Master of Ecstasy

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Master of Ecstasy Page 1

by Nina Bangs



  Nina Bangs

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


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  Her trip back in time to 1785 Scotland was supposed to be a vacation, so why did Blythe feel that her stay at the MacKenzie castle would be anything but? The gloomy old pile of stones had her imagination working overtime, making helpful suggestions about every bump in the night: demon, considers you yummy take-out; really ugly gargoyle, wants to sleep in your bed.

  So she wasn't at all surprised when the first hunk she met turned out to be Mr. Dark-Evil-and-Deadly himself, an honest-to-goodness vampire. His voice was a tempting slide of sin, and his body raised her temperature way above 98.6°, but when Darach whispered, "To waste a neck such as yours would be a terrible thing." she decided his pillow talk left a lot to be desired.

  Dangerous? You bet. To die for? Definitely. Soul mate? Just wait and see.

  Master of Ecstasy

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  "I feel pleasure more strongly than others. And my senses feed that pleasure." He lowered his voice to a husky murmur, calling to all that was elemental in a woman. "The scent of a woman who wants my body stirs me, makes me hard with a need to slide my fingers across her warm flesh, bury myself between her open thighs, taste her breasts, and savor the texture of her mouth, soft and swollen from my kisses."

  Her eyes grew even wider. Mayhap he should not have mentioned his need to taste.

  "Well, that's really interesting, but I'm sort of tired tonight. I think I'll just call it a day."

  He smiled what he knew must be a predatory smile, but he could not help himself. " 'Twould take a brave woman to walk with me in the moonlight." He looked away to give her time to think on that. "Ye'll be here only a fortnight. 'Tis not long to try to make one such as me happy. 'Twould be a shame to waste an opportunity."

  Darach felt her distress as ripples of worry. "Fine. I'll go. But no stirring need, no sliding of fingers, no tasting."

  His smile widened. "Ach, lass, the tasting is the best part."

  Her gaze narrowed on him. "I just bet it is."

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  Nina Bangs

  Master of Ecstasy



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  February 2004

  Published by

  Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc. 200 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016

  Copyright © 2004 by Nina Bangs

  ISBN 0-505-52557-7

  The name "Love Spell" and its logo are trademarks of Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc.

  Printed in the United States of America.

  Visit us on the web at

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  To Michelle Brown:

  thanks for being the world's best teaching partner.

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  Master of Ecstasy

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  S+E=X. Seduction plus evil equals x-citement. A winning formula. Her formula.

  Sparkle Stardust had been perfecting her sex-and-sin act for over a thousand years. A cosmic troublemaker who specialized in creating sexual havoc wherever she went, she was the best at what she did. And what she did was cause sexual trouble. Lots and lots of delicious trouble.

  She sat down in the center of the castle's courtyard, wrapped her fluffy white tail around her, and stared up at the tower while feline irritation narrowed her orange eyes. With a small paw, she smoothed down a few errant hairs sticking up on her face and wished she could do the same for her temper. Sparkle was one pissed kitty.

  Where the hell was Ganymede? He'd called for her help, asked her to take the form of a white cat… Why white? She hated white. It made her look fat. Besides, it was a symbol of good. She hated good. Why couldn't she be black, a true expression of her inner being? And what was with the cat thing? She'd wanted to be in her sexy human form when she met Ganymede again.

  Her irritation eased as she thought of Ganymede, of how he'd looked when she'd last seen him. He'd been all golden-haired beauty, a living, breathing invitation to erotic adventure. They'd spent a month exploring every sexual excess, and then he'd left. She'd known it would happen, expected it, but still it had sort of hurt. No other being had ever made her feel regret. Only Ganymede. That was the one reason she'd answered his call. For old times' sake.

  Sparkle scanned her surroundings. Nightfall, Scottish Highlands, 1785, old and crumbly castle, quiet looking. There didn't seem to be anything big going down. But whatever was happening must be huge, because Ganymede was the most powerful cosmic troublemaker in the universe. She couldn't imagine him needing help.

  Hmm. She sensed a sort of mini-happening in one of those tower rooms. A woman. And she was… Sparkle concentrated. The woman was thinking about sex. Just ordinary ho-hum sex. Forget it. Sparkle was looking for something she could sink her teeth into. Figuratively speaking, of course. But wait… Now the woman was thinking really dumb thoughts like: nothing could make her get involved in a sexual situation while she was in this castle.

  Nothing? Sparkle wrapped her tail more tightly around herself and almost purred with the endless possibilities for irresistible sexual "situations." This woman would be her first work in progress.

  Things were looking up.

  Suddenly her thoughts scattered. A presence touched her that was so powerful, so sexual, it made her whiskers twitch. If she'd been in human form, a lot of other things would have been twitching.

  Not Ganymede. This was a sensual presence like none she had ever experienced. It was every dark night filled with the soft moans of erotic fulfillment, every male body slick with sweat as it drove into the female beneath it, every kinky dream of leather, chains, and sex toys.

