Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)

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Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3) Page 7

by R. E. Hargrave

  The unexpected desire alarmed Jayden. He’d only ever swung a cane to cause pleasure, never as a tool for punishment. To do so now could ruin any future chances he had of Catherine accepting the cane. He had to get himself under control, and he began by breaking the length of wood across his knee in a rather abrupt move.

  Poles yelped and started shaking.

  Even after the jagged crack of the bamboo breaking, the pieces hitting the floor sounded harsh when he threw them to the side. Jayden began pacing with concise movements. Three strides to the left, stop and sharp pivot, then three to the right, and repeat. Dominick’s eyes followed him, his dilated pupils revealing that fright wasn’t the sole thing coursing through his veins.

  When Jayden did begin speaking, Dominick flinched at the sound of his voice and he chuckled, a thought occurring to him. He came to a resting place in front of the seated man, his left hand hooked in his pants pocket, a casual gesture, while he scratched his chin with his right—the picture of calm and collected.

  “I’ve done no harm to you, yet you sit there, cowering like a beaten puppy. Why?”

  Poles blinked, the stare in his eyes vapid, refusing to connect.

  “Could it be your guilty conscience whispering in your ear? Bringing to light what a sleaze you are?”

  The accused attempted to swallow. Dominick’s leg began bouncing, while he drummed his fingertips on his thighs.

  Jayden pressed on. “Or are you high out of your fucking mind right now, asshole? In what respectable world do you think it is okay to accept a submissive’s gift while you’re under the influence of any substance?” he hissed, inches from Dominick’s face, having rushed forward to spit the words at him.

  “Gift?” Dominick made it clear the concept was foreign to him.

  The Dom wanted to roar at the stupidity he was seeing. Instead, he seethed through clamped teeth. After a few controlled breaths to get himself collected again, he was able to resume. Jayden straightened then backed away.

  “You’ve been lingering around my club and my Lifestyle for too long, Poles. Except,” he paused for dramatic effect, “this isn’t just my club. I’m a member of the board—the board you’ve applied to for membership and backing into the community and Lifestyle.” Sue him for gloating.

  “So what? You’re gonna tell them I was a bad boy and can’t be in your stupid little club?”

  The arrogance and defiance dripping from the words pulled another chuckle from Jayden, and he grinned. “Not at all, Mr. Poles. In fact, I’ve just had your interview moved up.”

  Understanding dawned in the man’s eyes, and he gulped.

  “Everyone will be here and ready to begin within an hour. Best be preparing your intro speech, sir.” No respect was delivered with the title.

  “But I’m not ready,” Dominick spluttered, the dry spittle at the corners of his mouth disgusting Jayden even more. “I’m not dressed right and haven’t had time to plan a scene or prepare a slave—”

  Slave? He’d heard enough. “Oh, but sir, you have a submissive in the other room, remember? And she happens to bear the evidence of how you conduct a scene. As for your attire, well, let’s just say it suits you.” With disdain, Jayden dragged his gaze over the man’s grease-stained, unbuttoned jeans.

  Uncertainty flashed in Dominick’s eyes when Jayden’s came to meet them. Good. Yes, it was good that he was worried.

  Silence fell over the two men while the clock on the wall ticked off the seconds.


  Catherine guided Natalie to the nearest bathroom and then helped her get into the shower. She kept her voice low and soft, speaking in calming tones while collecting a washcloth, towel, and robe from the closet. Body wash and shampoo were housed in wall dispensers mounted inside all of the club’s showers.

  Sometimes Natalie would ask a question, but mostly Catherine talked and she listened. To Catherine’s surprise, sharing her story about Spencer, starting with Andrew, and of course, ending with Jayden, was easier than she’d thought it would be. It was of paramount importance to her that she stress to Natalie the differences between each man’s approach. However, when quiet sobs started up behind the curtain, she knew it was time to give the girl some space.

  “Natty, there’s a towel and robe on the counter for you. I’ll be out in the hall. If you need me, just shout and I’ll hear you, okay?”

