Out of The Box Awakening

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Out of The Box Awakening Page 12

by Theriot, Jennifer

  He winks and taps the tip of my nose. “Some woman, I think you may know her, has scooped me up, so I am really not available. Sorry!” I laugh and run my hands through his tousled hair, and he chuckles. “Are you trying to stir up trouble? Because I may be convinced to get stirred up again. I may be sixty, but I am not dead, and you bring out every desire I have. Lay back and let me see if the sleeping giant will wake.”

  It does. We make incredible love again. Geez! I haven’t had sex twice in one night, much less had more than one orgasm—if that—in forever! I can’t believe how my body comes alive with his touch. I have read articles about the G-spot before, and always wondered if what I read was true. Well, I can tell you firsthand, I do have a G-spot and Ash has found it.

  I am mortified having sexual thoughts and desires like this at my age. For God’s sake, I’m about to be a grandmother and I’m craving sex from this beautiful man who takes my breath away? And I want it more than once in one day? To borrow Todd’s phrase, “Oh, hell-yeah!”

  When we are totally spent from our love making, I sit up and put my hands over my face. “Oh, my God! Holy Crap!”

  “What Liv, what’s wrong?”

  “Ash, you didn’t use a condom! What if…?”

  There is a deer in the headlights look in his eyes, and I can hardly keep a straight face. I sit there staring him, working to look concerned, fighting the urge to laugh.

  “Olivia, you can’t get pregnant, can you?”

  I stare at him, shrug my shoulders, and then I can’t hide it any longer. I lose it and laugh uncontrollably.

  Ash looks confused. “What? Liv, you can’t get pregnant, can you? Is this a joke?”

  I have to give in. “Yes! Oh, my God, yes. This is a joke!” I roll back on the bed, look up at the ceiling, and laugh. I laugh so hard I cry. “Sorry Ash, but I just had to do that. I haven’t had a period in forever. You’re totally safe. I think it’s so funny…sorry, but with everything that’s going on in my life right now, this is the one thing I don’t have to worry about.”

  Ash takes me into his arms. “Okay. You got me. Good joke, hon! You sure had me scared there for a minute!” We laugh together and he swats me on my behind. “Damn, woman! You scared me there! Let’s get some sleep.”

  In the morning, Ash is lying with his front to my back, and he’s holding me. “Mornin’, Sunshine!” he says. “Are you up for some morning love before we start our day?”

  I can feel the sleeping giant at my back, and I am again more than ready to take him in. “Oh, you know I am, you sexy, good-lookin’ guy. Pretty please!”

  “Well, then, let’s see what I can do for you…”

  I can’t believe I am so comfortable bantering back and forth sexually with him. Alan and I would never have talked to each other like this. Alan was a wham, bam, thank you, ma’am kind of guy. As soon as he was satisfied, he got right up. No cuddling at all. I just thought that was the way sex was. Women experiencing pleasure? There wasn’t time for that. We had children to raise, meals to cook, and houses to clean. Wow, did I miss out on a few things!

  Ash, the perfect lover, gives me the best morning loving I’ve ever had. My entire body is so sensitive after all the lovemaking we’ve done. I don’t think it can handle another orgasm. I am totally spent—satisfied in every way. Total bliss!

  “Come on, my little lover, let’s go get some coffee!”

  “That sounds wonderful!”

  We head downstairs for our morning coffee and paper. No one is awake, thank God, so our secret is safe…for now, anyway. Ash makes our coffee, and we read the paper together.

  “Did you enjoy last night?”

  “Oh, my God. And this morning! I have never felt the way I do when I’m with you. You’re the most amazing lover. Tell me what have you planned for today”

  “Well, I was thinking that you and Lainey might need some mommy-daughter time, so thought I would take the guys sightseeing around town…if that’s okay with you?”

  “Oh, Ash! That would be wonderful!”

  Ash takes the guys riding around. They go in to the city, and then out to Evanston to look at the University. Lainey and I decide to veg out at the house for the day. She roams around the house, commenting on how beautiful everything is. Everything is so tastefully decorated. I know she loves it here. I take her up to my room.

  “There are two signed Bernard Buffet prints in yall’s room? Do you have any idea how much one of these will set you back?” I tell her I have no idea. “At least five grand each, Mom!”

