Alliances (Guardians of White Light, #1)

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Alliances (Guardians of White Light, #1) Page 10

by F. J. Gale

  He approached Jenna, mindful that Jax was following close behind him with the crossbow.

  She stood up to meet him.

  “Ready?” he asked as he moved in front of her and gripped her shoulders gently. Instinctively, he leaned to his left—her right—and brushed her hair away from the side of her neck.

  “No!” she said suddenly.

  He stopped immediately and pulled back. He raised his eyebrows.

  “Don’t bite that side.”


  She gestured to the other side of her neck. “Here.”

  “You’re serious? You want me to bite over his tainted mark?”

  He couldn’t hide the disgust on his face. He wasn’t sure if she realized just how insulting it was. A vampire never bit where another had been. Plus, he never bit that side. It was like trying to write with your left hand when you were right handed. It was awkward and weird.

  He shot Jax a glance. Can you believe this?

  Jax shrugged.

  “I don’t want two scars. One is bad enough.”

  “Turn around,” he commanded. She complied. He brushed her hair away from the side of her neck and tucked it behind her ear. He held her tightly and moved in for the bite. He was glad he couldn’t see the look in her eyes. He couldn’t risk the passion between them rising to the surface again as it had in the basement. It would compromise his self-control. Also, he didn’t want her to see his demon face.

  She flinched from his cold breath on her neck. She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the stabbing pain of fangs piercing skin. The memory of her first experience, with Arthur, sent a shiver through her.

  Mathias felt it and paused. “It won’t hurt as much as it did with him.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because, I’ve been around a lot longer. I know what I’m doing.”

  Jenna didn’t have the chance to figure out whether his comment was comforting or disturbing because his fangs penetrated the soft flesh of her throat. It was a sharp sudden pain, like the prick of a needle during a blood test. Manageable. It wasn’t excruciating or nauseating. She felt him start to suck her neck, drawing the blood to the surface. To his lips. Into his mouth. He tightened his grip on her arms, his fingertips digging into her flesh. She heard him moaning.

  He savored the coppery flavor of her fresh warm blood on his lips, his tongue. Exquisite. He tasted her intoxicating purity and sucked harder, drawing more of it into his mouth. In all the centuries that he had been feeding, he had never tasted blood like this. He snarled as his vampiric instincts woke, forcing their way to the surface, willing him to drink more, to go deeper, to take it all.

  “That’s enough, Mathias,” Jax’s voice came from behind him.

  Mathias could barely hear him. He was lost in the moment and seconds from losing control. Jax sounded miles away, his voice barely a whisper.

  Jenna cried out and he felt her body start to weaken. Her hands gripped his arms that were wrapped around her, trying to pull him off her.

  “Mathias, you’re taking too much. Pull back!” Jax added.

  He didn’t respond.

  “Mathias!” Jenna breathed.

  The sound of his name on her lips jolted him back to reality. The plea in her voice cut at his heart. Abruptly, he let go. To his surprise his demon face faded to its human form the second he looked at her. Normally, after feeding, the transformation back took a lot longer.

  He watched her waver on her feet and slump into an armchair. He pressed his hand tightly to the puncture wounds on her neck.

  “Are you okay? I’m sorry I—”

  “It’s okay. You pulled back,” she said, smiling up at him with admiration. She was a slayer, she lived in his world and she knew exactly what it meant that he had pulled back of his own free will.

  Jax approached them and studied Mathias closely. “How do you feel?”


  “No burning sensation? Nothing untoward?”

  “No. Looks like you did it. You truly are a master at what you do.”

  Jax beamed with pride. Mission accomplished.

  “She’ll need to eat. She needs iron and sugar.”

  Jax nodded. “I’ll get something for her neck too.”

  “You okay?” Jenna asked Mathias once Jax had left the room.

  “I’m working on it.”

  “That was intense. It wasn’t like…before.”

