Monochrome Interview

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Monochrome Interview Page 14

by May Freighter

  Abigail shifted closer in her seat, seeing Glen’s pleasant mask slipping. She had thought it was strange he was able to locate her with such ease. Yet, why go to such an extent to bring her here unless he was after Alexander all along, and she was a pawn in his game.

  “Was the whole thing about the hunters real or did you make it up?” she asked.

  “It was the truth,” Glen said, growing serious. “But, there is also something I needed to discuss with him. The fact you are trailed by the hunters simply was a bonus.”

  “What is it you wish to know?” Alexander questioned.

  Glen’s shoulders tensed. He made his way to the sofa and collapsed into a seat next to Abigail, causing her to scoot away. He didn’t react to her distance which made her curious about the real reason behind his coming to Dublin and staying on as Editor in Chief at her newspaper.

  “There are rumours in our community,” Glen began, never letting his eyes leave Alexander’s. “Rumours of a fate surfacing in this part of the world.”

  Abigail frowned. Another name of a being she knew nothing about. Just how many things are there in plain sight that normal people know nothing about? As much as she wanted to delve into the endless well of supernatural knowledge, at the same time, she feared what she may uncover. Rubbing her hands together, she waited for Alexander to respond. He hadn’t moved once. He just stood there like a statue, piercing Glen with a stare.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?” Glen asked.

  “What am I supposed to say?” Alexander took a seat across from them, and Abigail’s heart sank a little that he didn’t take the seat next to her. She knew it gave him a better vantage point, yet couldn’t deny the desire to have him by her side.

  “Those rumours also say that you are involved with her,” Glen continued.

  “And what if I am?”

  Her boss knotted his hands in his lap, crossing his legs. “My clan is interested in finding that girl.”

  Alexander’s shoulders shook when he let out a laugh. “Why is your kind interested in a fate?”

  “She could be in danger. If she is Mother of Yakshi, we must protect her.”

  Abigail could no longer stay silent. Her curiosity was eating her from within and resting heavily on her clenched stomach. “What’s a fate? What are you two talking about exactly?”

  “This is not a conversation she needs to listen to,” Alexander said, ignoring her.

  Abigail grumbled. He had an ability to drive her into a fit of uncontrollable rage with a simple dismissal. Her body prickled with irritation, so she scooted closer to Glen, placing her hand on his. “Will you tell me instead?”

  “Abigail…” Alexander warned.

  Glen turned towards her and nodded. “I believe the lady deserves an explanation, don’t you think?”

  “She doesn’t need to be involved any more than she already is,” Alexander retorted.

  “I think I can decide for myself,” Abigail said, rising. “Why are you always trying to control my life?”

  Her boss rubbed his face, mumbling, “Here we go again.”

  Without delay, Alexander shot out of his seat. He rounded the coffee table to where she stood and grabbed her hand. “For tonight, we are leaving.”

  “I will await your answer,” Glen said.

  “I will answer you now,” Alexander replied. “I am not inclined to share any information regarding the fate.”

  Abigail tried to fight her way out of his bruising hold and couldn’t. His chilled touch on her exposed flesh sent a shiver through her. As he propelled her towards the door, she caught sight of him grabbing her belongings from the sofa with his free hand.

  “You can’t do this!” she said.

  “Do not test my patience tonight,” Alexander growled, catching hold of her again. He wound his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her against his side. “Stay where I can see you.”

  Glen inclined his head. “I will see you at work, Abigail. Call me if you need me.”

  “She won’t call,” was all Alexander said as he pushed her out into the hallway and led her to the lifts.

  Once they were inside the metal cage, she punched his side. It was enough of a distraction to get him to lessen his hold on her, so she could jump away from him.

  “Why did you drag me out of there?”

  Alexander blew out a breath and the lift doors opened. This time, instead of forcing her, he indicated for her to get out.

  She raised her chin high and stepped out. Without another word shared between them, he guided her through the underground car park.

  Once they safely sat in his car, he turned in his seat, studying her intently. “Do you have a death wish?”

  Her mouth unhinged. She stared back at him, trying to mash some kind of a response together. “Of course not!”

  “Then why did you go with him to his hotel room? What if he lied about the hunters and lured you there to drain you of your life force? Have you considered such an outcome or do you merrily enjoy going into a stranger’s hotel room for a cup of coffee?”

  “One, he is not a stranger, he is my boss. Two, he didn’t drain me or whatever. I feel fine. And third, what the actual fuck? You treat me like an object, avoid talking in front of me, and then you drag me out of the room like you would with a—”

  He cut her off by grasping the back of her head and moulding his lips against hers. The softness of his touch soothed some of her ire as his tongue worked its way inside her mouth and danced with hers. He was skilled; she had to give him that. And, of course, he would be. After all, he had spent years sleeping around and kissing other women. Her rebellious mind destroyed any joy she took from their close contact, and she pushed away from him.

  “Don’t shut me up with kisses!”

  “Then don’t say nonsensical things. I came here to get you away from him. I did not come here to give him the information about my friends.”

