Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)

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Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3) Page 35

by R. E. Hargrave

  “Jayden, put that damn book down and get the fuck over here, right the fuck now!” she hissed between rapid breaths through clenched teeth.

  He dropped the book and was at her side in an instant, brushing her sweaty hair back from her forehead. Common sense told the frantic woman that he was trying to appear calm and controlled, but his eyes revealed the truth. He was just as panicked as she was.

  “It’s too soon,” Erin began crying into Jayden’s shoulder. “I’m supposed to have another two months. Something’s wrong, Jayden. I’m scared—” Another wave of pain jolted her, and she bit down on his shoulder . . . hard.

  He yelped and pushed her off. “It’s okay, sweet girl. Dr. Ellison said this could happen, remember?” His eyes were pleading with her to calm down.

  Erin could see the reason in it, she really could. But how was a woman supposed to remain calm when it felt like her body was being ripped open a little bit at a time? She was mid-curse into the next contraction when the door to the room opened and Dr. Ellison strolled in, looking like she was out for a walk in the park.

  “Hey kids! How are we doing? Ready to do this?” The delight in her tone sickened Erin—bitch was too chipper.

  Holly needed to be stabbed.

  With a dull spoon.

  “Um, well, we are a little concerned that it’s a bit early,” hedged Jayden.

  Erin screamed through another contraction.

  “And Erin is experiencing a tad bit of discomfort,” he added.

  “A tad bit? A tad fucking bit, Jayden! Ya think?” she shrieked in his direction. Dr. Ellison had a cheesy grin on her face while she watched them, amused by their exchange. Maybe that spoon would work on her eyes, too.

  “Ah, come on, Erin, I thought you were into pain?” teased Dr. Ellison. “This should be a piece of cake for you. Hell, you might even enjoy it if you relax.” Holly laughed and slapped her hand against her thigh.

  Lovely, I’ve got a fucking comedian for a doctor.

  Jayden, always able to read her, must have sensed that Holly was walking a fine line with Erin’s nerves. “So, Dr. Ellison, is it going to be okay to let the labor continue?”

  Bless him for trying to redirect the good doctor back on topic.

  She squeezed his hand, hoping her momentary gratitude showed. Perhaps she’d gripped a little harder than she should have, given that he extracted his hand from hers and rubbed it.

  At least Holly took the hint and got serious for a moment. “Alrighty, you two, here’s the deal. We’ve been monitoring Erin’s health closely, as you know. The babies are doing great according to the ultrasound and monitors, and they are looking to be about five pounds each right now. I dare say it’s going to be easier to let them go ahead and make their appearances sooner rather than later. They’re already larger than normal for twins at seven and a half month’s gestation. Frankly, I don’t think Erin’s tiny frame can handle them going to full term, so this could be a blessing in disguise.” She beamed at them.

  Jayden and Erin sighed with relief at the same time.

  “But . . .” Holly continued.

  Oh, of course there’s a ‘but’. Erin might have growled, she wasn’t sure. It had been awhile since she’d played Domme. Maybe Holly would like to be her sub? The image of the doctor under Erin’s flogger made her giggle, and Jayden stroked her head.

  “The pediatric team is on standby and will be in the room during the delivery, ready to act if there are any problems. Understand that there is a high probability the babies will have to stay here for a week or two before you’ll be able to take them home. A precautionary measure, of course.”

  Erin was taking a deep breath while she neared the end of her latest contraction.

  “Ready for the good news?” Dr. Ellison paused, like she was waiting for them to get excited.

  Not happening right now, bitch.

  “Their size is manageable enough that unless their heart rates drop and we have to do an emergency C-section, you should have no trouble delivering these two by the end of the night, tomorrow morning at the latest . . . naturally!” Dr. Ellison clapped her hands, and one would’ve thought she’d just told them they were going to Disney World.

  Oh. Fucking. Joy.

  I get to push a watermelon out of my hooha . . . twice.



  Twelve hours later . . .

