That Unbreakable Love

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by Tynessa




  “The Return of Ronny & Shan”

  A Novel By:


  That Unbreakable Love

  Copyright © 2015Tynessa All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  Look inside the world of the unbreakable couple we all have grown to love, Ronny and Shaniqua McDay. Remember little Ray’Shun, Niyah and Destiny? In this installment the kids are older and have problems of their own. Have you ever heard of that saying: Like father, like son? Well Ray’Shun is every bit of his father and even at the age of seventeen, he’s having a hard time being faithful to his girlfriend of two years. Let’s just see if he takes after his dad and learns to appreciate and cherish what he have.

  Most of you have heard of the saying, I get it from my mama. Well, Shaniyah is the younger version of Shaniqua and it makes it complicated for them to get along because they’re so much alike. Once she begins dating a guy that goes by the name of Kush, she began smelling herself and it might become a little too much for Shaniqua to bear.

  Meanwhile, though Destiny is dating Kush’s younger brother, Man, she remains the sweetheart that Shaniqua only wished Shaniyah would be.


  First, I would like to thank God for giving me this gift and the ability to stay focused. To my #1 fan, my mom Varnessa (Rena) Mack, I can’t even begin to describe how much I love you. Thanks for being you and for all the love that you continue to give me. I love you more than life itself! To my aunt Trellis (Gail) Watson, you are the one true person that I could share anything with and won’t judge me. You are more like my best friend than my aunt and I love you more than you will ever know. Thanks ladies, for encouraging me to not give up, and for always listening to all my ideas and even adding a few of y’all own. I love you ladies more than anything in this world! I would also like to give a special shout out to my dad Michael (Big Mike) Mack for your love & support. I love you more than anything! Also, shouts out to my little brother and nephews Mi’kerriun, Johntavious, and Jahiem Mack. I love you guys so much. To my sister, Kayshia, even though we have our ups and downs, I still love ya!

  TO MY GRANDFATHER: I can’t begin to describe how much I love you. You mean the world and more to me, Matthew Watson!!! Keep being the OG that you are!!!

  Shout out to ALL my cousins, Aunts and Uncles: I love you all from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for the love and support that ya’ll give. We might argue and fight but at the end of the day we’re family and ALWAYS have each other backs. I love ya’ll to the moon and back!

  To my bookie: Thanks for always being there for me and giving your opinions when I need them—whether I like them or not. You work my nerves sometimes but I wouldn’t trade what we have for nothing. No one understands us—but US! I cherish our friendship to the fullest.

  To my hittas: Cassie, Shanny, Demettrea and CoCo J. I don’t even know where to begin with you ladies. Ya’ll keep me laughing and I could never have a dull moment with ya’ll. I’ll ride for you heffas no matter what.

  I dedicate this book to my four angels that are watching over me…Nellie Jo (Grandma Jackie) Hammock, Johnnie Mae (MeMamma) Watson, Quinterrance (Quinn) Watson and Allen (T.A.Tuddy) Watson. I love and miss y’all so much and I know the four of you would be so proud of me. (I still find it hard to believe ya’ll are gone) REST IN PEACE! Also, RIP Moon and Debbie. Y’all are definitely being missed, also!

  To my readers: Thanks for the love and support ya’ll continue to give. You guys are truly appreciated and I could never thank y’all enough! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!

  Have to shout my girl Carmen Johnson out: I don’t even know where to begin with this crazy chick. From day one, you have been a hot mess. Lol… Four and five o’clock in the morning I’m up laughing because you’re in my inbox talking smack. You have become one of my favs and thanks for the love and support.

  Shenae and Yolanda: Ya’ll two have become my favs as well and I can always count on a good laugh with ya’ll. Oh and can’t forget the, I love to read and can’t help it group. I don’t even know where to begin with you ladies, so I’ll just say thanks for the support. LOL.

  Last but not least, to my TUFP (Tynessa Unbreakable Fan Page): I couldn’t go on without shouting ya’ll out. Thanks soooo much for the support and I love you all from the bottom of my heart.

