Ashley's Wedding

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Ashley's Wedding Page 1

by Giulia Napoli

  Table of Contents

  Ashley’s Wedding

  Ashley’s Wedding - Inside Flap Summary

  Ashley’s Wedding - Publisher’s Summary



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4


  About the Author

  Ashley’s Wedding

  Giulia Napoli

  Ashley’s Wedding - Inside Flap Summary

  Ashley’s Wedding is an engaging, erotic story about a young woman’s submission, her dramatic change, and how she comes under another’s control. This well-written novelette has something for everyone – S&M, dominance, fetishes, tattoos and body piercing, submission and forced transformation, and moving, exciting sex. It’s a probing look into Ashley’s dominance of Susan, and Susan’s and her husband’s response to how Ashley changes her. The story focusses on Susan’s evolution from beauty to erotica, from balance to submission, from ordinary to unusual. The surprise ending completes the tale by revealing what happens to Ashley, at the hands of her bridesmaids. This clever story continues the tradition of Giulia Napoli’s About Lena, and the upcoming novel, Oh Claire!, with an emphasis on inventive erotica and personal evolution through unexpected change.

  This is an adult story containing open discussions of dominance and scenes of sexuality and sexual relations. It is suitable for adults only.

  Ashley’s Wedding - Publisher’s Summary

  Ashley’s Wedding is the tale of Susan’s transformation to the very different woman, Suzi, at the hands of her more aggressive cousin, Ashley. It presents personal evolution in an erotic context that will excite and surprise many readers. This story is for mature adults.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, businesses, organizations or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Global Jele Publishing Company

  eBooks Partners

  [email protected]

  Copyright © 2012 by Global Jele Publishing Company

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner, in print or electronically, without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and articles. For information address email subject line to Portfolio Manager at [email protected].

  Other books and stories by Giulia Napoli

  About Lena

  Oh Claire!


  To aficionados of all the variations of erotic fantasies.


  My special thanks and appreciation goes to my editor at Global Jele, for hours of labor in reviewing Ashley’s Wedding, and priceless, detailed input for improving the story.

  I also want to thank my first-draft readers for feedback that resulted in a better story.

  Giulia Napoli


  February, 2012

  Ashley’s Wedding

  Giulia Napoli

  Chapter 1

  It was mid-afternoon on a particularly sunny, mild April day. Susan was busy with the fondue fixings she was setting up for their little party with the Kozels that evening. The blender was whirring away on the chocolate sauce for dessert. Susan was up to her pretty elbows in grated cheese. Just as she turned to drop a one-cup measure into the sink, the phone rang, startling her. She spun around, flipping her flowing, dark brown hair into the dishwater. She stumbled over a Tupperware bowl which had fallen to the floor during the cooking exercise. She only managed to keep her feet by grabbing the phone fixture on the wall.


  "Susan? It's Ashley!"

  "Ashley! How've you been? School should be pretty much over now, shouldn't it?" Susan's cousin and erstwhile kid sister, three years younger, was finishing graduate school in June.

  "Not soon enough for me! Guess what!"

  "What do you mean, guess what?"

  "Craig and I are getting married!"

  "What? When? When did all this happen?" Ashley and Craig, Susan knew, had been dating on and off since they were seniors in high school. Her uncle Bart had never liked the guy, but then, uncle Bart thought everyone who got close to the family was only after money. Everyone that is, except her Jack, who Uncle Bart had almost hand-picked for her - to Susan's eternal gratitude.

  "August fifteenth, about two months after graduation. My buddies here, Teri and Kate and Miki, are in the wedding and I want you to be a bridesmaid too. Will you do it?"

  Susan hesitated for only a moment - too short, really, for Ashley to notice the pause. "Of course I'll do it, Silly. What do your Mom and Dad think?"

  The chit chat continued for another ten minutes, then Susan asked about the particulars.

  "Mom wants this to be a whole summer-long affair, with showers and teas and dinners and parties. I really, really, really need you to be here for the whole time, from June through August." Susan started to protest, but Ashley cut her off. "Don't worry, Daddy will pay for Jack to come up every weekend he wants to, and we're giving each of the bridesmaids a vacation for two to Bali as a present from me. So with a couple months of your time, you'll get a great summer and a great vacation out of it. Plus, I really want you here. Please, please!"

  "It's not that, Ashley, it's just that I don't want to be away from Jack for most of the summer. That’s why I got married – to be with my husband." She paused in thought, remembering all her uncle and aunt had done for her since her parents died. She owed them big-time and especially couldn't disappoint her aunt. Sighing heavily with her hand over the speaker so Ashley couldn’t hear, she finally said, "but I'll figure out something; I’ll work it out so I can be there the whole time."

  "That's great! We'll plan to see you in June."

  "OK, bye for now."

  "Bye ... Oh … Susan … don't forget our deal."

  The phone clicked off before Susan could ask, "What deal?"

