Diary of a Super Spy (An hilarious adventure for children aged 7 - 12)

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Diary of a Super Spy (An hilarious adventure for children aged 7 - 12) Page 3

by Peter Patrick

  I’ll call my Super Spy Dad.

  He’ll know exactly what to do.

  “Hello?” Dad answers the phone.

  “Dad!” I yell down the phone. “The zombies-”

  “Yes, Charlie. We are still chasing the zombies, but it’s a big job. It’s going to take a long time to track down the zombies. We’ve been able to locate some information that would suggest that they are very active at the moment. They seem to be somewhere in our city, but we are unsure where they are at the moment. It’s a very complex case to work on. We know they are here but finding the zombies is certainly the most difficult part of the case. But don’t worry, we are working on locating them now.”

  “I know, Dad! They’re-”

  “They’re scary. That’s right, Charlie. They are very scary. If you see them, make sure you let me know. But don’t go near them, they are very dangerous. Make sure you call me straight away if you see any zombies. Straight away. No messing about. I want you to pick up the phone and call me if you see anything suspicious. I want to know right away if anyone sees a zombie.”

  “But Dad! You don’t understand. Listen to me! The zombies-”

  “Yes, yes, Charlie. The zombies are quite scary. And remember Charlie, they are very good at disguises. So make sure that you keep your eyes open, and tell me if you see anything that might be suspicious. These zombies are very clever and could be dressed up as anything. You never know when you might come across one of these zombies. They could be hiding anywhere or could be dressed up as anything. They could even be dressed up as the gardener at your school. If you see anything suspicious, call me straight away.”

  “But Dad, I’ve seen scary-”

  “Mary? Who is Mary?” Dad interrupts.


  “You said you’ve seen Mary.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You just said it then. You said that you’ve seen Mary.”

  “No! I said that I’ve seen scary-”

  “Hairy? Who is hairy?”

  “No - scary!”






  “Scary!!” I shout down the phone. Dad doesn’t have the best hearing.

  “Oh, scary. Yes, yes. The zombies are very scary. I have told you that. There is no doubt about that. They are some of the scariest enemies we have encountered. But don’t worry, we are working really hard on the case right now. We will find them.”

  “But Dad!”

  “Isn’t it school time right now, Charlie? Shouldn’t you be in class now?”

  “Yes. But Dad-”

  “No buts, Charlie. School is very important. You should always study very hard at school. It’s important to learn all that you can at school because it will help you later in life. And not just study. You should also listen at school. You have to listen to your teachers. Listening is a very important skill. If you don’t listen to people, you might miss some vital information. Remember to listen, Charlie.”

  “But Dad-”

  “Don’t worry about the zombies, Charlie. I will find them sooner or later. That’s my job as an international Super Spy, and I am very good at it. We have our best spies working on this case. But you shouldn’t miss lessons. You need to go back into your classroom now, Charlie.”

  “But Dad!”

  “No, son. Get off the phone and get back to class. School is important.”


  I hang up the phone.

  My Super Spy Dad is no help at all!

  The school is in danger from a zombie attack, my friend Harley is in massive trouble, and my Dad won’t listen to me!

  This is bad.

  I thought that having a daily math test was bad, but this is so much worse.

  The zombie teachers are going to complete step three of their plan and capture all the kids in my school. I can’t let the zombie teachers take over my school and eat all the students.

  I cannot let that happen!

  I have to stop the zombie teachers before the school assembly this morning!

  There is only one thing left to do…

  It is up to me to save the school.

  But how?

  How can I stop all those zombies?

  Then I remember that I still have Dad’s new laser gun in my backpack…

  Chapter 5

  Wednesday School Assembly

  Defending the School!

  I race to the school gym, but by the time I have made it, the weekly assembly has already started.

  All the kids in our school are sitting in the gym, waiting for the substitute teachers to begin talking. They look so excited, but they don’t know what is about to happen!

  Harley is standing next to a zombie teacher, and the teacher has his hand on him. Harley looks like he hasn’t been hurt… yet.

  I hide behind the gym door and try to listen to the zombie teachers talk with each other.

  Oh man, they smell bad!

  My eyes are almost watering with the bad stink.

  “We are ready,” Miss Zomb says to another teacher. “All the children have now gathered in the gym, and our plan is almost complete. Nothing can stop us now.”

  “Nothing can stop us,” the other teacher laughs. “Our plan is perfect.”

  The zombie teachers laugh with each other as they walk around the gym.

  This is so bad.

  The zombie teachers look so mean and scary – I’m not sure if I can defeat them. Maybe Harley can help me?

  “Harley,” I quietly try to get my friends attention. I have to be quiet, so the zombie teachers don’t hear me. “Harley.”

