The Nephilim Universe

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The Nephilim Universe Page 6

by L. L Hunter

  “So, the rumours are true,” said Chordelia, scooping her medium length black hair over one shoulder and sitting up straight. “Lucifer’s son has escaped the Realm of Ice, and the tainted souls have escaped and have gone to look for him.”

  Melody nodded gravely.

  “Oh, my. This is not good,” said Aria. “Tell us what we need to do.”

  “Scarlett and Dyston have told me to come here to get some help. We need to find all the souls and return them to the Realm of Death before they cause more destruction. They have already possessed so many innocent Nephilim and humans.”

  “Count us in,” said Aria. “Let’s get back to your handsome assignment. I’m sure you’re missing him.” She winked at Melody.

  Melody went bright red. “I didn’t say that. I…”

  Aria laughed and slipped her arm around Melody’s waist. “Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with us.” Melody stopped walking. They were headed toward the armoury where their heavenly weapons were stored.

  “How did you know? I haven’t told you anything about Gabe… uh, my assignment.”

  “You didn’t need to, sweetie,” said Aria. “We can see it in your eyes. They come alive when you talk about him.”

  Melody ran her hands through her hair and walked quickly into the armoury. She made sure there was no one else around before she confessed her darkest secret to her friends. Just to be sure, though, Aria shut the door to the armoury so anyone passing by wouldn’t be able to hear.

  “This is bad. I’m such a bad guardian angel. I deserve to be punished and stripped of my wings.”

  “Oh, no, sweetie. No!” Aria ran over to comfort her friend. She smoothed down her light brown hair and kissed her temple. “You’re not going to be punished for having feelings for your assignment.”

  “But it’s against the rules, Aria. It’s forbidden.”

  “Mel, you should have known this would happen when you possessed the host of that human girl,” said Chordelia, grabbing some sheaths for their angelic blades and handed them out to the girls. They each strapped the sheaths around their thighs, and their magical, ethereal blades materialised in their hands. An angel’s blade was unique to them, and in this realm, they were not corporeal, just like themselves. Everything in the Realm of Fire was made of light, feathers, and pure souls—energy, matter, and goodness.

  Melody let out a relieved breath. “So, you don’t think I’ll be thrown out of the Realm of Fire? Or have my wings torn out?”

  “Of course not,” said Aria. “It’s completely natural. Besides, Scarlett and Dyston will understand. After all, Dyston fell for his assignment.”

  After they were geared up, the three guardian angels made their way to the gate of the Realm of Fire and stood on the precipice overlooking the earth.

  “Are you ready to do this, ladies?” said Chordelia. She had attached golden breastplates made from ethereal armour over her white gown. Melody wore ethereal bronze armour, and Aria wore silver.

  “Let’s go save the world,” said Melody.

  They each spread their magnificent white wings, leapt over the edge, and flew down to earth.

  Chapter 16

  It had been one day since everyone left the palace, and Gabe was fed up. No one had returned to get him. He hadn’t been given a task to carry out. Melody had abandoned him. Everyone had abandoned him. He was sick and tired of the sight of his room. He had to get out and do something. He was sick of being locked up behind these four walls. He shouted frustration, and green lightning shot from his hand. It hit the chandelier, and electricity sizzled and buzzed. The lights flickered on and off and then fizzled out. Gabe watched his power, his angelic trait with morbid curiosity. He then leapt off his bed and got ready to leave, ready to do something. He had just pulled on his boots and grabbed a jacket when the door to his room burst open, and Asher and Eden ran in.

  “Finally!” he said. “Let’s go do something. Save people. I’m sick of staring at the ceiling and doing nothing.”

  “We’ve got a problem,” Eden said. Gabe studied both their expressions. They looked grim. Gabe’s heart sank.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Max is missing, and so are the rest of the souls from the Realm of Death.”

  “What do you mean, he’s missing? He could just be out collecting souls.”

  “No. Something doesn’t feel right. Max had been reading Abraham’s journal. We found it lying about. I know Abraham would never leave his journal lying about for anyone to read. When I worked with him, he kept that thing behind lock and key,” explained Eden.

