That Unbreakable Love

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That Unbreakable Love Page 8

by Tynessa

  “Damn girl, you feeling it now ain’t cha?” Kush whispered into her ear before kissing her lips.

  “Yes,” she moaned out. The pain mixed with pleasure was unexplainable. She was kind of upset that she’d made him wait so long. After seeing how into it Shaniyah was, Kush started beating the pussy up. Her moans grew louder so he kissed her to drown out the sound. A few minutes later, Kush was laying beside her out of breath. That was everything to him.

  Looking over at Shaniyah as she laid right there with him breathing heavily, he asked, “You good?”

  “Yes,” she answered with a satisfied smile upon her face. She couldn’t believe she’d actually lost her virginity and was ready to brag about it to Destiny. At that moment, Shaniyah loved Kush more than before and couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her again.

  Chapter 12

  Chilling inside his office of Honey’s bar and grill, Ronny inhaled the blunt before passing it to Cornell. The ladies had went out for what they called Ladies Day so Ronny, Cornell and Bino was hanging out at the bar and grill. Their wives were coming a little later to hang out so they were cooling it in the office for a while until they got there.

  Aye, yo Nell, look. Ain’t this ol’ girl right here?” Ronny pointed to the security monitor. Cornell stood up to see who his brother was talking about, and by this time, Ronny was standing up looking out the large window that overlooked the whole downstairs area. After Cornell, along with Bino, looked at the monitor, they rushed to the window to look out as well.

  “Damn sure is her ass,” said Cornell as he continued to watch. He hadn’t seen Tykise in years, and even with the little weight she’d gained, she still looked pretty much the same.

  “Her ass done got thick as fuck too. Look at that ass!” Bino said. She always has had a nice shape but she was wearing the little weight she’d picked up well.

  “Yea she is looking nice. You going to speak to her? I don’t know about her being here when your wife comes because if she’s anything like mines she gon’ be ready to beat that ass and I don’t need that in my establishment,” Ronny said seriously. That was bad for business.

  “Ain’t nothing wrong with speaking, right?” Though Star didn’t have anything to worry about, Cornell didn’t know how his wife would feel about his ex being in the building, let alone her walking in seeing him having a conversation with her.

  “Man, I don’t know. Star is kind of laid back but I know my wife and this nigga wife,” Bino said as he pointed towards Ronny.

  “Man, they ain’t going for that shit,” Ronny finished the sentence then he and Bino laughed and slapped hands. Brooke and Shan both stayed in fighting mode. Their asses were some beasts ready for some shit to jump off; especially Shaniqua. Everyone that knew them knew she didn’t play when it came to Ronny.

  “Fuck it! Ain’t shit wrong with speaking. Star already know she don’t have to worry about me stepping out on her. Never have and never will. I leave that shit up to ya’ll no good niggas,” Cornell laughed as he ran out the door. Soon as the door slammed he heard a loud bang against it, indicating one of them had threw something against it. He laughed and strolled on down the hall to the elevator, and once he was downstairs he stood back admiring Tykise’s beauty. She was bad but it was too bad that his heart belonged to Star when they were together.


  Cornell was into his own thoughts that he didn’t even noticed Tykise had walked over to him. He was kind of embarrassed and hope he wasn’t staring at her too hard. She might’ve been looking good but the last thing he needed was for her to think he was jocking her. He came down to speak, not try to start a new flame with her.

  “Hey, what’s up girl? I thought that was you sitting over here.” He tried to play it off as he pulled her in for a hug. After what seemed like forever, they pulled back. “I haven’t seen your ass in forever. How have you been?” Cornell asked.

  “Come over here to the bar. I don’t want anyone tampering with my drink.” Tykise pulled him along as she headed back to her seat. “So what’s been up with you? How is the married life treating you and the rest of the family?” she said. Since Cornell never mentioned to her that he was married, he assumed she saw the ring on his finger.

