Renewing Hope (In Your World #2)

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Renewing Hope (In Your World #2) Page 27

by Jennyfer Browne

  "Nathan was very kind and had faith that I would enjoy this life. I cannot see myself anywhere else. I am glad he took that risk with me," I said.

  "The men in West Grove seem to be very sensitive," she murmured and blushed when I grinned.

  "I am sorry," I said quickly. "I think you might be right. At least from where I am from, there was no one like Nathan."

  "It has been nice to come and visit with your friends," she said, looking down bashfully.

  "You are welcome anytime, Judith. And perhaps, if it is not too forward of me, I can invite you to supper after Sermon sometime. I have a feeling we will see more of one another, what with Naomi married to Zachariah, and Benjamin being Bishop," I said, trying to provide her a way to discuss Benjamin.

  She glanced around and was quiet for a moment before leaning in to whisper.

  "Benjamin seems like a nice man. I do not understand why he is not married. What with being the Bishop," she said quietly.

  "He was newly made Bishop,” I explained.

  “But you have had a Bishop Yoder for years,” she said and then nodded to herself, blushing. “Of course he would not have been Bishop for years. He is not that old. Still strange, a man his age not yet wed.”

  I patted her on the hand to ease her embarrassment.

  “Perhaps he is waiting to find the right woman to balance his life. Someone that can give him hope and love," I whispered back and offered her a friendly smile.

  I liked Judith.

  There was something about her that just seemed calm and loving.

  Something that Benjamin needed.

  He had seen the other world.

  But he lived in ours.

  He needed someone who would strengthen his hold on our Way.

  I watched as Benjamin and Nathan stepped into the room, Judith's eyes tracking Benjamin as they drew close, only to drop her gaze when they stood before us.

  "Katherine, you have been entertaining Judith, I see," Benjamin said, a brief look of fear in his eyes before he recovered and offered a tremulous smile when she looked up at him, smiling.

  "Katherine was telling me how much she has enjoyed coming to West Grove, Bishop Yoder," she said, and I smiled behind her when I looked up at Benjamin's blush.

  She had said his name a little breathily.

  Nathan tried to hold back his grin behind Benjamin, but it was clear that he was enjoying this as much as I was. We sat together, speaking quietly about the Sermon, Nathan and I asking questions to the shy couple in order to get them talking. I felt his finger trace across my shoulder once or twice, and that simple touch made me feel all the love he had for me while we sat with our friends.

  All too soon, the afternoon drew near. Those from Friendship bade farewell, a long trip ahead of them by buggy. I pulled Judith close while Nathan shook hands with her father, the deal for the cows done and arrangements made.

  "You will have to come and see us, Judith. Perhaps when Benjamin and Nathan bring the livestock to your farm, I will come and visit?" I asked, happy to see her smile light up.

  "I would like that," she said and turned to her father’s buggy, a small smile playing on her lips when Benjamin helped her in. I held back a chuckle when Benjamin shook hands with her father and then drew back, letting out a long breath.

  As the buggy slowly made its way down the road, I stood quietly with Nathan at my side, Benjamin on the other. Nathan and I both glanced at our Bishop, his concentration on the disappearing buggy.

  "I go to deliver the cows on Monday next," Nathan said, trying to appear serious. "I will need help."

  "I would be happy to help," Benjamin said, looking back at me nervously.

  "Perhaps she will have lemonade," I teased and pulled Nathan with me to our home, a wide grin appearing on his face as he waved at his friend.

  "He is enamored of her," Nathan said into the cold wind as we walked.

  "She fancies him," I replied calmly.

  "I think it was meant to be, then," Nathan said, and pulled me close to kiss me against the temple.

  "We will have to figure out where they will live," I replied, hoping that it would not be with us.

  I liked Benjamin, and Judith was nice, but I wanted my alone time with Nathan.

  "The community will help with that. The Yoders own the property across from me, where the gazebo sits," he said simply.

