Intimate Whispers

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Intimate Whispers Page 8

by Dee Carney

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” he growled. His eyes caught hers and he swore he saw heat in them. Desire to kiss and be kissed. To be made love to. Some force compelled him to lower his mouth, his entire being wanted her compliant body beneath his. His own desire burning strong.

  With a jerk, he pulled himself away.


  Not like this. Not after her assault.

  He swallowed hard, breathing through the scent of the woman in front of him. The clean aroma driving him insane with want.

  Her lips quirked into a mischievous smile. “What’s wrong?” Besides the fact he was a fucking bastard? “Nothing.”

  “You sure? I thought you were about to…kiss me.” Guilt punched him, an uppercut to the jaw. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “Being born with a penis. It does a lot of the thinking for me, usually at the wrong time.”

  She giggled. “Oh?” Her eyes glittered dangerously. “Then what’s my excuse?” His turn. “For what?”

  In one dizzying blur of movement, Sabrina’s lips crushed his. One of them whimpered—he couldn’t tell who, nor did he care—before she lifted her hands to his shoulders. Jason stepped closer, knowing he should stop, his body screaming to keep going. Despite the agony of doing so, he let his mind win and pulled away.


  Dee Carney

  Sabrina stared up at him, her mouth swollen and moist. Her eyes wide with surprise. Dark with need. “You’re sure she’s not your girlfriend?” A breathless challenge.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” To prove a point, his mouth captured hers again. A sense of urgency drove him. A need that shattered all preconceived ideas, all notions of confusion or impropriety with this woman. If only this once, he needed her. She projected an energy, a powerful compulsion that drew him in and he’d be damned if he fought it now.

  Sabrina’s breath whooshed out of her, probably escaping from the way he squeezed her body tight against his. A warning bell in the back of his mind reminded him of her injuries, and he listened to it because while her body he would claim later, for right now, he burned for her kiss.

  She tasted of mint and like the aroma of soap drifting from her—clean. He swept his tongue into her mouth, drinking down the moan the motion urged out of her. His mouth traveled over hers, massaging, kissing, worshiping her lips.

  All of his frustration, his worry of the past few days flowed out of him in that moment. All of his concern. From the instant he recognized her vulnerability at the hospital to the times she watched him bathe her with all the tenderness he knew how to show.

  He knew her body. The soft spot on her belly that sent her into fits of laughter with the slightest touch. The elusive spot behind her knee that made her breath catch, her breasts rising in a display of wanton excitement. But her lips had been off-limits. And being so close to them, remembering the feel of them but being denied, stoked an ache deep inside.

  So he kissed her now. Poured all of himself, a growing desire into the way he held her. In the featherlight caresses. It was an awakening experience that left him reeling in shock. When had she snuck into his consciousness and soothed his fears? A powerful hunger for Sabrina coiled in his body, suppressed and simmering until now, it boiled over, wild and untamed. Ready to devour them both.

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Oh, but I want to,” she purred. “But what about you? Are you sure…”

  “I’m here because I want to be,” he said. Whatever he’d been about to say next vanished. His gaze dropped for just long enough to take in the sight of her naked breasts, the unraveled towel curled on the floor at her feet.

  So caught up in caring for her over the past few days, so focused on maintaining a sense of propriety and clinical detachment when bathing her, he’d turned off a switch that allowed him to see her as a woman. A beautiful seductress. But now, his blood simmering, the taste of her still in his mouth, it all came roaring back with a vengeance.

  What he saw now rocked him.

  “Fuck me,” he whispered. A rush of heat filled his cheeks the second the words slipped out. “I’m sorry…I didn’t…”


  Intimate Whispers

  She pressed a finger to his lips, her own mouth quirked up in smile. “Shh. If you really don’t have a girlfriend, I just might be convinced to do just that.” He kissed her fingertip. “And you?”