  “Oh it’s been good. Got another little girl, and all their ass is bad,” he laughed. “Other than that we’re good. I see the big rock on your finger, how is it treating you?” Tykise blushed with sparkling eyes. You could see the love written on her face. Cornell wondered if he would be wrong to feel some type of way about that.

  “It’s treating me well and I have two kids. A son that’s six and my baby girl is four. They’re spoiled and bad as hell too,” she laughed. Cornell knew there was no way in hell the child could be his because he was extra caution with her. He strapped up and pulled out, so he was good.

  “That’s what’s up right there,” he said. Out the corner of his eye, he saw Ronny and Bino walked over to table and took a seat.

  “I didn’t know your brothers were here,” she said as she waved at Ronny and Bino. She knew that Bino weren’t their biological brother but that’s what they referred to him by.

  “Yea, this Ronny’s bar. We was up in his office and I seen you on the security screen so I came down here to speak since you was looking all lonely and shit,” Cornell laughed as he down his shot of Patron. It was only eight p.m. and people were already starting to come get their party on. He knew he needed to be wrapping up the conversation soon before wifey and the crew gets there.

  Tykise looked at her watch then looked around. “Yea, I was waiting on my husband to get here. His ass is late as usual.”

  “Oh, well I guess I need to go ahead and head over there. Don’t want you to get into any trouble.” Cornell stood from his seat. He used that as an excuse to leave but it didn’t work because she grabbed his arm preventing him from going anywhere. She then whispered into his ear asking him to sit and have another drink with her. It was no use for him to use that excuse because Star, Brooke and Shaniqua had already walked in, and Star was marching over their way.

  “Did I miss something?” Star asked. Star wasn’t really the jealous type, and especially with how she had done Cornell in the past, but seeing his ex with her hands on him didn’t sit well with her at all.

  “Hey baby. I just came over here to speak to Tykise. You remember her, don’t you?” Cornell explained quickly. He didn’t know what was running through his wife head and seeing Tykise grab his arm may not have been the best look; even though it was innocent.

  “Hi Star. Long time no see,” said Tykise with a pleasant smile. Star gave an unpleasant grunt.

  “Likewise,” she said then turned to her husband for answers. “So what’s up Cornell? What did I miss?” Star wanted to know why this woman had her hands on her husband and what was she whispering in his ear. He said he came over to say hi, but what did Miss Thang have in store? Star was hoping she wasn’t trying to get her claws back in Cornell because that wasn’t going to happen. She lost him once and refused to lose him again.

  “Nothing baby. I told you I came over here to speak. Come on, lets go sit down.” Cornell tried to wrap his arms around Star but she wasn’t having it. She leaned back out his reach and focused on Tykise.

  “So, what’s up with you? Having a hard time keeping your hands to yourself?” Star asked. This was a side of her that Cornell had never seen and he would be lying if he said it wasn’t turning him on.

  Tykise waved her off and chuckled. “Oh girl please, I don’t want your man. I have my own.” She waved her wedding ring in the air and said with a smirk. “See, I’m happily married with a wonderful husband.”

  Star continued to look at Tykise through narrowed eyes. She wasn’t feeling that little bitch nor did she trust her. “Well if you’re so happy, keep your damn hands off mines. Let’s go Cornell.” With that, Star walked off and once Cornell told Tykise it was nice seeing her again, he followed behind his wife.

  Once they made
it to the table with the rest of the gang, everyone was cracking up. Cornell couldn’t do anything but shake his head and say, “Man, ya’ll childish as fuck! Ya’ll old asses ain’t gon’ never grow up!”

  “I taught you well lil sis. Get that ass in check. You should’ve slapped that ho.” Shaniqua was so proud of Star’s behavior. To her, Tykise had no business touching on Cornell when she already knew him and Star was together when she moved away; and Shaniqua knew Cornell wasn’t the type to deny his wife and kids so she had to have known they were still together. She then looked over at Ronny. “And you sitting here letting him talk to that tramp,” she fussed as if Ronny had control over who his brother talked to. Cornell was his own man so Ronny couldn’t tell him who and who not to converse with.