  It doesn’t surprise me. Ash loves art, and I figure maybe Sarah had picked them out for him. I thought they were really pretty, but had no idea they cost that much.

  “So, you like my room. Pretty nice, huh?”

  “Mom, why do you call it ‘your’ room?”

  “No reason Lainey—it’s just a figure of speech. Geez! Why in the world would you even say something like that?”

  “It’s just that you seem different, Mom. Dad has never missed a Thanksgiving, and it just seems weird that you haven’t been talking to him on the phone. I figured he would at least call you yesterday. You have hardly said a word about him. It’s like he doesn’t exist. Sorry, but that’s just what I’m feeling, that’s all.”

  “Lainey, you’re reading much too much into this. Dad just couldn’t get a flight back here from London and then turn around and have to go right back. Logistically, it just didn’t work. Everything is fine. Stop with the inquisition.”

  “Okay, Mom. But if anything was wrong, you would tell me, wouldn’t you?”

  “Of course, silly!”

  Dear God! This child can read me too well. It’s like she has this all pegged—she knows damn well something is wrong. I just hope I can maintain the façade until I can come up with a plan.

  “So,” I said, trying to keep to safer topics, “Let’s talk about my grandbaby! I am so excited. Have you been trying long to get pregnant?”

  She tells me that a new client contacted her and suggested they meet in San Antonio, where his blow-dry bar business is based. “Kellan had some time off, so he planned us a wonderful weekend on the Riverwalk. He said we could incorporate some pleasure into business, so he booked us a beautiful suite overlooking the Riverwalk. After my meetings, Kellan and I went out to dinner, to a martini bar, took a riverboat ride and, well, things progressed from there.”

  “That sounds so romantic Lainey. Who knew workhorse Kellan could come up with a plan like that! So what is a blow-dry bar?”

  “Oh mom! You would love to go to one. They are the latest craze out in L.A., and my client is cleaning up on them in Texas. You go in, have your hair shampooed and blow dried.”

  “Wow! What a great concept.”

  “Hopefully, LPCI will get the exclusive on the design/build for all of them. That’s what I am really working hard on. My client seems to really like what we have to offer.”

  “What’s not to like? You probably already have the deal all wrapped up, if I know you.”

  We enjoy the rest of the afternoon. It’s bonding time with my girl that I desperately needed. I show her the sound system, and how Ash has music programmed to come on when the lights are turned on.

  “Pretty twenty-first century technology, huh?”

  “This is amazing. It must have cost the national debt!”

  I tell her that Tommy’s friend designed it.

  “Would love to have one of these in our house,” she said. “Kellan would just die! Maybe someday.”

  Around 4:00 p.m., the guys roll up. Tommy volunteers to take Lainey back to the hotel.

  “Tommy, are you sure? I can take her if you want me to.”

  “No problem, Olivia, I’d be happy to take her. It won’t take long at all.”

  We all agree to meet up at the club at 8:00 to watch Tommy’s band. I decide to wear my UT/A&M T-shirt that proudly reads, “I bleed both ways.” The boys gave it to me for mother’s day a few years ago. It’s always a conversation pie
ce, and I know they will love that I’m wearing it.

  The club is crowded early. Since this is a holiday weekend, lots of kids are in from college. As soon as we get to our table, two girls come over to Bradley and Dalton. They act like they know them, and I nudge Ash. He observes, “They were probably at Seth’s last night. Looks like your boys are a hot commodity,” Ash laughs.

  The girls are both really cute, and probably a bit overdoing it with the PDA’s, but I act like I don’t notice. They probably have no idea that I’m their mother. Tommy comes to the table and gives me a huge hug.

  “So glad you and your kiddos came tonight. I think it’s awesome that you like to watch our little band. It means a lot to have family and friends here. Oh, and I didn’t get a chance to thank you again for cooking such a fantastic Thanksgiving meal. It meant so much to the guys that you wanted them included too. You’re the best!”

  “Tommy, that’s so sweet—it was my pleasure. I wouldn’t miss tonight for the world. Y’all are so good, and I love everything you play. So do all the girls!”

