Raise Hell

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Raise Hell Page 13

by Briana Michaels

  He needed the infamous Scourge to take care of this.

  The only problem with that was they didn’t fucking exist. He lied to his brothers to scare them into submission. Spinning stories about the Scourge who were monstrous and terrifying was an easy way to keep his warriors obedient. They all saw what Michael would do to them if they deserved a punishment, imagine what the brutal Scourge could do if he unleashed them.

  He got the idea from listening to Lazarus mumble about them once, and used the horror story to his advantage.

  Michael would use anything to save himself and the Brotherhood. This world needed warriors. And those warriors needed Michael. Prophecies talked of the world seeing a battle the likes of which no divine creature had ever seen and Michael was put here to lead the Brotherhood’s army to victory.

  The moment he began building and ruling this sect, the number on his arm faded - proof that he was fulfilling his destiny and found his purpose.

  Leading the finest of Angelic Warriors was an honor.

  And a pain in his fucking ass.

  Nothing was ever good enough for Michael. No matter how hard he tried to refine his warriors, they never reached his caliber of excellence. As the supreme species, he expected absolute perfection in all things regarding Angels. And when he discovered Angelic energies were somehow tied to the human realm, it turned his fucking stomach.

  The human race was nothing but animals. Sub-par, fragile wastes. And then it only got more depressing from there. The souls of man were created and infested the earth. Tainted divinity. And some would slip into the realms that were between this one and the human one, and there was no extrapolating them. Eventually angelic energies wavered, human souls multiplied, and the worst, most disgusting part of this whole thing was he suspected Angels had grown souls of their own.

  Not just energy, but actual souls.

  It was the shift of blue in their eyes. Once, they’d all shared the exact same shade. Now… they were all in the Angelic blue color family, but each were slightly different.

  Eyes are the windows to the soul. Lazarus whispered that once, just after Michael had him in interrogation. The lunatic’s irises had paled to a silvery blue.


  Michael’s control over the world was starting to unravel. First the souls. Then the eyes. Then Lucifer came to them. And now this shitstorm.

  Michael spent the better part of his existence protecting his brotherhood and doing all he could to wipe clean the imperfections so the realms would be perfect once more.

  Lucifer was going to ruin all of that. If he got out of this realm and into another, it would be near impossible to find and bring him back. Scrubbing his face, Michael didn’t know what to do. Lucifer couldn’t live. And Lazarus needed to be re-caught and re-caged. That lunatic was filled with every piece of knowledge there ever was and ever would be. Michael needed him, damnit.

  When the opportunity to know all was presented, no Angel had the courage to take a sip from the cup. Even though it meant whoever drank from it would be able to always help the Angels survive anything that came at them… every winged, divine creature said no. They accused the Cup of Knowledge to be a test of their faith in fate. A temptation brought unto them to drink and know, or deny and have faith that all would be as it should be.

  The Purity sect denied the Cup of Knowledge because they said to know all meant to know good and bad. They refused to taint their minds with darkness they feared would be brought by swallowing the water.

  The Power Elements sect denied it too. They said to feed their power with more knowledge would do more harm than good – even if the harm was only to themselves. Angels were self-serving when they wanted to be. As Forces of Nature, they had precious little time before their powers destroyed them, so none would risk their lives for something that didn’t affect them in the long term, because they didn’t have a future anyways.

  So that left Michael’s territory – The Protection sect. Michael stepped up and said he’d do it, arguing that in order to keep supreme divinity safe, he needed to know everything. It wasn’t a lie, but it was misleading. He wanted to have all the knowledge; he just didn’t want to suffer the consequences. If everyone else was that scared to consume it, then he took that as a sign and erred on the side of caution.

  He forced Lazarus to do it instead.

