Ashley's Wedding

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Ashley's Wedding Page 6

by Giulia Napoli

  The shaving was done, and Suzi's scalp was absolutely smooth and completely hairless. Betty rubbed a special aloe Vera lotion into it to keep the skin soft and healthy. The lotion also contained a growth inhibitor which, if used daily, would slow regrowth. She handed the bottle to Suzi to take with her.

  Everyone was amazed at how perfectly-shaped Suzi's head was. The skin was without blemishes and had the tone of Suzi's lovely face. Only a very faint shadow remained, and the scalp was only slightly lighter in color than the rest of her head. The short buzz had allowed enough sun to filter down to the skin to tan it. Betty applied a dab of Suzi's makeup and some powder to her scalp, and she was finished. For the first time, Betty turned her toward the mirror.

  Suzi's hand reached up slowly to touch her head as her gaze became riveted on her new appearance. Her scalp felt as smooth and soft as her cheek. Her head was, indeed, perfectly shaped. The startled expression of her high, smoothly-curved, thin brows set the look off perfectly. Her green eyes gleamed as brightly as the rings in her ears and the jewel in her nose. The overall effect was stunning. She was beautiful again, in an unexpected, erotic, intensely sexy way. Without her fully realizing it, the last vestiges of her old self, of the long-haired, vivacious Susan, melted away as she examined the image.

  She felt so clean. It almost seemed that she must have been buried in her hair for all these years without realizing it. The air felt fresh and cool on her head. She turned to the others and saw real approval in their expressions. She was renewed, confident, satisfied.

  Ashley was amazed.

  * * * * *

  The wedding was four hours away when Suzi awoke and started her preparations. All of the bridesmaids had spent the night at Ashley's house and had paired up to help each other get ready. Miki and Suzi had shared the suite in the huge house that Suzi had been using all summer. Miki was already out of the shower and waiting for Suzi to shave her. Suzi lathered Miki’s still-damp head and spread thick foam all over it. She then shaved her carefully, twice, with a fresh Fusion razor.

  Suzi showered while Miki continued her preparations. She washed slowly, enjoying the warm water on her smooth body and almost-smooth scalp. She giggled as she washed between her legs - she still found the soft, smooth, hairlessness that Elsa's electrolysis had given her to be something slightly naughty and humorous in a surprisingly sexy way. I'll always look like an six or seven-year-old there, she thought, amused.

  Miki was waiting for her when she emerged from the shower, and motioned Suzi onto an intricately embroidered, padded bench by the makeup table in one corner of the large bathroom. Miki lathered Suzi's head and began to shave her slowly, carefully, rubbing her hands over the just-shaved spots to insure their smoothness.

  Miki had shaved Suzi twice since they’d both become bald the previous week. Suzi had shaved herself daily the other times. Miki knew how much Suzi liked the feel of the gently vibrating razor against her skin and took her time. Suzi sat perfectly still, breathing softly with her eyes closed, the better to concentrate on the marvelously sensuous feeling of being shaved. Miki shaved her twice and rubbed lotion into her soft skin. Their heads had tanned evenly over the previous eight days, so only a little foundation and powder were necessary to even the tones and cover the slight hair shadow.

  After the shaving Suzi performed her daily ritual of turning the rings in her ears and the stud in her nose and applying an antiseptic to keep them clean, although they were, by now, completely healed.

  Miki and Suzi helped each other insert the colored contact lenses for the wedding. They were mauve, to coordinate with the bridesmaids’ dresses. Suzi found them a little weird, but admitted that they fit in with everything else.

  Suzi continued with her makeup, applying foundation, mascara, a dark-brown pencil-line to accentuate her thin brow, and eye shadow. The eyeliner was already perpetually there and her deep red, tattooed lips needed only a clear balm to moisten them.

  She dressed in the short, light-mauve sundress that Ashley had picked out for her bridesmaids. It fit her slim, shapely body perfectly, revealing the butterfly tattoo on her shoulder. It was slit up the left side to expose the mauve rose on her left hip. Ashley had given each bridesmaid an expensive, diamond pendant on a thin, gold chain and a diamond tennis bracelet and diamond ankle bracelet, which Suzi thought coordinated nicely with her nose stud.

