by Peter Watson
Simmel, Ernst, 151, 505
Simmel, George, 181
Simon, Théodore, 500
Simpson, George Gaylord, 371, 577
Sinclair, Upton, 231
Sinfield, Alan, 716
Sitter, W. de, 183
Sitwell, Sir Osbert, 215
Skinner, Burrhus Fred, 677, 695; Science and Human Behaviour, 494–8, 500; Verbal Behaviour, 496
Slessor, Marshal of the RAF Sir John, 365
Slim, Field Marshal William, Viscount, 365
Slipher, Vesto, 265
Sloan, John, 86
Slodki, Marcel, 161
Smit, Jan, 687
Smith, Adam: The Wealth of Nations, 650
Smith, Charlotte, 88
Smith, J. Russell: North America, 212
Smith, John Maynard, 692, 695
Smith, Roger, 3
Smith, Stevie, 423
Snezhnevsky, Andrei, 541
Snow, Sir Charles P. (later Baron), 5, 133, 256, 471, 489; The Two Cultures, 468–70
Snowden, Frank, 728
Sobell, Morton, 482
Society for Psychical Research, 157
Soddy, Frederick, 91
Solotaroff, Theodore, 511
Solow, Robert, 593n, 648–9
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 39, 541–2; The Gulag Archipelago, 482, 541–4
Sombart, Werner, 171, 244, 768
Somme, battle of the (Great War), 146
Sontag, Susan, 592; ‘Against
Interpretation’, 515; AIDS and its Metaphors, 662; Illness as Metaphor, 636, 661–2
Sony (Japanese company), 477
Sorley, Charles Hamilton, 145
Soupault, Philippe, 163
South Africa: apartheid in, 526
Soyinka, Wole, 461; Myth, Literature and the African World, 713
Spanish Civil War (1936–9), 334–7
Spearman, Charles, 149
Spectator (periodical), 469
Speer, Albert, 329
Spencer, Barbara, 652
Spencer, Herbert, 41–2, 293, 453
Spencer, Stanley, 154, 157
Spender, Stephen, 332–4
Spengler, Oswald, 39, 188, 208, 408, 410, 768; The Decline of the West, 171—3, 294, 310, 381
Spinoza, Baruch de, 99
Spiro, Eugen, 350
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, 714–15
Spock, Benjamin, 538
Stalin, Josef V., 4, 293, 329–30, 386–7, 410, 412–13, 482–3, 761; Five Year
Plan of, 316–18; repression of arts by, 322–4; and science, 473–5
Stanley, Sir Henry Morton, 49–50
Starling, E.H., 102
Steichen, Edward, 80
Stein, Gertrude, 24, 60, 126–7, 142, 165
Stein, Leo, 60–1, 165
Steinbeck, John, 297, 409
Steiner, George, 757
Steiner, Rudolf, 64
Stekel, Wilhelm, 14, 138, 142
Stella, Frank, 511
Sten, Jan, 324
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle), 422
Stent, Gunther: The Coming of the Golden Age, 755, 758, 766
Stern, W., 148
Stevens, Wallace, 347, 718
Stewart, Ian: Life’s Other Secrets, 748–9, 752
Stieglitz, Alfred, 63, 80, 288
Still, Clyfford, 510–11
Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 623–4
Stoddard, Lothrop, 390
Stonewall raid (New York, 1969), 526
Stoppard, Tom, 718
Storey, David, 464
Strachey, Lytton, 99, 159, 174–5, 297
Strauss, Johann, 12
Strauss, Richard, 30, 37, 56–7, 60, 74; Elektra, 54–5, 59, 61, 759; Salomé, 52–4, 59, 64, 759
Stravinsky, Igor: describes Schoenberg, 56; in Entartete Musik exhibition, 313; influenced by Debussy, 131, 142; music for Diaghilev ballet, 129–31; as
patron of Ciurlionis, 63; rejects
stylistic innovations, 55?; in USA, 356–7; Rénard, 199; Le Sacre du Printemps, 129–32
Stroheim, Erich von, 327
Strominger, Andrew, 744
Stromme, Stein, 744
Stumpf, Carl, 237
Sturm, Der (periodical), 300
Subaltern Studies (journal), 714–15
Sullivan, Mrs Cornelius J., 127
Sullivan, Harry Stack, 275, 277
Sullivan, Louis Henry, 80–1
Sumer, 249–51
Summers, Larry, 652
Sumner, William Graham, 41
Susskind, Leonard, 745
Sutton, Walter, 114
Swanson, Robert, 605, 616
Switzerland see Zurich
Sydney Opera House, 622
Symons, Julian, 472
Syria: university, 73
Szathmáry, Eörs see Smith, John May-nard: The Major Transitions in Evolution
