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Teacher Page 11

by Ella Emerson

  He wore a white t-shirt covered partly by a blue hoodie which hung open. His jeans were just right and sat low on his hips. His hair was a mess like he’d been running his fingers through it a few hundred times. He held a clipboard in his hands, studying the contents on the page with extra concentration as students piled around him.

  As if he knew I was watching his eyes crashed into mine, sending me spiraling out of control. My breath picked up as his gaze held mine.

  What was he thinking?

  He licked his bottom lip, sucking on it for a moment and it reminded me of the way he tugged on it while he was thrusting deep inside me. Ms. D. walk up beside him and caught his attention by putting her hand lightly on his arm.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” Kerrie asked as she walked up behind me.

  I was standing like a fool with my car door still open. “Um, nothing. Let’s go.”

  Popping my trunk, I removed my Louis Vuitton suitcase and wheeled it over to the buses where Levi stood with the other students.

  Gregory came charging for me and wrapped his arms around me, encasing me in a big, fat bear hug. “Girl, we are going to have such a great time. French men are hot, and I can’t wait to meet me some.”

  Both Kerrie and I laughed, and when my eyes traveled to where Levi was standing moments before he was gone.

  Courtney stepped over to us, looking worse for wear. “Hi guys,” she mumbled.

  “What’s wrong, sunshine?” Gregory asked.

  “It’s fucking early. I don’t get why we have to leave so damn early, Paris isn’t going anywhere,” she groaned.

  Kerrie and I laughed as Gregory wrapped a strong arm around her.

  Sarah and Abby were already on the bus as we piled on after Ms. D marked our attendance. Bitch.

  Even her friendly smile annoyed me. After another half an hour, Levi and Ms. D hopped on the bus and we headed to the airport.

  I leaned my head against the window as we drove through town and felt my eyes drifting closed, heavy with sleep.

  “Trish, wake up. Trish.” Someone touched my arm, caressing it as they ran their fingers up and down softly. A strong voice demanded my attention, but I still had a hard time opening my eyes until my mind finally recognized it.

  My eyes shot open as I gazed into Levi’s hard stare. “Sorry, where are we?” I asked.

  “The airport. You fell asleep, and we need to catch up to the others.” His hand still rested on my arm as his thumb drew lazy circles causing goosebumps to spread across my skin.

  Why hadn’t any of my friends woken me? Why was he still touching me?

  Sitting up straighter, I knocked his arm away. He cleared his throat and stood up as I followed. “Okay,” I whispered.

  I followed him off the bus, and he turned to be sure I’d made it down the stairs safely. We walked into the airport together, alone with no one else around. It felt weird being alone with him after everything that had taken place a few weeks ago.

  He didn’t say a word as he took long strides and I didn’t expect him to, although I wished he would.

  As we made our way through the security gate, he waited while I sat down and put my Chucks back on.

  He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out as we stared at each other. I could feel my ears burn as his eyes grazed over my body with the same look he’d had when I stripped for him. He reached his hand out for me to take. I didn’t though.

  “I think you’re going to love Paris,” he said as we walked through the busy terminal of the airport. Even though it was early the place was packed with travelers shuffling to their intended gates.

  “Why’s that?” I barely spoke, not sure if I could carry on a conversation with him.

  “It’s the city of fashion. There will be plenty of places for you to visit.”

  I stopped and waited for him to turn around. “It’s also the city of love. I’m sure you and Ms. D will have a wonderful time there,” I said a little louder than a whisper.

  His eyes widened after the words left my mouth, and I noticed his left eye twitch just a little, maybe out of anger or nerves that I knew all about the two of them.

  “Why would you say that?” he asked as his mouth fell open.

  “Just something I heard…around.” I continued walking as Levi tried to catch up.

  “Trish, let me explain something to you right now.” He grabbed my arm to twirl me around, and as I stood in front of him he reached his other hand to rest on my shoulder.