  “Olivia, I love how you say ‘y’all! Say it again for me! We were all talking earlier and we love y’all’s Texas accents. Bert—I mean Todd was trying to talk Texan to some girls earlier and we were giving him so much shit! He was cracking us up.” Then, seeing the accessories in my boy’s laps, Tommy says, “Whoa! Looks like Bradley and Dalton have a couple of chicks to keep them company. Very nice!”

  I tell him that as long as they go home after the show, I am fine. He gives his dad a big bear hug and excuses himself, saying they need to get setup.

  “Y’all have fun tonight, you hear?” Tommy says.

  Todd comes over to the table with Brian and gives me a huge hug. “Hey Olivia! How are y’all doin? Is that how y’all say it?”

  We all laugh, and Brian tells us all how Todd has adopted our Texas lingo. They ask if we are going to stay until after the show and drink with them. I tell them we wouldn’t miss it for the world.

  Ash whispers in my ear, ”Need a potty break before the show starts? I’ll show you where the employee’s only restroom is.”

  I nod, and follow as he takes me through the back of the club to a private area. He grabs me and gives me a perfectly passionate kiss.

  “Why, Ash! Did you bring me back here to go to the restroom or to hit on me?”

  “Liv, God! I just need to hold you and kiss you. It’s so damn hard pretending that we aren’t what we are. Trust me; no one will see us back here.”

  About that time, Ashley, our waitress walks back and we startle her as much as she startles us. She casually waves us off and closes her eyes “Hey-hey-hey! Just coming for napkins, folks, didn’t see a thing…nope, not a thing! Carry on.”

  Oh, just great. Ash tells me not to worry and we head back to the table, but, geez! That was awkward.

  Back at the table, Lainey and Kellan are wrapped in each other’s arms. They are the image of the perfect couple and I am so happy for them. I can’t believe I am going to be a grandmother…Wow!

  The band takes the stage. Tommy acknowledges his father and his friends from Texas and tells everyone, “Y’all just sit back and enjoy! Are you ready to rock?” The crowd erupts. “Oh, hell-yeah! Here we go, folks!”

  They play a set of rock music—their own songs. Girls are getting up to dance on the dance floor. Lainey grabs me.

  “Come on mom—let’s go dance!”

  Never one to pass up a dance, I eagerly follow. We get out with all the other girls and get our dance on. The two girls who were sitting with Bradley and Dalton come up and start dancing with us. We don’t mind. They seem nice enough. Tommy and Todd come over to the stage and motion for Lainey and me to come closer. They sing to us and we are on cloud nine. Girls are screaming! Todd winks and motions me closer.

  “Olivia, are y’all having a good time?”

  “Yep! We are. Are y’all gonna rock the house tonight?”

  “Oh, hell, yeah! You know it!”

  Ash makes his way to the dance floor and motions for Kellan to come join us. “Olivia, I have no idea how to do this kind of dancing, but it sure looks fun!” he says.

  I put my hands on his hip and make him shake his hips. “There you go…shake it, you sexy guy!” We dance—gyrate to the song and savor the moment. The band plays several songs, and we dance to them all.

  Just when I feel I need a break from dancing, Tommy announces, “So, we’re gonna take a short break. We’ll be right back, but please everyone, grab a few drinks, tip your waitresses well, get up on the dance floor, and dance your asses off while we take a short break!”

  When the guys break, Ash goes over to the jukebox and selects his plays. Dalton slips in and I guess he makes a selection…Hmmm, wonder what he picked? Ash grabs my hand and takes me out to dance and winks at me with his ever-so-sexy wink. Bonnie Rait Something to Talk About. I wonder where he is going with this.

  “God, Olivia, I could just kiss you up!”

  “Well, you better keep your hands to yourself and behave. We don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea!”

  “Well, let’s just give ‘em something to talk about! Hahaha”

  We dance and I love this! Todd comes up to us, taps Ash on the shoulder, and says, “Excuse me—can I cut in and dance with this hot chick?”

  “Sure thing, Stud. Think you can you handle it?”

  “Oh, you know I can! Just for a minute, dude and I’ll give her back to you.”

