Drawing Dead

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Drawing Dead Page 10

by JJ DeCeglie

  I slid in the car and wheeled it out all cream onto the highway.

  The night was stained with an orange black halo.

  By fuck that section was seen to.

  But there was still a whole bunch more to come.


  I drove smooth and steady rolling westward toward that hotel room that Chenko had got her near the beach. It was another ‘No Questions Asked’ joint and as you’d expect I knew it pretty well. I was chuffed that the first bit was done and dusted and had gone the fuck to plan. I let the window down and the cold air rushed over my face like the seawater had over my feet just that afternoon. Oh man what I’d give for not a thing to worry about in the world. For a real wad of cash and a sunshining day and harem of whores to call my own. For a pile of books and a hammock, a river, a hut, the setting sun in Asia and a bottle of fuck-off expensive scotch. I'd be reading Lowry's Under the Volcano all over again with a bundle of Bukowski and old Charlie Willeford laying in wait. After about all of five minutes she kicked the back seat down and asked if she could come out. I told her to wait her ass a few more minutes, at least until we were off the freeway and into the suburbs. She did this and then asked again and I said yeah get out then. You’d have thought she’d been in there seven hours with all the huffing and puffing she put on. When she did come out she just stuck her pretty head up for all the fucking planet to see.

  Evie, stay down! Change into those clothes on the back seat and put that wig on.

  Keep your pants on Jack.

  So many lines I coulda run against that. I had to go with fucking sense though. I was at the beginnings of figuring that this bitch needed strict instruction.

  Just get yours off and stay the hell down will ya.

  She did like she was told and it took her all of no time at all. I didn’t want her wearing clothes that were hers so I’d grabbed some simple things from the store the day before. I asked her size at the cemetery. It was only a skirt and sweater. No underwear. And a new pair of flip-flops. Also a straight haired red wig. I was watching her real close as she went about getting her threads off in the rear-vision mirror and she saw me doing it. Instead of covering up she just keeps at it and then lays there naked and holds my reflected gaze. A flower in blossom. A dancer on stage. In just under an instant I snapped my eyes back to the road.

  It’s ok Jack, you can watch me all you want.

  I took another look. The girl was beautiful, incredible and mad.

  Get dressed Evie. You can lay about naked in the back of cars all you want in your new life. But if we get pinched because you fuck this up playing around you get don’t a new one, and in addition we both lose our old ones.

  Her face sobered and she started putting on the stuff I’d left her.

  I’m sorry, I’m just excited.

  It’s ok Evie.

  Really I was disappointed that she’d gotten dressed. Anybody would’ve been. But the way I saw it I could get her naked within about two hours time anyhow. Then she’d know about it. I promised myself she would.

  These clothes suck Jack. They’re terrible.

  And I thought I had good taste honey. The skirt ain’t short enough maybe? You’ll live.

  She kept trying to see where we were driving, bobbing her head up just enough to sneak a look out the window. I was starting to figure the girl wasn’t as bright as I’d credited her for. Sometimes a girl’s looks can do that to your judgment. Skew it like a magnet does a compass.

  Keep your pretty little head the fuck down!

  She did it instantly, and then pulled a scouring pout at me in the mirror.

  I hate these clothes.

  You’re assuming that I give a fuck Evie.

  I knew that one was a little harsh and I expressed regret.

  Look Evie, I just don’t wanna go to jail. Do you?


  Then please keep your head down ok.

  She didn’t say anything so I went on myself.

  We gotta talk about what you’re going to do Evie. Here’s your new life.

  I passed the envelope with her documents back to her. She opened it without pause. I kept on while she perused her new identity for the first time.

  You gotta leave town Evie…at the latest by tomorrow afternoon. You need to go down the bus station first thing in the morning and take anything heading out of the State. You may not have a choice. Wherever they're going first thing tomorrow you go, and once you get there you take a plane out the country within two days. With the money you're paying me I'm assuming you've got the cash for that…and with that new passport we got you it won't be a problem.

  Sophia Rousseau.


  That’s my new name, Sophia Rousseau.

  Oh yeah. That’s a nice name. Sounds French.

  I’d like to go to Paris.

  Paris is great, you’d like it there. It’d fit you just right baby.

  How would you know?

  I bummed around there awhile. Did it all over Europe. I liked Paris best though.

  Bonjour Monsieur Jacque, moi Sophia, Sophia Rosseau, vou le vou couche avec moi, Monsieur Jacque.

  I knew what she’d said. I moved on. There was still bucket-load to do before I got to that portion. In other circumstances I woulda pulled over and dealt with it right there by the side of the road.

  You speak French Evie?


  She turned the tables on me.

  You got a girl Jack.


  You got plenty of’em right?

  She breathed it out between smiling succulent lips.

  I had a girl…she’s dead now.


