Raise Hell

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Raise Hell Page 24

by Briana Michaels

  Then. Eve. Exploded.

  Liquid gushed out of her, spraying all over his hand and on the ground. Her head tilted back and she screamed in pure ecstasy. Birds shot out of the trees in every direction and wolves howled in the distance. Her body trembled and her insides squeezed and pulsed, clamping down around his fingers. Still jerky and grunting, she collapsed and he caught her before she hit the ground.

  Her body continued to convulse in little tremors. Eve whimpered while reaching between her legs, and she started touching herself again. Lucifer slid his fingers back inside her, and at this new angle, he hit a new spot that made her back arch and mouth open wide in a silent scream. Her gaze latched onto the sky and she let out a glorious sound from her throat that had Lucifer’s flames shoot higher.

  “Lucifer!” she called out as he brought her a new wave of pleasure. He did all he could to make this one even better than the first. Her inner walls clamped down on him again, and he grunted with how tremendous it felt.

  Collapsing across his lap, she didn’t move. Her heart hammered against his thigh. Breathing heavy, she trembled against him but didn’t touch herself again. Maybe they were done?

  Or maybe they were just getting started.

  “I saw the light,” she gasped. “I saw it. It was blinding.”

  “Mmm hmm,” he repositioned himself so he could see her slit. It was such a pretty color. So wet. So sweet.

  So. Fucking. Perfect.

  Lucifer started stroking himself, using her cream to slick his shaft. This felt a thousand times better than before. His cock tingled with her pleasure on him. Every inch of his body felt overly sensitive. Lucifer’s head got all frantic and buzzy, his thighs tensed, abs flexed. He bit back a grunt and tried to hold himself together.

  A white pearl formed at the tip of his cock and Eve’s thumb rubbed against it, smearing it. “Animals,” she whispered.

  He was too far gone to hear what she said next. So imagine his surprise when Eve crawled on top of him and straddled his torso. Pulling his grip away, Lucifer groaned when Eve took over where he’d left off. “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t know yet. But I’m—” Eve angled his cock and slowly dropped down, burying his cock inside her body.

  “FUUUUUCK!” Lucifer’s head slammed against the ground and his hips jacked up. Her wet heat was unlike anything he’d ever dreamt of.

  She let out a cry and when he looked down at the joining of their bodies, he saw a trace of blood. “You’re hurt! I’ve hurt you.”

  Shit! How did that even happen?

  “Shhh,” she bent down and kissed him. “The pain is already going away, Lucy.” She kissed him then. Sliding her tongue against his and she moved her body with his. In and out. Up and down.

  He felt helpless in this position and didn’t like it at all. With her on top, she had control and Lucifer wanted some of that too. But for now, he’d give her this. He’d give her anything she wanted.

  Eve swirled her hips while she tested out all the different ways their body could rock together. Then she found a rhythm she loved and her pace quickened. He felt her inner walls squeeze and pulse again. Crying out his name over and over only made Lucifer want Eve to see that bright white light forever.

  She fell forward on his chest and he rolled her over onto her back. Sliding in and out of her slowly, he relished how amazing she felt. They fit together so perfectly; it was like she was made for him.

  He didn’t want to chase his white light yet. What if this was his only time to feel this good? Lucifer intended to enjoy every ounce of this pleasure for as long as possible.

  “Lucy,” Eve’s back arched and she brought her hips up to meet his. “Oh fuck, don’t stop.”

  She was a sweaty hot mess on the ground. Grass was tangled in her hair. Dirt stained her knees. Her wings were fanned out, the tips of them close to his black flames. And those fires danced in time with his thrusts. She was going to climax again; he could feel it.

  Lucifer’s heart hammered in his chest. His balls tucked in tight and his shaft felt like it was growing even bigger. Eve’s body arched and she scraped his shoulders with her nails as she held onto him. His thrusts grew harder, more brutal, more fierce, until eventually he was pounding into her.