  “The whole place is empty. Something’s wrong. Something serious,” said Asher.”

  “Get ready. We need to go find Max and Abraham before Samson does.”

  Suddenly, it was like those three words were the last pieces of the puzzle.

  Max. Abraham. Samson.

  Something inside Gabe’s brain clicked, and everything fell into place.

  “Gabe? Are you okay, buddy?” asked Asher. Gabe froze as the dreams he had been having over and over returned to him. Eden held onto her cousin as the dreams took hold.

  * * *

  Samson stood in the middle of Trafalgar Square and grinned as thousands of possessed Nephilim and humans surged forward, eyes obsidian black. They murdered and raped innocents. They pillaged and plundered shops. They set fire to buildings and overturned cars in the centre of London. Crime took over the city as the son of Lucifer watched on. Samson turned to his side and nodded at the person beside him. Gabe knew the person now. His face was no longer blurred or hidden from view. It was his cousin. It was Max. Max’s eyes glowed red as he raised his hands and controlled all of the tainted souls, ordering them to do his bidding. On the other side of Samson stood Abraham and Jazmine hand in hand. Jazmine, the Angel of Fate, sent innocent people to their deaths, making them get hit by cars or walking in front of moving trains or even jumping from bridges. Nobody was safe now that these three were on Samson’s side. Then Samson’s eyes glowed black, and he turned his attention to Gabe.

  “Hello, Gabriel. I know you’re watching. I know you wanna join us.”

  Samson laughed manically, and Eden yanked Gabe out of the dreamscape, cutting off the connection.

  * * *

  Gabe stumbled forward, and Asher caught him before he fell.

  “What was that?” asked Eden. Everyone was panting. Gabe looked at each of them, eyes wide.

  “You guys saw that, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. This is what Samson has been showing you?”

  “Yes. But this time, it’s different. I couldn’t see anyone’s faces before. This is the first time I could see Max. But Abraham and Jazmine… I swear they weren’t there before.”

  “Well, Jazmine is the Angel of Fate. It makes sense your dreams have changed. She can manipulate people’s fates and bend them to her will.”

  Gabe grabbed a bottle of water out of the mini-fridge in the corner of his room and took a long drink. He offered one to Eden and Asher.

  “No. But I’ll have a soda if you have one,” she replied. Gabe took out two cans of soda and handed them to Eden and Asher. Then he grabbed another for himself. He needed the sugar boost if he was about to deal with Samson and save the world.

  “So, the dream showed Samson and the others standing in Trafalgar Square. Let’s go,” said Gabe, heading toward the door.

  “He’s not in Trafalgar Square,” said Eden. Gabe made it to the door and paused, turning back.

  “What do you mean?” He then saw Eden was holding a slip of paper in her hand.

  “We found this address at the cottage in the Realm of Death beside a map of Paris. We googled it. It’s an address for an apartment on Les Champs-Elysee.”

  “Great. So, I’m taking it we’re heading to Paris, where we’ll find Samson and kill him?”

  “It’s unlikely. But we’ll at least find some answers. More than what we currently have,” said Asher.

  “Yes. It doesn�
�t make sense that Abraham would release all the souls,” said Eden as they ran out of the room. She then paused at the top of the stairs and swore, coming to the realisation.

  “What is it, babe?” said Asher.

  “It doesn’t make sense unless Abraham is working for Samson.”

  Chapter 17

  Before they had left, Eden filled Beth in on what they’d discovered, and everyone made their way to Paris, France, on a private jet—everyone except those who could fly. Samuel had suggested before taking flight that they had to approach the apartment with caution if Samson was there. Eden and Asher wanted to go in guns blazing and kill Samson. Scarlett and Dyston also wanted Samson killed, but they had to make sure Max was out of harm’s way first.

  Gabe sat in a window seat, listening to everyone bickering. He’d had enough of it and decided it was time he finally did something. After all, it was he who had sedated Lucifer so Eden could harvest his soul. He was who Samson was afraid of. He cleared his throat and stood from his seat.

  “No. I need to be the one to go in first.”

