Derrick's Choice (Titan Security Book 1)

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Derrick's Choice (Titan Security Book 1) Page 1

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  Copyright © 2016 by Cynthia P. O’Neill. All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: October 2016

  Formatting: Champagne Formats

  Editing: Mia Mincheff

  Cover Photo: Eric Battershell Photography

  Cover Model:David Wills

  Instagram: @cdavidwills

  Cover Designer:Randy Potvin of RP Designs

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons – living or dead – is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Song Playlist



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Jonas’s Redemption

  A Note from the Author


  About the Author

  Derrick’s Choice – Titan Security #1

  The songs can be found out on Spotify

  “Good to Be Alive” (Hallelujah) – Andy Grammar

  “Don’t Let Me Down” – The Chainsmokers, Daya

  “If I Lose Myself” – One Republic

  “When We Stand Together” = Nickelback

  “Born to Be My Baby” – Bon Jovi

  “I Need Your Love” – Calvin Harris, Elie Golding

  “Stay the Night” – Zedd, Hayley Williams

  “Safe and Sound” – Capital Cities

  “Break Free” – Ariana Grande, Zedd

  “Every BreathYou Take” – The Police

  “The Heart Wants What It Wants” – Selena Gomez

  “Close” – Nick Jonas, Tove Lo

  To my soul mate, my friend, my forever love – Craig. Without your belief in me, this writing journey wouldn’t be possible. Thank you, honey!

  To my family – a huge thanks for your patience and understanding in letting me pursue my dreams. You are all my life and I love you dearly.

  To my beta readers and editor – this one’s for you! It’s your input that makes these books great! Hugs to all of you! Mia, Lisa, Angela, Stacy, and Marisol.

  I was thankful to finally have a moment to myself to unwind. I’d been working long hours for Alexander Prescott and pulling some shifts for my dad’s company, Titan Security. I’d been training some of his new recruits which included Robin Lombardi’s brother, Jonas Forgione. He’d agreed to split his time, like me, between Prescott International and Titan. His skill set had been so varied that neither company was willing to give him up without a fight. Hopefully, he knew what he had gotten himself into.

  It felt like I was rarely ever home to sleep; I mostly slept in the rooms the Prescotts had designated for us when we were on duty at their house, which felt like always. Even still, I liked having a space to myself to call home. I just hated how empty and silent it was. I’d become accustomed to frequently hearing noise around me from work and from my time in the military, so it was difficult to find peace in silent surroundings.

  Hoping some alcohol would help me sleep, I opened the fridge to see if I had a beer inside, when the phone rang. I looked down to see my father’s name. He only called when he needed something. I knew he loved me, but sometimes he felt more like a damn drill sergeant than a father. His focus was always work, work, work.

  I sent his call to voicemail and was immediately met with a text. “Call me on a secure line. Urgent!”

  He didn’t bullshit me when he had a problem, so I dialed him back. “What’s up?”

  He took a deep breath in. “I’m sorry to bother you, son.” He paused, which meant this conversation was about to take a nosedive. “Do you remember Mr. Tennison?”

  I remembered the guy, but what I most recalled is that luscious brunette with wide hips, ample breasts, and a sprinkling of freckles across her nose, which made her rich aquamarine eyes pop when she smiled. Mr. Tennison had just finished interviewing and hiring her for an entry-level design position within his company. She had caught my interest, but I hadn’t been in any position to offer a girl anything, and I was pissed she’d just stolen my job right out from under me. Even now, I didn’t have time to find romance—only the occasional fuck. It was always work first. My mind kept wandering back to her though…

  “Well?” Dad asked—that impatient son of a bitch.

  “I remember. He’s the one in Tampa; the IT guy at Prescott International Marshall used to work for, right? The one I was supposed to have an interview with right out of service?”

  “He’s one and the same. He also helped you get your job with Prescott by calling in a favor for me. I’d promised if he ever needed anything that we’d return the support. That time’s come. I’ve already called and talked to Alexander, and, as of now, your half-brother, Rick, is acting Head of Security until your mission is done. Alexander thinks highly of you, so you’re in no danger of losing your position. He’s given you the freedom to take as much time as you need.”

  I hated when my father just took over my life as if I didn’t matter. I guess I couldn’t be too pissed…at least he was starting to acknowledge his other son. And he was right: I owed Tennison for helping me get the position I had now. “What’s he need?”

  “We’re not exactly sure. I picked you for the mission because of your weaponry design and aeronautic training. I should still be pissed that you took those courses, but right now it looks like they’ll come in handy. I need you to infiltrate his company and keep watch over him and possibly his niece.”

  I didn’t know where this was going or why, but I kept listening. “I helped give Tennison a new identity years ago when someone tried to kill him by blowing up his car. He’d been the lead on several of our missions, and, long story short, some people got pissed and took it out on him; they made verbal threats to his family as well. In order to draw attention away from them, he had to fake his own death.