  Pulling out, he roared and dipped his head down to taste her cream. Stroking himself, he licked her slit and slid his tongue inside her folds, penetrating her like he had with his cock. Eve’s thighs clamped around his head and she squeezed while he tongued her harder. Then he gripped her thighs, pulled them apart and slammed back into her once again. His balls smacked her ass and were coated with her cream. His dick throbbed, the cords in Lucifer’s neck strained, his body tensed so much he thought he would fucking shatter.

  “Yo! Lucifer! Eve! Where are you?” Lazarus’s voice threatened to ruin the moment.

  Good thing Lucifer was good at focusing. “Coming!” he roared in Laz’s direction.

  Head thrashing back, hips pistoning, Lucifer hooked one of Eve’s legs around his shoulder and made sure every thrust brought both of them to that cliff and over the edge. Eve’s mouth opened wide and her gaze pinned him just as he found his release. Spilling his pleasure inside her body, the earth rocked with the howls he made. And afterwards, like the greedy motherfucker he was, he kissed her hard and tried to suck the pleasure out of her that way too.

  They collapsed on the ground, panting, sweaty, and ready to go again.

  “Coming,” Eve grinned wickedly. “Is that what we should call what just happened?”

  “Call it whatever you want. I just want to keep doing it.”

  “Me too,” she grinned.

  It was the first time Lucifer actually saw Eve look happy. Her eyes lit up, a lazy satisfied smile brightened her face, her wings were soft, and her skin gleamed in the sunlight. “You okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah.” Trembling, he rolled over to his side and propped up on his elbow. Reaching over, he traced a bead of sweat that slipped down between Eve’s breasts. “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever felt better.”

  Boots stomped through the forest and they both looked over to see Lazarus’s gold wings gleaming. “Oh good. There you are,” he smiled brightly. “I see you’ve finally healed. Time to start your flying lessons then.”

  What the—

  Lucifer sat up and looked over at his right wing. All his feathers had grown back. He looked at Eve and saw hers had too. “We’ve healed,” he said in awe. “We fixed each other.”

  “You weren’t broken,” Lazarus chuckled. “Just altered. Temporarily.”

  Eve stood on wobbly legs and Lucifer had to help her stay steady. “Oh wow,” she smiled. “Look at you, Lucy.”

  Lucifer spread his black wings out to their fullest extent. His head tipped back and he smiled when he felt the wind blow through each and every one of his feathers. Holy Grace and Glory, could life get any better than this? Pure joy bubbled up and out of him and he laughed so loud, the trees swayed.

  This was the greatest day of his life.

  Too bad it was short-lived.

  Chapter 35

  Charging through the courtyard, Michael’s wrath grew stronger with every step he took towards the two Angels going at it like fucking dogs in heat. Lust was thick in the air – so potent and toxic, Michael’s body responded immediately. This was a weakness no Angel could afford.

  He ripped the Angel off the other and broke the fucker’s neck. As the male on the bottom scrambled to his feet and tried to hike up his pants, Michael grabbed him by the hair and slammed him onto the ground.

  “Fuck! We’re sorry! We’re sorry! I don’t know what came over us!”

  Apologies weren’t going to cut it. Not only had they fucked like animals, they’d abandoned their duties to do it. Nothing but the return of Lucifer should grant acceptance of an Angel Warrior leaving his motherfucking post.

  “You liked being impaled up the ass?” Michael unsheathed his sword, “Bend th
e fuck over then.”

  “What? N-n-n-no. Please, sire! I couldn’t help it, please, forgive us!”

  “Bend. Over.” Pressing the tip of his sword to Daniel’s throat, Michael broke out in a sweat. “Or open your mouth, if you prefer that instead. The choice is entirely up to you.”

  As he waited for Daniel to make a decision, the instinct to touch and caress, pleasure and release, overwhelmed him to the point his vision blurred. Michael kicked him in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Flipping the sputtering Angel over, Michael dropped down to his knees and untied his pants. He spread Daniel’s ass cheeks and rammed his cock so far into that Angel’s tight ass, he half-thought the Angel wouldn’t shit for a week.

  Fuuuuuck. This felt better than he expected it to. And that infuriated him.

