Matching Dragons Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Book 6

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Matching Dragons Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Book 6 Page 2

by Rachael Slate

  Didn’t she?

  Damn, why then had her panties grown wet, her nipples puckering, begging for him to notice them?

  The way he’d looked at her… As though she were some kind of treasure. His thumb had stroked her throat, caressing her skin, while his gaze had burned through her.

  She’d never let anyone do that. See through her. Not even Melody. Twenty-four, and three years younger than Kadence, her little sister was too delicate for the harsh reality of this world. Kadence had done everything in her power to shield her.

  Except from that. The curse. Suck-ass Monkey King.

  Melody was sick because of Kadence. My fault. If she hadn’t gone out that night, hadn’t stumbled into that nightclub and had been sober enough to see through the glamor that bastard had employed…

  Well, she never would have slept with the creep. He’d never have noticed her sister in the next room the morning after, and demanded to have Melody too.


  When Kadence had told him to fuck himself instead, the Monkey King had revealed himself for what he really was—a scheming, impish prick. One who’d cursed her sister.

  Melody was dying because of Kadence’s mistake. If she didn’t save her sister…

  No, I’ll save her. Kadence fisted her hands and marched to the assistant. “Ready.” Joining the League—and failing—was the key to procuring the cure for Mel. When tracking down the Monkey King hadn’t worked, she’d stumbled onto something else—a cure that was a surefire solution, and the Immortal was going to help her get it. The problem was, Han Xiangzi was something of a loner, never leaving his magical island palace. There was only one way in—joining the Lotus League. Or rather, failing the test to join. It was common knowledge that those who failed the entry test were sent as servants to the households of the Eight Immortals. Kadence had called in a favor from a friend, and boom. Suddenly, there was an opening in Han Xiangzi’s household.

  The assistant directed her to a portal, and Kadence stepped through it, not waiting for Lok to catch up. He was an unfortunate casualty in her plans, but battling the Monkey King was war.

  The Matchmaker had likely explained that to him during their little discussion. Whether or not the woman knew what Kadence was up to didn’t matter, so long as she allowed her to carry out her plan.

  Kadence squeezed her eyes as the portal sucked her through, like a tube squeezing out toothpaste. Slipping out the other side, she pressed her palms against warm tiles and blinked.

  So this was Han Xiangzi’s hideout? Not bad for an Immortal. She tilted her head and admired the estate. Manicured lawns stretched out in front of her, an enormous trilling fountain sprinkling in the middle. Beyond that lay a columned, marble villa, stretching as far as an entire football field’s length. Nice digs. Don’t get used to them. She wasn’t sticking around, and certainly not to scrub any toilets.

  Oh hey, guess Lok would come in handy, after all. Grinning, she twisted around as another figure emerged from the portal, plunking onto the ground behind her.

  Welcome, partner.


  Lok stared at the ground, forcing his breaths to even, to not inhale her scent. His attraction to Kadence was growing worse with each second. Dragons possessed few weaknesses…and she was one of them.

  A fucking flaming pearl.

  Inside her was a treasure so great any dragon would be compelled to go batshit crazy hoarder to possess.

  He’d never encountered one inside a human, but they were rarely in their natural pearl-shaped states. Most often, he’d heard of them encapsulated within another treasure, like a crown or scepter.

  Even worse, he’d never possessed one…

  The yearning pulsed through him, causing his claws to threaten to break through his clenched fists. Lok steadied his resolve and peered up at a female strolling down the path toward them.

  He could, he would, resist Kadence.

  The only other option was death.

  “Well.” The matronly lady sneered down her nose at them. “Come with me.” He sniffed, but caught nothing extraordinary in her scent. Just a disgruntled human, then.

  Lok eyed Kadence while she trailed the woman. His shoulders tensed, anticipating another one of her antics. Would she try to run off, abandoning him here to complete their penance alone?

  If only he could stretch his wings and…

  No. He shook his head and hastened his steps to catch up. Only after he cleared his name could he risk revealing himself to his dragon kindred.