  Erin was past all points of modesty or decorum. She had given over to begging for drugs. Her new alter-ego had ripped a fresh, new asshole out of every person who had come into her room, and Jayden was covering his crotch at every opportunity.

  Smart move, asshole. I will be taking your cock if you ever try to come near me with it again!

  Thirty-six hours into labor . . .

  Erin was on her back, her legs spread wide by the stirrups while Dr. Ellison sat between them on her little rolling swivel stool. Jayden had his arm around Erin’s upper back, helping her roll forward so she could push—and push some more. Members of the NICU staff were standing off to the side with two bassinets, waiting to get to work.

  “Give us one more good one, Erin. You’re doing beautiful, kiddo! The head is almost through, and once we get this one out, the next one will be a breeze!” While Dr. Ellison’s routine was appreciated, sort of, it was no longer working. Erin was beyond exhausted and had no idea how she was going to finish this.

  “I can’t! I just can’t anymore.” The woman sobbed into her husband’s chest, wanting to quit, to be done with it all. She hurt everywhere, felt slimy and gross, and was so very tired.

  “Yes, you can, Catherine,” Jayden whispered into her ear suddenly. “You can, and you will,” he continued, his tone low and calm. “It’s almost here . . . come on, Catherine, show me our baby,” her Dom commanded, and just like that, a mental switch was thrown.

  Catherine had to serve her Master. She had to do what he asked because servicing him was what she lived for. She took a deep breath and bore down, channeling all her focus into her laboring body. Searing pain unlike any she’d ever felt before shot through her, sending little colored dots skittering across her vision, but Catherine kept pushing.

  “We have a gorgeous baby girl!” called Dr. Ellison, and Catherine exhaled, then burst into tears. “Daddy, would you like to cut the cord?”

  She managed to lift her weary eyes up to his face and watched him nod, silent while he stared down at the wiggling bundle in the doctor’s hands.

  “Well, get over here. We’ve only got a minute or two before Baby B will be ready.”

  His lips pressed against hers all at once, and then they were gone while he hurried to join the doctor between her legs.

  The tears free-flowed down the new mother’s cheeks at the sounds of tiny squeals and cries. She hadn’t seen her daughter yet, but Erin knew she would be beautiful and perfect. Baby A was whisked away for her APGAR assessment, and Jayden made it back to Catherine’s side as the next excruciating contraction overtook her. Falling limp into his arms, Erin shook her head. “Please, just get it out,” she whimpered, the exhaustion catching up to her.


  Her reply was automatic. “Aye, Master?”

  “I know you’re ready to crash, jewel. We just need a little more from you. I need you to do this.”

  With a slow nod, the laboring woman willed herself to curl forward. Pain ripped through her abdomen, and she lapsed into a series of heavy pants and exhalations. Oh, god. Did I just poop on Holly?

  “Cailin maith.” His hot breath whispered across her neck, distracting her, and then his mouth was on hers, breathing new life—new energy—into Catherine. When he pulled back, his eyes were dark and shiny. “You can do this.”

  Catherine locked onto his stare . . . and pushed.

  “There ya go, Erin!” Dr. Ellison cheered the patient on while the pressure built to an almost intolerable level, then released on a wave of searing hot pain seconds before everything went numb.

p; “And we have another baby girl!”

  With an exaggerated sigh, Erin started laughing. “We did it!”

  Jayden stroked her cheek, “Yes, sweet girl, you did. You are so very amazing.” Wetness collected in the brim of his eyes.

  “Are you two lovebirds ready to meet your daughters?” Holly’s voice was muffled while she snipped the second cord, then cleaned and sutured Erin.

  Our daughters. We did this together. No other thought mattered.

  While he wiped her forehead with a cool cloth and helped her get some water, the nurses cleaned up the babies then brought them over to the bed. Jayden rested his hip against Erin’s when Baby A was placed in his arms and Baby B was placed in hers. The teeny thing immediately started rooting against her chest and she tugged down her gown, thankful that she’d been there when Natalie’s lactation specialist had shown her what to do after Matthew was born. Little B latched onto her nipple and started sucking like a champ.

