Finding Forever (Living Again #4)

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Finding Forever (Living Again #4) Page 26

by L. L. Collins

  “I agree. I think if we start trying now to have a baby by the time Kerri starts school that will be a natural progression for me to stop touring. I can maybe do one to two tours a year, during times she would be off of school.”

  Ellis traced Sam’s face with his fingers. “I love you so much, Sammi. All this baby talk is making me want to get started on that. Right now.” She looked at Kerri, curled up asleep behind her, then at Carly.

  “It looks like our girls found a great time to fall asleep,” Sam whispered, running her hand down his chest. “They’ve had a long day, too. They’re probably down for the count.” He instantly came to life, pulling her so she was flush with his body.

  “Let’s sneak out of the bed really quietly,” he whispered, hoping with every fiber of his being that the girls didn’t wake up. “And into the bathroom. You’ll have to be quiet. Think you can manage that?”

  Sam smacked his chest, both of them moving silently off the bed. Ellis picked up Carly and moved her towards her sister. Both of them curled into each other, their bodies heavy with sleep.

  Ellis took Sam into the luxurious bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind them. They had to be very—creative—while on the road with two young children, but they made it work. He pushed her against the door, devouring her with his mouth as they quickly undressed.

  “Another Warner baby,” he murmured, splaying his hand across her stomach. “I love you, Sammi.”

  She wrapped herself around him. “I love you, Ellis. Now let’s stop talking.”

  Three Years Later

  Devin blinked open his eyes, looking around. Where was he? It was then that he realized what had woken him up. His phone was ringing. What god-awful time was it?

  Rachel stirred as he finally got the blasted thing to shut up. He caught a whiff of her hair as she settled next to him. God, he loved that woman. He had accidentally hit ‘deny call’ in his fumble for the phone, so now he had to wait for the voicemail to see if it was something for work. He didn’t recognize the number, and for someone to call him at three in the morning, it must either be an emergency or a prank call.

  Devin was now command at his office, his buddy Andrew having retired a few years ago. He loved his job, but it wasn’t without its difficulties. One of those hardships was the time he had to spend away from his family. Sometimes they had to do some travel, working with other agencies and branches throughout Florida and Georgia. He had been in some rather frightening situations over the years. The hardest part of that was that he couldn’t go home and tell Rachel about it. Often, she would see stories on the news and just look at him knowingly out of the corner of her eye, but never ask. She knew that he couldn’t talk about most of the things he did.

  Rachel was an amazing therapist, as he always knew she would be. She had stayed home with the twins until they were two, neither of them wanting their babies to grow up in someone else’s arms. Chance and Faith were now eight years old and starting third grade. It was unreal.

  They had thought that their life was perfect, and they had everything they ever wanted. Until the ‘surprise’ that was DJ, or Devin Junior. He had come along three years ago and turned their worlds upside down. Devin would never forget the day that Rachel announced they were going to have a third child. Chance and Faith were in school and things had just ‘calmed down’ for them. They had gone away for their anniversary and it had apparently been too much fun, because they came back with a stowaway.

  But they wouldn’t change it for the world. DJ was the funniest, silliest kid. He had dark hair like his Daddy, but his Mommy’s gorgeous eyes. He kept Devin and Rachel laughing all day and night. They swore he was going to be a comedian someday.

  Chance, the oldest twin, was a good mix between Devin and Rachel’s personalities. He got along well with everyone and was generally easy going. His sister, Faith, however, was all her mom. There was no one going to mess with her brothers, and her spitfire red-headed personality got her in trouble more often than not. Every single time, Devin would turn and look at Rachel, mouthing that it was all her fault. She would laugh because she knew it was true.

  His phone beeped, making him realize he had zoned out for a while. Great. A voicemail. He opened it up to listen, hoping he didn’t have to go to work at three in the morning. His sexy wife lying next to him was too warm and inviting to have to go catch bad guys.