  The housekeeper led them through a gated entrance and into the grand room of the manor. A sprawling, red-carpeted staircase spanned in front of them. Two corridors connected on either side. Empty. Barren. No statues or paintings. Huh. Most immortals lived in lush comfort. Guess Han took the exception.

  “This way.” The housekeeper veered left down the corridor, all the way to the end, where she halted abruptly and swept her arm toward a wooden door on either side. “These are your rooms. You’re free to roam the estate, but do not disturb your master.” One arched brow dared them to just try. “Report to the servants’ kitchen tomorrow morning for your first assignment.” She pursed her lips and strode from view.

  Separate rooms? Unlikely. Fingering the dragon chain around his neck, Lok glared at Kadence twisting the doorknob for her chamber. He couldn’t risk her running off again, and besides, once he’d restored his place among his kin, what better way to ensure their respect than by possessing that which they all coveted?

  They’d grovel at his feet for one glimpse of her—his flaming pearl.

  Lok whipped the chain above his head and snapped the end toward Kadence’s wrist. Not fashioned of any earthly metal, the chain lengthened and secured in a manacle, unbreakable by any human tool.

  “What the—” She whirled, jerking her wrist away, but it was too late. He secured the other end around his left wrist, binding them.

  Now she would not escape him again.

  She tugged, frowning, and lifted her gaze to glower at him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Ensuring you don’t run off again.” He nodded at the chain, satisfied it would hold, and pushed through the door to her room.

  She tripped forward, pulled along by the shackle. The metal could lengthen or shorten, from about ten yards to one foot, but it would never break.

  She yanked her hand backward, but he didn’t budge, so she clawed at the metal instead. The chain was thin, less than a few millimeters in diameter, but unbreakable nonetheless.

  “Get this thing off me.” She raised fuming, violet eyes to his, her pretty lips pressed thin.


  “I’m not rooming with you.” She pointed toward the room, halting at the bed. “And I’m definitely not sharing that bed.”

  He dragged the chain in, firm despite her digging in her heels, until she stood mere inches from him. Leaning forward, he inhaled her sweet, seductive scent. “Then maybe you shouldn’t have ditched me. Now I don’t trust you.”

  Trust, no, but hunger, oh yes. After this penance was finished, he would reveal his true form to her, and Kadence would suffer the same unbearable attraction as he. Then, once he rejoined his kindred, he would set her amongst his treasures—the greatest of them all.

  She tilted her chin up, her plump pink lips parting. “Go to hell.”

  He bared his teeth. “Already been there.”

  Kadence’s throat constricted. Why, oh why, did she have to pick Lok to partner with? He was by far the worst prison roomie. Ever. This chain? Who the hell bound someone else to themselves?

  He was a bizarre jumble of contradictions and gods knew, Kadence had a penchant for choosing the wrong men.

  Like that asshole, the Monkey King.

  Well, whatever games he had in mind, she wasn’t going to fall for them. This stupid chain was way stronger than it looked, which meant it was enchanted somehow.

  Where had he gotten it and why was he using it on her?

p; Instead of answering her insults, he smirked at her, those intense depths caressing her with a dark possessiveness. This close to him, she glimpsed how his irises swirled in an inky fashion.

  Should have chosen the fox spirit to partner with.

  Well, she’d have to make the best of this situation. Despite the housekeeper’s warning, the first task on her list was to get close to the Immortal and present him with an offer he couldn’t refuse…

  How to do that with Lok tagging along?

  Why should I even care? He likes games, fine. She didn’t have to play along.

  “You can’t keep me chained to you.” Kadence poked a finger into his chest. Bad idea. Firm, ripped muscle pressed against her fingertip and sparks traveled up her arm. Jolting, she dropped her hand and struggled to grasp the details of her argument. “I have lady needs, you know.”

  Instead of blushing or clearing his throat, Lok just shrugged. “The chain lengthens.”

  Oh hell. Did nothing faze this guy? “Fine. But you’re sleeping on the floor, jackass.” Huffing, she plunked her butt on the edge of the bed and tugged off her leather boots.