Szilard, Leo, 180, 396, 398
Taft, William Howard, 111
Tafuri, Manfredo, 622
Taieb, Maurice, 612
Taine, Hippolyte, 66
Taine, Kathleen, 338
Tallents, Sir Stephen, 327
Tapiès, Anton, 414
Tarsis, Valery: Ward 7, 540
Tati, Jacques, 414, 514, 637
Tatlin, Vladimir, 164–7
Taueber, Sophie, 161
Taut, Bruno, 224
Tawney, Richard Henry, 186–7, 208, 210, 306, 384, 437; The Acquisitive Society, Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, 187
Taylor, F. B., 122
Taylor, Frederick Winslow: Principles of Scientific Management, 79, 680
Taylor, Gordon Rattray, 616
Teilhard de Chardin, Marie-Joseph-Pierre, 577–8; The Phenomenon of man, 578
Teller, Edward, 180, 396, 507–8
Temple, William, Archbishop of
Canterbury: Christianity and the Social Order, 381–2, 388
Temps modernes, Les (journal), 410–12
Tennant, Admiral Sir William, 365
Tereshkova, Valentina, 566
Terman, Lewis, 149–50
Texas Instruments, 477
Tharp, Twyla, 515
Thatcher, Margaret, 647–50
Thom, René, 748
Thomas, Keith: Religion and the Decline of Magic, 602–5
‘Thomas, Sim’, 413
Thomas, W. I., 282
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth: On Growth and Form, 749
Thompson, E. P., 465, 467; The Making of the English Working Class, 561–2
Thomson, Sir Joseph John, 21, 49, 93, 144, 183
Thorak, Josef, 312
Thrasher, Frederic: The Gang, 282
Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, 667
Thurber, James, 218
Thurow, Lester: Zero-Sum Society, 652
Tillich, Paul, 234, 305, 360, 575–6
Time magazine, 211, 217–18, 220
Times Literary Supplement, 202
Timmins, Nicholas, 384
Tinbergen, Nikolaas, 606
Tizard, Sir Henry, 365, 393, 396
Toch, Ernst, 313
Toland, Gregg, 348
Tolkien, J. R. R., 581
Tolstoy, Count Lev Nikolayevich, 234
Tomlinson, Ray, 738
Toomer, Jean, 216
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 24
Toynbee Hall, London, 186
Trenet, Charles, 409
Trilling, Lionel: Beat generation rejects, 456, 465; defence of liberalism and high culture, 452, 454, 462, 467, 600, 634, 706, 733; on fiction’s aims, 674; on Leavis-Snow two cultures debate, 469–70; on university’s role, 723; The Liberal Imagination, 452, 733
Trotsky, Leon, 86
Truffaut, François, 637, 638
Truman, Harry S., 401, 507; Doctrine, 474
Tschermak, Erich, 18
Tupolev, Andrei, 482
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich, 234
Turing, Alan, 102, 361–5, 492
Turkana, Lake, Kenya, 688
Turkey: universities,
73, 351
Turnbull, Colin, 642
Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 39
Turner, Ken, 569
Tuskegee Institute, Montgomery, Alabama, 110
Tutankhamen, 246, 248, 574
Tutuola, Amos: The Palm-Wine Drinkard, 460 291 gallery, New York, 63 2001: A Space Odyssey (film), 584
Tzara, Tristan, 161–3
Ugarit see Ras Shamra
United States of America: anti-Communism in, 434 & n; anti-Semitism in, 327, 350, 353, 435, 646; atomic research in, 506–7; black power in, 523–5; census, 655; economic planning in, 388, 390; environmental protection in, 583; European refugees in, 303–6, 350, 353–7, 435, 502; free market in, 646–7; industrial production, 589–90; New Deal in, 326, 341, 383; oil imports, 590; popular culture in, 704; poverty in, 520–1; space rockets and travel, 566–8; and teaching of literary canon, 723–5; universities in, 73–5, 78, 281, 722–3, 730–32; in World War II, 397; see also individual places and institutions
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), 356
Updike, John: Rabbit and other tides, 718–19
Ur (or Chaldea), 249–50
Urey, H. C., 684
Uruk, 249
Ussher, James, Archbishop of Armagh, 124