  “Devin, this is Warden Prescott here. I’m calling you as a courtesy because I have some information that might be important to your family. I realize the hour and I apologize. When you work all night, it’s hard to remember the rest of the world is asleep.” He rattled off his number, then hung up.

  Warden Prescott. He knew that was the new warden where Mark Stevenson was held, because after Mark (or Justin, as he had been to Rachel) had found a way to contact Rachel, there had been a huge shake down in the prison. It had been found out that the warden was crooked, as well as many of the officers there. They were allowing all sorts of underhanded, shady things to happen inside their walls, the least of which was Mark writing a letter and sending it to Rachel. Some of the rest of it was enough to make Devin’s stomach turn. Most of the staff had been replaced a few years back, and he had never heard anything else from them.

  Mark. That was a name he never, ever wanted to hear again. That and Zack Miller. Thankfully he had disappeared into thin air. Devin looked over at Rachel, wondering if he should call him back now or wait. But he knew if he laid here and tried to sleep, he never would.

  Moving carefully off the bed so he didn’t wake her, Devin walked out to the living room, stopping on the way to check on the kids, just like he always did. He hit the numbers on his phone and waited, his foot tapping the ground with nervous energy.

  “Mr. Putnam,” the Warden finally answered, after several transfers. “I’m so sorry to call you in the middle of the night. I really need to pay better attention to time. I just knew this was something you would want to know.”

  “What happened?” He swore if Mark escaped, he was taking Rachel and the kids and heading for a private island. Forever. He breathed out, closing his eyes against what he thought was coming. How would he ever tell her?

  “Mark was killed tonight.” Out of all of the things Devin thought he might say, that wasn’t one of them.


  “Yes. We don’t know for sure what happened, but from what I’m gathering so far from my cameras and my guards, Mark was put in his cell in solitary at nine o’clock. When my guards went to do rounds about midnight, they found him stabbed to death in his cell. No weapon was found.”

  Devin smiled. What did that say about him that he was happy a man was dead? Except that man had tried to kill his wife. He had raped her and tried to kill her.

  “That’s not all,” the warden continued. “His, uh, he had a body part cut off, and we haven’t found it.”

  “What? A body part? As in?”

  “Yeah,” the warden interrupted. “As in, the part he used to rape all those women.”

  “Well, isn’t that what goes around comes around,” Devin said wryly. “Warden, I hate to say it, but this is the best news I’ve had in a while. That bastard deserved everything that came to him and then some.”

  “Your wife can rest free now. You all can.”

  “Thank you,” Devin said, the vision of Mark stabbed and mutilated giving him a sick sort of satisfaction. He had gotten what he deserved for what he did to Rachel, Alana, and the other women.

  Hanging up the phone, he turned to walk back to the bed when he saw Rachel standing in the doorway. He wondered how long she had been standing there. She was wearing her night wear of choice: one of Devin’s t-shirts. He couldn’t help it, his eyes scanned her sexy legs, the shape of her body under his shirt, then up to her face. Damn, he wanted nothing more than to take advantage of the middle of the night time they had and strip her down right here. But, he had to tell her what happened.

  “Are you okay?” Rachel stepped f
orward, her concerned eyes locking onto his. “Is it work?”

  Devin took her hands. “I just got an interesting phone call. That was the warden at the prison where Mark was being held.”

  “Was? Oh god, please tell me he didn’t escape or they’re letting him go. Please, Dev.” She immediately started shaking, her body’s reaction purely visceral at thinking about coming across him again.

  “No, baby. No. It’s going to be okay. Forever.” Devin took her in his arms. “He’s dead, Rach. Someone killed him tonight.”

  She gasped. “Really? Is it bad that I’m so happy I could cry?”

  Devin caressed her back, feeling her heart rate slowing. “No. I was ecstatic about it. Still am. Whoever did it, they also cut off his…” Devin leaned back and indicated what he was talking about, and Rachel’s eyes widened.

  She stifled a giggle, her hand covering her mouth. “Wow,” she said. “I don’t know what it says about me that I’m glad he got what he deserved.”