  Everyone paused and turned their gazes his way.

  “Gabriel, I don’t think—” Rachael began. Since she and Lakyn had sent Veronica and Adam into time and space somewhere, she felt guilty. She felt responsible for her nephew.

  “No, Aunt Rachael. It’s me Samson wants. He’s threatened by me because of what I can do. I am the ultimate weapon to destroy a demon. I need to be the one.”

  “I don’t like this idea,” said Beth.

  “Neither do I,” added Rachael. “If something happens to you—”

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll walk in and surrender myself, so no one else gets hurt. Then I’ll demand they let Max go and stop making the tainted souls destroy everything. Easy, peasy. Right?” Gabe swallowed. He felt sick. Why did he have to offer himself up as bait to the son of Lucifer? But he had to do this. He had to save the world.

  So the plan was set—not that everyone was pleased with it, but they all decided it was the best plan they had. This way, fewer people would get hurt.

  If only Gabe could prevent himself from throwing up due to nerves.

  When they arrived in Paris, everyone got into position per prior arrangements orchestrated by Samuel and Dyston. Scarlett, Dyston, Lakyn, and Rachael and Samuel would cover the exits in case Samson or any of his demons came in or out of the apartment block. Eden, Asher, and Gabe were to wait inside the car with Beth until the time came.

  Gabe looked out the window and saw Samuel, Lakyn, and Dyston standing together on the apartment block's roof. Scarlett and Rachael were scouting the area, weapons drawn. But Gabe wasn’t interested in what they were doing. He was only looking for one particular person. One angel. And she wasn’t here. He sank into the plush leather seat of the limo and sighed.

  “What’s up, mate?” asked Asher.

  “Where’s Melody? I thought she would be back by now. She’s meant to be my guardian. But here I am about to head into battle, and she’s not here.”

  He was positive now, the more he thought about it, that Melody hated him. She resented him for being a good-looking male teen and was probably up in the Realm of Fire begging for another assignment. There were caretakers up there, for when Scarlett and Dyston were away on duties. They could easily assign her another Nephilim or human to watch over.

  “She’ll be back. I know it. She was just getting backup,” said Asher. “Chin up, buddy.”

  That didn’t make him feel any better. He sighed again and looked out the window. That’s when he saw an amazing sight. At the same time, Eden’s shriek of surprise jolted him, and he bolted from the car.

  “Oh, my God!”

  “Gabriel! Wait!” Beth called. But he was already running into the apartment block.

  Scarlett walked along the edge of the roof next to the fire escape, which led down the side of the building to the next rooftop a few metres below. She heard the flutter of wings. She froze and pulled her dagger from her hip, and spun around. On the Paris rooftop, there stood three of the most beautiful female guardian angels she had ever seen. She had met only a few of the guardians. Only the ones she had given personal assignments to, and there were millions of them. She knew only one of these women, though. She smiled.

  “Melody, you’ve returned. Gabe will be pleased to see you. Thank you for bringing reinforcements.”

  “It is my pleasure, Goddess Scarlett. I figured we needed the help.” Melody gazed around, and her stomach flipped uneasily. Something wasn’t right. She could feel it as she was flying.

  “Where is Gabe?” Aria and Chordelia held their angel blades ready at their sides, and Melody released hers.

  “He’s downstairs in the car with the other kids and Beth. He’s fine,” said Scarlett, waving her hand toward the car parked on the roadside below.

  “Something doesn’t feel right.” Melody ran toward the edge of the building and leapt into the air, spreading her brilliant white wings and sailing to the ground. She landed gracefully beside the car and opened the door. Her heart sank, though, when she found the car empty. She turned toward the apartment block and knew Gabe was inside. She tucked in her wings and ran up the stairs.

  Chapter 18

  Gabe wasn’t sure what he would find on the other side of that apartment door, but he knew he had to do this for his family, friends, and the world. Samson’s revenge was going to mean the world’s destruction, and he couldn’t let that happen. Not if it was the last thing he did.