  But Harley doesn’t respond!

  Standing next to the zombie teacher, he reaches inside his backpack. Maybe he is going to get something to help me…

  Oh no.

  Harley pulls out another sandwich and starts eating it in the gym. He knows that ‘No eating in the gym’ is school rule number 38.

  Wow, he is really going wild breaking the rules today.

  I look at all the zombie teachers, and they are all drooling and licking their lips as they stare at the students. This is so bad. My school is about to be the scene of a zombie attack, and there is nobody here to stop it – except me!

  “Excuse me! Listen!” Miss Zomb shouts to the school. “Children, listen closely to us! We have something important to tell you! Listen to us, children!”

  “Children… yes… yummy children….” says another zombie teacher.

  “Today we are going to be doing a large cooking class, and I need you to follow our instructions very, very closely,” Miss Zomb continues. “But there is no need to worry. We will not be cooking you. Nope. We won’t be cooking you. So don’t worry about anything. Don’t worry at all, little children. We won’t cook you. It’s a cooking class. But for you. Not cooking you. We’re not cooking you.”

  All the zombie teachers giggle with a horrendous and evil sound as Miss Zomb speaks.

  “We are ready for it! Bring it in!” shouts one zombie teacher to the doors of the school hall.

  At that moment, a large cooking pot full of boiling water is wheeled into the gym. It is black, old, and heavy, and large enough to fit everyone from the school inside!

  “What’s that?” Mia calls out. “That looks like a large cooking pot.”

  Good! Mia is starting to see the problem here.

  “Don’t be alarmed children,” Miss Zomb explains. “This is not a large cooking pot. No, it’s a… um… new… um… gym activity. Yes, that’s it. A new gym activity. You all have to climb inside it to see how many of you can fit. Yes, it’s a new gym activity called ‘Climbing into a Pot.’ Nothing to worry about. We will do the cooking class once we finish this gym activity.”

  “Oh, ok,” Mia shrugs. “That sounds fine. It sounds totally normal, and like there is nothing to worry about.”


  The en
tire school has fallen for the zombie trap!

  I have to do something!


  My heart is beating hard as I think about what to do next.

  I have to stop them!

  I can’t let the zombie teachers cook all the students from my school!

  But there are eight zombie teachers, and I will need to defeat them all if I am to save everyone.

  I can do it.

  I know I can do it.

  I can beat these zombies!

  Slowly, I take Dad’s laser gun out of my backpack.

  This is it.

  This is my moment to prove that I am capable of being a Super Spy.

  I know I can do this!

  I grip the gun tightly as I ready myself for the attack.


  I am too nervous to go.

  How can I defeat eight zombie teachers all by myself?!

  What if one catches me?

  They’ll eat me in front of the whole school!

  Maybe I should try to call Dad again?

  Yep, that is a good idea.

  “Dad,” I whisper on the phone so the zombie teachers can’t hear me. “Dad, I’m at school, and the zombies have disguised themselves as school teachers. They are going to eat everyone. I need your help to defeat the zombies.”

  “What’s that, Charlie?” Dad shouts down the phone. “I can’t hear you. It must be a bad connection. I can’t hear what you are saying!”

  “I said that I have found the zombies,” I whisper quietly again. “They are at my school. I need your help. I need you and your Super Spy team to come here and capture them.”

  “What?!” he shouts again. “Don’t whisper, Charlie. I can’t hear you.”

  “I have to whisper, or the zombies will hear me,” I say.

  “Sorry, Charlie. I can’t hear you! Call me back later when you can talk louder,” Dad says, and then he hangs up!


  That means I am the only hope left to save the school.

  Come on, Charlie.

  Be brave.

  Be the hero.

  Chapter 6

  Wednesday Assembly

  Zombie Attack

  I can do this.

  I can save the school from the zombie teacher attack.

  I have to do this.

  If I don’t do anything, then the zombie teachers will eat all the kids in my school. I cannot let that happen.

  Gripping the laser gun tightly, I take a number of deep breaths. All I have to do is run around the gym, and battle the scariest, meanest, creepiest things I have ever seen.


  Yep, totally easy…

  Or maybe not!

  I am so scared, but I don’t have a choice. I have to save the school!

  I’m going to count myself in for the attack…









  With excitement racing through me, I fire shot after shot of the laser gun.

  My zaps hit zombie teacher after zombie teacher, and they freeze the second my laser hits them.



  Four zombies down.



  Five zombies.



  Seven frozen zombie teachers.

  I have defeated them all!


  I am a hero!

  A job well done. I’m so proud of myself. I have defeated seven zombie teachers!