  Thank fuck he had, too. Lazarus’s mind just about exploded the same time his wings had, which was almost immediately after he gulped down the water. Michael held him down and forced him to swallow every last drop and continued to restrain him until he passed out. He watched Lazarus go through a transition of sorts. His wings lit up like a galaxy of stars and suns. His eyes, no longer Angelic blue, had turned pale with silver flecks. The transition was extraordinary. Gone were Lazarus’s white wings, they’d turned a shiny, blinding gold. Gone was his calm demeanor, Laz became a jittery hot mess of nonsense and broken languages. The once proud, strong warrior had been reduced to madness.

  But Lazarus had also fulfilled his destiny. The number on his arm faded the second he took the first gulp. It was meant to be, which meant Michael had done the right thing.

  It was time to take it one step further. He almost reached his door when he heard a noise, “Michael,” Lilith said from the doorway.

  He didn’t turn around to look at her, “Go back to the kitchen, Lilith. Make my warriors a feast for this evening.”

  “For Raphael’s celebration of life?”

  Michael’s jaw clenched. “Something like that.”

  He snatched her hand before she could lay it on his arm, “Do not touch me, you vile creature.” Ignoring the hurt in her eyes, he growled, “Do as I command, Lilith. You wouldn’t want to make me angry again, would you?”

  She shook her head and pulled her arm out of his grip. He made sure she had to work for it too. The result was another red mark on her body. “What time shall the feast start, sire?”

  He had to think about this carefully. He didn’t know how long it would take for his next plan to be complete. Five days should do it though. “Five days, Lilith. And when I return, you better have not disappointed me.”

  “No, sire. Of course not.” Submissive as she was, Lilith bowed and took three steps back. “Will you return for meals here, or shall I deliver them to you elsewhere?”

  There was a subtle guilt in her tone. Hunger was a sore subject between them.

  Lilith was the one who took the first bite of food and their entire world and all others had changed because of one motherfucking grape. The idea that they now depended upon plants and animals to survive was absolutely atrocious.

  Still, nothing could be done about it now. At least Angels could go for longer periods of time without food, unlike every other living thing.

  “I’ll take my meals in my private cells,” he said before opening his door. “But if you are caught going there, I will rip your throat out with my teeth and use you as bait to bring that animal back here, do you understand me?”

  Lilith nodded once and hurried back to the kitchen.

  Michael shut and locked his door so no one could get in and see her. Lilith was one of his many little secrets. Long ago, she came to him asking to join the Brotherhood of Angels. He allowed Lilith the chance, but she failed to swing a sword properly or loose an arrow and hit her mark. She begged him for another chance. Dropped to her knees and said she was meant to be there, that she could feel it in her gut, and that there must be something she could do to help the Brotherhood.

  The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Michael allowed her to stay, but told everyone else she’d left. He tucked her away in his private quarters and there she still stayed. He used her for his trials of magics. Made her eat that grape just to see what would happen.

  Forced her to do many other things too.

  Lilith never said no and always complied willingly, like a good little Angel. But her ability to ingest so much magic had dwindled. As her tolerance grew higher, his patien
ce grew thinner. Michael was forced to pick new Angels to experiment on and kept her locked away.

  It was for her own good at this point. Who knew what would happen if she was allowed out into the world? This place wasn’t suitable for her any more than she was suitable for it. Michael should have killed her long ago, but pity made him keep her like a pet.

  At least she was a good cook.

  With Lilith occupied and the rest of the brotherhood busy hunting or manning their posts, Michael needed to use his time wisely. Marching down the hall, he practically vibrated with excitement. Working new spells was becoming an addiction now.

  His palms grew sweaty as he hurried across the corridor. He would have loved to have Gabriel, Uriel, and Rave, for this, but he knew they were all out hunting for Lucifer at the moment. Gabe and Uri wouldn’t rest until they found the animal that stabbed their leader with a sword. Neither would Rave.

  He didn’t have time to wait for them. He’d have to make do with second best. “Jude, Cassian, come with me.”

