Negotiating Skills

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Negotiating Skills Page 6

by Laurel Cremant

  “I found some ice cream in the back of your freezer and now I’m just going to keep it all for myself,” he continued as he placed the tray on her lap.

  He watched as she stared down at the tray and looked back up to scowl at him.

  “I’m not hungry,” she said.

  “Yes you are. You’re just feeling too sick to tell,” he said.

  “If you finish at least half of the soup I’ll stop pestering you,” he promised.

  That statement seemed to galvanize Veronica into motion. Victor held back another laugh as he watched her eat. He knew she thought he meant he would leave if she ate. The woman was just too damn cute. He watched her for a few more moments before turning and heading back to the kitchen.

  Once in the kitchen he began gathering the makings of an old home remedy his mother used make for him when he was young. He concentrated on the basic movements of the task to keep his mind from thinking about Veronica and her delectable body. He boiled some water in a kettle and rummaged around the kitchen cabinets. After the water was done boiling he finished making his concoction and poured the excess water into a small mug. He grabbed a clean dish towel then grabbed both mugs and headed back to the bedroom.

  When he reached the bed he placed both mugs on the night table and walked into the bathroom to search for some aspirin. Returning to the bedroom he glanced down at Veronica. Her eyes were drooping and her hand was trembling as she struggled to bring a spoonful of soup to her lips.

  “It looks like you’ve had enough,” he said.

  He leaned over and took the spoon from her hand and lifted the tray from her lap. Her eyes lifted to his in triumph.

  “Yeah, thanks for the help,” she said.

  “I’m sure you can see yourself out,” she continued with a small smile spreading across her lips.

  “Not so fast Princess,” he said smiling down at her.

  “You still need to take something for that fever.”

  “I already told you. I don’t have a fever. It’s just a cold,” she said belligerently.

  “Yeah well humor me then and take this,” he said as he handed her the aspirin and home remedy.

  He watched her face and saw as she weighed her options. Once again she seemed to decide that relenting to his request would get rid of him faster and she placed the aspirin in her mouth and raised the mug to her lips.

  “Be careful, it’s hot,” he warned.

  He watched as she sipped the hot brew and surprise light across her face.

  “This is a hot toddy,” she said looking up at him quizzically.

  “My mom always makes these for me when I’m sick,” she stated.

  “My mom used to do the same when I was young,” he said pulling a chair towards the side of the bed.

  “She used to use limoncello, but I figured some rum and lime would work out just as well,” he continued as he reached for the second mug and dish cloth.

  He poured some of the hot water on the cloth. Just enough to heat it and make it slightly damp. He reached over and flipped the comforter up to reveal her feet. Letting the cloth cool for just a few more seconds he took Veronica’s feet and wrapped them snuggly in the cloth. He heard her slight moan and looked up to see her face.

  “God that feels so good,” she moaned out.

  He grinned at her as he began to rub her feet through the warm cloth.

  “I take it back,” she said.

  “You can stay. Whatever you do, don’t stop doing that,” she said as a long sigh escaped her.

  Victor smiled and continued rubbing for a few more minutes before removing the cloth and adding more hot water. He placed the cloth down on the night table and reached for the now empty mug in Veronica’s hand.

  “Turn over,” he instructed.

  He saw her struggle with the demand for a moment before she nodded her head and rolled over to lay her stomach.

  He pulled the comforter down to expose her back then reached for the warm cloth and placed it gently on her back. He chuckled when she groaned again.

  “My nephew has a pretty weak constitution,” he explained as he began to rub her muscles through the cloth.

  “He was born premature and even though he’s nine years old now, he still doesn’t have the best immune system. We learned this trick to help relieve shivers and aching muscles a few years ago after he got a nasty flu bug,” he said.

  “He’s a good kid but very stubborn. He hates getting sick, so he pretends like he’s not hurting and that only makes it worse,” he said as he worked his hands down her back.

  “It sounds like you love him a lot,” said Veronica, her voice coming out in a soft whisper.

  Victor chuckled as he thought of his precocious nephew.

  “Yeah. His name is David and he’s probably the most amazing kid in the world,” he said.

  “His dad died a few years ago and he considers himself the man of the house. He told me the other day to start calling him Mr. David,” he said shaking his head.

  He felt Veronica’s shoulders move as she laughed softly.

  “He sounds like a handful,” she said drowsily.

  “He is, but I wouldn’t change him for anything,” he replied.

  He told her stories about his nephew as he continued to rub at her sore muscles. She asked a few more questions but after a while she drifted into silence. Eventually Victor heard her release a soft snore and smiled. She was asleep. He removed the cloth from her back, rolled her onto her back, and pulled the comforter back up to her neck before her body could tempt him into doing something stupid.

  He glanced down at his watch and wasn’t surprised to see that it was only seven in the evening. Thank God for smart phones, he thought as he left the room and settled onto Veronica’s couch. He figured he could get some work in and still be around if Veronica needed him.


