Fonduing Fathers

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by Julie Hyzy

  Praise for the National Bestselling

  White House Chef Mysteries


  “Hyzy shines in this volume. Affairs of Steak proves unequivocally that this series burns as bright as the sun during a sweltering D.C. summer.”

  —Seattle Post-Intelligencer

  “These are wonderful books, enjoyable to read, hard to put down, and they make you really look forward to the next one in the series.”


  “Fun and intriguing…I will keep my eye out for other books in the White House Chef Mystery Series.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “Hyzy balances an appealing main character, an amazing setting, and a gripping mystery in this novel that is sure to please fans and newcomers to the series alike.”


  “Affairs of Steak weaves another fascinating, behind-the-scenes culinary mystery. Like a well-planned banquet, the intrigue incorporates multilayered characters with a dash of political intrigue, a splash of spicy romance, and a simmering plot that leaves readers fully satisfied while looking forward to the next White House Chef Mystery.”

  —Emerging Novelists

  “Julie Hyzy has created a culinary delight that will appeal to all of your senses.”

  —The Best Reviews


  “Hyzy’s obvious research into protocol and procedures gives her story the realistic element that her readers have come to expect from this top-notch mystery writer. Adventure, intrigue, and a dash of romance combine for a delicious cozy that is a delight to read.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “A captivating story from the very first page until the end. The plot thickens like pea soup, and each character has a different spice to add to it. From the easy-to-re-create recipes in the back to its high-energy, ever-changing story line, this one is good enough to serve to the higher-ups. Ollie is definitely a character worth following. Great job, Julie Hyzy. Another all-around great read!”

  —The Romance Readers Connection

  “Ollie Paras is at the top of her game in [Buffalo West Wing], as is Hyzy…Every White House Chef Mystery is cause for celebration. The daily schedule in the White House kitchen is trauma enough, but Hyzy always ratchets up the tension with plots and danger…Julie Hyzy’s star shines brighter than ever with Buffalo West Wing.”

  —Lesa’s Book Critiques


  “The ever-burgeoning culinary mystery subgenre has a new chef-sleuth…The backstage look at the White House proves fascinating. Recipes are included for Eggcellent Eggs.”


  “A quickly paced plot with a headstrong heroine and some recipes featuring eggs all add up to a dependable mystery.”

  —The Mystery Reader


  “A gourmand’s delight…Julie Hyzy balances her meal ticket quite nicely between the glimpses at the working class inside the White House with an engaging chef’s cozy.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “The story is entertaining, the character is charming, the setting is interesting…Fun to read, and sometimes that is exactly what hits the spot. I’ve found all of Hyzy’s books to be worth reading, and this one is no different.”

  —Crime Fiction Dossier (Book of the Week)

  “[A] well-plotted mystery.”

  —The Mystery Reader


  “Pulse-pounding action, an appealing heroine, and the inner workings of the White House kitchen combine for a stellar adventure in Julie Hyzy’s delightful State of the Onion.”

  —Carolyn Hart, national bestselling author of Death Comes Silently

  “Hyzy’s sure grasp of Washington geography offers firm footing for the plot.”


  “[A] unique setting, strong characters, sharp conflict, and snappy plotting…Hyzy’s research into the backstage kitchen secrets of the White House gives this series a special savor that will make you hungry for more.”

  —Susan Wittig Albert, national bestselling author of The Darling Dahlias and the Confederate Rose

  “From terrorists to truffles, mystery writer Julie Hyzy concocts a sumptuous, breathtaking thriller.”

  —Nancy Fairbanks, bestselling author of Turkey Flambé

  “A compulsively readable whodunit full of juicy behind-the-Oval Office details, flavorful characters, and a satisfying side dish of red herrings—not to mention twenty pages of easy-to-cook recipes fit for the leader of the free world.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  More praise for the novels of Julie Hyzy

  “A well-constructed plot, interesting characters, and plenty of Chicago lore…[A] truly pleasurable cozy.”