  She was swirling a strawberry in chocolate sauce about seven hours later when the deal came home to her.

  "Oh my God!" she exclaimed. "Jack, I remember what the deal was now!"

  "What? Oh, Susan, I didn't know that was bothering you."

  "It wasn't, but I suddenly remembered it." Claudia Kozel stared at her as Susan reached reflexively to pull her hair around her shoulders, a heavy bunch of it in her right hand. She rested her chin in her hands, pushing the hair up to her mouth. "Remember, Jack, when we got engaged, I asked Ashley to be a bridesmaid. At that time, Ashley was a little wild and had short, weird, spiked hair – pink and black as I recall - and dressed in all black clothes. My aunt told her she would have to straighten out her appearance to be in the wedding, and my aunt wouldn't give her a choice anyway."

  "Yeh, so what?"

  "Well, Ashley had always worn her hair short and didn't have any interest at all in growing it out for the year and a half before our wedding."

  "So how did you get her to do it?" Claudia asked, unable to see how any woman would let another person have control of her appearance.

  "Ashley was always a schemer, so I suppose she got the best of the deal, really. I had to write three term papers for her and ..."

  "And what Susan?" Jack, who’d been only half listening, was giving her his full attention now.

  "And she made me promise, in front of my aunt, to wear my hair and makeup and dress however she wanted me to for her wedding, whenever it came."

  "Oh Susan, that was three years ago."

  "But why would she remind me if she didn't have something in mind?"

  "So what, you don't
have to do it."

  "But you don't see ... I mean … she did something that took her over a year and a half. And besides, I can't do anything to disappoint my aunt, by making Ashley unhappy during her wedding time."

  "Your aunt would never make you do that."

  "But you don't understand. Ashley and I ... Oh! What am I gonna do? I wanted everyone in my wedding party to have long hair. I can't blame Ashley if she wants ..."

  * * * * *

  Five weeks had passed since Ashley’s invitation. Susan was looking around the downstairs to make sure she hadn’t left anything sitting there that should be flying off with her.

  "Have you finally assembled everything you'll need for the summer?" Jack had the suitcases in the car and was holding the carry-on bag. "I guess I can bring anything else you need when I come up in three weeks."

  "I think so. Anyway, my aunt will probably buy me anything I forgot - she's like that, you know." She followed Jack as he headed through the laundry room to the door to the garage. They climbed into the car for the forty-five minute drive to the airport. Susan was full of angst and misgivings about the whole escapade, but she tried to keep her feelings to herself. She didn’t want to burden Jack, or spoil the last hour she’d have with him for a few weeks.

  Susan and Jack clung together in a lingering kiss at the entrance to the security line at the airport. Her flight was in a little over an hour.

  "Sue, don't worry about it." Jack was the only one who ever called her Sue. In fact, he was the only one she would ever let call her anything other than Susan. She didn’t like diminutives from anyone else, and only that one from Jack.

  Jack flicked his hand at her hair. She had it long and lazily curled; it hung down half-way between her shoulders and the middle of her back. She’d pulled it back from her forehead with a pale yellow barrette, the same color as the tiny print flowers in her blue sun dress.

  "Jack, would you like me with short hair?"

  "Susan … my lovely, silly Susan, I would love you - and like you - if you didn't have any hair at all. Now stop worrying about it. You haven't seen Ashley for ages – what with her off in Arizona at school. She probably hasn’t thought of it at all." Patting her lovingly on her cute, little bottom, he sent her off. "Now git or you'll miss your plane!"

  * * * * *

  There was Ashley at the end of the concourse, just past security, and Susan couldn't believe it. A wave of relief swept over her. Ashley's hair, always short, had obviously not been cut since she started growing it out for Susan's wedding. Her hair was at least as long, if not longer, than Susan's.

  After the hugging and kissing and fast joking, an excited Ashley led her up to the reception area.

  "Come on, Susan, I want you to meet the other girls in the wedding."

  Three young women popped out of their seats in the terminal as Susan and Ashley walked up. Susan, in an instant, felt as though she had been punched below her ribs. A sick, sinking feeling rose from her stomach. Standing there, smiling before her, were three items in a matched set, three girls with the shortest, curliest hair Susan had ever seen.

  "Girls, meet my cousin and big sister Susan - the fourth member of your team!"

  * * * * *

  They’d driven to within a few miles of Ashley’s home, Susan saying almost nothing, waiting for Ashley to drop the bomb she knew was coming. Then it happened.

  "Susan, after meeting Miki and Teri and Kate, I'm sure you know what style I want for the start of the wedding activities."

  "Yes, I guess I do," Susan answered woodenly.

  "You'll do it, won't you? Mom thinks it will look really elegant - me with this long hair and my attendants with contrasting hair."

  "Yes, I'll do it," Susan replied almost inaudibly. Her voice sounded far away to her own ears. Her consciousness receded to somewhere deep within her, as far from where her eyes met the world as it could go.

