Reviving Zeke

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Reviving Zeke Page 14

by Becca Jameson

  She climbed up his body, straddling him, her warm sex lining up with him, rubbing against him as she set her hands on his chest. When he managed to focus on her face and reach for her biceps, she was flushed. “Did I do it right?” she teased.

  “How would I know?”

  She lifted a hand and swatted playfully at his shoulder.

  For several moments, he stared at her, taking in her beauty. He loved the way her breasts bounced in front of him. Her pink cheeks. Her swollen lips. The glaze covering her eyes. Finally, he had the energy to grab her waist, and he did so, flipping her onto her back in a fluid motion that put him on top and left her gasping.

  Her eyes widened and she squirmed beneath him as he shoved her knees apart with his and situated himself between them. “My turn.”

  “We weren’t taking turns,” she pointed out. “I had the urge to do that, so I did it. Reciprocity wasn’t expected.”

  He shot her a grin. “Even better.” His gaze roamed down her body next, taking in her stiff nipples and the goose bumps that rose on her breasts making her shudder. She might not have anticipated him going down on her, but she was excited by the prospect.

  He was too. Another first. His ex had never shown any interest in anything but quick, missionary-style sex. In retrospect, she had only done even that much out of some sense of obligation to a man she barely tolerated and only married for money.

  The woman beneath him now made his blood pump. He’d never imagined anything like this happening for him. Michelle was so into him. Really and truly into him. She was not faking, which as the only sex he’d ever known. He’d never wanted anything more in his life. He bent forward to suck her stiff nipple between his lips first. She arched her chest on a moan, her hands going to his forearms.

  When he switched to her other breast, she squirmed again. “Zeke…”

  He suckled the tip for a minute and then kissed a path down to her belly, situating himself between her legs. When he inhaled her arousal, he closed his eyes, memorizing her enticing scent.

  She wiggled some more, so he grabbed her thighs and held them wider, pressing them against the mattress. “Talk to me while I taste you, baby,” he said, lifting his gaze to hers. “I won’t know what you like if you don’t speak.”

  She was panting as she repeated his words. “I’m so aroused, it’s like you said. As long as you don’t use your teeth, I’m going to come really fast.” She licked her lips. “Actually, you can probably even use your teeth, but don’t draw blood.”

  He held his breath at those words, unable to think of anything hotter than grazing his teeth along her clit. Last night she had come from minimal attention to that swollen little bundle of nerves. He had every confidence he could do the same only better tonight with his mouth.

  Without warning, he lowered his lips to her clit and flicked his tongue over the pink nub.

  She moaned, trying to squirm away from the contact.

  He held her tightly, though, and closed the distance so he could suck her clit and the surrounding area into his mouth.

  “Jesus.” Her hands landed on his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin.

  He didn’t care. In fact, he loved her reaction. Emboldened, he lowered his mouth to thrust his tongue into her tight heat. Arousal coated her entire sex. Intoxicating. The reaction to the invasion of his tongue hadn’t been as violent as what he’d done to her clit, so he kissed his way back to the bundle of nerves and proceeded to suck, flick, and tease her.

  She writhed beneath him, panting heavily, pushing or pulling on his shoulders. He had no idea which. She probably didn’t know either.


  He loved the way she moaned around his name. Already he recognized the tone of her voice that indicated she was close. When he flattened his tongue against her clit and lathed it slowly with as much pressure as he could apply, she cried out.

  He felt her orgasm against his lips and tongue, the pulsing of her sex as she came. Her legs shook, and when the pulses subsided, she shivered.

  He kissed her sex one last time and climbed up her body to hover over her. “Sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Thank you.”

  Her eyes were closed, but she giggled in a deep voice. “Feel free to do it any time, if it pleases you that much.”

  He wiped her arousal from his lips with the back of his hand and then nuzzled her neck as he slid to one side to line his body up with hers. “I guess I did okay?” he teased.

  “How would I know?” she responded, that giggle vibrating through them both again.

  It warmed his heart that they shared so many firsts together. He seriously doubted most people managed to enjoy sex as much as the two of them did with so little experience between them. He’d expected them to fumble around until they got it right, but that was not what was happening. Every single touch was right. Perfect. Beyond expectation.

  She ran her hand up and down his arm. “Do you wonder if our entire relationship is based on sex?” she whispered.

  He lifted his head to meet her gaze, frowning. “I hope not.”

  She shrugged, glancing away. “I’m just pondering.”

  “I can understand that, but I look at it this way, any two people can have sex and get off, but I would think a deeper connection has to exist to enjoy it as much as we have with each other.”

  God, he hoped he was right. If this was an anomaly simply because they were under a great deal of stress and living in tight quarters with very few options, he would be extremely disappointed.

  He’d never had a connection like this with a woman in his life. It was beyond his dreams. But she had a point. Perhaps they were both desperate enough for human contact that they couldn’t see things through normal eyes.

  Chapter 12

  Two days later when Michelle slid onto a chair in the cafeteria with her breakfast tray, she was exhausted. Spending her nights wrapped around Zeke was amazing, but the lack of sleep was taking its toll on her. Him too.