  “He’s been hidden for well over twenty-five, maybe thirty years now, but recently had some attempts on his life. He’s not sure if it’s his ex-wife, a pissed off person from one of our past missions, one of his stepchildren, or someone entirely different. Money’s gone missing from his company, several of his cars and guns have been tampered with, and there’ve been a couple close attempts on his life, so it’s anyone’s guess as to what’s going on and who’s behind it.”

  I didn’t like the sound of this. I’d have to recall knowledge I hadn’t put to use in years. Thankfully, not too much had changed and I was a fast study. The idea of seeing that brunette again, pending she was still around, was appealing and already having a positive effect on my cock.

  “And?” I had to ask. “I know there’s more.”

  “His niece works for him, but she doesn’t have a clue they’re related. He’s hoping no one else
puts the connection together either. He wants you to move into her building and keep an eye out for her to make sure she’s safe. He also wants eyes on his stepchildren, who live there too.”

  I was about to argue that I didn’t want to be a fucking babysitter to some sniveling snots and a pretentious bitch, when the sound of my father’s laughter came through the phone, catching me off guard. My father rarely laughed. “He’s made a point of changing his appearance to throw off suspicion; he’s dyed his hair and grown a bit of a beard. It’s worked for a while now, but with today’s technology, and that damn facial recognition software, no one can hide anymore.”

  He took in a deep breath. “Get a good night’s sleep, son. I’ll need you to report to my office at 0800 hours, and we’ll fly into Tampa where you’ll be fully briefed by Tennison on suspects, persons of interest, and who you’re to protect. Be sure to bring your gear and as many clothes as you can pack. This will be a longer assignment than most, but your apartment will be completely furnished, and you’ll be provided a car or vehicles of your choosing and an expense account to get the job done. The quicker you can resolve things and ensure their safety, the bigger the bonus we make.”

  “Sure, Dad, no problem. See you tomorrow.”

  I ended the call and wondered when anything would be my choice. I’d had some post-traumatic stress issues coming out of the military. No one would hire me because a lot of my training was termed classified. I’d been forced to follow in my father’s footsteps, thanks to some favors he called in without my knowledge, pushing me into a military career in the covert section of the Air Force, while I’d been happy in the engineering and design section of aviation and weaponry for many years. I couldn’t be left enough alone; he had to push me into his line of work. I couldn’t be too mad, since I’d discovered a half-brother I didn’t even know existed until we ended up on the same special ops team. I dealt with missions that gave most men nightmares. Out of service, Mr. Prescott had been the only one willing to take a chance on me, and only with Bradley Tennison’s insistence, thanks to my father calling in another one of his favors. Later on I was tasked to bring on another security person I could trust with my life; I couldn’t think of anyone better than my half-brother Rick.

  I enjoyed my work with Alexander. He never judged us, and he gave us free reign with his security. We were all willing to die for his family if need be. It was a job I loved despite my father guiding me into it, but I wished, just for once, that I had the option to decide my own life, to travel my own path.

  Even now I wanted to rest, but I knew I’d end up in the workout room lifting weights and throwing punches at the bags to get out my aggression. Afterwards, I might go to The Shanty—the BDSM club Mr. Prescott and a couple of his friends own—to see if I could find a quick hookup just to relieve some tension. Anything was better than sitting around here waiting for…nothing, except being told what to do.

  I was getting too old for booty calls and definitely too old to be bossed around like my thoughts didn’t matter. I loved my father, but I felt we were a family divided on issues. When would I have a say? When would it be my decision? When would I have the chance at a family, at love? All I needed were options. All I wanted was a choice. It was time I stood up to him and took one.

  A little over a month later…

  Despite me holding the phone away from my ear, I could still hear the old man chewing me out. I can’t remember when he opted to become such an anal jerk, with a focus on money rather than doing a good job. “Are you even listening to me?”

  “Yes, sir.” I hated calling him that name. I could think of many more colorful names to call him. I snickered in my mind, but wouldn’t dare do it aloud.

  “If you can’t get this solved quickly, then I need to assign someone else to do your job. Mr. Tennison has offered a substantial bonus for a timely resolution—so get your ass in gear!” Thankfully, he hung up before I could counter his comments. I really didn’t feel like arguing with him. I was already pulling way too many hours following my current employer’s demands.

  I couldn’t help that Tennison had left for business elsewhere in the country as soon as I’d arrived. His most trusted security personnel told me I’d be meeting with him shortly and to tell no one. Until then, I was to follow the list of duties he’d left.