  If I forgot anyone please don’t blame it on my heart; blame it on my mind.

  Hope y’all enjoy!

  Chapter 1

  “Ray’Shun, if you don’t get your mothafuckin ass up and get ready for school, I’ma beat it!” Yelled Shaniqua as she took the belt she held in her hand and struck him across the behind with it. She’d been standing there for all of thirty seconds trying to get him up for school, and that was too long in her book.

  It was the third week and Ray’Shun was now in the 12th grade and the star basketball player of Virginia High. Ray’Shun did things that normal teenagers would do; such as partied, smoked and drink but one thing about him, he still managed to keep his grades up. He didn’t let anything outside of school affect any of his schoolwork. Plus his parents, Shaniqua and Ronny, wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Ronny and Shaniqua both would always push their kids to do better and make better choices in life than they did growing up. Yes, they might’ve been at a great place in their lives as of right now, but it was no secret that they went through hell and back to get there. All the years of Ronny slanging major drugs and all the wrong he’d done followed by Shaniqua’s occupation as a stripper, that was what they wanted their kids to stay far away from.

  “Damn ma, I’m up!” Ray’Shun yelled out as he rubbed the stinging sensation on his butt from the lick Shaniqua had just given him.

  “Boy, who do you think you talking to? I ain’t one of your ugly ass homeboys.” Shaniqua raised the belt in the air about to strike Ray’Shun again with it but he jumped up too fast while laughing at her. That would always piss her off more when he would laugh while she was getting onto him, as if she was a joke.

  “Ma chill out, dang. It’s too early to be playing,” he pleaded. Ray’Shun loved his mother to the death of him, but sometimes she just went overboard. Her hitting him on the ass wasn’t even called for. Almost every morning, she would go into his room acting a fool on him; even when he was already awake she would find something to complain about. She didn’t do his sisters or little brother like that, so why do him. However, Ray’Shun knew it was out of love and wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “I’m not playing with you Ray’Shun and you better not miss that school bus, either! Didn’t nobody tell your ass to stay out until one o’clock knowing damn well your curfew is at eleven.” Shaniqua continued to fuss as she walked around picking up his dirty laundry.

  Ray’Shun had his own car but wasn’t allowed to drive it unless it was the weekends. Sometimes his father would talk his mother into letting the young man drive it during the week but Ray’Shun would always fuck that up. Just like the night before. He’d just gotten the car back a week prior and had done already missed curfew. He just wouldn’t do right.

  Smacking his lips, he said, “Man, I was at a party enjoying myself. I wasn’t checking for the time,” he sassed, getting under his mother’s skin more.

  “You shouldn’t have been at no damn party on a school night anyways! Now, keep on talking back and see don’t I whoop your ass with this belt. You not too old to get a whooping, so keep thinking you are if you want to and I’ma show you.”

  Ray’Shun couldn’t do nothing but laugh at that woman. She was truly a mess.

  “Yo’ pops, come get your crazy wife!” He yelled out while running into the bathroom that was attached to his room. Shaniqua just shook her head and didn’t even try to bother running after him or saying anything else.

  Going into the girls’ room, Shaniyah and Destiny, Shaniqua woke them up to get ready for school as well. They were in middle school and grown as ever. Those two were inseparable and shared a tight bond that couldn’t be broken. The two youngest of the bunch, Ni-Ni and RJ, wasn’t due to wake up, yet. Shaniqua would always wake them after she was done with breakfast.

  “I don’t have time to eat ma. I’m out,” Ray’Shun kissed her on the cheek, grabbed a bottle of water and left out the house. Just as the front door closed, Destiny and Shaniyah walked into the kitchen. They were so freaking cute. Though Destiny didn’t have those grey eyes and was a shade darker, they looked just alike.