  But hang on…

  There were eight zombie teachers!

  There is still one zombie teacher missing!

  Chapter 7

  Wednesday Assembly

  Zombie Attack Phase 2

  Turning around in a panic, I search for the last zombie teacher in the gym.

  I can’t see them.

  They must be hiding!

  Oh no!

  I thought that fighting a zombie teacher was bad, but a zombie teacher that I can’t find is even worse!

  Then I spot her - Miss Zomb, my substitute teacher!

  She is running behind the giant pot of boiling water, and starting to push it my way!

  As she pushes, the giant pot starts to tip over.


  The hot water pours from the top of the pot, and it rushes towards me!


  Running to the walls of the gym, I jump to the training rope in front of me. I have never been able to climb this rope, but now is the right time to start!

  I pull myself up the rope super fast as the water pours in behind me!

  I feel the hot water touch my shoe!


  I’m about to be cooked!

  Quickly, I climb out of range from the boiling water.


  That was too close!

  But where is Miss Zomb now?

  Looking around from the top of the rope climb, I spot Miss Zomb reaching for a javelin that is stored against the gym wall.

  She takes her aim…

  In a split second, I turn and fire a shot from my laser gun…



  She is frozen!

  I breathe a deep sigh of relief.


  I shoot a laser at the boiling water on the ground, and it freezes! That is so cool.

  Climbing back down the gym rope to the floor, I feel really proud of myself.

  All the zombie teachers are frozen, and I have defended the school.


  That feels totally cool.

  Mia, the cutest girl in school, is waiting for me as I climb down the rope.

  “That was super brave, Charlie,” she smiles. “You must be really strong, and really courageous. I’m so proud of you. You really are a hero, Charlie.”

  “Um… thanks,” I blush.

  “I am so impressed. Like super impressed. You knew something was wrong when everyone else was running around having fun, and then you defeated all the zombie teachers. You are so brave.”

  “Thanks,” I reply again.

  That seems to be about all I can say.

  “Did you want to grab a milkshake after school today?” Mia asks. “I would really like to hang out with you for a while.”


  Before I can finish my response, the doors to the gym burst open!

  Chapter 8

  Wednesday Midday

  The Clean Up

  “Dad?” I question.

  My Super Spy Dad has burst through the doors of the gym followed by a whole bunch of his spy co-workers.

  They dance around the gym doing all sorts of weird ninja moves, looking for something to attack.

  “Don’t worry, son,” he states in his really deep voice. “Stand back. We’ll protect you from the zombies. We’ve located them at the school, and we’re here to stop them. Just move back, and we will take care of it. There is nothing to worry about now.”

  “But Dad-”

  “The zombies appear to have been neutralized, sir,” one of the spies say to Dad. “They have been zapped with a laser gun, and are all frozen into blocks of ice. There is nothing here for us to do.”

  “Is your Dad a spy?” Mia whispers to me.

  “Yep,” I nod.

  “That is sooo cool!!” Mia gets excited.

  “Did you do this, son?” Dad asks me, referring to the frozen zombies. “Did you defeat all the zombies by yourself?”

  “Yes, Dad.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?” he asks. “I would have come straight away. You really should have called me on the phone before you tried to defeat the zombies by yourself. Anything could have gone wrong. They were very dangerous zombies.”

  “I… don’t worry, Dad.”

  “I’m impressed, son,” Dad places his hand on my shoulder. “These were very treacherous bad guys, and you managed
to defeat them all by yourself. That is the sign of a future Super Spy. These zombies were some of the meanest bad guys we have encountered for a while.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “He’s my friend,” Mia says to my Dad, clearly impressed with my Super Spy abilities. “And he did it all by himself. He defeated all eight zombie teachers alone. He is amazing.”

  “Thanks, Mia,” I smile.

  “I think you’ve done an incredible job, Charlie,” Dad continues. “I think we could make a spy out of you. Why don’t you come down to the spy training facility with me tomorrow?”


  “Yes, son. I have always thought that you would follow in my footsteps and become a Super Spy. After the skills that you have shown today, I think that you have earned the right to look through our top secret agency.”

  I look back to Mia, and she is massively impressed.

  Finally, I am one of the cool kids in the school!

  “But you know what we have to do now, son. After an event like this, it is part of the Super Spy protocol.”

  “No, Dad!” I protest. “You can’t do it now! Not after what everyone just saw me do!”

  “You know we have to do it, Charlie. We don’t have a choice.”

  “But why, Dad?”

  “We can’t have the children of this school having nightmares about zombie teachers for the rest of their lives. You know that we have to wipe the memories of everyone after an incident like this. It is what we do after every bad incident like this. It has to be done. It is part of our procedures.”


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