Affair with the Princess

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Affair with the Princess Page 5

by Michelle Celmer

  They walked through the service hallway out into the main wing, and while her appearances in public often caused something of a spectacle, as they toured the lobby with it’s elegant decor and grand water display, she noticed that many eyes were instead focused on Alex. And why wouldn’t they be? He was the type of man that other men viewed with envy and women eyed with appreciation. She wasn’t the jealous type, but under different circumstances…

  Circumstances that would never happen in a million years, she reminded herself.


  After a walkthrough of the guest rooms and facilities, and lunch at Les Régals du Rois, the hotel’s newly acclaimed French restaurant, Alex was thoroughly impressed by the Royal Inn. It was both elegant and elite, but tailored to the common traveler, as well as the privileged, businesspeople and vacationers alike.

  In terms of size, this project wasn’t what he would consider significant; but in terms of notoriety, he’d hit pay dirt.

  “So, what do you think of our hotel?” Sophie asked, when they were in the car and on their way back to the palace.

  “I think the royal family has one hell of a sound investment.”

  She actually smiled. And here he’d been wondering if she’d forgotten how. And it was evident that she was quite proud of what the royal family had accomplished.

  “I’m no hotel expert, but there is one thing I would consider,” he said.

  “Yes, please.” She sat forward, looking genuinely interested. “You probably know far more than I do.”

  Her reaction made him smile. The women in his life, especially lately, seemed to think they knew everything, it was refreshing to meet one who wasn’t afraid to admit her weaknesses.

  “In researching the bay area, I noticed that there are no hotels equipped to handle a conference of any significant size. You may want to look into expanding your facilities.”

  “And you think that would bring more business?”

  “It’s an untapped market, so I think it would be worth looking into.”

  “I’ll mention it to Phillip and Ethan.”

  Finally, he’d said something that hadn’t elicited a frown or a disapproving look. But when it came to business, he didn’t mess around. But now maybe it was time to shake things up a bit.

  “So, what are we doing next?” he asked. “A ride up the coast?”

  “That will have to wait. Phillip set aside time this afternoon so you and he can catch up.”

  Although he looked forward to spending time with his friend, Alex couldn’t deny feeling a little disappointed. He’d made progress with Sophie today, managed to chip away at her resolve. She wasn’t so tense around him. So quick to distrust. At this rate, in a few days he would have her right where he wanted her.

  But there was no rush, he reminded himself. He had two weeks. Plenty of time to get what he wanted. And honestly, this vacation was exactly what he needed. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d felt so relaxed, a morning when he woke not dreading the day.

  “Thanks for taking the time to shuttle me around,” he told Sophie.

  She shrugged. “It’s what I do.”

  “And you do it well, Your Highness.”

  Her brow furrowed and she studied him for several seconds, then she shook her head.

  “What?” he asked.


  “It’s obviously not nothing,” he said, playing dumb. “Why did you look at me like that?”

  “Just drop it.”

  “You need to learn how to take a compliment, Princess.”

  Her jaw tensed almost imperceptibly and there was an edge to her tone. “Maybe you should word your compliments so they’re not so…”

  “So what?”


  He laughed. “Telling you that you’re good at your job? How is that suggestive?”

  He could see her struggling with her composure. She wanted to explode, but he knew she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. What she didn’t realize is that he felt more satisfaction watching her struggle than if she’d blown up in his face.

  “Okay,” he admitted. “Maybe it was a little suggestive, but, Princess, you are awfully fun to tease. I take it you don’t get that very often.”

  “No, I don’t”

  He grinned. “Well, you’ll just have to get used to it, I guess.”

  She made a quiet huffing noise. “It’s not as if I have a choice.”

  She had no idea. “You shouldn’t take life so seriously, Your Highness.”

  Her expression darkened. “You know nothing about me, Alex.”

  He knew she was spoiled and arrogant. And let’s not forget entitled. And although she was obviously used to getting her way, she had no idea who she was up against.

  And he was having far too much fun breaking her spirit.

  It was barely three in the afternoon, but when Sophie returned to her residence, she felt as though she had just endured one of the longest days of her life.

  She didn’t blame Alex for feeling bitter about their past, but the man was sending so many mixed signals that she was getting whiplash.

  The car dropped her at her front door, and Wilson met her in the vestibule.

  “Prince Ethan rang while you were gone, Miss. He asked that you contact him immediately upon your return home. He said it’s urgent.”

  She sighed quietly. The last thing she needed was more undue drama in her day, but Ethan wasn’t one to exaggerate. If he said it was important, it most likely was.

  “Thank you, Wilson. I’ll ring him right now.”

  Using the phone in the study, she dialed his number and he answered on the first ring.

  “Could I come by and speak with you?” he asked, and he did indeed sound rattled. Which wasn’t at all like him.

  Her first thought was that Lizzy had taken a turn for the worse.

  “Of course. Is something wrong?”