  Shaniyah sported a pair of black skinny jeans, a short sleeve pink shirt with ‘Flawless’ written in black print on the front and a pair of pink rain boots. Destiny had on a pair of white skinny jeans, a short sleeve black shirt that read ‘I woke up like this’ in gold print with her black rain boots. Shaniqua thought it was cute that they would dress similar. They’d been doing that since Destiny came into the picture. Even Ni-Ni would try to dress like them sometimes.

  “Alright now, Beyoncé and Nicki wannabe! Ya’ll look cute and all but don’t forget ya’ll jackets because it’s raining out there. Go on and eat so y’all don’t miss that bus or Ronny going to be taking ya’ll to school,” Shaniqua let them know. She knew by her saying that, they wouldn’t be slow poking around. It wasn’t that they feared him, they just knew he would chew them a new butthole if he had to wake up out his sleep because they were slowing around.

  Once Shaniqua got the other two up and ready for school, just like any other time, she was exhausted. Thank God, RJ had started pre-K and could ride the bus, so the house was quiet with only her and her husband. She loved her kids, wholeheartedly, and wouldn’t trade them for the world but she never dreamed growing up that she would be married to the love of her life with a house full of kids—badass kids as that. But they were her badass kids and she couldn’t imagine life without them.

  “You can get your ass up now. The kids are gone!” Shaniqua swore up and down that Ronny would always play sleep until the kids left out for school. They would make all type of noise, but yet and still Ronny would not come out the room unless someone was arguing and fighting.

  He stretched and a smile crept across his face. “I don’t know what you talking about,” he chuckled.

  Typical man! Always wanna play sleep while the woman feed the kids, bathe the kids, dress the kids and clean up after him and the kids; and might she add, cook for him and the damn kids. That was the problem Shaniqua had with Ronny, all he wanted to do was have sex and sit around waiting for her to do everything else. A little help around the house would be much appreciated.

  “Whatever! You do this shit every morning Ronny. I thought you were going to get onto your son for staying out pass his curfew last night? What happened to that?”

  “I got him when he gets home from school. But, uh, what you doing trying to whoop that boy with a belt?” Ronny questioned her while laughing. It was funny to him. His wife was beyond crazy and that’s what he loved about her so much. She didn’t take any shit from, him, the kids or nobody else. Shaniqua had been holding her own since he could remember.

  “I had to let his ass know he wasn’t too old for a good old ass whooping.” That made him laugh harder because she was dead ass serious.

  Here Ray’Shun was standing at 6’1, way taller than she was and her ass was trying to whoop him with a belt. Ronny would’ve loved to have been a fly on the wall when that shit went down.

  “And I knew your ass wasn’t sleep anyways,” said Shaniqua with a roll of her eyes. She couldn’t stand when Ronny say he going to do something and didn’t do it, especially when it came down to the kids. The way Shaniqua saw it, Ronny should’ve been in Ray’Shun’s ass first thing that morning. That wasn’t his first time missing curfew and she was pretty sure it wouldn’t be the last. Shaniqua was afraid that he would get caught up in the street life and drop out of school. He’d come too far for that to happen.

  “Actually I was asleep. He woke me up when he yelled for me to come get your crazy ass and when he got dressed he came and told me you was trying to whoop him. What’s up with your attitude this morning?” Ronny wasn’t feeling her bitchy ways. It was too early for her to be doing all the bitching she was doing.

  “Nothing Ronny. I’m good.” Shaniqua laid down and turned her back to him without saying another word. He wasn’t in the mood for all the bickering so Ronny did what any other man would do; got up and left out the room.

  Chapter 2

  Ray’Shun walked the halls of Virginia High feeling like a young boss. He didn’t have to sell drugs, kill people or do none of the things other guys his age would initially have to, to earn their street credibility. He was the son of a boss! That alone was self-explanatory. Ronny was well known in the streets and it was only right for Ray’Shun to take on that ‘Boss’ status since his father was a retired married man.

  “So, I called you last night. Where were you?” his girlfriend of two years asked. Ray’Shun was standing around with his homeboys kicking it before the bell rung when she walked up from out of nowhere.