  Veronica shuddered awake and for A moment thought that she was back in New York. She was freezing and it took her a moment to realize that she hadn’t woken up in a cold unheated apartment, she was sick and it felt horrible. She curled into herself shivering so hard her teeth rattled.

  Her body ached and she felt frozen to the core. She hated being sick. The helplessness of it always made her want to scream out in frustration. She burrowed further into the blankets and tried to fight back tears.

  Mother Nature was always the great equalizer thought Veronica. No matter how capable and strong you thought you were, Nature would bitch slap you with some virus, germ or otherwise generally hellacious ailment that had even the strongest person whimpering for their momma. Veronica had definitely reached that point.

  She wished she hadn’t made Victor leave. As obnoxious as he was it did suck to be sick and alone. Tears feel down her cheeks unchecked and she just hoped that sleep would envelop her again.

  “Hey, you’re awake.”

  The sound Victor’s gruff voice almost made her sob out in relief.

  “You’re still here,” she whispered.

  “Of course, I am,” he said.

  “I told you it was going to take a lot to make me leave,” he said as he leaned over her and touched his hand to her brow.

  “You’re still really hot.”

  “I don’t feel hot,” she said.

  “I feel like someone dumped a pile of ice on top of me,”

  “Well to sound completely cliché, I know how to warm you up,” he said waggling his eyebrows at her and twisting his mouth into a comical leer.

  “You’re a pervert,” she said with a small tired smile stretching her lips.

  “You can’t blame a man for trying,” he said returning her smile.

  “Like I said, pervert.”

  “Well this pervert is going to get you some more aspirin and see about turning on some heat,” he said as he turned and left the room.

  Watching him walk away a strange thought flickered through Veronica’s mind. That even an arrogant, manipulative, pervert could be the sweetest nursem

  When he returned with the aspirin, she still had a smile on her face.

  “Unfortunately, you’re a/c doesn’t have a heating option so the best I could do was to just turn it off, so at least you’re not getting a draft of cool air,” he said as he helped her sit up in the bed.

  Testing his resolve, Veronica let the blanket slip slightly to expose the upper swell of her breasts. She hid her smirk behind the mug Victor hastily handed her along with some aspirin.

  “Thanks,” she said and handed him back the mug.

  “What time is it,” she asked.

  She didn’t know how long she’d slept and she found the idea of Victor roaming around her apartment for hours a little jarring.

  “It’s just past two a.m.,” he said.

  “Are you serious,” she exclaimed.

  “I can’t believe you’ve stayed here all this time,” she said.

  Victor just shrugged his shoulders and joined her on the bed. He swung his feet up on the bed and leaned his head against the headboard. He crossed his arms across his chest and yawned loudly.

  “It’s no big deal. I got some work done, channel surfed, ate all of your rocky road and fell asleep on your couch,” he said.

  “You’re lucky I’m so weak, or you’d be maimed by now. I take my ice cream very seriously,” she said sending him a mock scowl.

  “I’ll count myself blessed then,” he said drowsily.

  He reached an arm over her shoulders and dragged her close to his chest.

  “Get some sleep, you’ll feel better in the morning,” he said as he rested his chin on top of her heard.

  Veronica heard him release another loud yawn. He felt so solid and warm she was reluctant to move. She knew she should tell him to go home and get some rest of his own, but she wanted to feel his warmth just a little while longer. After a few minutes she heard him release a muffled snore and she smiled snuggling into him more. There was no harm in letting him get a few more minutes sleep she thought as her eyes drifted closed.

  Victor drifted awake slowly, not wanting to leave the depths of the best sleep he’d had in ages. He was on the verge of falling back to sleep when his senses gradually registered the feel of soft skin beneath his palms and a warm body curled into his. He inhaled deeply and the heady scent of honey and coconut filled his senses. Veronica.

  He opened his eyes and felt a moment of complete contentment. Veronica was sleeping facing him and curled up into his chest. Her hands were fisted in his shirt and her face was relaxed in sleep with her soft lips slightly parted. The sight made him sigh in pleasure.

  He lifted a hand to her smooth face. It felt cool against his palm. Her fever had finally broken. He smiled slightly when he recalled how irritably she was yesterday. Staring down into her face Victor felt a puzzle piece fall into place. Veronica wasn’t just a woman he wanted to spend time with. She wasn’t just a woman that enticed him and filled him with lust. She wasn’t just a woman he wanted to call his. She was the woman. The woman he spent years avoiding and running from. She was the woman he would fall in love with. If he was completely honest with himself, he was already more than half way there. He already felt his heart tightening at the thought of her not wanting him.

  No wonder love drove people crazy he thought. The feelings that were rumbling through his mind and heart had driven him to desperate measures with Veronica. They were what drove him to propose his outrageous contract with Veronica.

  Looking back now he could see now it was a mistake.

  Veronica was a strong woman and contrary as hell. He should have known that the way to win her was not to back her into a corner. Her stubborn nature pretty much guaranteed him a fight. He knew she felt the same attraction he did, but as for any deeper feelings his current method of pursuit would not be able to ferret out.