  Amused, Erin could tell Jayden was torn between watching Little B nurse and looking down at the bundle in his own arms. His attention was demanded by the little female when a tiny squawk came from the blanket.

  He laughed softly. “I think this one’s hungry, too. Are you up to serving more than one, sweet girl?” he asked with a tenderness that made her tear up again.

  Stupid hormones. “Can you help me?”

  “Of course,” her husband replied and walked around the bed to the opposite side. He slipped the other side of her gown down, then helped angle their daughter in against Erin’s chest. Jayden perched himself on the bed again so that he could support the babe’s head while she found the nipple and latched on.

  The sensation from both of them nursing in tandem was hypnotic. The new mother was at peace while she looked down at the tiny red faces of her children.

  Once the placentas were delivered, Dr. Ellison finished up between Erin’s legs and pulled her gloves off. “You did fantastic, kiddo. Not only with the delivery, but with the cooking of those two. I can’t remember the last time I saw such pretty babies,” she said with sincerity. “Do you have names picked out?”

  “Yeah, some of us have been wondering the same thing.” Woody came into the room with Matthew planted on his hip and Jillian at his heel, and in spite of her delirium, Erin felt her energy renew. A huge smile broke out on her face. Paige must've called them after she and Jayden had rushed out of the house all those hours ago. How fortunate that she and Sir Landon had been on hand to keep Matthew while they went to the hospital.

  “Hi, Da, Jillian. Come meet your granddaughters.”

  “About time you enlighten an old man. And did you say granddaughters? Two girls, then?”

  Erin looked up at Jayden to find a proud smile transforming his face. They’d been waiting for this chance. He reached over and stroked the top of each of their daughters’ heads in turn.

  As their hair dried, the baby on her right was proving to have dark brown. The miniscule girl blinked her eyes open, and they were a dark blue.

  Dr. Ellison leaned over for a gander before looking at each of Erin and Jayden’s faces. “Eyes like that usually end up green,” she commented with a wink at the Irish lass.

  The baby on Erin’s left had blue-brown eyes, however, and a crazy shock of red hair on top of her head. With a nod to Jayden, Erin let him know it was his call to make. They had picked four names in preparation of this—two boys and two girls.

  His fingertip caressed the cheek of their redheaded baby. “I think this little beauty is Brianna Eilene Masterson,” he said before bestowing the same loving gesture on their brown-headed baby. “And this lovely lady is Bryce Jillian Masterson.”

  Erin piped up, “Brie and Jill for short.”

  Dr. Ellison smiled. “I love them, great choices. Good work, kids, both of you. Alas, I need to get out of here and get your chart written up. The nurse will be in and out to check on you, but don’t hesitate to use the call button if you need anything.”

  As she turned to leave, Erin called out to her: “Dr. Ellison . . .”

  Holly looked back. “Yes, dear?”

  “Thank you . . . for everything. We couldn’t have had this moment without you.”

  She smiled, her eyes lighting up. “It’s been a delight, Erin.”

  Jayden snuggled deeper into her side. Somehow, they all fit on the twin-sized hospital bed—their happy family. Matthew had his head on Woody’s chest, a quiet awe in his expression while he sucked on his fingers and stared down at Erin and the suckling babes.

  Heads touching, Jayden and Erin looked down at their beautiful little girls. Brianna and Bryce were the unsubstantiated proof that they could live a balanced life—one with vanilla and kink. Conceived when Jayden and Erin gave their love freely to one another, but born because he’d had the strength to be her Master and call forth Erin’s submission when she needed it. These children were their future.

  She gave him a tired but content smile while the babes nursed and whispered, “Divine.”

  Knowing just what his jewel would always need, his calming, warm breath teased Erin’s earlobe when he whispered into it, “Surreal.”


  Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this book, the best compliment you can pay the author is to leave a spoiler free review or tell a friend about it!

