The Rake

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The Rake Page 23

by Aishling Morgan

  Cards were changed and taken up again, Eloise alone declining the opportunity to alter her hand. Henry, on turning up his single exchange, revealed the remaining nine. Finally he had a hand he could be sure of.

  ‘Who will play me?’ Eloise enquired brightly.

  Both Gurney and Peggy immediately threw their hands down on the table. Natalie laughed and threw her legs up to show off her stockings, indicating that she would be willing to part with them.

  ‘My hat stays in the ring,’ Henry declared. ‘Indeed, I’ll take not six, but twelve cuts of the dog-whip if either of you romps can beat me.’

  ‘So brave,’ Eloise responded, ‘and all to see a pinch of my nakedness.’

  ‘Sight more than a pinch, if those titties come bare,’ Henry retorted. ‘Now, do you want to lay or raise the game?’

  ‘I shall raise the game,’ Eloise responded. ‘My nakedness against twenty-four cuts of the dog-whip for Henry; six and her stockings for Natalie.’

  ‘I’ll not risk that,’ Natalie responded and threw down her cards, two tens and two fives.

  ‘A wise choice, my little one,’ Eloise declared. ‘So, will the great, brave Henry Truscott risk his hide?’

  ‘I’ll go to thirty-six,’ Henry answered her. ‘That’s to have you naked and to put six stripes across your own well-fleshed arse.’

  ‘Then forty-eight if I take that and serve your need, which I am sure is strong,’ Eloise retorted.

  ‘You’ll serve my need with pleasure, once you’re stripped and beaten, as well you know,’ Henry said. ‘For forty-eight I’ll want you in this room, tied and game. I’m like to take you in the breech too. Now show your cards!’

  ‘Not so,’ Eloise laughed. ‘If you can beat what I have here, Henry, you may indulge every one of your dirty little quirks, just as you like. But first you must raise the stakes.’

  ‘By God, I will!’ Henry retorted. ‘Here’s everything on it: sixty stripes, my coin and everything I carry!’

  ‘Sixty stripes?’ Peggy echoed.

  ‘Then let me see what you have, my proud man,’ Eloise taunted.

  Henry threw his cards to the table, revealing the four nines. Gurney gave him a worried look, as did Peggy; Natalie simply giggled. Eloise smiled her coy knowing smile, her eyes glittering with her mirth as she looked at her hand.

  ‘Oh, my; oh, dear,’ she said sweetly. ‘What a shame.’

  ‘What have you got, damn you?’ Henry demanded.

  ‘Temper, temper,’ Eloise chided and laid her cards gently on the table.

  With his blood hammering in his temples, Henry craned forward, seeing first an ace, then a king, then a five and finally a seven.

  ‘Nothing,’ Eloise said archly, ‘and so it seems that you horrid brutes must have your way with me.’

  ‘By God, that’s a trick for which you’ll pay!’ Henry laughed.

  ‘Oh, I do hope so,’ she answered.

  Strapping the sheet tightly around Eloise’s crossed wrists, Henry tied the end off on a beam, leaving Eloise in a helpless and thoroughly shameful position. Her feet were planted wide apart, her body bent at the waist with her arms above her back and her head and breasts hanging down. She could twist her body, but do nothing to protect herself from either hands or cocks. She had stripped, feigning reluctance and shyness until she stood naked and beautiful before them. Once naked, she had kissed Henry and taken his cock in her hand, tugging at it impatiently only to receive a gentle cuff on her bottom and be told to take her position for flogging. Now she waited, every orifice flaunted and her bottom looking plump and tempting in the light of the candles.

  ‘Good to beat ’em in, good to tup ’em in,’ Gurney stated admiringly.

  ‘And for sport in general,’ Henry answered. ‘I may have won this, but I’ll show I’m no curmudgeon. Natalie, my sweet, what would you best enjoy from your mistress?’

  ‘I . . . I’m not sure, sir,’ Natalie responded shyly.

  ‘I am,’ Peggy put in. ‘Eloise’s trick was to push our faces in her chamber-pot while she beat us, often for as little as catching her ear with a hairbrush.’

  ‘Ho! Ho!’ Henry boomed. ‘A fine trick and no mistake. Well, Eloise, that shall be your first pleasure – once you’ve filled a pot, that is. Gurney, feed her another pint of partridge eye while I stoke her cunt to make her ready.’