  My father threatened to pull me off this assignment, but I knew he was full of shit. His security detail might consist of former special force operatives from every branch of service imaginable, with emphasis on weaponry training, but I was the only person he had with knowledge on aeronautic design. No one could take over this assignment—that’s why he was desperate to pull me from Mr. Prescott and stick me on this mission. I wish, just once, he’d trust me to make my own decisions, confident I can handle things.

  My father’s threats and condescending tone had me fuming. It was late, and I was exhausted from following my target throughout the day and then bringing myself up to speed afterhours at Mr. Tennison’s company, Pterodyne Aeronautics & Weaponry Systems or Pterodyne Systems for short. Not to mention the hours he had me filling in at his BDSM club in Ybor City.

  With as much energy as I could muster, I walked toward my apartment, when I noticed a thin string on the ground in front of my door. I know what you’re probably thinking: why use a string as a method of defense against intruders? Frankly, it’s effective and no one really thinks to use the simple items as a means of alarm anymore. Most seasoned burglars can disengage an alarm system in seconds, but few look for items like string, a paperclip, or even a small piece of toothpick placed between the door and doorframe.

  I made sure my footsteps were loud as I continued walking past my door, down the hall, and around the corner, before cutting back silently. I removed my gun from inside my shoulder holster under my jacket and proceeded to open the door quickly. “I have my gun drawn, and the cops have been called.”

  I noticed a small movement of someone in my living room, but no response. “You have five seconds to identify yourself, or I’ll shoot first, ask questions later.”

  A strong voice boomed his response, “Stand down, soldier.”

  “Who are you? Answer me NOW.” I kept my gun pointed on the shadowy figure.

  “It’s me, Bradley Tennison. Stand down and close the fucking door!”

  I engaged the safety on my gun and closed the door as directed, when a light flickered on. All the blinds were drawn, and Mr. Tennison was sitting on my sofa with two bodyguards flanking him. He looked toward them, “Give us a bit, boys. I’ll text you when I’m ready to leave.”

  His men looked impressive and were built like defensive linebackers. They didn’t say a word, just grunted and left.

  Tennison leaned forward extending his arm and pointing it toward the seat in front of him. “I need a status report on everything I’ve asked you to do in my absence.”

  I shook my head, wondering why we were skipping right to me. “I’m more than happy to provide you that, sir. But might I ask where the hell have you been?” I realized my tone of voice was a bit pissed, so I raised my hands to show surrender, “I mean no disrespect, but my father’s chewing my ass out that I haven’t gotten any further on this assignment. The information hasn’t been forthcoming on your end.”

  I jerked my thumb toward the figures leaving, “And why were your men in my apartment?” I drove my fist hard into the chair in front of me, making it skid on the floor—to emphasize how pissed off I was with this crazy mission—before taking a seat across from him.

  He laughed and nodded. “I know you don’t want to hear this, Derrick, but you’re a lot like your father—never one to beat around the bush. Catch me up, and I’ll fill in the gaps for you. I assure you everything will make sense once our conversation here is done. As for my team, they wanted to ensure your place was clear of bugs.”

  I couldn’t help myself and laughed. “I could have saved your goons the trouble. I do a thorough sweep of the perimeter every night when I return home
. This place is the most secure in your building.”

  “You are definitely your father’s son. He was just as anal when he was your age. Now, what do you have for me?” His face looked worn and his shoulders slumped. Whatever the hell was going on, it was definitely wearing on him.

  “As per your request, I’ve been keeping a visual on the young lady across the way. I gained access to her apartment and placed some listening devices in areas of privacy, cameras in the main residence, and have secured a motion sensor to her door so I know when anyone enters and exits her apartment. I’ll get alerts on my phone and computer should anything suspicious happen. I’ve done the same with the gentleman and lady around the corner.”

  Why was the million-dollar question. I could guess that the young man was his stepson, but couldn’t figure out which of the ladies was his niece and which was his stepdaughter. I couldn’t complain much, especially when I realized I’d be looking after the sexy brunette I’d remembered from years ago. I was shocked to see her now sporting flaming red hair that added to her appeal. I’m surprised no one has claimed her as theirs.

  He seemed pleased by all this. But nervously asked, “Have there been any attempts to break in her place? Has anyone tried to approach her?” He pointed across the way, indicating the redhead. Our apartments were only a couple doors down from one another, and we both had corner units, which gave me the ability to see inside her place when the shades weren’t drawn.

  “Negative, sir. All activities have been accounted. She leaves every morning for work at 0730 hours. She takes her lunch every day at 1230 hours, either buying food from the cafeteria or bringing lunch with her. She returns home at exactly 1830 hours unless she has an impending deadline. She then changes and works out at the gym on property or swims for at least two hours before dinner. Bedtime is always 2300 hours. Weekends are spent in her apartment reading or out swimming or running errands. There was not much deviance to her schedule, until she showed up at your club Rapture.”


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