Whitedell Pride 1 - Jamie

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Whitedell Pride 1 - Jamie Page 7

by Lievens Catherine

  Ward noticed something was wrong and asked, “Babe? Everything okay?”

  Jamie quickly turned to look at him but it was too late. Ward had already seen Colin.

  “Is he bothering you?”

  “No. Well, not exactly. It’s more like he’s creeping me out. He was in my parking lot this morning. Keenan went to talk to him, but he was already gone by the time he made it downstairs. Now he’s here. That’s three times in two days that I’ve seen him, and I don’t like it.”

  Ward growled softly and opened the car’s door, but Jamie stopped him with a hand on his arm.

  “Don’t. It could be a coincidence, and I don’t want you to have problems. He’s not worth it.”

  “Coincidence, my ass. Three times in two days, Jamie! And why didn’t you call me when you saw him this morning?”

  “I know, but…look, if I see him again I’ll let you know immediately and you can go talk to him, okay?”

  Ward sighed, a frown marring his brow. “Fine.” He closed the door and started the car, still looking at Colin. If looks could kill, Colin wouldn’t be of this world anymore. “But if you see him again, you call me right away.”

  “I promise.”

  They drove in silence through the small town, and once they reached Jamie’s apartment Ward insisted on going up with him.

  “I’m fine! I’m just going to take a shower. You go and get take out.” Jamie tried to shush him away, without results.

  “I’ll order pizza. I’m not leaving you alone.”

  “I’m able to take care of myself, you know,” Jamie insisted.

  His mate looked at him. “I know, but do it for my peace of mind, okay?” Ward grabbed Jamie’s wrist, stopping him while they were climbing the stairs. In this position Jamie was as tall as Ward, their mouths at the same level and their eyes locked together. “My cat is extremely protective of you so soon after our mating, and he won’t allow me to leave you right now.”

  Jamie sighed. “Fine. Let’s go up, then.” It actually felt good to have someone taking care of him, and he was aware of the worry Ward was feeling. He could feel it.

  Jamie froze when he went to open the door. It wasn’t locked.

  “Could Keenan have left it open?”

  “No, he wouldn’t. We are very careful.”

  Jamie’s heart was thundering, a sick feeling churning in his stomach. Ward made him move behind him and slowly opened the door, not stepping in yet but listening. Jamie could only hear the blood pounding in his ears as Ward entered the dark apartment.

  “Stay here,” he whispered, and Jamie could only nod.

  He waited as his mate quickly went through all the rooms before coming back to him.

  “It’s empty.”

  Ward flipped the light on and Jamie gasped. The living room was destroyed, as if a tornado had passed in it. The couch was lying on its back, the cushions torn and their stuffing littering the floor. All their DVDs were open and thrown on the coffee table. Jamie could see the kitchen’s cabinets open and empty, their contents surely on the floor.

  His room was in the same condition. The mattress was half on the floor, his clothes scattered around the room. Pieces of paper littered the floor. It was clear whoever had done this was looking for something, but Jamie didn’t understand what. He could see his MP3 player peeking from under the bed and his laptop on the dresser, so he excluded a thief.

  He could hear Ward talking on the phone, probably with the police, but he didn’t care. He sank to his knees, looking at the devastation. His favorite book was lying open on the floor, now missing a few pages. Jamie felt violated. This was his home, his things, and someone had gone through them and destroyed them in the one place in which he should have been safe. He tried not to cry, really, but the tears came down anyway.

  “Come here, love,” Ward said softly, taking the book from Jamie’s hand and putting it on the bed before falling to his knees and hugging Jamie. “Everything will be okay, I promise.”

  * * * *

  Ward was furious. He could only be thankful that Jamie hadn’t been home when they had broken in. Thinking of it, they probably knew the apartment would be empty and that they would have all the time they needed to look around. Jamie hadn’t been able to tell Ward what could possibly interest whoever had broken in the house so much, and even the police hadn’t found anything useful to find out who had done it. However, Ward had a good idea about who the culprit was.