  He reached for his cock, only to have Peggy’s soft hand close on it first and begin to tug. Her heavy breasts were pushed against his arm, increasing his pleasure as she stroked him to erection over the sight of Eloise’s spread, helpless body. Gurney, meanwhile, took up a freshly opened bottle and lifted Eloise’s chin to put it to her lips. She made no resistance, swallowing as best she could but gagging twice as the bottle was emptied down her throat. Plenty spilt, to run down her chin and chest and leave drops of the deep pink liquid hanging from her stiff nipples.

  As Eloise swallowed the last of the bottle, Henry decided that he was ready for her. Putting his cock to her vagina, he let Peggy guide it in. Eloise moaned softly as her vagina filled, then began to grunt as Henry fucked her, interspersing the crude, animal noises with pleas for harder and deeper penetration. Already enervated by being stripped and then beaten by Peggy, he quickly felt the urge to come, made difficult only by the volume of drink he had consumed. Yet within the tight sheath of Eloise’s vagina, his penis felt exquisitely sensitive, rubbing in her tube of flesh so that he could feel every detail of the head, neck, foreskin and shaft. Concentrating on the feel of his cock and sight of her naked bottom, he worked himself furiously inside her, forcing squeals from her lips. For a moment his cock seemed to swell within her and then he was coming, draining his sperm into the depths of her vagina, which became instantly slick and loose around his erection.

  ‘Up for a wet dock, Gurney?’ he asked, pulling slowly out to leave Eloise’s cunny wide and oozing sperm.

  ‘I’ll take her in the breech, by and by,’ his friend replied. ‘I’ve no great liking for a buttered bun and I’d want to watch her piss first.’

  Eloise groaned at the news that she was to be buggered, yet still made no protest, merely hanging her head in a gesture that might have been acceptance or simply resignation to the thought of the big man’s cock in her back passage.

  ‘Well,’ Henry spoke out as he knelt to the level of Eloise’s head, ‘are you game to fill your pot yet?’

  Eloise shook her head, casting a glance at Henry that showed pleasure, drunkenness and exhaustion in equal measures. Henry took one dangling breast in his hand and began to knead, watching Eloise’s face as her nipple rubbed in his palm and her soft flesh moved under his fingers. She sighed, her mouth opening slowly in wanton abandonment. Flattening his hand, he began to slap her breasts, gently to make them sway, then more firmly. Her sighs and groans took on a new, more urgent quality as the flesh of the undersides of her breasts began to flush pink. Henry chuckled at her response, watching her breasts sway beneath her as his cock twinged in response.

  ‘Time for your beating, I think, my little puppy,’ Henry crowed. ‘Where’s that dog-whip?’

  Taking the dog-whip from Peggy, he stood back behind Eloise. Her bottom was the highest part of her body save for her strapped wrists, the cheeks bulging upward and open, with her pussy a dark wet hole between her chubby thighs. Her muscles were clenching and unclenching, making the flesh of her sex move and her anus wink to a lewd rhythm.

  Henry raised his arm, judged the distance and laid the little whip hard across Eloise’s bottom. She gave a sharp cry of pain that turned quickly to a whimper as the lash dropped away to leave a long scarlet line across the crests of her upraised buttocks. Again he lashed out, catching her lower so that her bottom jerked at the impact and a wave of flesh spread out over her cheeks and thighs. Once more she cried out, but also kicked her legs so that for a moment her balance went, only to be regained after a frantic dance that made her buttocks wobble and drew a trill of laughter from the audience. Henry struck again, aiming delib
erately low to catch her thighs. She yelped and bucked, then finished with another ridiculous little dance on her toes that again drew ribald laughter from the others.

  With three deep red welts crossing the goose-pimpled flesh of her rear, Eloise was sobbing and gasping, yet made no complaint or demand for her beating to stop. Once more, Henry brought the dog-whip down hard across her buttocks, the lash tracing a long line over their upper surfaces to leave her yelping and writhing her hindquarters in her pain.

  ‘Two more, my sweet,’ Henry stated, ‘then it’s time for a plug in your beautiful arse!’

  Eloise responded with a groan that turned to another yelp as the fifth stroke of the whip landed across her bottom. Again she started her frantic little wiggling dance, only for Henry to lay the sixth stroke across the very fattest part of her bottom before she had had a chance to compose herself. She squealed loudly, then sagged in her bonds, gasping and sobbing out her emotion.