  "Do you want me to make the appointment for you? We’re using the All about Hair Salon for everyone’s hair and nails - they know what to do."

  "No, I’ll make it."

  "I want you to be all set for the first shower on Sunday."

  "I will be. I'll call this afternoon. I'll go tomorrow."

  * * * * *

  Susan pulled the phonebook from underneath the table. It seemed many times heavier than it really was. It wasn’t as fast as the web, but she wasn’t interested in speed right then. She thumbed absently through it, one page at a time, until, a while later, she came to the Beauty Salons listings in the Yellow Pages. It took only a moment more. There was a big ad for All about Hair – it was obviously a prestigious salon with a good reputation, although what difference that made she wasn't sure.

  "All About Hair Salon." The girl on the other end sounded friendly enough. Susan relaxed a tiny bit.

  "This is Susan Weston calling. I'm in town for my cousin's wedding and I need to get my hair and nails done tomorrow ... it ... it has to be tomorrow 'cause the first shower ... is ... Sunday."

  "You're in luck, I ..."

  "I have to tell you what I want done, 'cause I ... I'm nervous about it and I want to see if you can do it and set it up before I come." Susan realized she was rambling and tried to get a grip on herself.

  “Sure, go ahead.” Why was the girl so perky?

  "My ... my hair is really long - below my shoulders - and dark brown and medium thick, I guess. It's usually pretty straight too - it never takes much of a curl. As it is, I'm the only girl in the wedding party with long hair and, I guess, I look kinda out of place with the other girls."

  “Oh, are you in Ashley’s wedding?”

  “Uh … yes … how’d you guess?”

  "I have the model picture and manicure instructions right here. The other girls had their hair and nails done here too. So I understand exactly what you need to get. The other three girls all have their hair exactly alike so I assume you want yours done the same way."

  “Yes … want is probably not the word I would have picked …”

  "I can appreciate that. I really can." The girl was still too perky.

  "As you can tell by the picture, I have to get it cut very short, I mean really short, and tightly curled, all over my head." Susan breathed a heavy sigh. That had been one of the most difficult statements she had ever had to make. "Do you... do you do that sort of thing a lot?"

  "We certainly have customers who want a big change sometimes. It probably happens more often than you’d think."

  "What would you have to do? I mean, how would you do it? I mean, get it so curly and all?"

  "Well, this style is tightly curled and short all over."


  "Did you say your hair was thick or thin?"

  "It's sort of ... medium I guess."

  "And it doesn't curl much at all naturally?'

  "No. I don’t even have waves in it when it’s wet, just a little curl at the ends"

  "Well, we'll have to give you a pretty strong, tight perm to give you this style."

  "How ... how would you get the curls into it? Would it have to be very short? You see, I've never, ever, had hair shorter than shoulder length.

  "Well, based on this picture and what we did with the other girls, we’ll cut it to an overall length of not more than a few inches. The style is tight to the head. Their curls stick out less than an inch all over. It’s like a pretty halo of curls all around your head. The style is very pretty on girls with nicely shaped heads."

  “I don’t know if my head is shaped nicely or not. I can’t tell with all the hair I have.”

  The girl on the other end of the line laughed. She was irrepressible. “Don’t worry at all; we can make it work for you with no problem, since that’s what you have to do. You're in luck. I've just had a cancellation for tomorrow morning. Can you come at 9:30?"

  "Yes." Susan was breathing as hard as though she'd just run five miles. "How long will it take?"

  "Well, that depends on how long it takes to cut all that hair
and how long it takes to get a curl, but I'd say plan on at least three hours."

  "If I don't like it afterwards, can I get the curl out? Will it relax any by itself?"

  "You can get it straightened. That's just about like a perm in reverse. Even then you might have some curl left, though. We do a thorough job with our perms; they’re made to last so it will probably hold tight until it grows out, if left by itself."

  "Will I have to pin it up, and will it get frizzy?"

  "No, it'll curl right up after you wash it and fluff it up with your fingers or a pick. Have you colored it or had a permanent before?"


  "Then it should come out just fine - no frizz. If the ends split while we're perming it, we'll trim them off when we're done. OK? At 9:30?"

  "All right."

  "And you're ...?"

  "Susan ... Susan Weston."

  * * * * *

  Susan stared at her reflection, the beautiful, long hair rippling over her shoulders and onto her upper back, having just enough curl to cup her breasts in the front. The hair gracefully framed her lovely, oval face and the large, dark eyes that seemed to smile in spite of the way she felt. Those smoky, sexy eyes - Jack would say - beneath somewhat heavy brows gave her a look of Madonna-like beauty and wisdom. She pulled the size five dress over her 5'4" frame and applied her usual little bit of makeup, only some powder and mascara. She’d skipped eye liner since she’d been unable to completely control the nervous shaking of her hand as she started to put it on.


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