  Mathias nodded. It was because he wasn’t biting to kill. As he gazed at her it suddenly hit him as to why Jax had been so confident that he would be able to pull back. Oh no!

  “What’s wrong?” Jenna asked, seeing a troubled expression spread across his face.

  He looked away and made an effort to avoid eye contact. Moments later, Jax returned to the room and Mathias moved aside to let him dress her neck wound.

  “Light-headed?” Jax asked her.

  She nodded.

  “It’ll pass soon. Then you need to eat. Does it hurt?”

  “Just sore. I’m okay.”

  “He bit you gently. There’s very little tear of the flesh. It’ll heal quickly.”

  Jax turned back to Mathias; he wasn’t there. He eyed the basement door and caught sight of Mathias’ shadow disappearing out of the room. He smiled sadly.


  “They’ll be here soon,” Mathias called to Jax from the porch steps as he dragged on a smoke.

  Jax sat in an armchair writing in a notebook.

  Since their test of the antidote, Jax had spent the last few hours making more. Mathias wanted enough to vaccinate Legion and Eternus. Now, Jax was jotting down the formula for mass production. Jenna was upstairs getting some much needed sleep. Mathias had also managed to get a couple of hours and he’d spent the rest of the time walking around the house in a restless state. He hated waiting for night to come, especially when he was on edge. Finally, though, sundown had arrived.

  He was anxious about the coming war. There was much to do. He had to be prepared to rally the troops. He was trying to formulate a strategy. He couldn’t afford to make a mistake, because Silas would be there to take advantage of it. There was so much at stake. Failure wasn’t an option. Everyone was counting on him to make the right decisions. His reputation forced the responsibility upon him but was it still in him? It had been a couple of lifetimes since he’d been put to the test. Did he still have the edge? If that wasn’t enough to occupy his thoughts, now there was the whole thing with Jenna.

  “Just try to relax until they get here.”

  Mathias didn’t say anything.

  “Did you just growl at me?” Jax said, looking up from his notebook.

  Mathias stubbed his smoke out and got up from the porch steps. “Yes. This is your doing.”

  “Whatever do you mean?” Jax asked, feigning innocence.

  “Her. You knew what would happen to me once I fed from her, didn’t you?”


  “If you had just left it, it would have blown over. The distraction of our coming war would have seen to that.”

  “You love her.”

  Mathias growled at him once more.

  “Yes?” Jax pressed.

  Mathias blew out a breath and slumped onto the couch opposite him. He held his face in his hands for a few moments in an effort to ward off the powerful emotions that gripped him. He looked up at Jax. “I’m in my wife’s house,” he said guiltily.

  “It’s been a decade since Liana’s death. I think it’s okay for you to move on.”

  “It’s not just that. This—with her—it’s wrong.”

  “That sounds like Silas talking.”

  “I can’t get involved with a human again. Especially not The Hunter.”

  “You’re a vampire. You’ll always be doing it because you’re always drawn to mortals. The question is whether it’s worth it to you.”

  “I can’t…give her certain things.”

  “She’s a slayer. She’s well awar
e of what you are already.”

  Mathias’ response was killed by the abrasive sound of tires screeching to a halt outside. He jumped to his feet and strode to the front door.

  He watched as Luke climbed out of the car, quickly followed by Thomas, John and Tanya.

  “Glad to see you’re alive,” Mathias greeted them.

  “No thanks to Mr. Heroics,” Tanya complained, gesturing to Luke.

  Luke paid her comment no mind and patted Mathias on the shoulder. “You sent the best. Came in handy.” He nodded behind him.

  Mathias felt her before he saw her. As his eyes were drawn to the van, Luke quietly ushered Legion into the house.

  Thick white hair filled his vision. Alna. He couldn’t suppress a broad grin as he watched her climb out of the van and saunter towards him. She hugged her silver cape tightly to her. It was out of character. She was usually such an exhibitionist. She liked to show off her perfect body. Why is she hiding?