  She was anxious to get Jack's reaction to her deliciously clean, smooth head. He would arrive in town just before the wedding, and wouldn't see her until she walked down the aisle.

  The bridesmaids rode together to the church in their own large, padded, horse-drawn carriage. They were energized with the excitement of the day - a day they’d built up to, and paid for with their own appearances, all summer long.

  As they approached the church, Kate remembered to ask Teri, "Did you find out where?"

  "Of course!” Came the reply.” I've got the suite number – and I’ve even got the key!"

  "Really? Fantastic! What about him?"

  "Won't be a problem. He'll be out of the room for a while, and you know he'll be supportive afterward - probably long, long afterward." They all giggled.

  "And Elsa?"

  "She's in. Everything's a go."

  They wowed or astonished the wedding guests as they came down the aisle: four beautiful, matched, absolutely bald bridesmaids, almost identical in their appearance. Individually and as a group, they were stunning. Out of the corner of her eye, Suzi saw Jack almost fall out of the pew, his mouth hanging open and then forming the biggest smile she'd ever seen on him as he saw her. She was satisfied with his reaction. When they were finally alone, this was going to be some night.

  And it was. Jack loved everything about her look, including her permanently lined eyes and alluring, deep-red lips. But most of all he loved her shaved head. Before the night was over, he had extracted a promise from her to keep shaving it for at least the next six months - "and then they'd re-evaluate together, before she tried something else – if she had to – and even then, he clearly wanted it to be very short, or almost very short and curly."

  Early the next morning, Suzi rose, showered and shaved, and went downstairs to meet the others. Elsa arrived with the car at 7:00 and whisked them off to the Westin Kenwood Galleria.

  They waited, tucked away in an alcove down the hall, until Craig left the room and headed toward the elevators, believing he had to move his car because of construction in the parking building. Using the key that Teri had managed to pilfer, the bridesmaids slipped into suite 2220 and noiselessly fastened the chain and deadbolt. They stood poised outside the bedroom until Kate gave the signal.

  The four rushed into the room, playfully giggling. Ashley, whose back had been turned to them, rolled over, startled, and started to sit up, rubbing her eyes. Seeing who was there, she intended to shout "what the hell are you doing here?" just as Teri shoved a wad of cloth into her mouth and slapped duct tape over it. There was a bridesmaid on each arm and Miki plopped down hard on Ashley's legs. That left Teri free to start tying Ashley's wrists to the bed posts. Once done, she followed with tying her ankles.

  Ashley's eyes seemed as large as saucers as she tried to make sense of what was going on. Teri spoke to clarify things for her.

  "First off, Ashley, we’re not here because we’re really pissed at you. We probably should be, but in spite of your bizarre wedding demands, we’ve all enjoyed this summer of parties and bridal activities. You’ve taken unbelievable liberties with what you’ve done to our appearances – even though you did pay off most of us.

  “Alright, with that said, we all felt that we hadn't given you a really memorable wedding present. When we thought about it, we decided that you should experience the same thrill we've come to know from having our appearances radically changed. So we're going to give you the most wonderful makeover you've never dreamed of.

  "By the way, when Craig gets back, we're going to tell him that you intend to go along with this wholeheartedly, a
nd that he should return to take you to the airport for your flight to Paris at 6:00. Now realize that we aren't doing this to punish you. We honestly believe that you'll benefit from this experience, and come to love the new you. But we're prepared to tell Craig all about your tryst with Tony Sinica if you don't do just as we say. Understand?"

  Ashley's shocked expression changed to one of horror as she contemplated the effect her unfaithfulness would have on the start of her marriage. She slowly, reluctantly nodded her head in agreement.

  "Good. No need to ever worry; your secret's safe with us. We know you'd never do anything like that to a great guy like Craig again, right?"

  Ashley nodded again.

  "By the way, if you ever do and any of us find out about it, we'll be back to give you another new look - and you probably won't like it as well as this one. One of Miki's good friends is a plastic surgeon. So you’re in this marriage for the very long term, unless you want to win a homeliest girl of the year award. Get it?"

  Ashley nodded yet again, as Kate, shushing her, carefully removed the tape and gag.