  “You won’t tell me about him, the one who did this to you.” His gaze traveled to a visible mark on her shoulder. “But I assume you’re in a relationship of some kind.” Her jaw tightened. “It’s not what you think.”

  “That’s the thing though, I don’t know what to think.” More hope appeared in her eyes. “He’s no one to me. No one.” Jason wrestled with that declaration. While he felt closer to her over the last few days than any woman in a very long time, this violent man stood between them, a nine-hundred pound gorilla in the room. Stealing a kiss had been a risk he’d been willing to take, but what would taking things further mean for both of them? For her physical safety, more so than his.

  “He’d give you up?”

  “All I have to do is ask.”

  “But why then—”

  “Jason? Kiss me again.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. Jason’s lips found their way instinctively to hers, sweeping over them in broad strokes that started at one side until he’d explored all the way to the other. But then he remembered the upturned nipples, the soft skin of her rounded breasts and he wanted to feast on them, taste and explore her with his mouth.

  A naked woman stood in his arms, a trip to heaven ready to be embarked upon.

  Tasting her skin, tracing an invisible path, he slid his tongue down her neck, learned the indentation above her collar. He kept his hands on her waist, his mouth the only instrument he needed. Her body arched up to him and he accepted her offering, pulling in the taut tip of her nipple. She cried out, a small sound that tugged on his testicles and spurred him to suckle harder. His cock swelled within the confines of his clothing, an impatient ache of readiness to find a home within her.

  The path to her navel, the silky curve of her belly called to him. Blind, he followed, tracing with his tongue, nipping with his teeth. He dropped to his knees, knowing the trail didn’t end. Below there, her rounded mound, covered with fine, dark curls, awaited.

  He looked up, one last chance for her to deny him, to halt this progression from friends to lovers, but there was tenderness in Sabrina’s eyes. Hazy desire in the way she looked down on him.

  Trembling thumbs rested on her pussy and opened her to him, exposed the delicate pink hidden beneath her pubic hair and swollen brown lips. Displayed the swollen nub that was the object of his intent.


  Dee Carney

  Sabrina bucked when he captured her clit in his mouth, toying her erect pearl with his tongue. Gentle flicks, bold suction, tiny scrapes of his teeth signaled a flood of moisture to seep onto her thighs and spill out for him to taste and indulge in. He kissed her pussy, his tongue pulling her fragrant juices until he drank his full. And still he licked more. She trembled violently and he knew an orgasm hovered just out of reach.

  Fingers curled tight in his hair pressed him closer, encouraged him to send her over the edge of the earth.

  Her harsh breathing in between her soft cries was almost enough to make him extend this erotic torture, but she chased the sensation, her hips swirling and rocking beneath his hands. Her body chasing his tongue. The grip in his hair tightened, her other hand joining the first and held him there and he worked her pussy. Worked her clit and he felt her tense. Scant seconds before a scream filled the air, he puckered his lips and blew.

  Sabrina’s hoarse cry sent more adrenaline-inspired surges into his heart. His pulse raced to keep up and he held her there. Coaxed her through orgasm until she floated down from her high, his name an erotic sigh on her lips. He gave her a moment to steady herself
on shaky legs, before rising and rewarding her display with a kiss.

  “Are you okay?” He chuckled. Self-satisfaction split his mouth with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

  She choked out laughter. “I’d say way more than okay.”


  The tangy taste of her lingered in his mouth and he ran his tongue over his lips, drawing in the remnants. If he had a say in the matter, she would be spending a lot of time wrapping her thighs around his head. Her taste inspired him.

  A sudden movement had Sabrina pushing him toward the bed. Backing up per her nonverbal instructions, he quirked a brow when the backs of his knees hit the bed. “Did you have something specific in mind?”

  “Oh yeah,” she murmured, hands unlooping his belt.

  They worked quickly together, discarding his clothing at a frantic pace. Despite his body’s readiness, his mind tried to maintain some semblance of control. “You’re not ready for this, Sabrina. Your back is barely healed and what was done to you… We can stop here and I’m okay.”