  “You don’t have to. You made sure I understood everything just fine.”

  “I’m not like that. Well, maybe I was once. But, you have to know I never meant for anything to go as far as it did with you.”

  “God, what does that even mean? So it was okay to flirt and touch me and make me get off in school, but sex wasn’t part of your master plan?” I asked, trying to keep my anger at bay.

  He growled under his breath and his frustration was evident. “No. You don’t understand.”

  I held my head high and met his eyes. “I don’t understand, and I no longer care to. You’re right, I will love Paris. I’m going to be young and free, and it would be best if you stay the fuck out of my way.”

  His shocked expression impressed me for a moment until I finally walked away from him seeing our group of students at the gate getting ready to board the plane.

  When I got to the group, I wrapped my arms around Kerrie and gave her a big hug. “Let’s have a fucking blast in Paris, okay?”

  I wanted her promise, I wanted to live free and no longer worry about Levi and his messed up ways.

  He’d used me, plain and simple. He felt there was something I didn’t understand, and he was right. I didn’t understand how someone could be so heartless and cruel.

  “Um, okay. I didn’t realize you were gone until Mr. Wild asked everyone where you were. He seemed worried you weren’t with the group and he went running back to the bus to find you, even after Ms. D said she would go and find you.”

  I shrugged my shoulders and noticed Levi out of the corner of my eye, talking to a group of male students I barely knew.

  Before we boarded I saw Mark and Hunter laughing with their friend Grant and I inwardly cringed at the thought of Mark going with us.

  Once we were all settled on the plane, I snuggled in to resume my nap. Kerrie and I were seated near the end of the plane by Courtney, Abby, and Sarah.

  As the plane took off, I felt a sense of freedom wash over me as we flew into the great big world. This would be the furthest I’d ever been from home, and I tingled with amazement as the thoughts of a new country, a new experience played on my conscience.

  Kerrie squeezed my hand out of fear, as she hated flying.

  “Let me know once we’re there,” she said, leaning her head back and closing her eyes tightly.

  “Absolutely, and please make sure I’m off the plane this time before you leave.” I closed my eyes as sleep consumed me once again.

  This time I didn’t need to be awakened by anyone, for the whole plane buzzed with excitement as the city came into view from overhead. Glancing out the window, the rain on the plane window obscured my view just a bit, but I could see the Eiffel Tower off in the distance. The city was breathtaking, and a smile stretched across my face. This trip would be worth it. I just knew it.

  When we were all off the plane and attendance was taken to be sure no one was left behind, we piled onto another bus to head to the hotel.

  The bus was loud with all the students talking and laughing. Even Kerrie was laughing with Courtney about what we would be doing first.

  I felt like a different person, no longer like the naïve child Levi had used. A new country brought on a new sense of purpose for me, and I felt like my life had been menial until now.

  I was understanding things, and it felt odd. I’d always thought when you became an adult that it was always just an age, but no, I could feel myself maturing as I sat on a bus traveling down the streets of Paris
to the Hotel Eiffel Seine.

  Some may call this an epiphany, but for me I just called it growing up.

  We arrived at the hotel and Courtney, Kerrie, and I were assigned to our room. They danced around and jumped on the bed singing the newest Taylor Swift song in excitement, and I just smiled to myself.

  We all met in the hotel foyer to take attendance prior to dinner. Levi brushed his hand against my back to usher me in the hotel restaurant where we all dined on French cuisine. Our group wasn’t that big, only about twenty students but with the way the high-schoolers acted, it felt like five-hundred. Everything was happening around me as I remained calm. While Levi and Ms. D sat together, discussing the museum we would visit tomorrow, I remained in a trance the whole time as Levi never took his fucking eyes off me.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes off Trish. Since the second our eyes made contact back at the school, it was like this undeniable pull to her. A pull that I’d been pushing down, keeping buried for weeks now. When this started with her, the outcome was supposed to go in a totally different direction. But, now I had veered off course and collided with her. There was no turning back for me at this point, no reverse, no U-turn. I felt things that I’d never felt in my life, and it all led back to her.