  The two Angels didn’t even question him. Sheathing their weapons, they fell in line, happy to follow their leader. Michael walked down to another small building where they were keeping Raphael until they could have a proper ceremony for him. Nikolai, with eyes rimmed red with grief, stood guard over the body.

  “Nikolai, carry Raphael and come with me.”

  He led the Angels into his private cells that ran deep underground. Michael felt their fear the moment he swung the door open and descended the steps. He didn’t blame them for their trepidation, bad things happened to every Angel who ever came down here.

  Still, even fearful, they trusted him. Michael’s mouth upturned into a satisfied smile. “Don’t touch anything and put Raphael on the table.” He lit candles around the room.

  “Are you able to save him?” Jude asked. The hope in his voice was laced with suspicion.

  “I am,” Michael deadpanned. “I’m going to make him into something indestructible, so that he will never suffer again.”

  Like the Angel was prepared to sacrifice anything necessary to help his fellow brother heal faster and be stronger, Jude stepped forward. “What would you have us do to help?”

  “Here,” Michael walked over to a wall of shelves and opened a small box. Pulling out a handful of dried mushrooms he’d soaked in magic, Michael handed Jude the first one, “Eat this.”

  All three Angels held their hands out for their share. Each popped the fungus into their mouths and chewed. They didn’t even ask what it was. Their loyalty to their fellow brothers and trust in Michael was so strong, they just ate the motherfucking poison and swallowed it.

  “Thank you for your sacrifice,” Michael said as the three of them dropped like flies to the ground and started convulsing.

  Chapter 19

  From the mouth of the cave, Eve watched Lucifer and Gabriel talk on the beach. From this height, she couldn’t hear what they were saying, but their body language suggested something was going on between them. Eve figured they argued, simmered down, then made up. Watching the two of them finally embrace like two warriors – brothers - stirred something envious in her.

  When Lucifer had jumped off the cliff, her instinct was to chase him. Gabriel had thrown her back and out of the way before he dove down to catch the falling Angel himself. They both could have been hurt so badly. Or worse, died.

  What a foolish thing for Lucifer to do. It was just a hunk of meat. But she kind of understood it. He was angry and punishing them the only way he could. Divinity knows he had enough to be angry and hurt over. So, he lashed out and did something dumb, then regretted it immediately and tried to fix it.

  Males could be so reactive sometimes. Females tended to weigh all the options and beat their choices half to death before making a decision. In Eve’s experience, males were the opposite. Many tended to act first, then say, “Oh shit, what did I just do?”

  Not that she was judging. She’d been there a time or two herself.

  But the way Gabriel dove down with no fear and was able to reach Lucifer before he hit the ground was a sight that would remain in her memory forever. Haunt. The word would be haunt her forever.

  This was a defining moment for the two males. She could feel it in her gut.

  Eve wanted in on the action, too. She wanted to be on the same level as them. With Michael’s impending hunt, Eve wanted to be prepared to defend not just herself, but Constantine, Gabriel, Uriel, Lazarus, and Lucifer too.

  “Con, Uri,” she practically purred, “I want you to teach me everything about defense.” Neither of them answered so she turned to glare at them. “Will you help me or not?”

  The wind blew her hair wildly around her face. Then she felt the presence of something ominous behind her and turned just in time to see Gabriel and Lucifer land on the ledge. Gabriel let go of Lucifer’s arm and they moved similarly. Big strides. Stern expressions. Prowling with pride and courage. But Lucifer looked crest fallen when he glanced at her.

  “Lucy,” she froze, “what’s wrong?”


  “No lies,” she snapped. “There can never be lies between us if this is going to work.”

  “If what is going to work?” Lucifer asked.

  “That!” she jabbed her finger at Gabriel. The grouchy Angel was already mumbling something to Uriel. Oh fuck no. “What is that? What are you saying to Uriel?” Her nerves might be getting the better of her, but Eve could read postures well enough and theirs has shifted. Again.

  Gabriel was up to something and Lucifer was in on it.