  The idea that they would be our neighbors would be perfect.

  A new friend for me, and Nathan's best friend.

  Right next door.


  I bundled up against the wind as I stepped outside, looking to see if Nathan was back from picking up supplies from town. I noticed Magnus in the pasture as I made my way toward the barn, where the wagon sat, half unloaded. Peering inside I heard him above me in the hayloft.

  It didn't sound like he was pleased.

  Nathan never used foul language.

  At least that I knew of.

  But he was muttering in German, and I knew enough to know they were not glorifying words.

  A forceful groan and a sudden clink nearby caused me to leap out of the way before something fell on me. As it was, a large hook with some kind of lashing fell from above, making me let out my own form of exclamation.

  Something we Amish didn't say, in English anyway.

  "Kate?" I heard above me. Looking up I saw Nathan's face peek over the side, his eyes wide.

  "Did I drop that on you?" he asked, the worry clear in his voice.

  "No," I called up to him. "I should have told you I was here. I am sorry. But I was amused by the noise up above me."

  He scrambled down the ladder and reached for the rope hanging beside me, his face flushed and lips tight as he pulled the knots loose.

  "If Benjamin was here, I would be finished and comfortable inside with you, instead of raising these bales one at a time and situating them myself," he grumbled.

  If he weren't in such a sour mood, I would have laughed. He was cute when he was frustrated. I thought better of teasing him.

  "I can help," I said instead.

  He pursed his lips and shook his head.

  "It is too heavy for you to lift," he said and moved back to the wagon to strap in another hay bale.

  I followed after him.

  "I can unhook them up above, Nathan. I don't need much strength to guide them and untie," I replied, hands on hips.

  He turned to argue, only to laugh and shake his head when he looked at my stance.

  "I should have learned by now not to argue with you. You are far too stubborn to deny," he said.

  "We are a team, Nathan Fisher," I retorted. "I am not stubborn. Just persistent."

  "And beautiful when you are so," he murmured and leaned in to kiss me.

  I pulled away and hiked my skirt up a bit to climb the new ladder leading to the hayloft. When I looked down, Nathan was smirking, his eyes on my backside. I rolled my eyes and hoisted myself up onto the floor of the loft, the action much harder in a long skirt. Sometimes I missed the jeans and sweatpants of my previous life.

  But then again, watching Nathan's eyes trail up my legs was enough to make me forgo pants forever.

  "So I will raise it, you must grab it with the hook there at your feet and guide it back onto the floor beside you. We can stack them when we get a few up there," he instructed.

  I nodded and wielded my long hook device, watching as Nathan pulled on the rope, raising the heavy bale up toward me. I had to remind myself that I was there to work and not ogle my husband's arms. The bale came level with the floor, and I reached out to hook one of the straps. Tugging it in wasn't too difficult, Nathan knowing to keep it floating above the floor until he couldn't see it and then he let the tension go some to let the bale rest hard on the floor.

  I struggled for only a moment with the straps, figuring out that they unhooked from one side and then had to be tugged from underneath before I could let them go with the rope. Nathan pulled them back down to him and to
ld me to wait a few moments before he would be ready for the next one.

  Looking around, I saw almost a dozen bales lined up behind me, stacked up three high. I looked at the bale and thought about how difficult it would be for Nathan to land the next one unless I moved this one first. Grabbing at the twine straps that bound the bale together, I tugged on it, managing to move it a few feet with a couple of loud grunts. Getting behind it, I was able to shove it closer to the neatly stacked ones.

  Another hard shove and I had the one lined up to form the base of the next stack.

  Proud of myself, I stepped back to the edge with my hook, just as the second one leveled up with the loft. More quickly, I let it go and shoved it back to the new row.

  Another bale came up, and I moved it all by myself.

  I was feeling accomplished.

  "Do you have room for one more?" he called up to me.