  COMING IN THE FUTURE: Divine Salvation

  The Micah Sanders Story

  ~a companion novella to the Divine Trilogy by R.E. Hargrave~


  About a week passed after Micah’s forced performance before Chase came to him again. It had been several days of pure hell for the confused teen. Why had he enjoyed the way they’d treated him? How had it been possible for him to masturbate like that? Were any of them going to tell Mr. Salazar?

  The questions raced through his mind on repeat, sometimes shifting slightly, but all coming down to one bottom line. Micah was gay, and there was . . . something he needed, though he could not quite put his finger on what it was.

  When Chase found Micah again, it was in the library—or what passed for the library at the home. It was a small room, about eight by ten feet, with three mismatched assemble-at-home book cases, a round table with two chairs, and a loveseat. The loveseat had seen better days and sagged deeply in the middle.

  When the doorknob turned, Micah hurried to shove the book he’d been reading under his butt. He’d just calmed himself and hoped he appeared normal, when Chase crossed over the threshold, closing the door behind him and locking it. Micah gulped.

  “H-hello, Chase. Can I help you with something?” As much as he hated it, Micah’s heart was pounding, trying to escape its physical confines knowing he was trapped in there with the older boy. For the first time, Chase said nothing, just stared Micah down. So Micah did the same, taking in what a physically appealing person Chase was, he found his body reacting.

  Chase Hamilton had come to the home at the age of eight after being taken away from his parents. Micah never learned why. He’d been bigger than the other kids, even back then. Now, Chase stood just under six feet and had a shoulder span of about two. Tall and broad, shadowy stubble indicative of inky hair, piercing green eyes, and exotic dark skin, Chase caused Micah’s pulse to race.

  “Show me the book.”

  Spoken just above a whisper, the words oozed with authority, and Micah felt compelled to obey them. Sliding his hand beneath him, he found the tattered book and withdrew it to proffer to Chase.

  Chase moved forward without a sound, eyes fixed on Micah. Without breaking their gaze, he reached down and took the book from Micah’s outstretched hand. Not until the last second did he look away, to glance at the cover for a moment before tossing it down and looking back to Micah.

  “Why do you read those?”

  “They’re exciting,” Micah answered with honesty.


  Bewildered, the teen tipped his head to the side. “Have you not read a story that sucks you in and makes yo
u forget about the troubles around you? Gives you a chance to be someone else, somewhere else?”

  “My reading’s not so good. I don’t do it unless I hafta.”


  What could Micah say to that? He wasn’t going to laugh at Chase, for there was nothing funny about illiteracy. A damn shame is what it was. Had Chase been adopted and cared about, somebody would’ve noticed his problem early on and helped him with it. An idea came to him.

  “I could help you.”

  Chase’s head snapped Micah’s direction, and his cherry red lips parted to say something, but he stopped. “Why would you do that? I’ve been mean to you for years, and then, well, the other day—”

  “Was exciting,” blurted Micah before slapping his hand over his mouth in shock. He had no clue what had prompted him to reveal that bit of information.

  Those red lips parted again, and Chase’s tongue snuck out to lick them. “Why? Weren’t you afraid?”

  Ever so slowly, Micah nodded his head. “That was part of the excitement, though. And I want to help because I don’t blame you . . . for being, you know, the way you are. We’re all stuck in this shit together.”

  At that, Chase laughed, the tension in his shoulders relaxing while he took a seat next to Micah on the loveseat. “Yeah, not like we got much of a choice in the matter, did we?”

  Chase wasn’t such a bad guy away from the others. Micah leaned over and nudged him with his shoulder. “Want to start now?”

  “You’re serious?”

  Micah freed his lanky form from the couch by rocking forward and falling onto the floor. On his hands and knees, he retrieved the book. When he turned around, he found Chase staring at him again.

  “Do you like dick?”

  That caught Micah off guard. “Um, honestly?” he hedged, and Chase nodded. “I don’t know for sure, but I think so.”

  “Oh.” Chase’s eyes darted to the book in Micah’s lap.

  Micah gulped, not believing he was about to ask the same. “Do you?”

  “What? No! I’m not some freaky fag . . .” Chase trailed off at the pointed look Micah was blasting at him.


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