  “No way.” His shirt hit the floor. “I’m not as delicate as you think.” He toed off first one shoe, then the other. “You have nothing to prove to me.” She lifted her eyes. “Other than how much I want to do this with you, you’re right.” Her hands brushed against his strained erection, still trapped by his clothing, and Jason gritted his teeth. “You could get hurt.”

  “No, I won’t.” Her mouth pressed to his and he vowed to himself she wouldn’t.


  Intimate Whispers

  Cock pointing the way to heaven, he sat down hard on the bed and curled his hands into the comforter. Sabrina stood before him, an angelic smirk on her face, but the horns of the devil lending a wicked glint to her eyes.

  “I should go get some condoms from my apartment.” Already ahead of him it seemed, she shook her head. “I’ve got some here and I’m safe. I assume you are as well?”

  He gave her another smile. “Everything’s safe and in working order here.” That made her laugh. She was still smiling when she left to retrieve the condoms from a drawer.

  Returning to her previous position over him, she crawled forward, her thighs straddling his, and gripped his dick with one hand. In one efficient move, his cock was covered in latex by hands that threatened to make him lose control.

  They locked eyes when she lowered, the tip of his cock spearing her. The same lovely hazy look he’d come to desire filled her face the further down she sank.

  Watching her gave him a focal point, otherwise he’d succumb to a groan of abandon filling her body brought him.

  In the pale light of the room, he marveled at the way her body glowed next to his.

  And for the first time, he had some idea of what Teddy always saw in people. The way he delved past the superficial and found the heart of a soul. In Sabrina, he saw it. Not a black woman. Not a woman emotionally damaged. But a soul. With brave valor, the essence of a warrior that went down through to the heart of her.

  She rocked over him, her hips moving slowly at first. This was lovemaking, no matter how he wanted to name it. The frequent touches of her hand to his face. The slow press of his lips to her neck and breasts. The way their eyes met and spoke to each other, without a word passing through their mouths.

  Sweat trickled down his sides, a sheen of it also covering her skin. In the base of her throat, she made these incredibly erotic sounds that pulled at his testicles, calling for him to spill inside of her, but he held himself back. Watched the way she gave herself over and over again to orgasm, those wringing pulses of her pussy that urged him to come with her.

  Gently, tenderly he pushed into her, helping keep a lovely rhythm. He would have been satisfied with this simple union of their bodies, of watching her tremble and shudder in his arms, but he had more of himself to give. The essence of himself, the tightening in the base of his cock that he would let flow after she lay spent and satisfied in his arms. The moment her heart opened to him, he would find sweet release in her womb.

  “Sabrina,” he whispered, his mouth brushing against the fleshy part of her neck. It was sweet agony to push into her so slowly, careful of her wounds.

  “God, yes,” she moaned.


  Dee Carney

  “Trust me with your secrets, baby.” There was so much more to this woman than what she allowed him to see. If they were to move forward together, she had to let him in. The voices. The rape that was not rape. He had to know more.

  Her eyes filled with tears and she blinked them back. He expected them to spill down the sides of her face when she closed her eyes. None fell. “Jason, no.”

  “Trust me.” He kissed her again and again. Sipped at her skin, drank down her moans. His thrusts grew urgent, a spiraling sensation of impending loss of control filling him and refusing to let go. He tightened his fragile rein, but he had to have it.

  This one thing he needed from her. “Trust me. I’ll keep them for you.”

  “I can’t,” she complained.

  He pushed back the hair hiding her face before kissing her chin. As calm as ever, he tried to make her understand. “I promise, you can.” Tremors racked her body and he gave her himself. Offered her calm in a storm.

  Comfort against a decision she didn’t want to wrestle. He couldn’t imagine a secret so offensive, so heartrending that she insisted on separating him from it. So he showed her that it didn’t matter. Whatever it was, they would work through together, but she had to let him in.