  —Annette Meyers, author of Hedging

  “[A] promising talent with a gift for winning characters and involving plots.”

  —Chicago Sun-Times

  Berkley Prime Crime titles by Julie Hyzy

  White House Chef Mysteries







  Manor House Mysteries







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  A Berkley Prime Crime Book / published by arrangement with Tekno Books


  Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / January 2013

  Copyright © 2012 by Tekno Books.

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  In memory of my dad


  I love writing these White House Chef Mysteries. Having been able to create Ollie and her friends and to see them through all sorts of dangers as Ollie stirs up trouble provides me never-ending enjoyment. This sixth book in the series brings answers to questions Ollie’s been asking all her life, and I hope you enjoy digging into the truth alongside her.

  I tapped into many friends’ expertise for authentic details and I’m grateful for their generous help. First up, Ellen Crosby. This talented author of the outstanding Wine Country Mysteries advised me where best to set a vineyard just outside D.C. Thank you, Ellen!

  Many thanks to my blog sisters, The Cozy Chicks (, and my friends at CozyPromo. It’s wonderful to be part of such helpful and supportive groups. Thanks also to Facebook friends Diane Donceel McDonald and Jeanine Elizalde for helping me sort out a plot problem early on. Even though the story ultimately went a different direction, Diane’s and Jeanine’s enthusiastic help was appreciated nonetheless. Enormous thanks as well, to my good friend, David Eppenstein, for legal advice as I neared the climactic scene. His timely input prevented Ollie from making a very big mistake!

  Maureen Corcoran Komperda has been one of my dearest friends since high school and I know I can always depend on her for guidance on medical issues. Thanks, Corky!

  Reference librarian Jeanne Munn Bracken was happy to help, and her input earned her a brief mention in this story. Watch for it.

  An Australian friend, Sarah Byrne, generously bid at a Bouchercon charity auction, winning the chance to name a character in this book. Keep an eye out for her, too.

  My deep gratitude to James A. Tobias at the Historical Resources Branch of the U.S. Army Center of Military History for helping me get a key piece of paperwork just right.

  And to the incomparable Judy Bobalik, who came up with the title, hugs and thanks!

  These books would never come to life without the support and generosity of my fabulous editor, Natalee Rosenstein; her delightful assistant, Robin Barletta; and sharp-eyed copyeditor Erica Rose at Berkley Prime Crime. Thanks to Larry Segriff at Tekno Books, who has been an absolute pleasure to work with. And, of course, many thanks to my enthusiastic agent, Paige Wheeler.

  Lastly, as always, to my family. You are my life. I love you all so much. Thank you.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29



  MY MOTHER PLACED A SERVING OF HOMEMADE panna cotta in front of Gav and tucked a spoon next to it. “Ollie told me she’s served this very recipe to the president and his family,” she said. “Can you believe that? Such a simple dish, and one she learned right here in my kitchen.”

  Her wide smile crinkled her eyes as she placed a helping in front of me. “I tell my bridge club the same thing every time I make this. I know they must be getting tired of me bragging about you being the White House executive chef, honey, but I can’t help myself.”

  “Oh, Mom,” I said.

  She completed her circuit around the dining room, serving Nana and then herself, before resuming her seat at the table’s head.

  Gav lifted his spoon. “I don’t know how I can manage even a bite of dessert after that wonderful dinner,” he said, as always delivering the perfect compliment at the perfect time. “But I’ll do my best.” After a slow mouthful and a rumble of delight, he looked up at my mother again. “It’s obvious where Ollie gets her talent.”

  Nana grinned. Mom beamed.

  I pulled my own dish of panna cotta closer, savoring a little burst of joy from being surrounded by those I loved best. We had the windows open on this unseasonably pleasant Chicago summer night, and even though only a narrow gangway separated Mom’s second-floor window from the two-flat next door, a gentle breeze managed to snake its way in. Carrying the scent of fresh-cut grass and the sound of neighbors chatting outside, it twisted around us, delivering a featherlight touch of bliss.