  “The fuck you mean? That nigga grown, I can’t tell him who to talk to. The fuck I look like; his daddy or somebody? Shit, I barely can tell yo’ ass what to do and I’m your damn daddy,” Ronny smirked. It just wouldn’t be Shaniqua and Ronny to argue about someone else’s problem. Those two found anything to go toe to toe about.

  “Boy hush!” Shaniqua didn’t even feeling like going there with Ronny at the moment. She was so nosey so she had other things on her agenda. “So, Cornell. Why that thot grab your arm and what did she say in your ear?” she asked. Star and Brooke looked at him awaiting his reply.

  Rubbing the deep waves on the top of his head, Cornell said, “Man, since she said she was waiting for her husband I was about to leave because I didn’t want to get her in trouble but she grabbed my arm and asked me to have another drink with her. That’s when you came marching over there, sister solider.” He looked over at Star. Pressing her lips together, she rolled her eyes then smacked her lips.

  “Well while you trying not to get her in trouble, yo’ ass got in trouble,” Star said as she stood from her seat. “I’m going to the bathroom,” she announced then walked off without waiting for a response. Cornell just shook his head. Star wasn’t the sweet little shy girl that lost her virginity to him, years ago. The might’ve had a rough relationship over the years but it never took the love he had for her away.

  Cornell often wondered where he would be in life if Kandi were still alive. You know, sometimes you just have the, what if’s, in the back of your mind. He loved and missed Kandi, tremendously, and wondered if he and Star would even be married with another child had Kandi not passed away. Although Cornell was having a lot of what if’s, he also knew God never makes mistakes. Maybe he placed Kandi in his life as a wakeup call for Star; maybe he wanted her to see that her ass could be replaced.

  Whatever the case might’ve been, it wasn’t fair to Kandice because now she had to grow up without a mother. Yeah, she had Star but there was nothing like having your birth mother. Star was good to her and Cornell thanked her daily for raising Kandice as her own.

  Realizing Star had been gone for well over ten minutes, Cornell became worried because it didn’t take that long to piss and he knew his wife wasn’t shitting in a public bathroom. She barely did that to when he was at home with her.

  “Yo, I’m about to go see what the fuck Star doing?” Cornell said to no one in particular. Though she had a past of cheating, her talking to another man never crossed Cornell’s mind. He believed a person could change and believed without a doubt that his wife had. In Cornell’s book, the past is just that, the past!

  “Aight. Me and Shan about to go upstairs to my office for a minute. Bino you and Brooke can go on up to VIP if ya’ll like. We’ll be right back,” Ronny said before letting Shaniqua lead the way to his office. She already knew they was about to get a quickie in and just like any other time, she had no problem with that. She was the reason her husband was horny at the moment, anyways; being that she’d been caressing his dick under the table for the past five minutes.

  Cornell was heading to the bathroom in search of Star, and as soon as he turned to corned of the direction the restroom, he spotted her instantly. Because of the small crowd that had begun to form in the bar and grill, he couldn’t see the person that she was talking to, but he knew by the way she was smiling she wasn’t standing there alone.

  “What’s up bruh?” Cornell spoke to the guy she was talking to before turning his attention to Star. “Oh, so it was a problem for me to sit and talk to my ex but you sitting here smiling with him,” he stated calmly. Cornell wasn’t at all upset, it was just the principle of it.

  “Whatever Nell, it wasn’t that you was talking to her, when I walked in she was grabbing your arm then whispered something in your ear. But anyways, baby, guess what? Theodore and Tykise are married with kids,” Star said with the widest smile upon her face. Cornell just nodded his head because he was feeling some type of way about that.

  Tykise mentioned she had a six year old, so that meant they had to hook up right after they’d broke up or was messing around when he was fucking with her. Cornell started to go back over to the bar where she was sitting and snatch her up by her nappy ass weave. However, he continued to nod his head.

  “That’s what’s up right there,” he finally said.