  Sparkle smiled. Or as close as she could get to a smile with her little cat mouth. The being was male, he was in that tower, and she could feel the heated flow of his sensual power.

  Yummy. A sexual challenge. Her territory.

  Now, what would it take to hook Ms. No-sex-for-me up with all that hot male potential? Sparkle could already feel her creative juices stirring.

  Yep, Mr. I-bring-the-heat could just move over, because Sparkle Stardust was in the house.

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  Chapter One

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  Darach MacKenzie watched the white cat from his tower window and smiled. The slide of his lips across his fangs stirred familiar hungers: for nourishment, for sexual pleasure. The two needs seemed always entwined. He pushed aside both. He must first know what threatened him. His smile widened, a savage baring of his teeth. He suspected his smile would not be a comforting thing to see.

  "Something passing strange creeps in on wee cat paws." His murmur was soft, thoughtful, and meant for no human ears.

  His smile faded as he raked his fingers through his hair, then allowed the strands to settle across his shoulders again. Ganymede had brought another of his kind to aid him. It would do him no good, because even their combined powers would not make Darach abandon his duty.

  " 'Tis a mighty nuisance ye'll be." He frowned. He knew not what Ganymede and the cat were, but he'd felt their power, a power tha
t was not human. "Mayhap I should know what ye're thinking."

  He focused his mind on the cat and slipped into her thoughts. It was no hard thing to do. Not only did she do nothing to keep him out, she seemed almost to welcome him.

  As his thoughts touched hers, he widened his eyes. He found no plans for death and destruction, only…

  Sex. Sex in all its conceivable forms. Naked bodies spread and open to every erotic act. An explosion of sensual stimuli, darkness, heat, and insatiable sexual hunger.

  Darach stepped away from the window and turned back to his room. She was a strange helpmate for Ganymede, but one that Darach could understand. Both he and the creature masquerading as a cat appreciated the joy of all that was sexual. And with his heightened senses, Darach knew better than most the wonders of sex. He had lost many of his human characteristics when he became vampire, but he had compensated. His smile returned as his gaze touched his bed with its massive posts hewn from native wood, its silken coverings, and its memories. Aye, he had compensated.

  He strode to the door, then paused. Closing his eyes, he willed his return to human form, breathing out sharply at the smooth disappearance of his fangs like the sheathing of a cat's claws.

  Absently he put his hand over his heart. Even after a hundred years, his heart's beating amazed him.

  With his eyes still closed, he searched for her, the woman he had sensed but a short time ago. She was there in the room beneath his, all warm female, a temptation to the sensual hunter in him. He had meant to feed this night, but it would do no harm to amuse himself first.

  He would meet her, then go down with her to the meal Ganymede had prepared for his guests. It would give him a chance to measure the danger from Ganymede and the cat while they were together. Ganymede would do nothing while all his guests were gathered around him for fear of upsetting them.

  His guests. Darach had heard Ganymede speaking to them, people from far distant times who had paid Ganymede for the pleasure of staying in this castle while they sought sensual enjoyment from each other. But the castle belonged to Darach's clan, and Ganymede had not asked permission to use it. Mayhap Ganymede and his guests would experience far more than they had expected.

  Darach opened his eyes, settled his plaid across his shoulders, and opened the door. Humor touched him, blunting the hunger still gnawing at him. Ganymede's guests would find much to upset them with their first meal. The vile odor drifting from the castle's kitchen suggested a witch's brew. Darach wondered idly if he would find all of them changed to toads after eating. It would certainly solve his problem. With that cheerful thought, he strode from his room and closed the door behind him.

  As he moved silently down the winding stone steps, he wondered about the woman. Was she young or old? Would she meet him with heated welcome or cool disdain? He could touch her thoughts, but he chose instead to savor this small mystery. Though it mattered not. If he wanted her, she would be his. It was always so. He did not question why, only enjoyed what the fates brought him.

  Darach reached the bottom of the steps and stopped before her door. He knew his smile was predatory and attempted to rearrange it into something less threatening. He could not do it. Shrugging, he raised his fist to knock.

  Blythe turned in a slow circle, studying her room and trying to ignore a sense of something drawing closer, something scary. Which was stupid, because there was absolutely nothing here to threaten her. She was a twenty-fourth-century kind of woman, and by 2300 scientists had determined that all ghost and ghoulie sightings had logical explanations. Besides, she'd booked this trip back to 1785 Scotland through a reputable time-travel agency, and the agency's rep, Ganymede, looked like he could take care of any problems that popped up. The sudden pounding on her door drove all logical twenty-fourth-century thoughts from her head. The tiny primitive person who skulked in a dusty corner of her mind but rarely voiced an opinion was whispering gleeful possibilities. Demon: considers you yummy takeout. Really ugly gargoyle: wants to sleep in your bed.

  Calm down. She was safe behind a locked door. Besides, she'd brought her Freeze-frame. It could paralyze a bull elephant in mid-charge. She doubted any bull elephants were waiting outside her door.