  This was some kind of out-of-body experience Michael had never known of before. He couldn’t stop himself from grabbing Daniel’s hips and thrusting deep inside that warrior’s body.

  “You like,” slam! “getting fucked” slam! “like a beast?” slam!

  Daniel remained submissive between panting and didn’t answer. Fuck, this warrior’s ass was tight and warm. Michael’s thrusts quickened with his temper and within seconds, his vision burst into a white light so blinding, he feared pleasure would sweep him away into the clouds.

  To keep him tethered to his brother, he stabbed Daniel in the back and held onto the handle of his dagger like he was riding a horse until his dick stopped jerking and his vision returned. Michael slid out and stumbled once he ripped his dagger free again.

  Daniel gasped for breath but stayed down on the ground.

  Ashamed and panicked, Michael marched away hating how fast his heart raced. He hated how good it felt to give into lust. He hated that his body was still hard and that he already wanted to seek another release. That had been the most exquisite sensation he’d ever felt…

  “I hate you,” he said. “I hate all of you.”

  He hated himself. He hated Lucifer. He hated the one who fucked him up long ago. And he especially hated the ones in the brotherhood who forced him be the cruel one all the time. The ones like Gabriel, Uriel, and Constantine. The ones like Daniel and Rave.

  And Lilith.

  Michael swept a calloused hand over his face. Closing his eyes, he recalled the moment he gave Lilith her deliverance. She took every hit as if she understood his needs as much as she understood her place in his world. Not once did she flinch or cry. Not once did she try to run or fight back. Lilith was such a good girl.

  And that’s what Michael hated about her.

  She was so pure. No matter how tainted he wanted her to get, she had something that never could be touched by the darkness that sullied him long ago. It made her both a miracle and a challenge in his eyes.

  “Get back to your posts!”

  One by one, his warriors obeyed. He heard their grumbles, felt their glares, smelled their anger and their lust. Fuck them. Fuck them all. Showing mercy was for the weak and Daniel deserved what he got. How dare he leave his position to indulge in a moment of carnal pleasure.

  Michael knew this day would come. It had been foretold by Lazarus long ago. And this is just the beginning of the Angels’ downfall. Soon, the world as they knew it, would be no more.

  Dread choked the lingering lust right out of him. Fear took its place. Like death’s ultimate grip was already around Michael’s neck, he felt the squeeze of panic and raced to his private chamber. He would tell Gabriel and Constantine everything. They were the only ones powerful enough to help him. If he had to use Gabriel’s guilt to make him listen, then so be it. Michael had plenty of ammunition to blow Gabriel’s conscience to smithereens.

  Desperate times called for desperate measures. Michael had only just begun to discover a way to set the world right again. The souls needed to be wiped away. The malice in the world needed to be balanced with the holy purity of fresh Angels – breeding could work. Or killing the ones who sullied their divinity might work better.

  He was so close to making the world perfect and good again. But Lucifer was still out there. Killing that beast would most likely reset the scales. Gabe and the others would have to understand that.

  Michael didn’t destroy because he liked it. He did it because he had no other choice.

  Perfection was all that mattered. The obsession was carved into Michael by the Angels who turned him into the ruthless warrior he was now. If Michael failed, all his suffering would have been for nothing. No fucking way would he accept that.

  His boots pounded on the earth as he raced back to cut Constantine down and wake up Gabriel. He’d even save Uriel’s sorry ass if that’s what they wanted – if that’s what it would take to get them to help him.

  Michael had strung Con up to slowly siphon his healing energy into the four Angels he’d turned into The Scourge. So long as they had enough energy, they wouldn’t stop until Lucifer was found and brought back. But Michael’s magics had been shaky and he wasn’t positive he’d done the spells right. In an effort to keep them from dying, he used Con and Gabriel’s energies to help them.

  Michael would sacrifice many things, but he didn’t want to let go of his favorite brothers. They didn’t deserve to die. Yet.

  He jumped down the steps and landed hard at the bottom of his underground lair. Pushing the door open, “Constantine, I need to explain—”

  The room was empty. No Con swinging from the enchanted chains. No Gabriel out cold on the floor. And the Scourge’s four symbols had been wiped away and smeared in salt and dried clay dust. “FUCK!”