  “Cold?” he asked, reaching for her.

  She didn’t answer. Instead, she melted into his embrace. The vulnerability he felt from her was unexpected. Again, it was out of character. Alna never showed weakness, not even around him. For a moment he couldn’t tell her apart from the young thing he had met all those centuries ago when she had barely touched magic, barely touched the supernatural world. Something was very wrong. But she knew, like he did, that it would have to wait. They couldn’t talk while everyone was here.

  Her tough ass demeanor returned as suddenly as it had left. “It’s been a while. You look good.”

  “As do you.”

  “Stop fighting the desire,” she uttered suddenly.

  The comment was so out of the blue that he was completely blindsided.

  “What desire?” he snapped back.

  “To take her.”


  “Hmm…you want her here, there and everywhere,” she breathed, blissfully. I can taste it.

  “You know I don’t like it when you read me, Alna. Ask me what you want to know.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “You should be saving your strength after the magic you invoked.”

  “You can still feel the vibrations?”

  All those who dealt in magic were attuned to it. They could feel the power of others. Mathias had once been one of them and although it had been centuries he could still feel powerful magic.

  “At times. The big stuff.”

  Alna smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “You shouldn’t, Alna,” he told her, eyeing her warily.

  “I know what I'm doing,” she insisted.

  “It will pull you in.”

  “I have control.”

  “Your hair says otherwise.”

  “Does it?” she responded coyly.


  “Is it?”

  Mathias seethed. He didn’t like being played with and Alna had an affinity for doing just that.

  “See you inside, sweetheart,” she said with a wink, and strolled into the house, her stiletto boots grating on the concrete steps.

  Valta was the last to leave the van. He didn’t even bother switching on the alarm. If anyone tried to steal from them, they truly were idiots. Or, they had a death wish. He approached Mathias and the two of them shook hands firmly, an exchange of respect.

  “Once again we stand side by side against Silas.”

  Mathias nodded. “Wiser and even older now. We have the upper hand.”

  “Perhaps you're confusing wisdom with arrogance,” Valta jested.

  Mathias chuckled. “Let’s hope not.”

  As Valta moved past him to enter the house Mathias suddenly grabbed his arm. Valta eyeballed him in question.

  Mathias lowered his voice. “There's an ally here who you will not approve of. I need you to keep an open mind. Things in this war are not black and white like you're used to.”

  “Who is it?”

  “You'll see soon enough.”

  “All right.”

  Inside, all eyes turned to Mathias. He felt a bit overwhelmed. It had been a long time since he’d had an audience. Just like old times. Jax was where he had been when Mathias had left him. Beside him sat Luke and next to him Tanya lounged against the leather. John and Thomas sat on the couch on the opposite side of the room. At the far end of the couch, Alna perched on the arm. True to form, Valta stood by the front door.

  Mathias walked to a strategic point in the room where he could address them all.

  “We suspected this day would come. The day when Silas would take one step too far, when his hatred for humanity would threaten the human and supernatural world alike. We are all here because we agree his vision for the world cannot come to pass. He has an army, but so do we.”

  “Damn right we do!” Luke yelled.

  “Immortalia is strong. It means we need to be stronger. We need the strongest warriors that we can assemble. That means looking past petty vendettas. It means compromising and setting aside the smaller things for the greater picture.”

  “You’re talking about the slayer,” Tanya said.

  Mathias was startled that she knew. He looked at Luke. He was also aware. How? The only other people who knew were…Immortalia. Of course! Silas, you son of a bitch.

  “Which slayer?” Valta demanded, his face quickly beginning to cloud with fury.

  “That would be me,” a voice boomed from behind Mathias.

  They all turned to see Jenna standing in the doorway. She wore black sweatpants and a white tank. Her hair was disheveled and it was clear that she had just woken up. She struck a strong, no-nonsense pose with her hand firmly against the wall, but Mathias knew she was really using it to hold herself steady. Her side was still sore and it was obviously hurting her to stand unsupported. She looked pale from their experiment.