Utah, University of, 738
Utzon, Jörn, 621–2
Vafa, Cumrun, 744
Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 246–7
Van Allen, James, 484
Vanderbilt, Mrs Cornelius, 215
van Doren, Carl, 216
Van Gogh, Vincent, 58, 127
Van Vechten, Carl: Nigger Heaven, 216–17
Vargas Llosa, Mario: The Green House and other tides, 706–7
Varmus, Harold and Robert Weinberg: Genes and the Biology of Cancer, 661
Vassiliev, Sergei and Grigori, 330
Vatican: condemns modernism, 68; Holy Office, 66; prohibited books, 297; see also individual popes
Vatican Ecumenical Council, Second (Vatican II), 579–80
Vauxcelles, Louis, 60, 62
Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 311, 319—21, 323
Veblen, Oswald, 352
Veblen, Thorsten, 41–2
Vemork, Norway, 400
Veneziano, Gabriele, 744–5
Venus (novel), 104
Versailles, Treaty of (1919), 173–8, 273
Vertov, Dziga, 168
Vienna: aesthetics in, 29; anti-Semitism in, 94, 192, 243; child psychology in, 499; Circle, 37, 75, 235–6, 270, 306, 379; coffee houses in, 27; consequences of 1919 peace in, 180; Freud in, 12, 14; Grienstiedl Cafe, 28, 34, 56; Jung Wien group in, 28; Karl Kraus in, 192–3; preeminence in ideas, 26–8, 30–3, 36–7, 56; Ringstrasse, 26, 34–5; Secession artists, Jugendstil 35; Therapeutic nihilism in, 27
Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 15
Vietnam: US war in, 533, 536, 538, 585
Vilcabamba (Inca city), 118–19, 121
Vincennes, University of (Paris), 627
Vinci, Leonardo da, 252
Vkhutemas school, Moscow, 165
Vlaminck, Maurice de, 60, 409
Vollard, Ambroise, 62
Vries, Hugo de, 17–18, 36, 112–14, 318
Vuillard, Edouard, 59
Vulpian, Daniel, 103
Waddington, C. H.: The Scientific Attitude, 378
Wagner, Cosima, 53
Wagner, Otto, 34–5
Wagner, Richard, 56, 61, 128, 171; Tannhäuser, 45
Wagner-Jauregg, Julius von, 151–2
Wain, John, 464
Walden, Herwarth, 300
Walker, A’Lelia, 215
Walker, Alice: The Color Purple, 705
Walker, Kenneth, 147
Wall Street crash (1929), 273, 326, 340, 646
Wallace, De Witt, 211
Waller, Fats, 216
Walling, William, 108–9, 111
Walpole, Sir Robert, 231
Walter, Bruno, 158, 357
Walters, Barbara, 599
Warburg, Aby, 223, 305
Warburg Institute of Art, 223, 226, 305
Ward, Barbara, 583
Ward, Lester, 41
Warhol, Andy, 331, 510–12, 514
Warner, Sam, 87
Washington, Booker T., 109–11, 458
Washington University Medical School, St Louis, Missouri, 426
Wassermann, August, 105
Watson, James Dewey, 375, 478–81, 700
Watson, John B., 112
Watts, Harry, 328
Weatherall, Sir David, 666
Weatherall, Miles, 660
Webb, Beatrice, 188, 292–4, 383
Webb, Sidney, 187, 292–4, 306, 383; Soviet Communism (with Beatrice
Webb), 292
Webb, W. L., 544
Weber, Max, 45–8, 56, 74, 112, 173, 188, 236, 432, 440, 593; The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, 46–7
Webern, Anton von, 37, 56, 230, 313, 623
Webster, H. C., 262
Wedekind, Frank, 16, 64, 231
Wegener, Alfred, 122–3, 553
Weidenreich, Franz, 371
Weill, Kurt, 222, 231–2, 313
Weimar Republic, 173, 221–4, 226, 228, 231, 244
Weinberg, Robert, 661
Weinberg, Steven, 743; The First Three Minutes, 570–1
Weininger, Otto, 12, 32–3, 35, 59, 194, 199
Weinstock, Dr Harry, 493
Weiss, Peter: Marat/Sade, 640–1
Weizmann, Chaim, 307
Welles, Orson, 348–9
Wells, H. G., I, 48, 340, 383; War of the Worlds, 348
Wen Chung-pei, 577
Werfel, Franz, 161, 354, 357
Weschler, Lawrence, 357
Wesker, Arnold, 464
Wharton, Edith: The Age of Innocence, 209
Wheeler, John, 572
Whistler, James McNeill, 24, 35
White, E. B., 218
White, Harry Dexter, 389
White, Michael, 96
White, Tim, 613–14