  She tuned in to his statement, sifting through it with a fine comb in her mind. “You have a fate friend?”

  Alexander rested his back against his seat and stared at the car park through the windscreen of his Mercedes. The heaviness with which he spoke broke her heart. “We weren’t always on good terms. My decision to give in to her request cost her everything. It caused my best friend to lock his heart away for good. Until now, he has not forgiven me for my idiocy. But, if the incubi are interested in a fate, it could be a huge problem.”

  “Why? What do they want with her?”

  “I’m not sure. What I do know is that there are two factions in their community. There are those who believe a fate is their true Mother and those who want to see her dead.”

  A lump formed in her throat, and she swallowed nervously. “Which group do you think Glen belongs to?”

  “We’ll have to find out, won’t we?”



  “Where are we going?” Abigail asked him for the dozenth time. And, liked every other time she voiced the question, Alexander gave no answer as he drove through the city.

  She fiddled with the radio stations, eager to fill the chasm of silence that plagued the car. Stealing a few glances his way, she noted his hands were gripping the steering wheel. His perplexed expression kept bothering her, so she reached over and tapped him on the shoulder.

  At last, he blinked several times and turned his head her way. “What is it?”

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “I—I don’t know. There are so many things I must look into. The Council must be informed about the incubi interest in the fate, yet I cannot bring myself to get in contact with Lucious.”

  Abigail took hold of his hand, patting it gently. “I can tell you’re hurt by whatever happened between you and your friend, but you can’t let it rule you.”

  “You do not understand.”

  “No, I don’t. Maybe you just need someone to tell you that it’s alright. I’m sure he’ll come around if your friendship is worth
anything to him.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Alexander parked in a small car park near the shoreline. He stepped out of the car and opened the the door for her before she could even undo her seatbelt. Once she joined him in the chilly autumn breeze, he took hold of her hand and led her to the edge of the dark sea that looked like it could swallow her up with ease into its inky depths. Wet sand remoulded under her feet as they walked along the shore. The salty air caused her to shiver, so she huddled in closer to him.

  She gazed at his lonesome face. “Why did you bring me here?”

  Alexander managed a faint smile that was only illumined by the soft moonlight as it filtered through the stray, puffy clouds in the sky. With every step, his march slowed until he came to a halt. Reaching out to cup her cheek, he searched her face for something.

  Her heart raced when his cool fingers brushed her skin. To this day, her reactions to his touch remained a mystery. She wasn’t certain what brought out such desire in her to be held by him. The longer she thought about it, the less she cared for the answer. He was with her now. Or, was he? The sorrow hidden behind his grey eyes reflected the torment his soul was undergoing.

  When his thumb brushed her lower lip, her breath hitched.

  “Do you want to be mine?” he whispered, or perhaps he said it normally, but her heart was too busy pounding like a drum in her skull for her to know for sure.

  “I believe that’s not the reason you’ve brought me here,” she replied, giving his hand a squeeze.

  His lips tugged into a wistful smile. “What do you believe I brought you here for?”

  “I’m not psychic, Alexander. I can’t read your mind.”

  “And here I thought you were already doing such a wondrous job.”

  She swatted him on the shoulder. Allowing a laugh to escape her, she nudged him to resume their walk, so she wouldn’t freeze to death. The cold didn’t seem to bother him at all. Must be nice to be a vampire.

  “I keep thinking about you and how you fit in my life,” he admitted, claiming her complete attention. “The last time I loved a woman, I ended up killing her. I fear the same fate may await you if you remain by my side. Today, I wish to give you a final chance to run away from me, Abigail. One last time”—he sucked in a breath, stopping to face her —“to get away from me and return to your life as it was.”

  She tried to stay calm at his terrifying confession and couldn’t. Taking her hand out of his, she stepped back. “What do you mean you killed the woman you loved?”

  “In the past, my actions, hatred, and desire to take revenge on her family brought such a disaster upon me. I could not save her mortal life and now she lives on as one of the undead. Katharine, she…”

  His expression contorted with pain. He turned to the sea, making her face his back.

  Abigail rested her hand on his shoulder. Massaging it gently, she glided around him until she could see the wet trails of tears that had cascaded down his face seconds ago. Her mouth opened, but no words of comfort came out. Instead, she moved closer. She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him.

  The salty taste of his tears as they comforted one another in a tender kiss brought out her pain and the need to help him right his wrongs. His arms wound around her waist, pulling her into him. She let him destroy the remnants of space they had between them. Fighting against the current that carried their need for one another was impossible because, in his arms, she felt complete. Not a single one of her past relationships felt this perfect. She never craved their attention or had the incessant need to see them. Hell, she never fell in love with any of them.

  She pulled away, realising how much she had fallen for the man in front of her. He was everything she wanted and everything that scared her. If she stayed with him, would he resume trying to control her every action? What if he got bored of her one day and chose another woman? He has no shortage of them.

  “Do you love me?” the words slipped out of her mouth before she could rein in her interest.