  He was going to have to change tactics.

  If he wanted a real relationship with Veronica he would have to let her come to him out of her own need to be with him. He tightened his arms around Veronica and breathed in her scent one more time before slowly disentangling his body from hers. He refused to believe that his feelings were one sided.

  He walked out of the bedroom with firm resolve. He paused in Veronica’s living room and scrawled a succinct note. He returned to the bedroom and left the note on his abandoned pillow. He stared down into her sleeping face one last time before turning leave her apartment hoping with every step that he was making the right decision.


  VERONICA FOUGHT AGAINST A PRESSING SENSE of déjà vous. She was sitting in Victor’s waiting room at Nile Enterprises once again waiting for the always running late CEO to appear for a meeting. For once she wasn’t alone.

  The four VP’s of the company along with its junior group of programmers sat along with her. The group was assembled for the final presentation to the board and CLEO’s official launch. Unlike all of the other times she sat waiting for Victor, Veronica felt an odd sense of calm.

  Ever since he left his note for her last week Veronica had been waiting for the moment when she would be face him again.

  She had woken up that morning to find his brief note on her pillow. In one short note he had turned her world upside down.


  Our contract arrangement is now null and void. Consider the playing field even. Your retainer contract is still valid and expected to be maintained.


  Veronica shook her head as she recited the letter cynically in her head. With three short sentences he had thrown the ball completely in her court and she was forced to face some very annoying truths. The first truth being that she was more than a little sad to have not woken in his arms that morning. The second truth was even more difficult to admit, she didn’t just want Victor in a physical sense. She wanted him because she felt an emotional draw to him that she knew warranted more than just a brief sexual encounter. The third and worst truth was the knowledge that she had been running from that emotional draw like a big fat baby for weeks.

  She had used her rule of not mixing business with pleasure as a shield to prevent her from acknowledging her real feelings. She was even grown enough to admit that she always had. For years she had preferred casual relationships that provided physical satisfaction and basic comfort over anything deeper. She hadn’t wanted anything to interfere with her drive for success and she had to admit she had never met a man worth breaking any rules for until Victor. Unfortunately, instead of taking a chance, she had held stubbornly to the idea that her attraction was purely physical and could be tamped down. All she had to show for her stubbornness was loneliness and what felt suspiciously like a bruised heart.

  Thankfully, as her college g.p.a. could attest to, Veronica was no fool. After moping around her apartment for the better part of two days, she finally came up with what she thought was the perfect solution to her problem. She was going to get her man in the only way that gave them both the advantage. Veronica smiled to herself and looked down at the pile of presentation folios in her lap. She couldn’t wait to begin the negotiations.

  “Mr. Rossi is ready to see you all,” said Marie’s soft calm voice.

  Veronica took a deep breath and stood with the rest of the group. As she walked calmly into his office she couldn’t keep a small smile of anticipation from spreading across her face.

  Victor watched as Veronica and made her way into his office. He made brief greetings to the rest of the group but could not keep his eyes off of Veronica. She was wearing the same sexy suit she had worn several weeks ago when he had made his panty proposition to her. He drank in the sight of her. He had missed her.

  The past few days had been difficult. He reconsidered his decision to let her come to him about a million times a day. Just that morning he had woken from yet another heated dream of her and he was quickly reaching his breaking point.

  If Veronica didn’t give him any indication of softening her stance soon he would have to come up with a new gam
e plan.

  Just being in the same room with her again had his skin tightening and his dick stirring to life.

  Veronica spared him only a brief glance and a smooth “Good Morning,” before turning to the large monitor to set up in front of his conference table.

  Victor fought back a frown as he exchanged brief pleasantries with the rest of the group as they all gathered around the conference table and took their seats.

  He took his place at the head of the long table and spoke across to Veronica.

  “We’re ready when you are Ms. James. We’re all eager to see the final product.”

  “I think you’ll be more than satisfied with the end result,” she said smiling to the group at large and her eyes touching on each person and making contact.

  When her eyes met his he thought he saw them soften somewhat but she quickly glanced away.

  “We’ve incorporated all of your must have requirements and most of the items on your wish list so let’s get started,” she said.

  Victor nodded his head at her statement. She picked up a stack of presentation folios and reached over pressed the switch to dim the lights.

  The overhead lights dimmed completely and small individual reading lamps switched on the table with soft focus. Each lamp cast a small, soft light in front of each person seated at the table providing just enough light to view the papers in front of them.

  Veronica began to walk around the table placing a blue folio in front of each person seated as she passed by.

  “Along with today’s presentation, I’ve put together some metrics from the feedback we received from the pilot testing group along with suggestions for some possible expansions for the future,” she said.

  When she reached his side and placed a red folio in front of him. Victor noticed the difference from the other folios in the group. He raised his gaze and gave her a questioning look. She smiled and leaned towards him slightly.

  “I’ve included some additional in-depth analysis for you to review,” she said softly before straightening and continuing around the rest of the table.


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