  The door was almost closed when Natalie’s red and swollen eyes peeked around the curtain. “Erin?”

  “Yeah . . .” Catherine looked at the girl, trying to impart with body language that she was a friend and could be trusted. Soft voice, gentle smile, no fast movements . . . all precautions that one would take with a wild animal.

  Natalie blinked, and there was the faint hint of a smile on her saddened face. “Thank you.”

  Catherine’s throat constricted. She knew the roller coaster that Natalie was on right now all too well. The external physical marks would heal and become just a blip on the radar, but the deeper wounds were lodged in her mind and heart and might not ever go away.

  Unlike Catherine’s long-term abuse by Spencer, Dominick’s had just begun. Therefore, it could be more easily recovered from. At least, that’s what Catherine hoped for Natalie’s sake. Even with all the love and support she’d gotten from Jayden, Catherine still had her momentary lapses.

  She had so many questions for Natalie, but they’d have to wait. “You don’t have to thank me, lass. Try to relax and enjoy your shower. You’re safe, Natalie. Jayden won’t let Dominick bother you again.” With that, she pulled the door shut and then slumped against it as a dry sob choked her.

  No, we can’t do this right now, Erin. Clothes—the girl is going to need more than a robe.

  Grateful to have something to busy her, Catherine went back to the room where she’d found the pair. Discarded in the corner were Natty’s belongings—a pastel pink jogging suit, white cotton undies, and a back pack. Not an outfit for seduction, that was for sure.

  A tri-folded piece of paper was sticking up out of the front pocket of the pack. While Erin hadn’t intended to snoop, the bold red letters stamped across the sheet were hard to miss. It was a disconnect notice from the electric company.

  Was that why Natalie had been there at the club? For a warm place to stay? Fuck.

  Knowing she shouldn’t but unable to stop, Erin pulled out the letter to see the date. Maybe her power hadn’t been turned off yet and Jayden would be able to pay the bill. It was Christmas, after all. They couldn’t leave the girl without a warm place to stay. When the notice came loose, another piece of paper fluttered to the floor.

  There was one thing Erin would likely never have but deep down wanted more than anything else, and for her, the kind of news printed on the paper would have been good. For the young bartender, it had to have been devastating. Dated from the day previous, the Dallas Pregnancy Resource Center letterhead revealed shocking news—Natalie was pregnant.

  Double fuck.

  Erin became nauseous, a cold, clammy sweat seeping from her pores. Moving with haste, she stuffed the papers into the backpack, grabbed everything, and went to wait for Natalie.

  To tell Jayden or not—it was a hell of a question.

  Thirty minutes later, Natalie was dressed in her pink outfit and they were sitting in the common area of the club. Jayden and Poles were still upstairs. Natalie was nursing a bottle of juice, and all Erin could think was how young and innocent the girl looked. Naïve. What was crazy, though, was that she had to be close to Erin’s age. Being a bartender put her over twenty-one, at least. How, at just shy of twenty-five, did Erin feel so much older and more experienced than this woman?

  Maybe because you’ve already survived two lifetimes worth of terror and pain.


  “We’re over here, Holly,” Erin answered, relieved that reinforcements had arrived to give her help with Natalie and a chance to get her out of her own head.

  After Natalie had dressed, Erin had fessed
up about what she’d seen in the girl’s bag and had convinced her to allow a call to Dr. Holly Ellison on her behalf. Erin kept the number programmed in her cell phone.

  When Holly answered the phone, she indicated that she’d already been on her way thanks to a call from Angelique—at Jayden’s request. Erin hadn’t seen him again since they’d parted ways, so she had no idea what he was up to. The strong urge was there to go find him and get some answers, but a hunch told her she needed to give him his space and focus her energy on Natalie.

  Instead of the usual sharp clack of heels on the concrete, tennis shoes whispered over the floor when Holly crossed the room.

  “Sorry to bother you on the weekend like this. You remember Natalie?” Erin greeted the older, well-put-together woman with due respect when she reached them.

  Holly nodded and smiled in a non-threatening manner. “No bother at all. I’d just been on my way out for a run when Angelique called.”