  “Not exactly. I’m at the palace, so I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  She barely had time to use the powder room and freshen her makeup before she heard the throaty growl of his engine out front, then the sound of the bell announcing his presence.

  Rather than wait for Wilson, she opened the door herself. “That was quick.”

  He tagged her with a quick peck on the cheek on his way in. In his hand he clutched a manila envelope. “I could use a drink.”

  Although Ethan was one of the most laid-back men she’d ever known, he was visibly agitated. “Well then, let’s go to the study,” she said.

  He followed her there and watched while she poured him two fingers of her best scotch straight up, then poured herself a glass of white wine.

  She handed him his drink. “What’s so urgent that it couldn’t wait?”

  He took a long swallow, then asked, “Does the name Richard Thornsby ring a bell?”

  “If you’re referring to the Richard Thornsby who was prime minister of Morgan Isle when our father’s reign began, then yes, of course I know who he is.” But the question was, why did Ethan know? Thornsby had been dead for years. And what did it matter?

  “The way I understand it, he and our father didn’t exactly see eye to eye,” Ethan said.

  “That’s putting it mildly. They were mortal enemies.”

  “Did he ever tell you why?”

  “I would never dare ask. We weren’t even permitted to so much as utter his name in the palace. Even after his death he was never mentioned. I just assumed it was because they had vast differences of opinion.”

  “I read that our father had him ousted from his position, which more or less ruined him politically.”

  “King Frederick was ruthless. He had no tolerance for anyone who didn’t see things his way.” She couldn’t help wondering where he was going with this. “Why are you suddenly so interested in our father’s political dealings?”

  “I’m getting to that.” He took another swallow of his drink and set the empty glass down on the table. “Tho
rnsby and his wife were killed a couple of years later.”

  “Yes. A car accident.”

  “But there was one survivor of the crash.”

  “That’s right. Their ten-year-old daughter. I believe her name is Melissa.”

  “It is. Melissa Angelica Thornsby. When her parents died, she was sent to live with relatives in the States.”

  “If you say so. Like I told you, their names weren’t spoken in our home. And I mean, never.”

  “I think I know why. And it has nothing to do with political diversity.”

  “I’m not following you.” And the curiosity of what could possibly be in the envelope was gnawing away at her patience.

  “I think their differences were more…personal in nature.”

  All this ambiguity was getting on her nerves. “Ethan, would you please just say what you have to say?”

  “Our father’s reputation as a womanizer is no secret, so it stands to reason that there could be more of us out there.”


  “Royal heirs. Illegitimate ones, like me. With Phillip’s permission I’ve been looking into it. Yesterday I was in the attic going through our father’s things and I found these.” He finally handed her the envelope.

  She opened it up and dumped the contents out on the table. It was mostly magazine articles and newspaper clippings. And it didn’t take long to determine their theme. They were all about Thornsby’s daughter, Melissa. “I don’t get it.”

  “Think about it, Sophie. Why would our father collect a bunch of articles about the daughter of his most despised rival?”

  He couldn’t possibly mean what she thought he meant. “Ethan, that’s ridiculous.”

  He picked out one of the articles that had a snapshot of Melissa. “Look at her, Sophie. The dark hair, the shape of her face.”

  She couldn’t deny there were striking similarities. “You honestly think she’s our sister?”

  “I think it’s a definite possibility.”

  If their father had an affair with the Prime Minister’s wife, that would certainly explain their ill will toward each other. And sadly, given their father’s reputation, it was not only very possible, but altogether likely.

  “And if she is family?” Sophie asked.

  “If she is, we might have a huge problem.”

  “Well, yes, more scandal that the royal family really doesn’t need.”

  “It’s worse than that.”

  “How much worse?”

  “She was born the same year as Phillip. One month before him. And as I’m sure you well know that the king’s firstborn, male or female, inherits the crown.”

  Oh, yeah, that was pretty bad.

  Sophie’s heart fisted into a knot. “So if she is our sister, then she would be the rightful leader. Not Phillip.”

  “It seems that way.”

  She couldn’t even imagine what that would do to Phillip, or what it would mean for their country. “Does Phillip know?”

  Ethan shook his head. “I wanted to talk to you first, get your take on this.”

  Her first instinct was to burn what proof Ethan had already gathered and sweep the charred remains under the nearest rug. But what if it was true and Melissa Thornsby really was their sister? Had Sophie denied Ethan as her brother, she would have lost out on what had become one of her closest and dearest relationships. How could they deny a member of their family?

  But there was so much at stake.

  “So, do we tell Phillip?” Ethan asked.

  “I think for now we should keep this quiet and not say anything to Phillip until we have some proof. There’s no reason to upset him over nothing.”

  “I’d like to talk with Charles and ask him to find out what he can about her.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. We can trust him to be discreet. We should also have him look into what can be done if she is an heir and decides she wants to question Phillip’s reign.”

  “If Phillip finds out that we went behind his back on this, he’ll be furious.”

  “When the time comes, I’ll deal with Phillip. You just worry about finding out if she’s an heir.”