  It couldn’t be a coincidence that after Colin had talked to Jamie and apparently followed him, someone had entered his mate’s home. Ward might not have any proof, but he was still going to have a nice little chat with Colin. But first, he had to make sure Jamie would be comfortable in his suite at the mansion.

  Ward had called both Bryce and Dominic to let them know what had happened, and it didn’t surprise him to see Bryce appearing in Jamie’s apartment shortly after. The Alpha had told him that the brothers could spend the night in the pride’s mansion, and if Ward had anything to say about it, Jamie wouldn’t spend one more night alone in this house. They hadn’t talked about him moving in yet, but there was no doubt he was going to, and very, very soon.

  Right now Jamie was crushed, a sad look on his face, and Ward wanted to kill someone. He was helping his mate pack what he needed for a few nights. They would come back and began packing later.

  “What happened?”

  Keenan was at the door, looking at the destroyed living room. Bryce jumped up from where he was sitting on the floor and ran to Keenan, stopping himself just short of hugging him. Instead he put a hand on Keenan’s arm, explaining the situation.

  “Broke in? Fuck! Did they steal anything?”

  Jamie stepped out of his room. “I don’t think so, but you’ll have to check your room.”

  “Keenan, go and pack a bag, you’re both coming to stay at the mansion,” Bryce said, guiding Keenan by the elbow. Ward walked to Jamie and hugged him, his heart broken when he felt his mate hold onto him, his hands clutching his shirt in fear.

  “You’ll be safe at the mansion, honey.”

  “I don’t know…right now I feel like I won’t be safe anywhere.”

  “We have patrols twenty four hours a day and a hi-tech security system. You’ll be fine.”

  Jamie huddled in Ward’s arms, and they stayed that way until Bryce and Keenan came back. Ward saw that their clothes were crinkled and both their mouths were red, but he didn’t say anything.

  They left the brothers’ car in the parking lot and headed to the mansion. Once there, Ward helped Jamie settle in and climbed in the bed next to him, dragging him close and taking in his scent. Jamie cried until he fell asleep, and Ward had never felt so impotent and worried. He didn’t know what to do or say to make his mate feel safe again, but he guessed the only thing he really needed was time and someone to support him when he needed it.

  Jamie slowly fell asleep and Ward slid out of the bed. He needed to talk with Dominic.

  “How is he?” the Alpha asked when Ward entered his office.

  “Shaken and scared for now. He’s sleeping.”

  A knock on the door interrupted them and Bryce came in. The Alpha didn’t ask why he was here and once the cougar was sitting, Dominic turned back to Ward. “Tell me.”

  Ward explained what had happened to Dominic, but he didn’t tell the Alpha who he suspected was the culprit. He should have known better, because Dominic’s next question was,

  “Any idea about who did it? If it’s not a robbery, it must be someone who knows Jamie or Keenan.”

  He had to tell him. “I think it was Jamie’s ex. They broke up a few months ago, but two days ago he tried to convince Jamie to take him back. Since then Jamie has seen him more than once either near Jamie’s and Keenan’s house or where he works.”

  “Do you have any proof? As far as we know it could be a coincidence,” Dominic pointed out.

  Ward scrubbed his face with his palms. “No proof, or I would have told the police
. But I can’t let him hurt Jamie.”

  “We won’t let that happen. Your mate and his brother are welcome here. They can begin to move in tomorrow, and I’ll have them guarded when they’re out or at work. Why don’t you two go and have a talk with Jamie’s ex in the meantime? Don’t hurt him, but let him know that if he’s the one attempting to hurt Jamie, we won’t tolerate it.”

  Ward was relieved to know Jamie would be safe. He didn’t know what he would have done if Dominic hadn’t opened the mansion’s door to Jamie.

  “Go now, and don’t worry about Jamie. We protect what is ours, and Jamie and Keenan are part of the pride now.”

  “Thank you,” Bryce said as they headed out.