  "Keep them coming!" I called down, smiling at him when he eyed me curiously.

  "You have room?"

  I nodded and waved him to keep going.

  Another and another, and soon I had my base row full.

  The next one arrived and I pushed it to the row, contemplating for a moment how I could get it up to start the second row. Flipping it on its end with a grunt, I managed to topple it onto the bottom row. It wasn't as neat as Nathan's row, but with a little pushing and shoving with my backside, it was close.

  I was almost late to retrieve the next bale; Nathan had to call up to me. I grabbed the bale and pushed and flipped, this time with more gusto.

  Again Nathan called up to ask if there was room and again I told him to keep them coming.

  There was no way I could make a third row, but as I finished the second and started another base row, I heard a chuckle from the ladder. Looking behind me, Nathan peeked over the edge of the floor and took in my progress. He nodded, laughing again, before he disappeared back down onto the ground.

  We resumed our hauling, until the wagon was clear and I was panting as I pushed and shoved another bale up onto the second level of another base row. The hay made the ground a little slippery, and as I had grown tired, my hard shove catapulted me to fall onto the long row of hay in front of me. The last troublesome bale tipped over and landed back on its side.

  I let out a tired huff and flopped onto the hay, not caring if I got it in my hair.

  I just wanted to be horizontal for a minute.

  When Nathan's warm body covered mine there in the hay, I wasn’t worried about how straight my rows were or whether I was just a little too weak to make a third row.

  His lips covered mine, searching slowly while his hands travelled down my side past my hips, tugging at my skirt to free up my legs. I could feel his grin against my lips before he drew away to look down at me.

  "Benjamin is at the mill until late," he whispered, his eyes gleaming.

  I raised my eyebrow at him.

  "And?" I said, playing ignorant.

  My skirt moved up a little higher, his smile wicked.

  "And you have made such a nice place to rest," he whispered, his lips moving down my throat until his nose edged across the top of my dress.

  "It is quite comfortable up here," I replied, slipping my fingers through his suspenders to slide them down over his shoulders.

  "It is better than the old loft," he mumbled, his nose drifting further down until his face lay nestled in between my breasts. "No one will find us up here."

  His overheated body felt good against me in the cold air, and I moaned when he adjusted against me.

  "Is this all right?" he murmured into my skin. "I must confess I have thought of you in the hayloft with me since before the last time we ventured up."

  "What did you think we might do up in the hayloft?" I asked, breathless and eager to see a more adventurous side of him.

  He chuckled and looked down at me with mischievous eyes.

  "I think my ideas have grown now that you are my wife."

  Pulling him up to my mouth again, I held him close as he moved against me, his hands slipping under my skirt to explore me. I sighed when I felt his fingers slide against me, so confident in their swirling touch. I lifted my hips up to him, helping him remove every barrier. His low-throated chuckle into my shoulder had me tugging at his pants, eager to feel him against me. But he was unbearably slow as he traced those fingers.

  Was it wrong that I wanted to be a little frantic?

  We were outside the bedroom, and Nathan was being wicked.

  "Nathan," I whined.


  I managed to get his pants unbuttoned, my fingers slipping inside. He groaned deeply and moved against my hand, keeping a slow and steady rhythm to his own exploration. His lips returned to mine, deep and slow.

  He was taking his time.

  It was maddening.

  Gone was the timid man who had run from me that first day. In his place was a man I loved, who was excited to learn everything about pleasuring me. A man who wasn't looking for merely the end result, but for the pleasure of the entire experience. I knew I was lucky in having Nathan as my partner. He was more willing to be daring than I assumed most men of his upbringing might be.

  "Nathan," I whispered, this time a pleasurable sigh when I felt him sliding us both up against the bales of hay.