  Craig tried unsuccessfully to open the door at that moment. Suzi opened it to the extent of the chain and told Craig, "Sorry, newly-minted Cuz, you can't come in. Teri, Miki, Elsa, and Kate and I are here to do a makeover with Ashley. Ashley wants it to be a surprise for you. Isn't that right, Ashley?"

  With little prompting from Teri, Ashley yelled back, "It's OK, Craig. Ah … er … I know you'll love my new look!"

  "Come back at 6:00, Craig, and we'll have her all ready for you. Make sure you pull the car right up to the front of the hotel, she probably won't want to walk too far."

  "Are you going to ...?" He started to say with a smile of pleasure beginning to form on his face.

  Suzi cut him off with a sly smile herself. "Ah ... you'll see."

  "Then get to work! I'll be back at six!"

  Elsa had already unpacked her bag. She handed an electrolysis wand to Teri, to Kate, and held one herself. "Eyebrows and pubes have got to go," she said matter-of-factly.

  "Untie me first, please," Ashley requested. "I'll lie still. Please don't tell Craig about Tony."

  "No one is going to tell him anything. It's all behind you, as long as you do what we say." Suzi started to untie her cousin. Ashley, rubbing her hands, lay perfectly still as Elsa started removing her brows, and Teri and Kate worked down below.

  A couple of hours later, Ashley's eyebrows were gone. She was red, sore, and slightly swollen, but truly brow-less. Teri and Kate continued to work. Elsa produced her needles and a small jewelry box.

  Ashley moaned, "Do you have to do that? And how thin are my brows now?" She was still on the bed and not within sight of a mirror.

  "Absolutely, Cuz," Suzi replied. "And if you remove even one of them, you'll disappoint Craig in two ways. Number one, he really likes the idea of what we're doing to you, and number two, we'll tell him about Tony.

  "Oh, by the way, your brows are infinitely thin - since you don't have any at all!"

  "But I didn't have all of yours removed!” Ashley started to complain.

  "True, but you had a permanent expression of surprise etched on our faces." We're actually being kinder to you. You can pencil on a thin line wherever you want and it'll look more-or-less OK, except for close examination."

  Elsa numbed and pierced Ashley's nose on the left side. She inserted a diamond stud into her nose and locked on a fastener inside. Elsa next pierced each of Ashley's ears twice more, to total three in each. A bright, diamond stud was inserted in each new hole. She then pierced each ear twice through the cartilage near the top. Ashley yelped in pain since the local anesthetic provided little comfort as the needle and stud were driven through the tough part of her ears.

  Teri and Kate continued zapping Ashley's pubic hairs. They were making real progress now, as only a small tuft of hair remained. It took another hour before they completed the task. While they were finishing, Elsa tattooed a butterfly on her shoulder. It was Elsa's first tattooing – she’d just finished apprenticing a few days before - and she was quite proud of the job she did. It matched the others' perfectly.

  At the same time, Miki removed the frosted white polish from, and trimmed Ashley’s finger and toenails as short as possible, then painted them a bright red. Suzi stepped up to Ashley’s side.

  "Now, Ashley, what comes next is gonna hurt a bit so we’re securing you to the bed again," Suzi told her. They tied her wrists and ankles to the four posts, near the top, spreading her legs wide and propping a pillow under her bottom.

  Ashley felt Elsa rub the anesthetic over her inner groin. "No!" she yelled, her eyes wide with fear. Miki put her hand over her mouth, shushed her, and told her if she burst out like that again they'd have to gag her. Her hand stayed in place as Elsa jabbed the needle through Ashley's inner labium lip. Ashley jerked involuntarily, recoiling in pain. She winced again as the small, half-inch, gold ring was locked into place.

  Not taking any chances, Miki kept her hand over Ashley's mouth as Elsa pierced her twice more on the left and then three times on the right side. Suzi held Ashley's hand through the ordeal, and gently massaged her temples. In spite of what Ashley had done to her (and she had actually come to accept and even appreciate much of it – especially thanks to Jack’s acceptance and interest), she’d felt that the genital piercings were going too far. Nevertheless, all three of the other bridesmaids had insisted.