  Alexander seemed taken aback. “Abigail, I don’t know how to answer you.”

  “I know you don’t. I get it. I mean, how can you love someone you’ve only met less than a month ago?” She tried to laugh it off, but he didn’t join in on her attempt to lighten the mood. “I’m sorry I asked.”

  He shook his head. His thumb brushed across her knuckles as he looked down at her hand. “Don’t be. Every woman desires to be loved. As I am now, I do not know if I can provide that for you. “

  “I guessed you wouldn’t be able to quit your supermodel harem.” She tried moving her hand away, but he caught it.

  “I have not slept with anyone else since we spent the night together.”

  “How do you expect me to believe that? I can’t ignore your reputation of a playboy.”

  He released her hand and ran his hand through his platinum hair. “Is there a way I can convince you?”

  “Yes, there is,” she replied, meeting his earnest gaze.


  Alexander had never been so nervous in his entire life. The beautiful redheaded woman before him held his undivided attention while she stared back at him full of determination and defiance. He awaited her response like a school boy anticipated the bell to ring and release him from class.

  “What can I do to convince you?”

  “I want you to trust me,” she replied softly. “I want you to give me the amount of trust you expect me to give you.”

  He inclined his head. The offer was fair. This woman knew how to bargain. With a playful smile, he leant in. He dipped his head and pulled her hair away from her neck, leaving soft kisses along her pulsating vein. Her body trembled a little with excitement. He knew the effect he had on her. It was the same effect she had on him. But, for a mere excursion of lust, he would not allow someone to knock on the gates of his heart. To him, Abigail had become a separate entity in his life. She was neither one of the women he fed and slept with to quench his sexual desires nor was she a friend he would never make a move on out of respect.

  She let out a slow breath once his lips travelled to her collarbone. “Alexander, it’s a bit cold for sex on the beach.”

  He burst out laughing and withdrew. “I own a villa nearby if you care to stay there with me tonight.”

  Her eyes twinkled with anticipation, and she nibbled on her plump lower lip. He wanted to get another taste of her before the night was over. Having her spread out on the cotton sheets, moaning his name, and begging for more…

  Abigail wrapped her jacket tighter around her body. “I have jury duty tomorrow. I have to go home somehow and grab a change of clothes.”

  “You cannot go there until we know if Glen was speaking the truth about the hunters. It is no small matter if they have figured out that you are a part of my circle.”

  “But I didn’t do anything to them, and there’s a huge fine for not showing up at court!”

  “I will pay the fine for you,” he replied sternly.

  “I can’t accept that. Look, I just don’t see how I can be a threat to those hunter people or whatever you call them.”

  “You helped Andrew get away, or have you forgotten?” he snapped, grabbing her wrist. He pulled her after him to his car, pushing her into the passenger seat. Just this once, he could not allow his guard to crumble. Lives were at stake. Rather, one in particular, and she was right in front of him. He couldn’t permit himself to make the same mistake as he had done in the past. His emotions ruled him back then. Because of that, he lost not only Katharine but a part of himself also.

  He got in his car and drove to the villa he had not visited ever since he had purchased it ten years ago.


  Abigail woke up when Alexander’s car pulled up in front of a two-storey villa with tall windows that covered almost every inch of it. She yawned and followed him inside like a trooper. Any other way, and she guessed he would pick her up and carry her instead.

  He unlocked the front door, deactivated the ala
rm, and switched on the lights.

  “Do you live here?” she asked, studying the polished wooden flooring and, oddly enough, normal décor. She half-expected there to be grand statues of him or endless works of art lining the walls. She found none of that. Only scarcely spread out modern paintings and simple furnishings.

  “I do not. I have a housekeeper taking care of this property once a week,” he said, taking her hand.

  She followed him up the wooden staircase to the first floor. They passed a few rooms on the way until he stopped in front of another and waved at the door.

  “You may rest here for the remainder of the night.”

  Abigail caught his sleeve when he shifted to move away. “Don’t go.”

  “I have to make some calls, and you seem tired. Get some rest, Abigail. We can speak tomorrow.”



  She cleared her throat, knowing full well what she was about to do. Allowing him to call her in the same way her mother did was equivalent to admitting she had fallen for him. Tonight really is full of strange revelations. “You can call me Abby. It feels weird when you call me Abigail. It’s as if you’re purposefully creating distance between us. And, I know I was the one who insisted on it first but—”

  “I understand.” He gave her a peck on the cheek and opened the door to the bedroom for her. “Please, get some rest.”

  She didn’t let go of his sleeve. Eyeing his drained expression, she tightened her hold on him and pulled him into the room with her.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, his eyes growing wide.

  “I’m asking you to help me undress.”

  He licked his lips. She noticed how his eyes ignited with a faint glow, displaying his excitement. If she could keep him with her long enough, maybe he would forget about his pain for a short while. She undid the first button of her coat, then the second, watching his reaction for any change.

  Alexander groaned and caught her hand on the final button. “As tempting as the offer is, I cannot ignore the important matters that may affect my friends.”


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