  “It says that you’re free, Rach. We never have to worry about hearing his name again.”

  “Alana, it’s Rachel.”

  “Rachel! How are you, girl? It’s been way too long.” Alana’s accent made Rachel smile. Ever since Rachel had gone to visit Alana in Alabama all those years ago, they had become great friends. She had been to see Alana several times, once when she had been a bridesmaid in her wedding. She had gotten married five years ago to a wonderful guy named Brandon, who was a high school teacher. They were expecting their first baby any day. Alana had also been to Florida to visit them, once when baby DJ was born. They had a bond that was beyond just a regular friendship.

  “Yes, it has. Are you ready for that baby to get here yet? I want to see his or her face.”

  Alana groaned. “Like, yesterday, Rach. How are your kids?”

  As if on cue, DJ ran in, peanut butter smeared all over his face. “Mommy! Can I have juice?” Rachel held up her finger to indicate one minute. He crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his lip out.

  “You better watch it, little man,” Rachel said, giving him her mommy face. He laughed and went back to the kitchen, probably to get his brother or sister to serve him.

  “Ohhh, DJ,” Alana laughed. “Up to his regular antics, huh?”

  “Yes,” Rachel laughed. “It was the first day of school for the twins. Third grade. Just you wait. You’ll see how fast time goes.”

  “Oh my gosh! Third grade. I remember being in third grade.”

  “Me too.” Rachel sighed. She needed to tell her. “I have some news for you.”

  “Good news I hope.”

  “Actually, it is. Devin got a call last night. Mark was killed in prison.”

  Alana gasped. “Killed?”

  “Yes. Brutally, from what Devin heard. He even had his—uhh… part, cut off.”

  Alana was quiet. Then a small giggle started, then before they knew it, they were both laughing. “Are you serious? I feel deranged laughing like a nutcase right now.”

  “Me too,” Rachel continued to laugh, tears streaming down her face. Only Devin and Alana could really understand the feeling of being free from this man. Well, and the other women he had victimized, but she didn’t know any of them. “Does that make us bad people?”

  “If it does, I don’t care,” Alana answered. “He’s dead. Oh, my god. We never have to worry about seeing him again.”

  “Best part of all,” Rachel whispered, making sure the kids weren’t standing outside the room. “They can’t find it.”

  “Find what?” Alana whispered too, even though she didn’t need to.

  “His…” Both women were silent a moment as Alana processed it, then they both started laughing again. Rachel clutched her stomach, knowing that anyone that would come in the room at that moment would think she had certifiably lost her mind.

  “That’s crazy,” Kayley said, watching as Dalen and the twins ran past them, waving. “But, I’m so glad that you don’t have to deal with him ever again. He got what he deserved.”

  “Mommy!” DJ interrupted. Rachel looked at him, and he climbed into her lap, pressing a kiss on her lips. “I love you.”

  Rachel hugged DJ tight, his small hand running through her hair. “I never have to worry again.”

  DJ sat up, his big eyes looking back and forth between Kayley and Rachel. Their husbands were over by the grill, cooking up something amazing for their barbeque, and the kids were in and out of the pool.

  “Worry?” DJ’s little brow furrowed. “Why would you have to worry? You have Daddy to protect us. He’s a superhero. We never have to worry about anything. Right, Daddy?” DJ turned, waiting for Devin’s reply.

  Devin walked over to where they were sitting, his low hung board shorts making her mouth water. She would never in her life tire of seeing that body. “What was that, little man?”

  “Mommy said they didn’t have to worry,” DJ explained again. Devin’s eyes were completely on Rachel. “And I told her that we never have to worry when you’re around. You’re our superhero.”

  Devin leaned over, the scent of his cologne drifting through her nostrils. He lifted his sunglasses so he could look straight into her eyes, and just like it had for as long as she could remember, her stomach fluttered. He was all hers.