  “This could be a real mess, Sophie. Especially if she harbors any ill will against the royal family.”

  Which was entirely possible. “We’ll worry about that when we know a bit more about who she is. If she is the rightful heir, with any luck she’ll have no interest in the crown.”

  She wanted to believe that, but lately, it seemed as though nothing was ever that simple.

  Pleading a headache, which, after her conversation with Ethan was the wholehearted truth, Sophie was spared dinner that night with their “guest.” Unfortunately she had no choice but to spend the entire next day with Alex, touring the science center and natural history museum. And even though this was usually her favorite part of any tour, she had so many other things on her mind that she was distracted. She found herself rushing through the exhibits. Or trying to at least. Alex seemed content to take his time. She’d seen snails in the garden move faster.

  And why did he have to stand so close all the time? It seemed he was always right there. Touching her. Not any kind of overt groping. Even he was more subtle than that. Just a brush of his arm or the bump of his shoulder. Did he have no concept of personal space?

  And if it was so awful, why did her skin break out in goose bumps every time he made contact? Why did she shiver with awareness?

  And God help her did he smell good. The familiar, ideal blend of his aftershave, shampoo and his unique scent. Every time he was close, she had to fight the urge to bury her face against his neck and breathe him in. How could she loathe someone so, yet lust after him like a hormonally challenged adolescent?

  All day he seemed intent on testing her patience, and it was working. She felt as if she were being pulled in ten different directions at once.

  By the time they reached the palace gate, she was so edgy and out of sorts that her left eye had begun to twitch. She asked the driver to please drop her at home first, and when they pulled up to her residence, she was so desperate to be free of the cloying confines of the backseat that she had to sit on her hands to keep herself from clawing the car door open, and instead waited for her bodyguard.

  “Well,” she said, turning to Alex. “It was a pleasant day. I’ll see you Thursday.”

  She was almost home free, with one foot out the door, when Alex asked, “Aren’t you going to invite me in for a drink?”

  She closed her eyes and sighed quietly. Don’t let him see you squirm.

  The most disturbing thing about his request is that she actually wanted him to come in, which was precisely why she couldn’t allow it.

  She turned to him. “Today isn’t convenient.”

  He studied her for a moment, then smiled and said, “Oh, I get it.”

  Every fiber of her being was screaming that he was baiting her. Despite that, she couldn’t stop herself from saying, “You get what?”

  “I see the way you react when I’m around. The way you look at me, the way you shudder when we touch.”

  Shudder? Shiver a little, maybe, and not every time.

  But to deny it would only give him exactly what he wanted. An argument.

  Gathering the last strands of her patience, she fixed a bored look on her face. “And your point is…?”

  “Simple. You want me, and you don’t trust yourself to be alone with me.”

  He was clever. No matter what she did now, invite him in or tell him to get lost, she would be giving Alex what he wanted. A reaction. And whether he actually believed that or was just baiting her, she had the uneasy suspicion that he might be right. She was still attracted to Alex on a deep, visceral level. If he kissed her again, against her will or not, she was afraid this time she might not stop him.

  She sat there with one foot still in the car and the other on the driveway, unsure of what to do.

  “Well,” he asked, looking more amused than impatient.
r />   “There’s no winning this one, is there?” she said. “I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t.”

  “You seem to believe that I have some evil ulterior motives, Your Highness. But has it occurred to you that maybe I’d just like a little time to get to know you? So you could maybe get to know me? I’m not a bad guy. Honestly.”

  She couldn’t decide which was worse. Men with ulterior motives she could handle. They were refreshingly predictable and easy to deconstruct. It was the sincere ones she had trouble with.

  Probably because they were such a rare anomaly.

  “We just spent two days together,” she reminded him. “How much time do you need?”

  “Maybe I’d like a little time without the bodyguard hanging on our every word.”

  There lies the problem, she mused. She needed her bodyguard around hanging on their every word. And not just to protect her from Alex. That would be too easy.

  She needed someone to protect her from herself.


  For the first time since he’d arrived, Alex saw a brief but very real flash of vulnerability in Sophie’s face. And he almost felt guilty for manipulating her.


  He hadn’t gotten this far in life by being soft. Unfortunately, neither had she. Which is why he figured a few drinks would probably take the edge off. Loosen her up a little.

  But he had the distinct feeling he was one step away from pushing too far, so he tried a different angle. The pity card. When all else failed, women could never resist a man who shared his feelings.

  “I happen to know for a fact that Phillip is away today,” he told her. “And the truth is, I don’t feel like spending the rest of the afternoon alone.”

  He could see the arrow hit its mark. Her eyes warmed and the hard edges of her expression softened almost imperceptibly.

  She considered that for a moment, then sighed quietly, and he knew he had her.

  “I had planned to take a walk on the grounds,” she finally said. “You could join me, I suppose. But then afterward I really have things to do.”

  He should have known she would suggest a compromise. That way she was giving in without actually relinquishing control.


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