  Slow and deep, hands holding one another close, we connected. Nathan's soft humming groan ventured no further than the bales of hay, and my quickening breaths were muffled against his half open shirt. Tipping my head up, I caught him looking down at me, a tender smile playing on his lips, his eyes heavy as he moved above me. I closed my eyes when I felt his thumb lightly trace along my cheek, at the heat there from my need for him. I could feel my lips curve up, so much affection working through me at his touch.

  "You are so blissful in this moment," he whispered. "Do I do that for you?"

  "Always," I breathed, and opened my eyes to find his had grown heavy with desire.

  His lips captured mine once more, his rhythm growing more urgent, and his hands more possessive as he thrust into me. Clinging to him, I met his desperate movements with my own, my hips finding a matching rhythm, both of us gasping when we felt our pleasure build. He ducked his head against my neck, a whimper vibrating against my throat as he quickened his pace.

  I clung to him when I fell away, his body shuddering against mine before slipping off to my side with a satisfied sigh. Opening my eyes, I found his crinkled in his contentment. Tracing the opening of his shirt I tucked in close to him, enjoying the moment.

  "I think we should work together more often," he said, laughing when I raised my eyebrow at him.

  "I think if that's the result, you need to cook with me more often," I retorted. "It's warmer in the kitchen."

  Nathan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a kiss.

  "I will happily help you in the kitchen. Or anywhere else you wish," he said, his grin becoming ever wider.

  I felt the heat build at that thought.

  "I am finding that I enjoy everything with you, Kate," he murmured and sighed into my neck.

  I relaxed in his arms, the two of us simply content to rest there for a time. The cold finally got the better of me, even with heat of Nathan beside me. I groaned and sat up, sliding my skirt down over my cold legs. I was aware of Nathan watching me as he propped up on one elbow. I looked back at him, lying on his side, his pants undone but covering him, and his shirt as it sat open to reveal his chest underneath. He was beautiful to look at as he smiled and watched me move. I wanted simply to sit and watch him, just as he was.

  But there were things to be done.

  "I should head back inside and make sure I haven't overcooked the chicken," I said quietly.

  I stood and dusted myself off, trying to work the straw out of my hair before going back inside. Nathan stood and helped me pull the hay out of my clothes, his hands lingering along my neck as he looked back at the job we had accomplished together.

k you for coming out to check on me," he murmured. "I would have been only half done at this hour without your help."

  "You know I will do anything you need," I replied, holding him close.

  He nodded and looked away, bashful.

  "I am afraid to say I thought you could not do it," he whispered and blushed a little deeper.

  I pursed my lips at him and tried to look annoyed. But truth be known, I would be feeling my muscles rebel in the morning to be sure. I had a lot to learn about running the farm.

  "I'll forgive you if you promise to let me help you from now on," I said.

  His timid smile crept up and he let out a playful laugh.

  "You are more enjoyable to watch than Benjamin, especially when you are shoving at a bale that weighs as much as yourself!" he exclaimed.

  Rolling my eyes, I turned and headed to the ladder. As I took the first rung, I looked back at him, full of mischief.

  "I should hope I am more interesting to look at than our Bishop," I said. "And maybe we can continue with these little moments after each chore is done."

  I winked and descended the ladder, not waiting for his comment.

  It was worth getting hay in my hair this time.


  "It is snowing."

  I looked out my window at Hannah's glum comment and smiled.

  I was happy to see the snow.

  Snow meant that things would slow down on the farm front. The ground would be too hard to work, the crops taken care of. I had spent the last week canning with Fannie. We had made our last run to the butcher and the market for goods, and with our savings, we had stocked the barn for our horses and few cows. Nathan had even built a secure chicken coop, Jonah giving us a few of his own chickens to get us through the winter.

  After the long two weeks we had with getting the barn weatherproofed, and preparing for winter, I was more than ready to spend the winter indoors with my husband. We had a lot to learn about one another, and I wanted the time alone with him in order to do that.

  "I love the winter. I have a feeling it will be very memorable this year," Emma said happily beside me as she chopped the potatoes for supper.


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