  Mom seemed younger than when I’d seen her last. She’d been seeing a gentleman named Kap ever since her trip to D.C. a few years back, and the man’s presence in her life was paying obvious dividends. As for Nana, she looked exactly the same, only smaller. Every time I saw her, she seemed to shrink a little bit more.

  Not much had changed in the house since my last visit home. The dining room walls were still the same soft cantaloupe trimmed in white. The oak floor still creaked when I stepped on the threshold to the kitchen or walked near the windows. What had given me a surprising jolt, however, was the familiar almond fragrance of Liquid Gold that had hit the moment we’d first arrived. Back in my childhood, one whiff of that sweet scent and I’d known company was coming. It had taken me a moment to realize that this time, it was Gav and I who were “company.” The unexpected insight was touching, and a little bit sad.

  Gav and I had been here for two days, giving my family their first chance to interact with the handsome government agent I’d told them very little about up until now. I’d held back on details, not because I was afraid they wouldn’t like him, but because I knew how much my mother worried for me. She respected me as an adult, but still feared my getting hurt—the way she had all my life. I knew that if she had any inkling as to how deeply I cared for this man, she’d be very worried indeed.

  From the moment Gav and I had arrived here at my mom and nana’s, however, it had been nonstop chatter among us all. I’d been delighted by the ease with which Gav had won them over, and thrilled that their zealous interest in details about our relationship hadn’t scared him off.

  My gaze lit upon the framed photo that held the place of honor at the center of Mom’s antique oak buffet. The picture had been taken so long ago I didn’t even remember the event. But I’d clearly been there, smiling big for the camera, my dark bob blowing in the wind as I wrapped chubby three-year-old arms around the backs of my parents’ necks. Proof of an idyllic childhood moment during that brief time we were all together, when we were a complete and happy family.

  I averted my gaze before anyone noticed me staring. The last thing any of us needed was to be reminded of the awkward moment last night when I’d broached a subject that my mother considered
off-limits. I squirmed in my seat now, knowing I’d be bringing it up again and soon. Gav and I had made this trip specifically to get information, and because we were scheduled to return to Washington, D.C., tomorrow, I didn’t have time to waste.

  But not right this second. I didn’t have the heart to spoil this sweet moment of contentment.

  My mom, unfortunately, had other ideas. She steered the conversation to a subject I wished she realized was off-limits with me.

  Turning to Gav, she said, “Ollie tells me that the president’s children are just as charming in real life as they seem on TV. Do you like kids?” Clearly convinced she was coming across as nonchalant, she smiled and asked, “You don’t have any of your own, do you?”

  Gav cocked an eyebrow. “Not yet.” He scraped up the last of his panna cotta and popped it into his mouth. My mom flashed me a pleased glance, which I pretended not to notice. On the flight out here, I’d warned him that she might latch onto this topic. He’d told me not to worry. I did anyway.

  Mom sat up straighter, pretending to concentrate on her spoon, maintaining her excruciatingly obvious just-making-conversation tone. “Oh, so you do hope to have children someday?”

  He stared at her straight-faced, but I knew him well enough to detect a grin lurking beneath the surface. “Six or seven, at least. Maybe a dozen.”

  My mom shot me the evil eye. I laughed.

  Nana guffawed. “Serves you right, Corinne,” she said. “Let these young people take their time. They’ve got their whole lives ahead of them.”

  “It never hurts to be curious,” my mom said, good-naturedly. She switched gears then. “Unless, of course, you’re Ollie. I swear, honey, you get into such trouble with your nosiness. You need to be more careful.”

  Gav leveled a meaningful look at me, even as he directed his words to my mother. “Your daughter is smart, she’s tough, and she has good instincts. Her curiosity—even when it isn’t welcome—has done far more good than harm.”

  Just like that, my mother’s face closed up. I knew why; we all did.


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