  He took the seat next to her with the usual gang of friends and coworkers, but his shoulders were drooping, and he didn’t move to pick up his fork for several moments, finally doing so with a deep breath.

  Yeah, they needed to slow down. They also hadn’t exchanged much in the way of conversation. They were living on borrowed time, never certain if one of them would get transferred. It was as if they’d silently chosen to seize the day when it came to their incredible sexual chemistry, and put off worrying about tomorrow.

  Half of her simply didn’t care if their relationship was based on sex. It felt good. They were in agreement on that. It made the days go by faster and the nights more bearable. She hadn’t realized she’d been so lonely until she started sharing a bed with Zeke.

  When she lifted her face, she found Emily smirking at her. “Some people aren’t getting enough sleep.”

  The same look was pasted on everyone’s face, making Michelle flush. Even though this small group of close friends knew that Michelle and Zeke had hooked up, for lack of a better term, Michelle didn’t think most of the bunker was privy to the change in relationship status.

  Neither of them flaunted their attraction in front of anyone else. They didn’t touch each other during the day beyond the casual bump of hands or thighs. They were too busy. Everyone was busy. The days were filled with everyone rushing around trying to tie up loose ends as a sense of urgency took over in the lab. It was clear that Temple was going to split them up soon, though the only mentions of it were in hushed whispers.

  Suddenly, an ominous air filled the space when Temple stepped up to the end of the table and leaned forward, setting her hands on the surface. “I need all of you in the conference room in five.” She shoved off the table and hurried away without waiting for a response. Two other tables were occupied and she stopped at them also.

  Michelle didn’t like the vibe at all.

  Zeke’s hand landed on her thigh again, another gentle squeeze. Reassuring her or himself. It didn’t matter.

  She’d lost her appetite and rose with everyone else to dump her tray and head for the conference room.

  It was crowded when they got there. Tushar was standing at the far end of the room, Trish next to him. Temple had joined them, but she was leaning against the back wall. It seemed that Tushar would be conducting this meeting.

  Michelle squeezed in along the far wall with Zeke at her side, the rest of their friends also finding places to stand. The bunker wasn’t constructed with the thought of ever having giant meetings. The only room that could have accommodated this group was the cafeteria, and Michelle wondered why they hadn’t used the larger room.

  Zeke set a hand on her lower back and leaned in to whisper in her ear, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “You and me both.”

  When Tushar cleared his throat, the uneasy whispering came to a halt. Someone also shut the door. “Sorry about the disruption, but we have a problem.” He took a deep breath and continued. “It came to our attention this morning that a bunch of classified information is spreading around outside.”

  Several people gasped.

  Zeke grabbed Michelle’s hand and held it. They hadn’t discussed how they wanted to handle their relationship in public yet, or even how to define it, but she was glad he lent her his strength, and there was no way anyone would notice the gesture in the crowded room.

  She wondered how many of the people working in the bunker were privy to the fact that a woman was undercover outside.

  Tushar continued, “There’s almost assuredly a mole inside this bunker. Perhaps this room. We called all of you in first because you’re all members of either the first or the second team of scientists and doctors. We’ll address the rest of the staff next. I can’t possibly express how serious this issue is.

  “Lives are at stake. Our own. Our families. Our friends. I’m saddened to have to call this meeting. I had hoped the source of the leak might have come from someone outside, but that doesn’t seem likely anymore.” He glanced around the room, sadness filling his eyes.

  Michelle licked her dry lips and held on tight to Zeke’s hand. At least she knew he couldn’t be the leak. He hadn’t been reanimated when things started going haywire. Besides, why would a member of his own team try to sabotage the project?

  Temple stepped toward Tushar. “I’ll be calling all of you into my office today, a few at a time. Until we get to the bottom of this, please be diligent about keeping confidential information to yourselves. Anything that doesn’t apply to someone else, doesn’t need to be said out loud.”

  Everyone nodded.

  “Thank you.” Temple left the room, and everyone else slowly filed out after her.

  It was almost lunchtime when Zeke felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find Michelle looking down at him. “Temple wants to see you and me.” She looked tired. Nervous. Stressed.

  He set his hand on top of hers and then released her as he stood to follow her. He didn’t say a word as they made their way down the hallway toward Temple’s office, but everyone in the lab and any other room along the way lifted their gaze. The tension in the bunker was palpable.

  It’s like they were each getting called into the principal’s office and would continue until one of them ratted out the kid who narced.

  “Shut the door,” Temple stated as they came inside.

  Zeke did as she asked and took a seat next to Michelle, across from Temple.

  Temple sighed, leaning back in her chair. “I’m exhausted, and I don’t know a damn thing more than I did at eight this morning.”

  Zeke nodded.

  “I can’t imagine either of you being involved, of course, but I had to call you both in to be fair to the entire staff.”

  Michelle glanced at Zeke. “Well, it can’t be Zeke. He wasn’t here when things started.”

  “That’s what I keep telling myself, but frankly at this point I don’t trust anyone. It’s possible more than one person is in on the ruse and any member of the first team could have been recruited.”