  Everything told me I needed to stick to my plan, stay on track, but I didn’t think I could do it anymore. The longer I looked at her, the more I felt like I was under a spell. She weaved her way into my heart somehow, and I didn’t know when it happened. It’s forbidden, these feelings that I had, and much like Romeo and Juliet, I’d gladly drink the poison.

  The first night in Paris, I couldn’t sleep knowing that just above me was Trish. My mind was racing wondering what she was doing, who she was with, what she was thinking. I didn’t deserve her, I knew this, not after what I’d done. The fact was, I could no longer fight it. I just needed to figure out what to do now.


  We walked around Paris admiring all the history. Today the plan was to visit the Louvre. I tried to keep my focus on the group of guys that were my responsibility, but my eyes wouldn’t leave Trish. I watched her talking and laughing with her friends. She seemed to have not a care in the world. A completely different person than the girl she was back in Georgia. She seemed to have flown across the ocean and become a woman.

  I watched her take in the city and all the shops we passed. Her passion for fashion was evident. Her eyes lit up when she noticed a particular shop that would catch her interest. Seeing the spark come to life for her passion was sexy as hell.

  We arrived at the museum and I waited outside counting attendance as each student passed went inside. Addie waited beside me, and once we were alone she touched my arm and smiled. “After this the kids are allowed free time until they need to check in at eleven o’clock tonight. I thought maybe I would take you to one of the fabulous cafes and we could have dinner.” She gave me what I assumed was supposed to be some form of batting her eyelashes.

  “Addie, listen. I just don’t think it’s a great idea to do dinner. I’d hate for the kids to get the wrong idea. We are, after all, their role models,” I said, hoping she would take the rejection without being hurt too much. My intention wasn’t to hurt her, but Trish commented she knew about Addie and me, and I knew I needed to prove her wrong. I didn’t want her thinking any less of me than she already did and surely would later.

  “Oh, yeah sure.” As she walked away I touched her arm. “What,” she said in a breathless whisper.

  “Addie, I’m not trying to be a dick or hurt you. It’s just, honestly, I have feelings for someone, and it wouldn’t be right.” I’d said too much, I knew that, but I didn’t want her thinking I was using her.

  “I had no idea. If I knew, I would have never invited you to dinner. Well, I may have, but only as a friend. It’s a shame the woman you have feelings for couldn’t join you in Paris. It’s such a romantic city,” she said with a big smile on her face. This was a woman who believed in love, that much was clear.

  “I guess I’m just going to have to bring her back one day,” I said, grinning.

  Hours later we emerged from the museum and even though I found it extremely educational and stunning, I was glad to be out of there. Watching Trish was getting harder and harder for me. There were too many times I wanted to pull her away and sink my cock into her again. The feeling was beginning to consume me, and I needed to get away.

  I headed back to the hotel, while everyone else set off to discover the beauty that awaited them. When I got into my room, I changed into a maroon button down shirt and a pair of jeans. I got what I needed and headed to the front desk. Waiting for the woman to be done on the phone I tapped my fingers on the desk. She hung up and smiled at me. “Bonjour, monsieur. How can I help you?”

  “Bonjour,” I said, giving her a smile. “One of my students left this book on the bus. Could you please have it brought to her room for me?”

  Taking the brown paper wrapped book, she continued to smile. “Oui, monsieur. What is her name?”

  “Trish Tess. Merci,” I said and walked outside with a smile on my face.

  I walked around the city, taking it all in. It truly was a magnificent place, surrounded by beauty in all forms. I was sure I could be here for weeks and never discover everything there was. Although, there was one place I wanted to see and that was the Eifel Tower. Even though we were going as a group in a few days, I was drawn to it.