  ‘By God, I’ll be ready for another crack myself in a minute,’ Henry breathed. ‘Doesn’t she look well-whipped, though? I always think a bit of decoration becomes a girl’s arse. Well, puppy, are you ready to pee?’

  For a while, the whipped girl made no response, merely hanging in her bonds and breathing heavily. Henry watched the muscles of her vulva clench, making her vagina close and then open once more, then a slow movement of her bedraggled hair indicated that she was shaking her head.

  ‘More wine!’ Henry called.

  Natalie took a bottle and put it to her mistress’s lips. Eloise drank greedily, gulping the wine from the bottle and spilling a great deal down her chin and on to the floor.

  ‘She’ll be ready in a trice,’ Henry said as he reached out and squeezed Eloise’s belly. ‘But what of you, Peggy, while we wait?’

  ‘I’d like my arse kissed,’ Peggy declared.

  ‘Fine!’ Henry responded. ‘Do it, then, Eloise; let’s see you kiss your maid’s arse!’

  Henry and the others watched as Peggy lifted her dress and petticoats to reveal her plump behind. Making a great show of it, she pressed her naked buttocks into Eloise’s face, demanding kisses on each cheek. The demoiselle complied, putting her lips to her maid’s full buttocks and kissing each before once more hanging her head.

  ‘On Robby Douglas, Peggy!’ Henry called out. ‘Full between your cheeks, and be sure she gets her tongue well in!’

  Peggy gave the faintest of blushes but reached back and hauled her ample bottom-cheeks apart to reveal the wrinkled pink spot of her anus to the onlookers. Eloise groaned deep in her throat, raising her face again to find Peggy’s anus inches from her mouth. She started to say something, only to have her face smothered in plump bottom as Peggy moved back. Henry cheered as they heard the unmistakable sound of a kiss being applied to the maid’s bum-hole, the others echoing him, save only for Peggy, who sighed in pleasure.

  ‘By God, but she’s licking her arse!’ Henry exclaimed as Eloise, far from drawing back once she had completed her degrading task, kept her face between Peggy’s buttocks. ‘She’s the bob-tail for me, and no mistake!’

  Peggy felt a shiver of pure bliss as Eloise’s firm, damp tongue tip began to work at her anus. The others had gone quiet, watching her get her bottom tongued in fascinated silence. Unable to resist, she reached back and hastily pulled up her skirts, her fingers finding the wet flesh of her cunny.

  ‘Lick, please lick,’ she gasped as she began to masturbate.

  Heedless of everything save the feel of her mistress’s tongue against her bum-hole, she rubbed her vulva, working directly against the clitoris with an urgency born not simply from the physical sensation but from the ecstasy of receiving so servile an act from the woman who had before been so firmly in charge of her. Almost before she knew it, her body was tensing in orgasm, with her thigh muscles burning and her back set in a rigid arch. She heard Henry laugh and Gurney cheer as she came with her whole being focused on her anus and the woman whose tongue was probing it.

  ‘I’m going to do it,’ Eloise sighed, as soon as her face was clear of Peggy’s bottom.

  Quickly, Natalie grabbed up the chamber-pot and held it to her mistress’s sex. Eloise groaned, a sound mixing pleasure and shame as a little spurt of urine escaped from her tightly clamped pee-hole. For a moment more she held, and then the pee erupted from her vulva in a golden stream, splashing into the chamber-pot and across her thighs. As it did so, she gave a sigh of utter relief.

  ‘Good girl!’ Henry called, laughing loudly at the sight of the yellow liquid gushing from the girl’s cunny and swirling in the pot. ‘Come on, a guinea says she can piss a pint!’

  ‘I’ll not take that one,’ Gurney responded.

  ‘Then a guinea says she can drink as much as she makes!’

  ‘That I’ll chance.’

  They watched the pee run from Eloise, still splashing in the pot, but dying slowly, first to a trickle and then a mere dribble that ran down her labia and dripped from the hood of her clitoris to form ripples in the pool beneath her.

  ‘A copious spend,’ Henry remarked, peering into the pot. ‘You were wise not to take my first wager. Still, I’ll stand by my assertion that she can drink down every drop, and better, while your cock’s in her breech.’

  ‘It’ll be worth a guinea to watch her try, sir,’ Gurney responded. ‘Now, where’s my wench?’

  He turned to find Natalie, who was already kneeling beside him.

  ‘It would be kind to ease her passage first,’ Peggy suggested as Gurney slipped his half-stiff penis into Natalie’s mouth.