  She arched, then shuddered, another hoarse cry ripping from deep within her. So responsive his lover, he almost tumbled after her into orgasm’s embrace. Instead, Jason fought her body’s insistent pull and rode the crest of yet another wave. That made five, maybe six times already?

  He lowered his torso against the bed, the better to luxuriate in watching her lips part as she panted. Her body shone with perspiration, the rise and fall of her breasts a feast for his eyes. Heat ripped through his cock, her silken sheath milking him until he thought he would lose himself inside her. The very soul of him released through where they were joined.

  Sabrina’s hips rocked and he watched her, a sinuous dancer who’d mastered her art. “You are beautiful,” he murmured, for she was. Always her eyes captivated him, but looking upon her now, her graceful movement and flawless body amazed him.

  “And one day you’ll trust me…” Her face clouded with uneasiness and he hurried to soothe it away. “You’ll open up to me and be impossibly, wonderfully more beautiful to me then than you are right now.”

  Her eyes darkened with mystery and he hoped he touched something within her.

  Gave her something to ponder and maybe accept.

  But as his balls tightened, a sure signal of the inevitable expulsion of his seed, she cupped her breasts and looked down on him. She smiled such a sweet smile and sighed such an erotic sound, he wondered if he’d just lied.

  With the first pulse of his cum, a shock wave that lifted his hips and drove his cock deeper into her, his hazy mind didn’t believe for a moment that Sabrina’s beauty, as she writhed above him, could ever, ever be outdone.


  Intimate Whispers

  * * * * *

  Is it truly possible she’d forgotten this? It didn’t seem possible. Yet she must have for she clung to the intimate togetherness, the sleepy after-sex pillow-talk with a desperation that surprised even herself.

  Jason lay on top of her, his torso wedged between her thighs, his head resting on her belly. He always remained mindful of her back despite how she moved with relative ease now. Only sudden jerks had the power to rip a gasp from her. With good reason, she kept those to a minimum.

  She stroked his hair as he talked. “Tell me more,” he murmured, his lips caressing her skin. It turned her on, just like almost everything else he’d done in the past two days. Two amazing days.

  “More about what?”

  He lifted his head. “About you. About your life.

  “And what more should I tell you? I’ve gone through my childhood, my hobbies, my job.” She’d told him about her favorite books, movies and songs. She told him about the modest trust fund, which allowed her the freedom to take on website design projects at her whim. He knew everything about her undergraduate schooling, and her original goal of being a teacher until the voices took that option away.

  “I want to know everything.” The sweeps across her belly grew more amorous.

  “Everything, huh?” Despite the hint of amusement in her tone, her heart filled with dread. Of course, she couldn’t tell him everything. Everything was too dark. Too depressing. Too filled with Him. She couldn’t tell him she took the Pill religiously, terrified His semen was viable. She had no idea how to explain in a few days, she would need time to herself—time devoted to Him. Time when she’d probably pay, once again, for daring to be with Jason.

  One day perhaps she’d tell him everything, but not now. Not so early in a relationship still trying out shaky legs.

  A relationship. How she loved the sound of that.

  “Why don’t you tell me more about Thad, instead?” she suggested. “I never did get what the message he sent you meant.”

  A heaviness settled over Jason, the change by no means subtle. She hated broaching the subject with him, but she had to know. If she reached out to Thad later, Jason needed to arm her.

  Her hand continued its gentle rifle through his hair. Soothing maybe a little of the heartbreak.

  “When we were kids, we fought like cats and dogs. I mean, just nasty stuff.” He raised himself on his arms, supporting the weight of his head on balled-up fists. “How we made it past the age of ten I’ll never know. Goes to show God really does watch out for children and puppies.” He paused when she laughed. Her mother often said the 57

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  same. “Beyond the fist fights, if I wanted to get his goat, I mean to the point he went ballistic, I’d call him the pet name my mother gave him.”


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