  That shut her up.

  We’re here.

  I’d pulled around to the back of the place, it was where the room was. Chenko always got it right. Each room had two parking spots right by the door. One for upstairs and one for down. It was a U-shaped building with two floors and a polluted pool in the middle. There were dual rooms back to back the whole way round top and bottom. Hers had no neighbor to one side because the building dead-ended there. I rolled the car in neutral into the shadows and told Evie she could sit up. I undid my seatbelt and shifted myself turning so as to speak to her.

  You make a good redhead Evie.

  It was true, though she woulda made a good anything.

  Are you gonna come up and celebrate with me Jack? Just for awhile…

  I have to dump the car, it’s gonna take around two hours all up.

  I looked at the clock on the dash and it was quarter to one already. Evie sighed. Then tilted her head and ran her tongue over her teeth for God knows what reason.

  I’ll wait up for you.

  She leaned in and planted one on me. Profound and syrupy, she bit my lip for an ending I’d not soon or ever forget. Then she whispered in my ear on the way out, resuscitating my walloped consciousness with her breath so as it ran all the way like a shock of solid electric current to my toes. At that moment I coulda provided power to a small apartment block with the tip of my cock.

  You know I will Jack.

  I shook it off as best I could. Which wasn’t very well.

  Go straight to your room Evie. Don’t leave it for any reason at all. Don't talk to anybody. Don’t do anything. I’ve got a key for the room. When I get back I'll just let myself in. I’ll bring back the bourbon to celebrate yeah?

  Dreamy sensual goddess of my waking lush nightscape. Of my oh so harrowing existence. She only said one word. It was all she ever had to say.


  I handed her a key then watched her do as I asked. The automatic light by the door lit her up with saturated gold for the few seconds before she let herself in the room. Even with what she was wearing I was on fire. I still had the window down and could smell the ocean just those few blocks away on the breeze. I had a sudden urge to drive down there and just swim out as far as I could to some dark drowning thrash of a death. Hopefully a Great White would come along and rip me
to shreds as a bonus. It was gone as quick as it came, and before I knew why or how I was off and wheeling north toward Chenko.


  It was starting to seem like all I ever fucking did was drive.

  Maybe it was just because there was another place that I’d much rather be. Chenko was north up the freeway and then off that and a little way inland. We knew the spot because we knew the spot and he was waiting there parked in the darkness like my serial killer psycho buddy waiting on me to deliver a fresh plaything for us to devour.

  It was a dirt track off a road that was lined on either side with pine plantations. Row after row of fifty foot trees aligned in alternate symmetry. He had driven onto the track and had waited maybe a couple of car lengths in. It didn’t matter about his tyre tracks because he’d change them when we got back to his place anyhow. I pulled up beside him and killed the lights. Lent back and grabbed the clothes she’d shed. Then popped the boot and got out. Evie had made a fucking mess of the case and I had to pack most everything back into it including the fist full of clothes. Then I zipped it back up and slung it over into Chenko’s already open boot. I shut it and made it around to his window. He was smoking and didn’t say a word as he handed me the backpack.

  About a hundred yards up in the clearing?


  That was all he was gonna say. It was all that was required. I jogged back round to Evie’s car and drove it to where we’d just agreed upon. I jumped out and took the backpack with me. Inside was lighter fluid, matches and three homemade firebombs. I opened the boot again and also one of the back doors. Starting squirting lighter fluid all over the interior of the motherfucker. Added a few squirts in the boot. Threw the empty container in when done.

  Chenko had told me earlier that these bombs worked not by shattering the glass on hurled impact but by the fluid inside boiling till it exploded of itself. All I had to do was strategically place their asses in the car and light it up. Then get the hell away from there faster than a burning bastard. I put one on the driver’s seat, one in back and one in the boot. Then lit three matches, one for each spot. Quick as I could. Whoosh. The lighter fluid went up in a fierce spreading roar. I made for Chenko’s car. The entire clearing was illuminated by the orange licks of flame. Quaking shadows rearing over my shoulders. I got in with Chenko and we waited in silence watching for about one more minute. The first explosion set off the second in a succession and the third waited maybe a ten seconds more. We’d reversed gently back onto the road with the sound and sight of second one and Chenko punched the pedal with the third. We were zooming back to his place in no time. I started up then. I was too eager not to say something.

  Well boy we did it. Executed to the goddamned letter.

  Chenko just kept driving and smoking.

  What do you say Chenko?

  There are a few beers in the back if you want.

  Don’t mind if I do.

  I cracked a couple, one for and one for him. He still just kept smoking and driving. Drinking now too.

  It went well by the way.

  I wasn’t going to ask Jack, I really don’t give a shit.

  Well you should hombre, 'cause it went like clockwork. Be proud of that.

  You owe me another two.