  Trinity was what all the guys at Virginia High would’ve liked to have on their team. She was a nice eye candy, with her long jet-black hair that she kept hanging long and bone straight with a part in the middle. It was rare to find females not sporting weave nowadays, but Trinity didn’t need any of that cosmetic stuff. Her skin was so flawless with a nature kind of glow to it. Her slightly slanted dark brown eyes would always have a sparkle to them and made her arched eyebrows stand out. Trinity was definitely a baddie for her age and what some would refer as a good girl.

  “I was out kicking it. What’s up though?” answered Ray’Shun. He threw his arm around Trinity’s neck and escorted her to his locker. Growing up Ray’Shun was taught by his daddy to never let others into his business and to never trust his closest friends because they’ll turn on you in a blink of an eye.

  “All damn night Ray’Shun? Your curfew is at eleven and I called you at 11:02 and your phone went straight to the voicemail. Now, where the fuck was you?” Trinity asked once again.

  Ray’Shun loved her but sometimes her jealousy was a little too much for him. Hell, it wasn’t like she was giving up the coochie to him, anyways. Yes, Trinity was still a virgin. Though she loved Ray’Shun more than she’d ever loved anyone else in her life, she didn’t think she was ready to give him her most prized possession. Ray’Shun might’ve treated her like a queen and everyone knew she was his main lady but Trinity wasn’t at all stupid and was far from blind. As much as Ray’Shun denied it, she knew he had other women they he messed around with.

  See, Trinity felt why she should give him something that was so precious to her when he was getting it elsewhere. If he really wanted her then he wouldn’t mind waiting for her, right? Instead, he would go out and sleep with random females. That was the issue she had with him. Then he swore he wasn’t doing shit, when she knew better.

  “Man, I missed my damn curfew. I didn’t get in until one and before you start, I was at Slim house. He had a lil smoke party so that’s why I didn’t take you,” Ray’Shun explained. He knew she would be ready to go off on him, thinking he was with another female and that time he was honestly kicking it with his homeboys.

  “Whatever Ray’Shun. You could’ve still called me,” pouted Trinit

  Before Ray’Shun could respond a group of girls walked by, including Trinity’s best friend Monae. She wanted Ray’Shun so bad it was killing her; but out of respect for Trinity she tried not to cross that line. Honestly, Monae didn’t know how long she was going to be able to fight off the urge of running her hands all over his ripped body, kissing those scrumptious pink lips and staring into those green ass eyes of his. Just thinking about the things she would do to Ray’Shun got her hot and bothered.

  “Hey Ray. What’s up Trin-Trin?” Monae spoke, calling Trinity by her nickname. Most would’ve thought the two of them were childhood friends because of their closeness; but they weren’t. Only known one another for three years and they had a bond that most childhood besties only dreamed of. Trinity trusted Monae with her life.

  Though they were best friends, they were just like every other female friendship. Like night and day. Both Trinity and Monae were very attractive and turned heads of young and old ballers, thugs, hardworking older men, you name it they would catch their eye. That’s where their different personalities come from. Trinity only had eyes for Ray’Shun, while Monae would try to get her next dollar from the next hood nigga. She was definitely one of those friends you would have to keep a close eye on around your man. Trinity didn’t see that though. Poor girl didn’t see any wrong in Monae.

  “Hey boo. What’s up?” Trinity said as she and Monae hugged. Ray’Shun didn’t speak at all. He just turned his back, put in the combination on his locker and rambled through it.

  “Oh, you can’t speak now Ray’Shun?” asked Monae.

  “What’s up?” he said over his shoulder, still not bothering to look her way. Trinity hated when Ray’Shun would get mad at her and acts nonchalant toward her friend. It was so uncalled for.

  “Ray’Shun, you don’t have to be rude,” said Trinity. She then turned to Monae and said, “Girl excuse his rudeness. You know how he is when he can’t have his damn way,” she explained. Ray’Shun just shook his head and closed his locked, with a hard slam.


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