  The chain stretched as Lok made for the bathroom. A second later, water trilled from the shower.

  Great, so he was in there, naked. Gloriously nude. Gah, she should have slept with someone before joining the League. Or sometime in the past couple of years. Yeah, this was one hell of a dry spell. She didn’t trust anyone that intimately anymore, not after…

  Hell. If she’d sucked it up, then she might not be so horny. Lok wasn’t that sexy. Okay, he was, but she had bigger issues than a devastatingly gorgeous, crazy-ass partner.

  Like Mel. Right. Her poor sister was suffering, hooked up to a dozen machines that wouldn’t do a damn thing to save her.

  Only I can.

  Modern medicine was no match against an ancient curse. But dragon blood was. After months of digging for information, she’d finally discovered where to find a dragon. Turned out, they were damned hard to locate.

  Now, what she had to do was—

  Lok strolled into the room. Buck naked. Only, naked was far too polite a word for this raw, unapologetic display of sex. Whatever fantasy her mind had conjured was nothing compared to the actual portrait of nude Lok. Mmm. The metal chain clinked while he swaggered into the room, glistening beads trailing down his carved abs and… she gulped. Lower. Over his impressive, unaroused shaft and down his thickly muscled thighs. Without glancing at her, he marched to the closet, opened the doors, and rummaged inside.

  His backside was as inviting a view as his front. The man’s shoulders were insanely broad, and every single muscle in his back rippled with brawn. His hair was even curlier wet, the damp locks twisting to just above his shoulders. And his butt. Wow. Kadence licked her lips, her gaze devouring that firm, rounded flesh, until a pair of jeans blocked her view.

  Hey. She glared at the fabric, but oh well. No time for ogling her cray-cray partner anyway. She had stuff to take care of.

  Lok twisted toward her, buttoning a pale blue shirt, his wrist chained. Damn, he’d successfully distracted her. “The shower is free.”

  Hmm, he’d love that, wouldn’t he. “I’m actually just going to crash.” She didn’t even try to keep the sarcasm from her voice.

  “Suit yourself.” His shrug dismissed her as he strode to the armchair and plopped down, leaning his head back.

  “That’s it?”

  Really, she’d expected more of an effort. The man had ogled her chest for long enough. The insisting on sharing a room, the chain, the naked saunter. Wasn’t that part of his seduction?

  “You should sleep.”

  To hell with him. Kadence huffed and punched her pillow into submission, then curled up on her side. Tomorrow, she’d find a way out of this freaking chain, and ditch his sorry ass on the curb.


  Lok watched Kadence sleep, restlessness tugging at him, clawing his chest. Dragons required little recovery time, so he had no use for the bed. Humans slept an awful lot, though. Kadence’s soft breaths filled his ears, the steady, moaning rhythm soothing.

  She detests me.

  The thought nagged at his brain. Although she’d been the one to abuse him, leaving him for dead in the obstacle test, her annoyance seemed deeper. Perhaps a result of the attraction he’d observed in her dilated eyes? Her lust for his body was clear…

  Yet this was not his true form. Once he cleared his name, he’d assume his formidable dragon shape once more. How would his little human view him then?

  So while he’d been tempted to sample her luscious mouth, he’d forced distance between them. He wasn’t sure whether taking Kadence would bring out his beastly nature, and he refused to risk doing so.

  Not yet.

  The sun’s rays broke through a slit in the drapes, slicing across the bed in greeting. Kadence moaned and rolled over, slapping a hand across her eyes.

  His lips quirked. She was such an oddity. Admittedly, he’d never spent much time in the presence of humans. Mostly just the females he fucked and then left, using them as a release for his body’s needs, but never forming a connection with them. Half of his exile, he’d spent in a grief-induced haze, the other half, hiding out in barren warehouses and the like, a shadow passing through the human realm.

  He hadn’t enjoyed such comfort since that morning when he’d woken to the sight of blood, his siblings dead…

  Lok jolted to his feet, the chain tugging and jerking Kadence’s hand off her face. Damn.

