one thing: Evander.

  Tears filled what little vision she had, and she realized she couldn’t feel him. Whoever had taken her hadn't taken him too. She would know if he was close by. The beast inside of her whimpered.

  ‘Save us.’

  Callie could have laughed. Like she was capable of anything. She was nothing but weak. As the thoughts clouded her mind, the dragon raised her head and growled.

  ‘We are stronger than this. Fight.’

  She really wanted to fight. Some of the fog lifted, making her vision clear some. She could make out three figures. They stood in a circle. None of them were really paying attention to her. But their voices kept raising.

  “I told you not to take her. I knew it was stupid.” One said.

  “Shut up, Jaz. Taking her was the right choice. He’ll do anything to save her. That’s what mates do.” Another one responded. He was much larger than the others, and Callie could sense something off about him. It was unnatural.

  The third one stared between the other two as if he didn’t know what side to choose, so he didn’t. His eyes latched on to hers. Golden eyes flared, and the voices stopped.

  Three sets of eyes narrowed in on her. The big one stalked toward her, leering. “Well, aren’t you a hot little number. Your mate should be willing to do anything for you, huh?”

  She glared at him but kept the sarcastic remark to herself. It wouldn’t do her well. She needed to find a weakness. But there were three of them, and the big one looked like he was hawked up on something.

  ‘Demon magic,’ the beast hissed.

  Oh well, she was certain that wasn’t a good thing whatsoever. How the hell was she going to get out of this?

  “What’s your name, pretty girl?”

  His voice was sweet and low–unnatural. She ignored the scent of lust radiating off him and prayed she figured out how to get out before he used the lust.

  “Let me go.”

  He burst out laughing. “You’re a funny girl. Why would I do that?”

  She didn’t have a threat. Hell, did her mate even know she was gone? She was on her own.

  ‘Not alone.’

  Of course, she had the beast. One she had no idea about. She hadn’t gotten a chance to learn anything or get to know her. Other than being lusty, and that didn’t help her. She smiled.

  Or did it?

  She glanced at his jeans, unable to focus too closely on his erection. It seemed her staring had made it grow.

  She could be grossed out later. For now, for the first time in her life, Callie was going to use herself as a distraction just to get the upper hand.

  The beast growled. ‘No.’

  ‘We have no choice. He’s under some sort of magic.’

  ‘There is always a choice.’


  ‘Have faith in our mate. He will not take this lightly. He loves you.’

  That, Callie did know, and she felt terrible about her thoughts. He had done nothing but show her he loved her. Shame filled her.

  ‘No shame. It’s only natural. He will come, and so will the others. Our kin.’

  She swallowed, hoping the dragon was right.


  Evander paced. It’s the only thing he knew how to do. Until he connected to his mate, there was nothing he could do. Blane watched him like a hawk.

  “She is strong.”

  “I know that.” He sighed when he realized he’d growled. “Sorry.”

  The docile male tipped his head, acknowledging him. “Your life was hard.”


  “You lived with a Council that hates our very existence. And to make matters worse, they are your family. That must have changed you.”

  He wondered where this was going. It seemed the Purple Dragon in Blane wanted to learn, but he wondered if he realized he was tapping into the Blue one’s power. “You realize your empath abilities come from your Blue beast, the one you will give to your mate. How is it you’re tapping into its powers when no one else has done that with their dual beast?”

  “I am a Purple Dragon.”

  “Yes, and from everything I’ve heard through the years, Purple Dragons’ gift is to manipulate emotions and to be able to astral project. You have more strength in emotions as an empath, and that’s what Callie is now.”

  “She’s fine.”

  Evander stopped pacing long enough to see if Blane had gotten through. His eyes were open, but they were shifted, and he looked far away. He kept his mouth shut as to not interrupt the talented dragon.

  Aris came into the room and stood by him, crossing his arms.
“Blane is good. He’ll find her.”

  “But how will she be when he does?”

  “She’s strong.”

  “I know my mate is strong. I also know she has her own secret that’s eating at her. She’s hiding something vital. What if it’s that one thing that gets her killed?”

  “What do you think she is hiding?”

  He sighed. “I haven’t got a clue. I don’t know women. I’ve never really been around humans, and I certainly didn’t grow up normal. I’m at a loss, but I fear if I push too far, it’ll push her away.”

  ‘You’re her mate–push. She can get mad, but in the end, at least you’ll know.” He chuckled. “Then she’ll forgive you for being a pushy son of a bitch.”

  He glared at his brother. Funny how easily he took on calling him by his title. He could see it now. How similar they looked. Their mother’s genes carried strong within them. “I guess. You know women more than I do. Only we must find her first, and then I’m not going to let her out of my sight until I know everything.” Now he was starting to sound like the others.

  “Good man.”

  Sophie took that moment to come in and stand by Aris. She peered up at him. “Would you like to feel your nephew kick?”

  He nodded, keeping his eyes on his brother, who nodded for confirmation. He let Sophie take his hand and lay it on her protruding stomach. As soon as the warmth from his fingers seeped through the fabric, the baby kicked.

  He sucked in a breath, and his eyes widened. “Goddess, that’s amazing.”

  “He’ll be here sooner than we’re ready for. He’s going to need all the love and protection he can get.”

  Evander nodded, realizing he would do anything for his unborn kin.

  “I’ve found her.” Blane’s voice cut through their conversation. Evander dropped his hand from Sophie’s belly and strode to Blane, whose eyes were back to normal.

  “These dragons…they keep sending, don’t get any smarter.” He sighed. “She’s fine, but she’s weak. I don’t know why, or what they did, but the beast in her is sluggish.”

  Evander nodded. He’d noticed, too. “So, she’s okay, though?”


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