  “What happened down there?” Eve asked. When Lucifer didn’t answer, she turned her focus to Gabriel next. “Tell me what’s going on. Something is wrong. I can feel it.”

  Gabriel rested his forearms on his knees and stared at her for a long time. “No lies between us, right?”

  Eve didn’t trust herself to speak, so she nodded. Holy shrike in a thorn bush, why was she suddenly so terrified? It didn’t even make sense. Eve felt doomed and the feeling only grew stronger when Gabriel said, “How about we go have a little talk,” and gestured towards the mouth of the cave.

  Nope. No way was she going out there. She didn’t understand why everything felt so different and scary, but she wasn’t budging from this spot. Fanning her wings out defensively, Eve stood her ground. “Whatever you wish to say, say it here. In front of everyone.”

  “Alright,” Gabriel growled. With his hands clasped behind his back, he addressed the whole group and told them exactly what he’d apparently told Lucifer down on the beaches.

  Eve slowly lost her breath…

  Gabriel had given Lucifer the choice to run, die, or fight.

  And he chose to fight.

  What on earth? Lucifer was the one who wanted to get out and be far away from the brotherhood as possible. Now he changed his mind? It made no sense.

  To make it worse, they were going to fake Eve’s death so she could flee and disappear. The idea that Lucifer would take the blame for something so heinous seriously pissed Eve off. Gabriel also mentioned the Scourge. She’d heard rumors about them, but rumors were ghastly things you could never trust. Those monsters probably didn’t exist at all.

  “And what of me?” she finally asked the dreaded question. “If you tell Michael I’m dead,” she couldn’t even think of them blaming Lucifer for it because it made her too angry, “What am I to do?”

  “You’re free to go, Eve.” Gabriel shrugged. “It’s a win-win. You’ll be out of Michael’s clutches; Lucifer stays free of his chains.”

  “Then why go back at all? Just keep going forward.”

  Gabriel shook his head, “I refuse to abandon the brotherhood. And Michael isn’t going to rest until he defeats Lucifer. We have no choice but to go back and defend our brothers. Michael needs to be taken down and the position of leader given to another who’s more worthy.”

  “And you think you’re the worthy one?”

  “Yes.” There wasn�
�t a shred of doubt in Gabriel’s tone.

  “Then why can’t I join you?” Eve couldn’t understand why she was the only one getting left out of this fight. She wasn’t weak. If they took over the brotherhood, she could stay with them and remain safe. That was a win-win, not her leaving to go off on her own. “I’m joining you.”

  When they started protesting, Eve stomped her foot, “I am going with you!” She marched over and grabbed Uriel’s sword from the side of the cave where all their weapons were stashed. “You can either teach me to wield this thing properly, or I’ll teach myself and use you all as practice.”

  “HEY!” Uriel roared. He rose to his feet and stalked over to her with fury practically dripping from his limbs. Ripping the sword clean out of her hands, he looked absolutely terrifying. “Don’t you ever threaten us like that again.”

  “She didn’t really mean it, Uri,” Constantine was now making his way over to them.

  Eve felt her face heat with embarrassment. “He’s right,” she confessed, “I didn’t mean it as a threat. I was just… trying to make a point.” The last thing she wanted was to upset any of them. She needed them too much right now. And the idea that Gabriel was considering faking her death and basically casting her out of their circle freaked her out big time. “If you want me to leave, I will. But please don’t cast me out without having properly trained me first.” She gulped and kept her gaze locked on Uriel.

  He still looked so upset.

  Eve cleared her throat, “Lucifer and I will go as soon as you teach us how to wield weapons like real warriors.”

  “I’m not going with you,” Lucifer announced.

  Annnd that’s when Eve’s heart sputtered to a stop. “What? Why not?”

  She couldn’t do this without him. He made her feel brave and safe. If she was out there on her own – all alone – she’d have nothing and no one. She wasn’t built for that. She needed others.


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