  Even dressed for exercising, the Domme was beautiful. No makeup caked her mocha skin. She was an exercise in simple elegance.

  “How are you feeling, Natalie?” Holly asked, getting down to business and turning her attention to the person who needed it. Someone besides Erin this time.

  Natalie scoffed. “I’ve been better, Doc.”

  “Well, let’s see what we can do about getting you back to better. What do you say?” Her hand extended to help the trembling girl up from her perch on the edge of the armchair. “Erin, can you duck behind the bar and get the key for room twelve, please?”

  Surprise hit her—she hadn’t thought the keys were such common knowledge. Curiosity soon overtook the surprise as she wondered why the doctor wanted that specific room. “Aye, Miss.”

  She grabbed the requested key, and the three of them traveled back down the Hall of Play. In the distance, Erin thought she heard voices. While unlocking the door, she inquired, “Were you the only one Angelique called, Holly?”

  The woman’s dark eyes sparked at the question, darting from Natalie back to Erin. “No, I wasn’t. Everyone on the board was contacted, I believe. But you don’t need to concern yourself with that just yet.”

  Erin gasped when she opened the door and stepped inside. Her earlier question about theme rooms was now answered. This room was quite clearly for those with a medical kink fetish. She could even smell the antiseptic odor that permeated hospitals. To each their own.

  Once they’d entered, Holly went to the cupboards, seeming to know just what she needed and where it was. Then she sighed. “I keep asking Angelique about setting up an official triage room here for emergencies. Maybe now she’ll listen to me. Guess I’ll have to make do with this in the meantime.” She shook her head then planted a smile on her face. “Natalie, I understand that today has been difficult for you. Do you want Erin to stay or go while I look you over?”

  Timid and nervous, Natalie looked in Erin’s direction. “Do you mind staying? I—I don’t really have any friends, and I’m scared.” Her eyes were beginning to well with tears again.

  Erin rushed over to the girl’s side. “Of course I don’t mind, Natty. I’ll stay as long as you want me to—on one condition.”

  “Okay . . .”

  “Please tell us what happened.”


  The entire time the men waited neither one spoke. For that, Jayden was grateful. If he’d had to listen to any more vitriol ooze from Dominick’s lips, he might have done something regrettable. Something physical and damaging.

  He’d always had a soft spot for those less fortunate. He could see that now, but there was more than that. Jayden did what he could by donating to local organizations, and even encouraged his employees to donate their time at soup kitchens, orphanages, or any other charitable programs in the Metroplex. One of the many perks of working for Masterson Metalworks was being granted up to five days off each year, with pay, for volunteering.

  Yet as Jayden stood there reflecting, it became clear to him that he also had a knack for getting involved with souls who needed more than basic material care. In opening his heart to love, he’d also allowed his sights to widen. With a jolt of acute clarity, he realized he’d never been the cold, emotionless bastard he’d once thought he was. The powerful Jayden Masterson was a mere man. Go figure.

  With Micah, he’d helped transition him from the boys’ home. Catherine had been on her way to healing, and he’d just made it a smoother trip. Now there was Natalie. They all shared a commonality. A part of them was, or had been, broken inside. And Jayden had wanted to fix them all, feeling responsible for them in one way or another. Even Samantha had become part of his unique flock, not because she’d had some deep-seated issue or tragic past, but because he’d grown to care for her in his time with her.

  Unlike the others, though, Natalie had never flashed on his radar as being the submissive type, so this whole scenario confounded him.

  The first time he’d seen her had been outside Dungeons & Dreams. It had been a scorcher of an afternoon, and she’d been hiding under the awning by the front door, out of the sun. Not expecting anyone when he’d exited after a board meeting, he’d almost tripped over her where she sat with her back against the wall. She’d been thin—too thin—and her eyes dull. Seeing her cracked lips, Jayden had insisted she come inside for some water and air-conditioning.

  Once Natalie had a chance to rehydrate, the obvious widening of her eyes while she looked around had disclosed how unaware of the Lifestyle she was. An innocent.