  Ash tells me he is going over to talk to the owner of the bar, Ross, and will be right back. He and Tommy head over to the bar and I see them talking to a guy I guess is Ross. They huddle around the bar. They shake hands and are immersed in conversation. I sense that Ash knows Ross. They talk for a while. They fist pump and laugh. I have no idea what they are talking about, but they seem to be involved in conversation. Tommy and Ash hug. I am so happy that they are spending quality time together.

  Todd is a good dancer. He is easy to follow, and I tell him what a good dancer he is.

  “Thanks, Olivia! I’ve been known to bust a move a few times, plus I love Bonnie Rait—she is one smokin’ hot chick! By the way, you and Mr. H. are giving everyone something to talk about, don’t you think?”

  Embarrassment has got to be obvious on my face.

  “Just kidding—lighten up, woman!”

  When the song ends, the next song comes on. It’s Dalton’s pick, and I immediately am ready to dance! Steve Earle, “Copperhead Road.” Yes! Back in Texas we all line dance to this, and it is so much fun. My kids, Kellan, and I get on the dance floor and start the dance. Everyone is curious and comes out to learn and dance with us. I motion everyone to come on. Todd and Tommy immediately come out to dance with us as well.

  Dalton says, “Mom, let’s show ‘em how we dance in Texas”

  Bradley pulls his gal up to dance. The dance floor is packed. Ash comes out as well. I motion him to come next to me. “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!”

  Everyone is going crazy stomping to the song. God! I’m having so much fun.

  “This is actually pretty fun,” Ash says.

  “Yep! This is how we roll in Texas!”

  “Yeee-hawww!” Todd screams. “This is so fuckin’ fun!” He is in his element, God love him!

  Another country song comes on. The dance floor remains packed. These folks love to dance, and they dance to anything. Suddenly, I’m melancholy as I realize that I haven’t been thinking about the fact that my husband of thirty years has just left me. My kids will be leaving in two days and I will have to face the fact that my life has drastically changed over the past few weeks. I look at my kids, and wonder when and how I am going to tell them.

  I guess Ash can tell that I am thinking about something, and he lifts my chin, taps my nose and says, “Olivia, a penny for your thoughts. Are you okay, sweetie?”

  Before I can answer, Bradley works his way over to me and grabs me from Ash.

  “My turn, big guy!” Bradley wra
ps me in his arms and tells me, “Mom, I haven’t seen you this happy in so long! You look so good!”

  I think to myself that Alan’s leaving me has actually made me wake up and start to find my own happiness. “Awww, sweetie,” I say, “thanks. I love you so much!”

  “Mom, is everything okay with you and dad?”

  “Of course, Bradley! Why?”

  “Nothing. Just wondering. Dad just seems…well, like something is wrong. You would tell me if something was wrong, right?”

  “Yes, if something was wrong, I would tell you.”

  Sensing that I want to move on from that conversation, Bradley says, “This was an awesome Thanksgiving, Mom! I’ve really missed you. I can’t believe Lainey is pregnant! So, what do you want to be called?”

  “Well, I am thinking about Gigi. What do you think?”

  “Why Gigi?”

  “Well, gorgeous Grandma comes to mind. Or should I be Grandma?”

  “You are not Grandma! Gigi sounds good to me!”

  “You and Dad are coming in when she has the baby, aren’t you?”

  “Of course! I wouldn’t miss it for the world! Do you think you and Dalton will be able to come in, too?”

  “I don’t know about Dalton, but I’ll be there for sure!”

  Another song comes on before the break is over. “Got to Give it Up.” We all get into a dance line and start dancing. First up is Brady. He shuffles down the line. Pretty good rhythm. Next up is Brian, and he struts his stuff, threading the needle like Saturday Night Fever. This is awesome! Todd is next. He gyrates in a very suggestive way that makes all the girls scream. Steve does somersaults down the dance line. Tommy pushes me into the line next and I do my thing. I don’t do acrobats or gyrating, but I manage to put on my best of show. Pretty good for an old lady, if I do say so myself. I pull Ash after me and he does his best. His best is damn hot. Tommy follows, and the girls scream for him. He sways his hips and is ever the entertainer. My kids follow, and we all are laughing when Kellan tries to gator down the line. Bradley has his girl on his shoulders. What a fun dance!


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