Whitehead, Alfred North, 24, 58, 98, 100–2, 185, 271, 451; Principia Mathematica (with Bertrand Russell), Whitman, Walt, 726
Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt, 127
Whittle, Frank, 268–70
Whole Earth Catalogue, 595
Whyte, W. H.: Organisation Man, 438–40, 457, 584
Wickramasinghe, Chandra, 762
Wiene, Robert, 222
Wigan, 287
Wigner, Eugene, 180, 396, 507
Wilde, Oscar, 24, 39, 43; Salomé, 53
Wilder, Burt, 108
Wilder, Thornton, 409
Wilkins, A. F., 366
Wilkins, Maurice, 375, 478–81
Williams, Raymond, 235, 331, 465–8, 632, 634–5, 715–16; Culture and Society, 466
Williams, Robley, 749
Williamson, Henry, 581
Wilson, Allan, 689–90
Wilson, Edmund, 137
Wilson, Edward O., 616–18, 620, 651, 692–3, 698, 731; Consilience, 771; Sociobiology, 618
Wilson, Harold, 384
Wilson, Robert, 569–70
Wilson, Woodrow, 112, 174, 177
Winckelmann, Johann, 54–5
Winston, Brian, 739
Winter, Jay, 6; Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning, 157
Wirth, Louis: The Ghetto, 282
Wisconsin Plan, The, 383
Wissler, Clark, 212
Witten, Edward, 744–5
Wittgenstein, Ludwig: analytical philosophy, 32, 75; attends Königsberg conference, 270; and Beckett, 418; and Bertrand Russell, 99, 158–60; Dworkin cites, 644; family and career, 158–9; in World
War I, 145, 157–9, 172, 183; ideas, 160–1; and Keynes, 174; and Lacan, 626; reads Spengler, 173; Rorty on, 669–70; and therapeutic nihilism, 12; Turing meets, 363; and Vienna Circle, 37; Philosophical Investigations, 492–6; Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 145, 157, 159–60, 164, 192, 236, 492
Wittgenstein, Margarete, 158
Wolfe, Tom, 598–9, 601, 620; The Kandy-Kolored Ta
ngerine-Flake Streamline Baby, 584
Wolff, Christian, 74
Wollheim, Gert, 350
Woltmann, Ludwig, 240
Woodstock music festival (1969), 537
Woolf, Leonard, 174, 293
Woolf, Virginia, 189, 201, 210, 276, 293, 759; Jacob’s Room, 186, 193, 195, 201–2, 276; A Room of One’s Own, 276–7
Woolley, Sir Leonard, 249–50, 340
World Bank, 389
World Health Organization (WHO), 498–9
Woytinsky, W. S., 389–90
Wright, Richard, 458–9
Wright, Robert, 758–60; The Moral Animal, 751
Wright, Wilbur and Orville, 83–5
Wundt, Wilhelm, 139, 149
Yagoda, Genrikh, 321
Yale University, 75
Yan (or Yen) Fu, 178
Yao Wenyuan, 538–9
Yeats, William Butler, 23, 156, 194–7; omits Owen from Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 156
Yerkes, Robert, 149–50, 206
Yezhov, N. I., 324
Yom Kippur War (1973), 589
Young, Andrew, 525
Young, Michael: The Rise of the Meritocracy, 448–9, 698
Yung Wing, 70
Zabel, William, 446
Zadkine, Ossip, 355
Zehme, Albertine, 58–9
Zemlinsky, Alexander von, 56
Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete, 352
Zervos, Christian, 336
Zhdanov, Andrei, 320, 412, 474
Zhou Enlai, 540
Zhoukoud, Adolf, 311, 313
Ziegler, Adolf, 312
Zimbabwe, 556–7
Zimbalist, Efrem, 356
Znaniecki, Florian, 282
Zola, Emile, 24, 43, 209, 245, 327
Zuckmayer, Carl, 231
Zukor, Adolph, 87
Zurich, 161, 229
Zweig, George, 569
Zweig, Stefan, 28, 44, 228, 307, 353
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abstract art, 63–5
abstract expressionism, 510–11, 515
acetylene-based fabrics, 343
acquisitive society, 186–7, 208, 210
Addison’s disease, 103
adenine, 480
adolescence, 278–9
adrenaline, 103
advertising: emphasises prodigality, 594; and pop art, 511; and status, 446
aeronautics see flight
aesthetic experience: and corporate business, 591
aesthetics: value (cultural), 722–3; Vienna and, 29 see also canon (literary); culture affluence, 441–3, 520, 591
‘African Mind’, 527; see also Négritude
Afro-Americans see US minorities, racial