  “The Hunter,” Valta hissed.

  “Remember what I told you outside,” Mathias said, holding up his hand for Valta to calm.

  “This is not acceptable, Mathias! She slaughtered my men! Has her beauty made you forget so easily?”

  “If you recall, your soldiers attacked me,” Jenna shot back.

  “You came into the field of battle. We were on a mission.”

  “So was I. Immortalia was my mission, not yours. You were on my turf.”

  She took an angry step forward. Mathias saw her waver a little, but it was barely noticeable. She hid it well.

  “Jenna, take it down,” he urged.

  “I should have killed you,” Valta seethed.

  She bolted forward and instinctively Mathias shot out his arm to block her path. It inadvertently connected with her side. She winced and doubled over.

  “Looks like you’re in no position to challenge me, slayer.”

  Valta took a predatory step forward, but Mathias was faster. He intercepted him and stood between them.

  “Stop, Valta.”

  “You’re protecting her on this?”

  “She’s wounded. You’re not.”

  Valta reluctantly drew back. “You’re lucky. You got off easy.”

  “Did I? The hit you put out led Arthur right to me. I’ve been meaning to thank you for that,” she threatened, her eyes narrowing with fury as she recalled the night Arthur had nearly beaten her.

  “It’s a pity he failed to finish the job. The kid has no follow through. You want me to finish it; you just give me the word.”

  As he scrutinized her, his eyes fell to her neck. A fresh bite! What the hell? He recognized the mark instantly. It was classic, unmistakable. He spoke to Mathias, “But it looks like you already have that covered.”

  “You bit her?” Tanya asked.


  Jax shot to his feet. “To test the antidote. For science.”

  But Tanya ignored the explanation. The seeds of jealousy had already been planted. The way he looked at her, the way he protected her. She was gorgeous, feisty and human. She was just his t

  “That’s why you hooked up with her, is it?” she accused, shooting to her feet angrily.

  She hissed at Jenna. Her eyes shone as the demon rose to the surface, twisting her face into its true form. And then she made a dash towards Jenna, employing her vampiric speed. The bitch doesn’t stand a chance.

  A sudden explosion of light filled her vision. It collided with her and blasted her back with such force that she lost her balance and was blown back across the floor towards the front door.


  “Calm,” Alna said as she stood beside Mathias with her right palm aimed in Tanya’s direction.

  Tanya caught Luke’s eye. His disappointment was scathing. He turned away from her as she scrambled to her feet.

  “The Hunter is not the enemy. Silas is,“ Alna said. “Everything else is petty and pointless. Vampires have worked alongside humans many times throughout history. I am also human and I am not planning to betray you. Do not assume that The Hunter is either. I have already seen that she will not. Her power surpasses yours. Her strength is needed in this war.”

  The room fell silent. Alna threw Mathias an inconspicuous wink. He smiled gratefully and then he took the floor once more.

  “Tanya, sit down. Valta, back off. Jenna, relax.”

  Tanya reluctantly obeyed. Valta nodded in compliance and Jenna leaned back against the wall.

  “All right. Now, I am only going to say this once. Jenna is off limits. She’s wounded and needs time to recover. She is our ally and as such, she has my protection. To get to her you will have to go through me. Is that clear?”

  Everyone murmured their acceptance of his terms.

  “Sorry,” Valta offered.

  Mathias nodded. “We need to be united or we will fall. If any of you feel as though you cannot get behind me, leave now. There isn’t time for this.”

  Mathias waited and then he saw what he had suspected he might. Tanya stood up and walked out.

  “What are you doing?” Luke called after her.

  His calls were silenced as she slammed the front door behind her. He jumped up and hurried after her, but suddenly, Mathias stood in front of him.

  “Let her go. She’s not with us,” he told him sadly.


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