  “Yup. I guess we both have great women on our hands, huh?” Theodore said with a smile. Cornell didn’t even respond to him because he felt he didn’t need to. Both Tykise and Star were great women so what was understood didn’t need to be discussed. “Star, it was nice seeing you and hopefully we all could get together for dinner or something. You know, catch up on old times,” said Theodore.

  “That would be great,” Star replied excitedly before facing Cornell. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she looked up at him and asked, “Wouldn’t it baby?”

  What’s there to catch up on? Cornell wanted to ask. To him, it would be awkward to sit with their ex, laughing and shit like they’d always been best of friends.

  “I’ll see,” was Cornell’s responds. Theodore picked up on his mood and cleared his throat before handing Star one of his business cards.

  “Well if ya’ll up for the double date, hit me up.”

  Star took the card, promised she would call, and Theodore was on his way. Just like Cornell, Star was shocked that he and Tykise ended up together. She never said anything to him about it though, because it was irrelevant to her. Star didn’t care one way or the other who Theodore ended up with. She was over him and was living happily ever after with the love of her life.

  Turning to face Cornell, she looked up into his dreamy eyes and smiled. He was so breathtaking to her. “I love you baby.”

  “I love yo’ sexy ass too, baby.” Cornell gripped his wife’s ass right where they stood and tongued her down as if no one else was in the room but them.

  Chapter 13

  2 months later

  It was the last day of school and no one was more overjoyed than Ray’Shun. No more school for him. Yeah, he was attending college, but he wanted to take a year or two off before he went off. If it was left up to him, he wouldn’t even attempt to attend, but his parents were on his ass about bettering himself. He was still dating Eve but his mind was constantly on Trinity. It had been plenty of times where he’d interfered when he would see her conversing with another guy. Ray’Shun knew it was selfish of him, but he simply didn’t care. Whether they were together or not, in his mind, Trinity would always be his.

  “Um, hellooo? What are we doing tonight? Are you coming to pick me up or what?” Eve asked, annoying the hell out of Ray’Shun, like always. She and Ray’Shun had literally been sitting holding the phone for over thirty minutes because she would pitch a fit when he would try and hang up.

  “Man, I don’t know. Damn! You won’t even let me hang up the fucking phone to take care of the shit I’m trying to,” Ray’Shun fussed. He didn’t have anything to do, but he wasn’t trying to talk to her either.

  “Because you ain’t doing shit but playing that video game with Kendrick or smoking with Slim and them, which I don’t know why you even hang around those bums anyways. Shit, you can come smoke with me.” That was her problem
right there. All Eve wanted to do was be stuck under Ray’Shun, fucking and smoke. In the beginning it was cool with him, but after a while that shit got boring and he would look at her as just another hoodrat homegirl.

  “Are you done?” Ray’Shun asked, rudely. Though, Trinity would complain about him hanging with his friends from time to time, she didn’t irritate him nearly as much as Eve.

  “Why do you always say that, Ray’Shun? Like you don’t want to hear what I have to say? Then you still haven’t took me back to your house to meet your mama. I don’t know what’s so hard about you letting me meet your folks.” Since that day Trinity was sitting in his kitchen when he’d finally agreed on Eve meeting Shaniqua, Ray’Shun hadn’t bothered taking her back to his crib. For what? She was about to be X out the picture anyways.

  “Man, I don’t feel like hearing this shit right now. I’ll call you back tonight,” he said to her. Ray’Shun had something else on his agenda that didn’t contain her. He wasn’t even at his Aunt Brooke and Uncle Bino’s house kicking it with Kendrick this time around.

  “But it’s already tonight, nigga!” she said sarcastically. “It’s nine o’clock. I’m not about to be up all night waiting for you to call me,” like always, Eve fussed.

  “Take yo’ ass to sleep then!” With that, Ray’Shun did what he should have been done forty-five minutes ago. He hung up in Eve’s face. He’d heard enough of her damn mouth and enough was enough. She would be lucky if he ever call her again; and if his plans went in his favors tonight, there would be no need to call her ass, ever.


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