  He had borrowed a blade from the weapons room back at the palace, and while he waited for everyone to return, he had trained with it. He’d sparred with a dummy in the training room and kept up his weight training. It had been three days before anyone returned, and Gabe felt he wasn’t completely ready, but it was enough.

  It was now or never. He had to do this. He climbed the final set of stairs toward the penthouse suite and approached the double doors, dagger at the ready. He also produced a spark of green electricity in his other hand, ready to throw it at Samson or any demons if the need arose.

  As he reached the doors, about to turn the knob, the doors flew open, and Abraham’s snarky grin greeted him. Gabe had a bone to pick with this reaper.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the man of the hour. We’ve been waiting for you,” he said in his gravelly British accent. He pushed open the door, and Gabe walked inside. When the door was shut, Gabe swung on Abraham and threw a lightning bolt at him. The ball of green energy hit Abraham in the centre of his chest, burning a hole through his body. The smell of singed flesh hit Gabe’s nostrils, and he wanted to spew all over again. Abraham screamed and fell to the ground. Gabe was about to turn and make his way into the apartment to search for Max, but Abraham’s screams had alerted the attention of all of Samson’s demon henchmen in the general area. Possessed humans and Nephilim with glowing red, black, and green eyes ran at him. Gabe readied himself to throw more lightning when the glass doors to the balcony overlooking the Arc de Triumph and the Eiffel Tower shattered, and Samuel, Dyston, and Lakyn burst through. The doors Gabe had entered burst open too, and Melody ran inside, followed closely by Scarlett and Rachael and two other women he didn’t know dressed in similar garb as Melody. Despite the chaos around him and the storm of destruction, Gabe’s eyes only saw one thing. One angel.



  They ran at each other and collided in a melee of arms and crushing bodies. Gabe hugged her, but it wasn’t enough. He needed more of her. He pulled back only enough to kiss her.

  Gabe’s lips crashed down on hers, and Melody forgot her duty, the rules, and everything else around her. There was only Gabe. There was no time. No fighting. No chaos. No war. There was only them. She kissed him back with the same ferocity. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted more still.

  A loud crash jolted them apart, but they held onto each other’s hands. In the living room across the expansive suite, Dyston had Samson on the glass coffee table. The ta
ble shattered, and they both fell through. They wrestled amongst the sea of glass shards.

  “Leave my son out of this! He is not a part of this!” Dyston growled and tossed aside his blade to throw his fists at Samson, landing blow after blow to his face.

  Someone, somewhere inside the whirlwind of chaos in the apartment, screamed. Samson froze, and his eyes went wide with concern.

  “Willow!” he gasped. Dyston took the opportunity to grab Samson by the shirt and hauled him to his feet. Samson then began laughing, and Dyston punched him again, but Lakyn held his brother’s arm.

  “Stop, brother. We need answers. This little brat is going to give them to us.”

  Dyston chuckled and dragged Samson by the scruff of his shirt over to a chair in the kitchen that Lakyn had pulled away from the table for him. Dyston threw Samson into it. Lakyn then strapped Samson into the chair using ties coated with a green glowing substance.

  While Dyston and Samson were fighting, and the others had been killing demons, Jazmine had run to Abraham’s side. She tried to help him to his feet. They had managed to find their way to the door when Max stepped in front of them, blocking their way. Gabe and Melody stood beside him.

  “Going somewhere?” Gabe asked.

  “We made a mistake,” said Jazmine. “We shouldn’t have come. It wasn’t our fault.”

  “Save it, you lying bitch,” said Eden, sidling up to the others, Asher behind her. She then turned her gaze on Abraham. The former Grim Reaper was now on her hit list.

  “You manipulated my cousin. You know how impressionable he is. I should rip out your soul right now.”

  Abraham laughed wickedly. “Darling, you cannot reap a reaper. You’re forgetting. I don’t have a soul.”

  “You forget I know you do. While you were away on your little adventure happily corrupting my baby cousin, I took the liberty of searching the cottage. And look what I found.” She pulled a strand of leather out from under her shirt and dangled a crystal soul sphere in front of his face. Abraham’s grave expression clearly showed this was his soul she was holding.


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