  Through force of habit, she tried to touch the emotions of whoever was beyond the door. Nothing. Strange. She could always read emotions. Blythe exhaled sharply. Of course, she couldn't read even a niggiwit's emotions when she was scaring herself silly. She'd just open the door.

  Right. She'd just open the door. Visions of childhood nightmares, particularly the ones involving Heeperian mega-headed spiders, kept her hand from the latch.

  Her reaction bothered her. She was supposed to be the guru of emotional tranquillity. She wasn't supposed to be moved by vague, unsubstantiated feelings that had no logical foundation. But as night shadows crept across the room, she opted for a closed-door policy.

  She leaned close to the massive wooden portal and shouted. "Who's there?"

  "Darach MacKenzie. I dwell above ye. Mayhap we could go down to the meal together."

  A human voice. Instant voice analysis? Dark, sensual, dangerous, with an ancient dialect that seemed in tune with this castle. The very humanness of the voice should have calmed her pounding heart. It pounded harder.

  "You have the room above me? That's the tower suite. How'd you get it?" She was supposed to have had the top suite in the tower. Blythe had requested it because she'd wanted to get as far away as possible from Textron, whose fear of heights kept him on the ground floor. But when they arrived, Ganymede had made some excuse about a mixup in reservations, so she'd ended up in this room.

  " 'Twas my room before ye came and will remain so after ye leave."

  Blythe bit her lip as she considered this news. Her visitor wasn't with Ganymede's tourist group. And Ganymede hadn't mentioned an owner in residence.

  "Ye dinna wish to open the door. Do ye fear me?" His soft laughter mocked her.

  "No." Yes. She hadn't a clue why, but her instinct's message was clear: Do not open that door. "Uh, I'm not dressed yet. I'll meet you in the great hall… Darach." Blythe had no doubt she'd recognize him. A man with that dark slide of sin in his voice would stand out in any crowd. She clamped down on all thoughts of sensual and sinful. No way was she strolling down that path again. She'd learned the hard way that sex was the ultimate booby trap.

  She'd just wait a few minutes and give him a head start before going down to dinner. Blythe began to turn away when the latch lifted and the door swung slowly open.

  Shock held her frozen. Panicked thoughts bumped into each other as they raced terror-stricken around in her head. Demon! Gargoyle! Giant spiders! Do something!

  Somewhere between the demon and do-something, a man stepped into her room.

  "Ye disappoint me, lass. I thought to find ye without clothing. 'Twould have been a wondrous sight." His amusement mocked her puny lie.

  Her survival instinct kicked in. "Get out." A weapon. Her Freeze-frame was still in her purse. Fumbling at the small table beside her, her fingers closed around a heavy vase.

  "Dinna destroy the vase. 'Twould take energy ye could well use in a more pleasurable way." His voice was dark smoke and night secrets.

  Blythe hesitated for a moment to think about the dark-smoke part and was doomed. He moved close and his fingers wrapped around her hand. She released the vase.

  She gazed up at the shadowed face of the man who towered over her. What were her chances in hand-to-hand combat? None. She opened her mouth to scream.

  He placed a large palm over her mouth and bent down to whisper in her ear. "Ye're safe with me. 'Tis only that the latch was loose, and the wind blew the door open."

  Safe? She didn't think so. The pressure of his warm skin against her lips, his scent of wild dark places and untamed male, and the silky glide of his hair over her cheek muddied her thoughts. Dangerous? You bet. How? She couldn't decide. She'd never been good at multiple-choice questions.

  But she couldn't deny that he wa
s human, and since she'd half expected some ancient monster to leap from the darkness, his flesh-and-blood presence steadied her.

  He seemed to sense her indecision, because he took his palm from her mouth and moved further into the room. "Ye need light to chase away the night terrors."

  "Like how? I didn't bring my Flick-flame, and I never got the hang of rubbing two stones together." She couldn't let him sidetrack her. "And there's no wind." She couldn't let him sidetrack her. "And there's no wind."

  Her words were blown away on a sudden cold gust that whipped through the doorway.

  "These are old drafty stones, and the wind slips through to play wherever it can find an opening." He didn't turn to look at her as one by one he lit the candles, then crouched in front of the hearth.

  How had he done that? She hadn't seen any fire-lighting devices in his hand. When did matches come into use? She couldn't remember. Distractedly, she pushed the door closed before the wind could blow out the candles.

  Her complete attention returned to the man. First impressions? Tall, muscular, and wearing some sort of native… She searched her memory of ancient clothing. A kilt. He wore a kilt with a checked pattern of dark green and blue. It didn't quite look like the pictures she'd seen, more like one piece of cloth somehow wrapped around him.

  All she could see now was the solid wall of his back and a tangle of long black hair.

  She was free to run from the room, but the very fact that she could negated the need. If he meant her harm, he'd had the opportunity.

  Wrapping her arms around herself, she moved cautiously toward him. The fire was already blazing in the fireplace, which struck her as odd. She'd never lit a fire in her life, but common sense said it should take time to build to blazing status. And why hadn't she been able to read his emotions? Blythe balanced her suspicions against her need to be warm. Warm won. She moved even closer.


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