  She bolted into a sitting position. “What…” Her sleepy eyes focused on him. “Oh, you. Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to wake someone up like that? Ugh.” She shuffled off the bed and stormed into the bathroom.

  Lok plopped down, scrubbing his hands across his face. The flaming pearl inside Kadence was too precious to lose to a human’s flighty whims. He’d have to try harder to earn her trust. Because honestly, whisking away a human was very different from doing the same with a necklace or a chalice. If her will proved stronger than the pearl’s, he might lose her to another…

  Unacceptable. He fisted his hands while Kadence strolled from the bathroom. Her sexy fragrance teased his nostrils as she passed him, headed for the closet.

  He must have tuned out her showering, because her hair was damp, her skin glistening, and a linen towel wrapped around her chest, the fabric hugging her soft curves.

  She hummed, flipping through the hangers, and finally settled on an outfit. As she plucked the garment, she dropped her towel.

  Nude. Her pale skin was flushed a rosy pink from the heat of the shower. His greedy gaze traveled along her toned legs, landing on the fine curve of her lush ass. She stood in profile to him, her damp locks curling over her breasts and hiding everything but the smallest glimpse of one rosy peak. His palms itched, begging to cup that sexy weight, but she stepped into the grey wool dress and wiggled the tight fabric over her hips and breasts, shoving her free arm through one sleeve.


  After stepping to her discarded boots, she tugged them on, zipping them to halfway up her bare thighs.

  His cock hardened, straining against the front of his pants—an obviously thick bulge he’d be unable to conceal if she glanced in his direction. He was definitely going to have a word with the housekeeper about this uniform.

  “A little help here.” She waved her shackled wrist at him. Oh yeah. She’d need the chain removed in order to thread her arm through the other sleeve.

  Fuck. She was going to try to escape. He fought down his erection, rose, and strode to her side. The glimmer in her eyes told him he was right. If he released the chain, she’d slip right out from beneath him.

  Unless… The corner of his mouth lifted. He unclasped the chain from his wrist and snapped it around her free one, leaning in close. “Don’t get any ideas.”

  Her breath hitched. Yep. Scheming.

  The second he unchained her wrist, she bucked against him, grasping for the free lengt
h of chain.

  He let her snare it, because he’d already twisted his leg around her and, as soon as she lunged backward, he fell toward her, arms circling her head as they crashed to the floor.

  He rolled them a second before impact, his spine cracking into the tiles. She grunted, still writhing against him, straddling his hips.

  “Let me go!” Her puffing growls teased the darkness inside him, his beastly nature urging him to possess her. Now.

  Not yet. He clenched his jaw and grabbed both her wrists, tugging them to his chest. “Stop fighting. You’re not going to win.”

  He detected her little heart pounding inside her chest. Her heavy breaths fell across his skin and she pressed her full breasts against him.

  Careful to not exert more than human force, he clutched her to him and snapped the chain around his wrist once more. “We don’t have to be enemies.”

  “Oh really. Do you always chain up your friends?” Her sneer stabbed at his chest. This was not how it was supposed to be.

  A flaming pearl should adore her dragon. Even in inanimate form, the pearl possessed sentience. It desired to be owned and treasured.

  Why did Kadence not?

  “If you give me your word you won’t backstab me, I’ll gladly release you.” He softened his tone, murmuring, but silence was her answer. Yeah. She had no intention of not betraying him again, so only this option remained.

  The Matchmaker was right. In the wrong hands, Kadence would suffer. He had to protect her from that. Even if she didn’t choose him…


  It wouldn’t come to that.

  “Tell me, what are you scheming, little one?”

  “First off,” she scoffed, “I’m not your little one. Ugh. Second, I don’t need your interference. Just let me be.”

  Aha, so she did plan something. “You intended to fail the test, didn’t you.” It wasn’t a question. “Do you feel any guilt about ruining my chances?” Humans often suffered from remorse. Perhaps he could manipulate the emotion in her to coax her to his side.


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