  “You got that right,” he said, his breath floating over her lips. “Nothing’s ever going to happen to any of you. They’d have to get through me first.” He kissed her, his hand traveling up and down her bare leg. DJ held onto him, wanting to play.

  The twins appeared, dripping water from the pool. Devin stood up, and the three kids wrapped themselves around their dad. His eyes still on Rachel’s, he held out his hand so she could stand. He enveloped her in his arms, and the five of them embraced, Devin’s eyes never leaving hers.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “My everything is standing right here. You and these kids.”

  Rachel wrapped her arms around the kids, fighting but failing to keep the tears away. She had so much to be thankful for. They were all living a life they loved. It wasn’t perfect, but it was perfect for them.

  Three Years Later

  “Alexis, are you ready to go, sweetheart?” Kayley stood in the kitchen, watching her daughter at the breakfast table. She looked stunning, as she always did. Her long blonde hair was straight down her back. When she turned to look at her, her blue eyes shone brightly under the light. Kayley had just started allowing her to wear a little makeup, so she was wearing powder, blush, and lip gloss.

  “In just a few minutes, Mom,” she answered, turning back to her cereal and her phone. She knew Alexis was more nervous than she let on, and was probably texting Cate like crazy to get advice. Cate, Emily’s daughter, was a year older than her, which made Kayley feel a little better to have her there.

  Today was Alexis’ first day of high school. Her baby, her first born, was in ninth grade. Kayley had never felt so old. The other kids were still sleeping, it not being time for them to be up for school just yet. Today was going to be rough. Not only did Alexis start high school today, but Benji started middle school. Excuse her, Ben, as he now made sure they called him. Benji was for ‘babies’. Cierra would start fourth grade, and Dalen second. Her babies were no longer babies. Thinking of Alexis’ first day of high school today made her think of her first day of kindergarten, all those years ago. It seemed like it was yesterday when she and Ben had taken Alexis, Benji and Cierra in tow, to her first classroom. She remembered Ben having to call her and tell her to go home and stop sitting in the parking lot. She thought he might have to do that today after she got all four kids where they needed to go. Four kids, three schools, one emotional mom.

  Ben walked into the kitchen, looking dapper as always in his black dress pants, light blue dress shirt, and tie. Even after twelve years of marriage, when he walked in a room, her heart skipped a beat. They had their share of bumps along the way, like any regular couple, but never had she questioned his love for her or their children. Th
ey worked hard at keeping their relationship a priority in their hectic lives.

  His pediatric practice was still the most sought after practice in all of Sunset Beach area. He had expanded and opened two other locations, but he still only practiced out of the original. Their therapy center had also done fabulous, and both Kayley and Rachel led the center with many therapists working for them. They now not only saw patients at their center, but also had therapists that went into the local school system and worked during the school day.

  “Good morning,” he said, dropping a kiss on her lips. He looked over at Alexis, then back to Kayley. “You going to be okay?”

  She sighed. “You know me, Ben. I have a hard time letting go.”

  “That’s why I love you so much,” Ben said, walking over to the table. “Hey, princess. You look beautiful. You all ready for your big day?”

  Alexis looked up at her dad, a smile stretching across her face. Just like always, Kayley’s heart squeezed when she saw the bond that the two of them shared.

  “I’m nervous, Daddy,” she answered. “But I’m excited, too.”

  Ben looked back at Kayley. “We can understand that feeling, can’t we, Kay?”

  Kayley sighed. “It’s hard to see you grow up, Lex. But we’re so proud of the young woman you are.” Alexis had always been a fabulous student, loving school and being a great role model. She also loved and exceled at cheerleading and dance, perfect for her spit fire personality. She just hoped the pressure of high school wouldn’t change anything about her.

  “Cate’s going to meet me at the front,” Alexis said, scooting her chair back. “So, let’s go, Mom. Bye, Dad. I love you.”

  “Have a great day, princess,” Ben said, enveloping her in his arms. “I can’t wait to hear all about it this afternoon. Do me a favor and call me when you get home from school today so I know you’re home safe.”


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