  Ward was grateful to Dominic for accepting Jamie so easily. It wasn’t a given that their mating would be accepted by the pride, especially since they were gay and Jamie was human. But then, that was the reason Ward had wanted to become part of this particular pride. He knew Dominic wouldn’t refuse anyone as long as they weren’t a danger for their pride.

  “So, where do we find Colin?” he asked Bryce. He hadn’t thought about it until now, but he didn’t know where the guy lived.

  Bryce gave him a toothy smile. “I asked Keenan if he knew where we could find him before coming to Dominic’s office. He gave me the address.”

  Ward let Bryce drive, since he knew where they were going, and they soon ended up in front of a cute little white house. It wasn’t big, but it was in a good neighborhood and it was well cared for. For whatever reason, Ward expected Colin to live in a dump, probably because he didn’t expect a guy like Colin to care for something other than himself. Of course, he might be biased. Anyway, there was a car in the driveway, indicating that the owner was home.

  Bryce broke in the back door without any problems and there was no alarm system, so the shifters quietly entered the kitchen. Everything was clean and in its right place, making the house feel like it was an open house ready to be sold or something, not a place someone actually lived.

  Ward went through the living room and a small bathroom without finding anyone, so they went up the stairs. Ward heard the shower going on his left and followed the noise, ending up in a vast bedroom dominated by a king size bed. He flinched at the sight of the bed because he couldn’t help but imagine Jamie in it, naked and writhing under Colin or sucking Colin’s cock. Growling, he wrenched his eyes away. Jamie was his now, and he would never be Colin’s or anyone else’s again.

  Bryce pointed to one side of the bathroom’s door and they took position, Ward on the left and Bryce on the right. The water in the bathroom went off and soon after Colin came out, a towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hands, drying his hair.

  Bryce was quick, grabbing Colin’s arms and bending them behind his back, wrapping one of his hands around both wrists while he covered Colin’s mouth with the other. Colin was a lot smaller than Bryce, so the cougar had no problems subduing him. Ward approached Colin’s front, a growl rising from his throat. He could see fear swimming in the smaller man’s eyes, and his leopard was roaring in approval. They needed to teach him what happened to those who put their mate in danger.

  “Do you know who I am?” Ward asked Colin, making a show of flexing his fingers. He saw a spark of recognition in Colin’s eyes before the man nodded quickly. “Bryce is going to take his hand off your mouth, but if you scream, I’ll make you regret it, okay?”

  Colin nodded again and Bryce slowly moved his hand to Colin’s back.

  “What…what do you want?”

  “I want you to stay away from Jamie. He doesn’t want you back. He’s with me now, so stop following him around. If I ever find proof you were the one who broke in and wrecked his apartment, I’ll find you again, and you won’t be happy about it,” Ward growled.

  “What? I didn’t…is Jamie alright?”

  “None of your business.”

  Colin tried to liberate his hands, but the only result he got was an angry Bryce growling in his ear. He stopped struggling immediately, his eyes huge.

  “Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about, I swear! I did try to get Jamie back, but he doesn’t want me, so I let it go! I’m not following him, and I didn’t break in his house!”

  He seemed so sincere that Ward nearly believed him, before remembering Jamie’s tears. He grabbed the smaller man around the throat, squeezing until Colin’s face started getting red.

  “I don’t want to see you again, ever. Don’t get near Jamie or his brother, or I’ll kill you. Call the cops, and I’ll kill you. Breathe in Jamie’s direction, and I’ll kill you. Understood?” That said, Ward let Colin go at the same time Bryce released him. Colin slumped down on the floor, sputtering and stroking his throat. Ward could already see the bruises forming, his fingers clearly defined on the pale skin, and he knew he had exaggerated, but he couldn’t seem to care.

  Ward went down the stairs and exited the house without looking back. Once in the car, Bryce asked, “You went a little overboard, huh?”

  Ward scrubbed his eyes. “Yeah, you’re probably right, but I can’t help it.”

  “You think he’ll stay away?”