  ‘True,’ Henry agreed, looking critically at the tight, pink-brown ring of Eloise’s anus, ‘but with what?’

  ‘Her own juice’ll serve, if need be,’ Gurney answered. ‘I’ll take a dip in the cream jar before forcing her breech.’

  ‘There’s a little butter,’ Peggy suggested. ‘Or –’

  ‘Why, the grease from the goose, of course!’ Henry interrupted. ‘What better way to ease a girl’s passage, with the season approaching Christmas? Come on girl, scoop some up and he’ll be up her in a trice!’

  Peggy walked to the remains of their dinner. She smiled at Henry as she began to scrape the cold grease from the platter on to a knife, a smile of pure mischief. Henry grinned back and accepted the small plate on to which she had loaded the grease, then knelt to get at Eloise’s anal opening.

  Her bottom was inches in front of his face, a magnificent pear of flesh, criss-crossed with welts from the dog-whip and slick with sweat from her response to the beating. Her vulva was swollen and moist, her cunny a gaping hole, slick with sperm and clearly ready for another helping of penis. Above it, the object of his attention was a bright pink dimple surrounded by the little tucks and bulges of her dun-brown anal ring. The flesh was slightly puffy, and as Henry watched, it opened and closed, as if winking in anticipation of the cock that was shortly to be pushed inside it.

  ‘By God, but she’s a ripe one for sodomy,’ he murmured as he dipped his finger into the thick goose-grease. ‘It’s damn seldom you see an arsehole so pretty, or so willing.’

  He lifted his finger and applied a blob of grease to Eloise’s anus, which contracted in response, only to open like a flower as his finger touched the sensitive flesh. She moaned as he rubbed, and pushed her bottom out, her lust overcoming her reluctance to surrender her rear opening to Gurney’s cock.

  ‘In it goes,’ Henry said as he popped the first joint of his finger inside Eloise’s now well-greased anus.

  Her moans became louder as she was penetrated, and Henry felt her ring tighten on his finger, a warm lock of flesh that made him recall how it had felt clamped tight on his cock when he had given her the same treatment his servant was about to. As he lubricated Eloise’s anus, Peggy took up the chamber-pot, briefly dipped each of Eloise’s breasts in it and then held it up to her mistress’s head. Eloise gave a deep sigh, only for Peggy to catch her by her hair and quickly thrust her face into the contents of the chamber-pot. Eloise p
roduced a strange bubbling sound, drawing a fresh peal of laughter from Henry. Peggy then altered her hold of her mistress’s red-gold curls and pulled upward. Eloise came up spluttering, her mouth wide open, with drops of pee hanging from her nose and upper lip. Shaking her head in the maid’s grip, she sent a shower of droplets across the room.

  ‘Hold it still, Peggy,’ Henry instructed. ‘I want her to drink it while she’s sodomised, not waste it!’

  Henry watched as Gurney pulled his erect cock from Natalie’s mouth and mounted Eloise, with his shaft resting between her buttocks. She moaned as the head of his cock was put to her goose-greased anus and rubbed in, then gave a sharp squeak as a sudden shove filled her ring. Gurney took her by the hips and began pushing his cock deeper into her rectum, drawing gasps and uncontrolled grunts from her. Soon his cock was right in, embedded to its full length in the soft, fleshy tube of her back passage.

  ‘Drink it down, my dear; it’ll do you good!’ Henry boomed as Gurney began to bugger Eloise.

  Eloise’s bestial grunts instantly became rude bubbling noises as Peggy lifted the chamber-pot to immerse her mistress’s face. For a moment Eloise continued to blow bubbles, then a gentle lapping sound signalled that she had surrendered even that last vestige of dignity and was drinking her own pee. With a roar of laughter, Henry burst into song:

  ‘So drink, puppy, drink,

  And let my puppy drink,

  For she’s game enough to lap and to swallow!

  So drink, puppy, drink,

  And she’ll drink the pisspot down,

  And merrily we’ll whoop and we’ll hollo!’

  As he repeated the song, the others joined in, Peggy with gusto, Natalie doing her best to follow and Gurney interspersing his words with pants and grunts as he buggered Eloise. As Henry sang he watched Eloise drink the contents of the chamber-pot, sucking the pee up and swallowing, only to lose most of each mouthful every time Gurney’s cock was rammed home in her back passage. A good deal of piddle went down her throat, but as Gurney’s thrusts became harder she began to gag and finally it became evident that she could swallow no more.


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