  Chapter 36

  Constantine and Gabriel struggled to get back to Uriel before they were caught. Before they’d left Michael’s pit of suffering, they tried to destroy the links and magics that powered whatever was bound to those symbols.

  “We’re going to need to find The Scourge,” Gabriel said in low tones. “Stop them before they do too much damage.”

  Constantine clutched some of the scrolls and books he’d just stolen from Michael’s personal collection. “I can’t imagine what Michael’s done, but if he attached my healing energy to four Angels, their energy has shifted.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I’m not even sure they were Angels I was just forced to heal.” Constantine dropped one of the smaller books, “Shit!” He doubled back to grab it.

  Gabriel wondered why Con took all that shit, but he did nothing without good reason. And as for who The Scourge were, that was a problem that could wait a little while longer. Right now, Uriel was their number one priority.

  “We made a mistake coming back here,” Gabe admitted. When Con didn’t respond, his heart sank a little because it meant he agreed. It also meant that it was Gabriel’s fault they were back in this shit show because he was the one who insisted on returning in the first place. “I can’t help it,” he finally said, “I feel the draw to be here.”

  “I know, brother.”

  Taking the long way back to their room was the only way to stay hidden in the shadows. Cutting through the courtyard was a no-go, they might as well shine a bright halo around themselves if they did that. They hurried down the steps and hung a left down the hall. Once they reached the dorms, Gabriel headed in first to make sure the coast was clear. He wasn’t carrying nearly as much of the paperwork as Con was, so he could fight off anyone who tried to stand in their way. The walls were lit by a few sconces and all the doors were shut. Either everyone was asleep, which he highly doubted, or they were all stationed at their posts.

  That wasn’t a good sign – if Michael had them spread out, getting out of here undetected was going to take a miracle.

  “Brace yourself,” he warned, “Uriel’s not in good shape.” Gabe opened the door and grew dizzy with relief when he saw Uriel still in bed. He was breathing but it sounded gurgly.

  “Holy shit,” Con rushed over and dropped to the ground by Uriel’s side.

  Gabriel quickly shut the door and locked
it, plummeting their room into darkness. “He’s worse than what you see.”

  “I can barely see a fucking thing in the dark,” Con whisper-yelled. “But I can smell his blood.”

  “He’s saturated the mattress.”

  “Damnit,” Con’s tone cracked with despair. “We don’t have time for me to heal him.”

  Gabriel stood at the foot of Uriel’s bed, “He smells like death.”

  “We need to get him out of here. Now.” Constantine slid one arm under Uriel’s neck and wedged his other arm under Uri’s knees. When he attempted to lift, Con barked and dropped him down on the bed again. “I can’t fucking do it. I’m too drained to carry his weight.”

  “I’ll take him,” Gabriel tried the same thing, all to no avail. “What the fuck did Michael do to us?” They’d never been this weak before.

  “Maybe it’s not Michael doing it?”

  They didn’t have time to hash it out. They needed to get out of here right the fuck now. Gabriel swept his hand over his face while he thought this through. “Get something to carry the scrolls and books. I’ll wrap Uriel in something so he doesn’t leave a blood trail.”

  Con snatched a satchel and stuffed everything he’d been carrying into it. While Con rushed around snatching various other items, Gabriel grabbed the sheet from his mattress and started tearing it into long strips. “We’re going to get you out of here, Uri. Just hang on for us, okay?” As Gabe began wrapping up his brother’s mutilated torso, he spoke words of comfort to him. “Look at you, so strong you are. You keep holding on for us. We’re going to fix you up, good as new.”

  Rrrrrip. He tore more of his sheet and began tying the strips around Uriel’s thighs. “We’ll get you outta here and find you the biggest fucking pineapple to munch on, alright? Just… fuck… just hang on, okay?”

  The more he talked, Gabriel wasn’t sure if he was saying it for himself or for Uriel. But, damn, to see how ashen his brother was, how bruised and bloody and hurt he was…


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