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Note: The King James Bible has, in places, been abbreviated to KJB.
Abbot, George, Archbishop of
Canterbury: appearance
attacks ‘Americans’
attempts to convert Garnet
and Book of Jonah
brutality eloquence
guide to the world and
James I prose style
upbringing and career
Abbot, Robert
Aglionby, Johm
Allen, Ward
America: Abbot criticises
choice of Bibles innative
peoples Puritans in
speeches in, see also
Pilgrim Fathers
Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of
Winchester: appearance
background and career
and ceremony chapel
Christmas sermons
death, as director
of Company of Translators
and financing
of translation of KJB and
Gunpowder Plot and
Hampton Court Conference
and John Bois
and Lady Essex divorce case
personality and principles
prayers and Separatists
and Society of Antiquaries
Andrewes, Nicholas
Andrewes, Roger
Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I
Antiquity: attraction of
Aston, Sir Roger
Aubrey, John
Augustine, St
Authority: divine in Elizabethan
England, in Jacobean
England, on
language royal
Bacon, Francis, Viscount St Albans
Bancroft, Richard, Archbishop of
Canterbury: and Cambridge
Presbyterianism draws up
Church rules at Hampton
Court Conference
hostility to Puritans and
and Lancelot
Bancroft, Richard
Andrewes, letter of instruction
to Translators
succeeds Whitgift as Archbishop
supports translation of KJB
Baptism, adult
Barker, Robert
Barlow, William
Baroque: elements in KJB
Barrow, Henry
Beauty: in Jacobean England
Bedwell, William
Bellarmine, Cardinal Roberto
Beza, Theodore
Bible: of Reformation
translations compared, as
word of God see also
Bishops’ Bible; Geneva Bible
Tyndale, William
Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of
Bin Laden, Osama
Bing, Andrew
Bishops: in conflict with Puritans
and Hampton
Court Conference
Bishops’ Bible
annotated copy
Blackness: as vice, see also
Bodleian Library, Oxford
Boel, Cornnelius
Bois, John: background and character
children’s deaths
death, education
lifestyle, and money
notes on revising
committee and
Savile, translates
Chrysostom, as Translator of
KJB, virtues
Bois, Mirabel
Bois, William
Bonnest, Arthur
Book of Common Prayer
Boston (Lincolnshire)
Bothwell, James Hepburn th Earl
Bound, Nicholas
Bowing: to name of Jesus
Boxworth (Cambridgeshire)
Bradford, William
Bradlaugh, Charles
Brahe, Tycho
Branthwaite, William
Brett, Richard
Brewster, William
Britain’s Burse (Strand, London)
Broughton, Hugh
Browne, Thomas
Bruen, John
Bruno, Giordano
Bucer, Martin
Buchanan, George
Buckeridge, John, Bishop of
Rochester and Ely
Buckingham, George Villiers, Ist
Duke of
Bunyan, John
Burghley, Thomas Cecil, 2nd Baron
Burghley, William Cecil, Ist Baron
Burleigh, Francis
Calvin, John
The Institutes of Christian Religion
m and the Geneva
Bible see also
Carew, George, Baron
Carey, Sir Robert
Catholics see English Catholics;
Roman Catholicism
Cecil, Robert ( later Ist Earl of
Salisbury): and Britain’s Burse
and Carey and
Gunpowder Plot and
Hampton Court Conference
and Hatfield House
interest in
numerology, Jonson writes
masque for, London garden
as Lord Treasurer and
love, peerage promotes
Andrewes, rivalry with Raleigh
and Savile
Secretaryship, serves James I
Spanish pension, and
see also Symbolism
Chaderton, Laurence
and Hampton Court
Charles I, King
Child mortality
Christian IV, King of Denmark and
Chrysostom, St John
Church: government, internal
conflicts and state
Civil War (English)
Civility: in Jacobean England
Clapham, Henoch
Clarke, Richard
Class (social), see also Social order
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Commentary (Biblical)
Company: concept of
Conflict: between word and
ceremony, within
Continuity: of translation
Cosin, John, Bishop of Durham
Cotgrave, Randle: French-English
Coverdale, Miles: Bible translation
Cranmer, Thomas
Cromwell, Sir Oliver
Cross, the see also
Cuffe, Henry
Culture: in Jacobean England
Cumberland, George Clifford, 3rd
Earl of
Custodis, Hieronimo
Dakins, William
Darkness, see also Blackness;
Darnley, Henry Stewart, Earl of
Dekker, Thomas
Dillingham, Francis
Dodd, C.H.
Donne, John
Dorset, Robert Sackville, 2nd Earl of
Dove, Thomas, Bishop of
Downes, Andrew
Duc, Fronton du
Duport, John
East India Company
Eedes, Richard
Ego: suppression of, see also
God's Secretaries Page 27