  Angelique had been there, too, and in chatting with the young woman, they’d learned she was on her own and trying to make ends meet. He’d felt bad there were no internships he could offer her with his company. If she’d graduated high school, then he could have pulled some strings. However, without a diploma, she didn’t meet the basic requirements for any of the positions.

  That had been when Angelique stepped in. It was rare that she flaunted her ownership of the club, but she did that day, insisting she’d been about to place an ad for a bartender. If Natalie was willing to work hard, both at the club and on getting her GED, Angelique would let her have the job. Satisfied, Jayden had not found it necessary to include the girl in his small herd, and had moved on.

  But now, almost two years later, he had to take that responsibility back, because this was all his fault. Intentional or not, he had been the one to bring Natalie into his world. Her path had crossed Dominick’s thanks to him. Just once, would it have killed him to not be the nice guy? Before his thoughts could veer off into a full-blown self-berating, there was a knock at the door.

  Jayden followed Dominick’s beady eyes and looked over at the door when it opened. In marched five of the people who made up the seven-member board of directors—Landon Michaels, Shawn Carpenter, Warren Smith, Angelique Hendrix, and their newest member, Sheila McCray.

  Sheila was a stunning brunette with green eyes rivaled by none but Erin’s—in his book, anyway. She could’ve been a doppleganger for that actress in Grease 2 and Catwoman. The Domme had moved to the States from England a few months back to take over Events and Promotions for the club. She wasn’t new to D&D, though. Sheila had visited the club with regularity over the years whenever she happened to be stateside.

  Greetings were exchanged while inquisitive glances lingered on Poles. Holly Ellison hadn’t arrived yet, and Jayden was anxious to begin. He wasn’t alone, judging by the rising level of voices in the room. Everyone wanted to know why they’d been summoned and what was going on.

  “Bloody hell, would you lot shut the fuck up.” Sheila’s commanding tone silenced the room.

  All eyes turned to Jayden then, full of expectation and impatience. His polo and sport coat felt too warm all of a sudden.

  “That’s one way to call the meeting to order,” he joked. “Once Holly arrives, we can start. You were able to reach her, weren’t you, Angelique?”

  “She was the first one I called. I’m surprised she’s not here yet, to be honest.”
r />   Because Dominick had drawn blood, even if just a little, Jayden wasn’t comfortable proceeding without his friend’s input—as a doctor and a Domme.

  “Thank you all for coming so fast and with no questions asked. If you’ll bear with me, I’ll explain all of this soon.” He pulled out his phone and dialed Holly.


  “Alright, sweetie. That’s all I can do here. I want you to come see me next week to get a blood panel and start your OB file—”

  “I can’t. I don’t have any insurance, ma’am,” Natalie cut in, and Holly’s face pulled tight with disapproval.

  Erin gave Natalie’s hand a gentle squeeze and rubbed her back. Holly’d had the girl change back into a robe to facilitate the exam, and now Natalie held it closed, clutching it in a tight fist against her chest.

  “We’ll sort out the logistics later. Your health—your baby’s health—are more important. Right now, I need to get upstairs and join the rest of the board. I’m going out on a limb and saying that Jayden called this meeting over you. I’m going to need to share with them what you’ve told me. Are you okay with that?”

  For a few seconds Natalie just stared back, then her head moved up and down.

  “You need to think about whether you want to press charges. The tissue damage around your anus alone is enough to bring Dominick up on rape.”

  A single tear slipped free, moving across Natalie’s cheek in a slow, jerky path. If the situation hadn’t been so tense, Erin would’ve laughed when Holly’s phone came to life with Depeche Mode’s Master & Servant. The busted look on the woman’s face while she ran to her discarded purse was comical.

  “Hello, Jay. No . . . Yes, I’m here in the building . . . room twelve. Jayden, I think you need to come down here before I head up. We need to talk. Okay, see you in a minute.”

  Erin stared at Holly in shock. “What’s going on?”

  Holly came closer and took Erin’s hand in hers. “Things are about to get really crazy around here, Erin. Can you do me a favor?”


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