  “He’d better if he wants to keep all his limbs.”

  * * * *

  Jamie still couldn’t believe this was happening. Not the fact that he was moving in the mansion, no. He was happy to be with Ward and to live with him, even if he was still anxious some days. He still wasn’t sure what Ward saw in him, but he’d stopped arguing over the fact that Ward did want him because he showed every day how much Jamie meant to him, and not only during sex, which was the best Jamie had ever had.

  It was the small things that touched Jamie’s heart and made him fall in love with Ward every day a bit more. Like this morning, when Ward had brought Jamie breakfast in bed even if Ward didn’t actually eat breakfast. Or a few days ago when he’d picked Jamie up from work and Jamie had found a single tulip waiting for him on his seat. Yeah, it was corny, but it warmed Jamie’s heart.

  What Jamie couldn’t believe was that Colin was responsible for the break in. Yes, it was true that Colin could be mean when he didn’t get what he wanted, pretty much like a child, but he had never been violent. Jamie couldn’t believe Colin would do this out of spite—it was something too big. However, he had no idea of who could have done it at this point. It wasn’t like Jamie had enemies. Hell, he didn’t even have friends! The only person he was really close to was his brother.

  “Still thinking about whodunit?” Keenan asked, looking up from the box he was closing.

  Jamie should have been helping him, but he couldn’t concentrate.

  “Yeah. I still think it doesn’t make sense for it to be Colin.”

  “I don’t know…it’s true that he isn’t smart enough to do something like this without leaving proof all over the place, but who else? The fact that he was half stalking you points to him, you know?”

  “Could it have something to do with you?” Jamie asked hesitantly. He didn’t want Keenan to think it was his fault. “Maybe one of your exes?”

  “But why? I never promised anything to anyone.”

  “Maybe…look, I don’t know what’s going on between you and Bryce, but it’s obvious something is going on, so maybe someone isn’t happy you crossed over?”

  “I don’t see why anyone would care.” Keenan shrugged. “It’s not like I cheated on someone or anything.”

  “You’re probably right, it’s just…I wish I knew for sure who did this. I don’t want to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life.”

  “You’re a melodramatic little thing, huh?” Keenan came over and squeezed Jamie’s shoulder. “I’m sure we’ll be fine. We’re not alone anymore, Jamie. We have a whole family backing us and Ward won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I know.” Jamie decided to think about something else, and what could be better than his brother’s love life? “So, are you finally going to tell me what you’re doing with Bryce? You’ve ne
ver hidden a relationship before.”

  Keenan blushed, surprising Jamie. His brother was never embarrassed by anything, especially not his conquests.

  “We’re…seeing each other, sort of.”

  “Sort of?”

  “Yeah. I don’t want it to become too serious, though. But it’s hard, because I really like Bryce.”

  “Why not? Is it because you’re not sure you’re gay? Are you experimenting?”

  Keenan smiled. “I’m not gay, but I’m pretty sure I’m bisexual. It’s not a problem for me, you know that. I don’t care what people think. But one day Bryce will find his mate, so I can’t afford to let things become too important.”

  Jamie could understand that, even if he wasn’t happy about it. He thought the two men were perfect for each other. “He could never find his mate,” he pointed out.

  “Sure, but still. Since he’s not my mate, he would outlive me anyway. Can you imagine falling in love with someone and watching them age and die while you’re still pretty much the same? I can’t do that.” Keenan sighed. “I think I’ll have to stop seeing him now that we’ll live in the same house—it would be too difficult to keep some distance.”

  Jamie couldn’t even think about watching his brother die. It had been something he had thought about when deciding if he wanted Ward to claim him, and he had decided that Ward was important enough for him to risk something like that, but he didn’t like to think about it.

  “Was he your first?”

  “Hey, I haven’t been a virgin for a while, you know!” They both laughed. “But yes, he was my first male lover, and I’m glad it was him.”

  “He really cares about you.” Jamie squeezed Keenan’s shoulder.


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