  They were done. Ashley sported six small rings between her legs. Teri pointed out that, "You won't be walking very comfortably for a week or two. We're sending a supply of the anesthetic with you to help out some. Fortunately, you'll be in first class on the plane so you'll have room to sit with your legs apart. That's not very lady-like, but it should help."

  They carefully rolled Ashley onto her side as Elsa tattooed the rose onto her hip.

  Next, they set a pillow on a chair, put a Tucks between Ashley's legs to soothe her, and sat her upright in the chair. She still hadn't seen herself in a mirror. It would be a little while yet before she did.

  Without fanfare, using a sharp barber’s scissors, Suzi started cutting Ashley’s long, thick hair from the front of her head, as close to the scalp as she could. For the first time, tears formed in Ashley's eyes. The tugging and the crunching of the scissors continued as Ashley's full head of long, rich-dark-brown hair cascaded to the floor. When Suzi had reduced the long hair to random stubble, Miki handed her the electric clippers, without a guard, and Suzi proceeded to quickly shave the rude tufts.

  They each helped to lather Ashley's head and shave it clean with a vibrating, Gillette Fusion razor. They rinsed and dried her and massaged lotion into her scalp. Like Suzi, she had a perfectly-shaped, blemish-free head. They took her into the large, darkened bathroom. Ashley walked cowboy-style, holding her legs apart as best she could.

  In the bathroom, one of them flicked on the light, and Ashley saw herself for the first time. She gasped a loud, "Oh!" as her eyes adjusted to the bright light and her image came into focus. She reached up to feel her head, rubbing her fingers gingerly over it. Without eyebrows to reinforce her personality, her usually assertive, dominant manner seemed to fade away and her demeanor became that of someone else entirely.

  She turned her head from side-to-side to examine the studs in her ears. "Those are kinda pretty, don't you think?" she asked meekly.

  "Honestly," Kate said, "you're now as pretty as we are. You know we've grown to accept and even like these changes, and you will too. By the time you get back from Europe, you'll be all healed and so used to being bald that you'll probably never want your own hair again. Why would you? That’s why wigs were invented!"

  "The only problem is that my face looks featureless without my eyebrows. I wish you hadn't taken them all off."

  "You'll get used to that too. You have a great smile. Use it more. Try different eyebrow styles, depending on your mood. We’ve left you that option. Thanks to you, we don’t have it, unless we want to f
ollow you and remove ours entirely. We look the same every day, all the time - astonished or surprised - regardless of our mood.

  “We've packed the same makeup for you that we have. There's an eyebrow pencil in there that you can use to draw some on when you go out - if Craig will let you."

  "I'm so sore. How are Craig and I going to enjoy our honeymoon?"

  "Teri laughed. "You'll find other ways to do it for a few weeks. Craig seems the adventurous type."

  "When you get back from your two-month honeymoon," Miki explained, "we'll all get together again. We'll make sure everything is still in place and healed up as much as possible by then. Elsa will also touch up any regrowth hairs so you'll stay clean. We expect you to beg Craig to shave your head each morning and evening while you're gone. We intend to check with him to ensure that you've been regularly shaved. You know what will happen if you don't."

  It was nearly six o'clock. The troupe got Ashley dressed in a sleeveless top and a skirt that ended just above her knees. Pants were out of the question. Ashley was so sensitive, tender and sore that she ultimately rejected panties, deciding to risk it for the sake of comfort. Craig arrived a few minutes later. He was happily astonished at Ashley's new appearance. Within minutes, they were on their way. Ashley left the hotel with her eye-brow-less, bald head exposed for all to see.

  They watched them go with satisfied feelings – and surprised looks – all around.

  "This has been quite a summer," Miki observed. And all because of Ashley's wedding."

  And with that, it almost ends.


  It was a cold December back home, but that didn't matter in the least to Suzi and Jack. They basked in the warmth of a brilliant sun suspended in the cerulean sky of Bali. Jack had just rubbed lotion all over Suzi, and was finishing with a gentle massage of her smooth scalp. He kissed her on the top of her head, then continued down the back of her head to her neck, then rolled her over and kissed her glistening, ruby lips again and again. He looked into the deep pools of her eyes. They were twilight blue today. They’d been almost every color but their natural brown at some time in the past months.


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