  Michelle gasped. “Lord, that’s preposterous.”

  Temple lifted a brow. “If you run down the list of the new team, can you come up with anyone who would be sabotaging this project?”

  Michelle flinched. “Of course not.”

  “I rest my case. Unless it’s a member of the support staff who’s digging around finding information, I don’t know where to start.”

  “There are significantly more people helping out in the cafeteria and with the cleaning and at the gate now. But weren’t they well vetted before they had clearance?” Zeke asked. It was impossible to imagine anyone inside that bunker who was there for any capacity to be sharing information with the outside. And yet someone was.

  “They were. The amount of background checks and paperwork our employees go through is significant.” She sighed. “I’m out of ideas.”

  “Could it be a hacker? Someone from outside?” Michelle asked.

  Temple shook her head. “I’ve thought of that. It’s possible, but some of the information being leaked isn’t anywhere on our computer system.” She inhaled deeply. “And, I need to tell you something else.” She glanced at Zeke. “We’re going to move quite a few people to other facilities next week. Since you’ve decided to stay on with Project DEEP, I’m hoping you’re caught up enough to transfer. I need an immunologist in another location.”

  Zeke’s breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t move. After a few too many seconds, he spoke, his voice wobbly. “Where, exactly, is this other bunker?”

  “It’s classified.”

  Michelle’s hands were shaking in her lap, and she wiped them on her thighs, her back straightening as he watched her out of the corner of his eye. “Are there people preserved in this other bunker?”

  Temple shook her head. “I can’t tell you that either. The details at other locations are as classified as the ones here.”

  Zeke wanted to reach out and set a calming hand on Michelle’s shoulder, but he didn’t dare. Obviously, Temple had no idea the two of them had developed a personal relationship. It also didn’t seem prudent to tell her. It shouldn’t be taken into consideration with regard to their jobs for the government anyway.

  He did, however, realize it was improbable that many other government employees were preserved elsewhere since their families would have come out of the woodwork demanding answers in recent months.

  It hadn’t taken long for someone from every family of the preserved to contact the government inquiring about their loved one after word spread that Emily and then Tushar and Trish had been reanimated.

  Zeke’s own parents had been growing increasingly frustrated lately that he didn’t have permission to leave the bunker, nor were ordinary visitors permitted on the premises. Honestly, he might have pushed Temple harder to arrange something if he weren’t concerned about bringing danger to his own parents’ doorstep.

  So, he put them off with half-truths and made do with FaceTime and phone calls. At least with today’s technology it was easy to see them and vice versa.

  Were there other families scattered around the country wondering about sons and daughters who might be preserved in other bunkers?

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to assume that if Damon had already been told he would be transferred, there was likely at least one person preserved elsewhere. Which meant what? Did their families think they were dead instead of preserved?

  Temple spoke again. “I can tell you that the two reanimation chambers that are no longer needed at this facility will be moved later today. We don’t need them here, and we do need the space.” She glanced down and tidied up a stack of paper on her desk.

  In other words, yes, there most certainly were at least two people in need of the chambers somewhere else, most likely the same location where Damon was being sent. Zeke had to wonder if he also was being sent to the same location.

  He pinched the bridge of his nose with two fingers.

civilian spouses will no longer be permitted inside this facility. Elena Custodio is going to have to leave,” Temple added.

  Michelle shook her head. “Come on, that’s too much. I don’t believe for a minute Elena is a threat to anyone. She’s just a woman in love with her husband. She was in love with him before he got sick too.”

  “It’s too risky. And I’m not the one calling the shots. The orders are coming from higher up.”

  Zeke cringed. He’d spoken to Elena. Not a chance in hell the woman was sharing secrets. She was consumed with her husband. She would never risk reconnecting with him for anything.

  “I’m sorry. It’s going to be a little chaotic around here while we go through these changes. Everyone is understandably on edge. It would help if both of you try to keep people calm. Don’t let hysteria take over. It’s not necessary. No one should be sharing information or their own personal orders.” She closed her eyes. “Please, both of you, just let me know if anything seems out of the ordinary.”

  “Of course,” Zeke responded, wanting to get out of this office that suddenly seemed to be suffocating him. He set his hands on the arms of his chair. “We’ll let you get back to it.”

  Temple stood. “Thanks for coming in,” she said as if nothing earthshaking had just happened.

  “Any time,” Michelle whispered as she followed Zeke to the door. She stayed on his heels as they walked down the hall, not uttering a word.

  He paused at the entrance to the lab, wondering if she might like to go somewhere else and talk, but she walked right by him without meeting his gaze. Her hands were shaking—no, her entire body was shaking. And she lifted her fingers to wipe her brow as if she were also sweating.

  He decided the best thing to do would be to let her be, since she didn’t seem interested in facing him at the moment. Instead, he went back to his desk and tried to concentrate on the research he was working on. Myasthenia Gravis was a top priority for reasons he couldn’t fathom. He’d done some research to find that indeed there had been an escalation in incidences of Myasthenia Gravis in the last decade, but the same could be said of about a dozen other diseases and viruses too.


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