  As I approached it I saw Trish, Kerrie, Courtney, and Gregory. But what really got my blood boiling was when I saw them talking to a group of young French guys. The girls and Gregory were eating up every word coming out of their mouths. One in particular seemed to catch Trish’s eye, and it actually killed me. She continually giggled and touched him. He knew exactly what he was doing, douchebag.

  I stood there like some damn stalker, watching it all play out. French fucker wrapped his arm around Trish and she happily moved closer to him. He leaned down whispering in her ear and even from this distance I could see the desire in her eyes. A look that I only wanted to see when she looked at me.

  The friends all seemed to move the little group over and Trish was center stage. He continued to whisper in her ear and she went from grinning to completely serious. My hands clenched in and out as I tried to control my temper. I wanted to knock his fucking head off, and it just got worse when he spun her around and wrapped his arms around her waist. She brought her arms up resting them on his shoulders, and he smiled down at her.

  If this was anyone else, I’d say it was romantic. Standing near the Eifel Tower, with your arms wrapped around a beautiful woman, staring into her eyes. It should be me, not that French fucker.

  I looked around and it noticed that everyone had left and it was just the two of them. What the hell kind of friends would leave her alone with a stranger in a foreign country? I took a deep breath and looked back to the horror movie playing out in front of me. He searched her eyes, and I knew in my gut he was going to lean in and taste the sweetest lips I’ve ever tasted.

  I didn’t know if it is fury, jealousy, or maybe a little of both, but I raced toward them. It played out in slow motion. I couldn’t get my feet to carry me as fast I as needed them to, and I watched as he slowly moved closer to her lips.

  I reached them just as his lips were a whisper away from hers, and I pushed him off of her. “Get your fucking hands off of her,” I growled when he looked at me.

  “Levi, what the hell,” Trish shouted, but my focus was on the guy that could have fucking taken her hostage or some shit.

  “Pardon, pardon, monsieur,” he said, backing away with his hands up. I continued to stare him down until he turned his back and quickly walked away.

  “You’re an asshole. You had no right to do that. He was going to show me the Eiffel Tower,” Trish said with pure hatred in her eyes.

  Was she seriously pissed at me right now? I could have just saved her from all the horrible things imaginable. “You’re kidding right? Do you have a
ny idea how dangerous it is in a foreign country? Bad shit happens, Trish. You can’t be damn trusting.”

  “Believe me, Mr. Wild, the last thing I am anymore is trusting. I wanted to experience the beauty of the Eiffel Tower, but as usual you know how to fuck it all up,” she said then she turned and stomped away.

  “Fine. Let’s go,” I said through clenched teeth as I grabbed her arm.

  She spun around and looked down at my hand on her arm, like just this simple touch was too painful to bare. “Go where,” she hissed.

  “You want to see the Eiffel Tower, I’ll show you. Come on.” I nodded toward it. I could see the conflict in her eyes, which I was sure resembled the conflict in mine. Being this close to her again made me think back to how sexy she looked when I made her come, or how turned on I would get when she bit that sweet lip of hers.

  “Fine,” she said, pulling me out of my sexual thoughts.

  We decided to walk the stairs instead of taking the elevator. For a while neither of us said anything, but I finally turned to her and said, “So how do you like Paris so far?”

  “Besides some lunatic pushing a hot French guy off of me, it’s been amazing. The shops I’ve discovered are just surreal.”

  I chuckled at her reply as we climbed higher. “Yea, I hear there is some asshole going around keeping beautiful girls from being with French guys. I think it’s the same asshole that should have never made you leave the night in my apartment. Better watch out for him.”

  Her eyes widened as I half-smiled. She continued climbing each step as I followed along. We talked about Paris for a bit longer.

  For the first time since I helped wipe her sweater clean in the coffee shop, we were talking without a sexual innuendo. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to push her against the railing and watch her face as she came undone, but I wouldn’t, I couldn’t.

  “Have you tried the café by the hotel? I had breakfast there yesterday, it was amazing,” I said, trying to keep the conversation going in a friendly direction.


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