  I can’t give it to you now. It’s at my house. Tomorrow or the next we’ll have a meet.

  When do you get what you’re owed from her?

  I lied through my teeth because I knew he’d say I was a first class asshole for doing what I was planning on doing.

  Meeting her tomorrow night at the bus station car park.

  This seemed to satisfy his prying ass.

  I’d sapped the first beer and had to reach around so as to start work on another. I was hungry now. Starving in fact. Nothing could be done about it though, we still had an amount of shit to do. By the time we got back to Chenko’s place it was about two in the morning. It was on the way back into the city. We didn’t go inside but instead immediately round the back of the place where two forty-four gallon drums were howling with fire. I’d wheeled the case around with me. It was an overly large block with a shed right out back on the left and bits and pieces all over the place.

  Dying grass and yellow sand with bush-land completely to one side. First thing I threw in were the plastic gloves that were still on my hands. Then I emptied the entire contents of the case evenly into the flames. I pocketed about seven or eight pull-ties. I figured me and Evie could play a little game with’em when I got back to her. Chenko watched over me adding lighter fluid as we went to get the burn really going. I stripped naked and tossed all the clothes I had on in too. Don’t fret, I’d taken the pull-ties out and placed them near the bourbon bottle and hotel key. I asked him about the knife and he said to throw it in the fire and he’d get rid of it in the morning.

  How you gonna do that?

  I’ll melt it down in my shed. It’s not hard to do.

  I nodded and picked up the bourbon bottle and told him I was keeping it. He didn’t ask about the pull-ties.

  Fine Jack, just put some fucking pants on will ya.

  While I let myself in through the back door. Chenko with a knife of his own started hacking the case to pieces and feeding them to the twin conflagrations. I went to the bathroom, showered and shaved my face and then put the clothes he’d left out for me on. I slicked my hair back and left the two top buttons of the grey long sleeved shirt he’d gotten me wide open. God knows why, all I could say to myself in the mirror was you sly mongrel dirty dog you. The trousers he’d got me fit real nice and so did the shoes.

  I went back outside and as my first item of business pocketed the pull-ties. I was very excited about those. Next I told Chenko he could be my personal tailor if he ever needed a second job. Third I took a jolt of bourbon. He’d finished up with everything needing to be sized to fit for incineration and was just watching it burn and occasionally topping up the heat with some extra lighter fluid and enjoying the snarling shout the flames made as they leapt up a notch and made old Chenko glow. I broke his blazing daydream with words.

  I gotta blow son.

  Yeah. You can take the car round the side. Park it by the river and walk back to yours and I’ll get a taxi over to it in the morning.

  I’ll leave the keys on the front passenger tire.

  I know you will.


  Don’t say a goddamned word about it.

  So I didn’t and left.

  Driving again.

  Does it ever end.

  Back to Evie.

  Back to life.

  Whipping down the freeway, hurtling across the city, dashing like a motherfucker down to the beckoning beach. I should have been going straight to my place. Parking this vehicle where I’d been told to and sneaking back across the neighbour’s yard to my warm, soft and waiting bed.

  Seemed like a cinch, but with the pull-ties in my pocket, bourbon in my belly and her stark naked in a hotel room I had a key to I felt I had no choice. I was being dragged there by a monumental force rather than driving over by my own will. Right then there was nothing but the impetus and thrust with which I was traveling to her, everything else was siding and could never really be important again.

  She was home amidst the metropolis and its muddy, diseased trenches. I had to get there. Had to have her. Choice was irrelevant, you understand me, the money and the consequence were unrelated in any way. I was gonna see the sun one more time, and it was gonna shine brighter than the day it dies, blazing out her untouched asshole.

  I got there quick. Parked a street back and walked over fast making like a man possessed. Bourbon in hand as promised. It was about three in the morning, just like I’d said.

  The light was off, I let myself in.

  I was burning up with desire, baking inside and out, man was I gonna let her have it. I hit the light and locked the door. She wasn’t in the bed. I called out her name and got nothing. Made it over and checked the bathroom with the same

  Quiet boomed mucho

  Ringing in my ears like the hiss of a hellsent bitch.

  Consciousness closed in on me the way a collapsed building would have. I sighed, groaned and broke wind all in the same corkscrew of cognizant horror. Took a hateful mouthful of the bourbon and then hurled that sucker with all I had into the side wall. Went over and picked up the TV and threw that fucker as far as I could. I’d owe Chenko a tad more when it showed on his credit card but I went for it anyhow. The lamp, phone and a chair meet a similar demise. I regretted that bourbon being gone and almost went over and licked the wall before I made for the mini-bar. Gulped two vodkas straight up and pocketed the rest. I felt the pull-ties in there and then the pinching sting of missed opportunity. Scorpions in my belly. Starved rats in my brains. I mouthed two words and two only.


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