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SEXT ME Page 37

by Layla Valentine

  On the other hand, I did feel interested in hearing more about her life. She was so beautiful, and remarkably successful for her age. At 26, with an international modeling career, she appeared to be doing very well for herself indeed.

  When we got back to my place, I was quick to get out of the car and open the door for Emily once more, still playing the part of the perfect gentleman. I had taken enough girls home to know how to treat them well, and though I was already confident I would have Emily in my bed shortly, I knew it couldn’t hurt to make these little efforts.

  Once we were inside the house, I offered Emily a glass of champagne.

  “Thanks, maybe just the one. I don’t want to overdo it after the party,” she said with a shy smile as she sat down.

  I brought two flutes and poured the champagne, which we both sipped quickly. Scarcely had we finished with our glasses when I couldn’t take it anymore, and I rose from my seat.

  I took the flutes back to the kitchen, but instead of returning to my seat in the living room, I stopped behind Emily’s chair. I leaned down and gently began kissing her neck. Instantly she responded, leaning her head to one side and wrapping her arms around my neck. I continued to caress her with my mouth, feeling the goosebumps on her skin rise against my lips.

  It wasn’t long before I stopped and walked around the chair, picking her up when I got there. She threw her arms around my neck, jumping up and wrapping her legs around me as I feverishly kissed her.

  Emily dropped her clutch on the floor in the process, but neither one of us cared. I didn’t stop kissing her as I walked up the hall, kicked open the door to my bedroom, and dropped her on my bed.

  Though we once again were pulling the clothing off each other, this time, I took my time. She was beautiful, and I wanted to see every inch of her—to caress her breasts, to run my finger down her stomach, to feel how tight her body was against mine. I had taken many women in the heat of the moment, but this was something that I wanted to enjoy for as long as possible.

  Emily seemed to want to make it last, too. She was also doing her part in undressing me, but she wasn’t moving with the same fierceness that she had been, back at the party. Though it was clear she was yearning for me, and I for her, we both wanted to truly experience this moment—something that felt incredibly strange in my mind.

  Usually, I never wanted to do more than have a good time that ended happily for me; now, I wanted to make it more about her.

  When Emily was completely naked on my bed, I took a moment to simply gaze at her beauty. I could see her flush in front of me, and she shyly asked what I was looking at.

  “You, gorgeous,” I breathed as I stepped forward and onto the bed.

  To my surprise, she didn’t lie back as she had done before. She put both her hands on my shoulders and whipped me around, then hopped on top of me. I was taken aback at the boldness of her actions, and they only served to turn me on even more.

  I laid back on the bed, allowing her to guide me inside her. She placed her hands on my chest and began rocking, each movement causing a jolt to run through my body. I used my hands to explore her as she rode me—first running them across her flat stomach and down her thighs, then reaching up to her breasts and massaging them. I sat up as much as I could, and I used my hand to bring her face close to mine.

  We shared a deep kiss, exploring every part of each other’s mouths. I could tell with each movement she made that she was getting closer, and I gently put my hand around her back and flipped her onto the bed. She tried to get back on top of me, but I kept her gently pinned against the bed with a sly smile.

  Emily relaxed, then, allowing me to take the lead.

  Back in control, I felt like I was on top of the world. She was whimpering and writhing in the sheets, and it was nearly more than I could handle.

  Leaning forward, I locked mouths with her once more, thrusting into her as deeply as I could. Our movements continued to grow in intensity until I finally felt her body tense beneath mine. She cried out in ecstasy beneath me, and I smiled, continuing to slowly and deliberately thrust into her as I reached my own orgasm.

  As she slowly came down to earth, Emily reached up and ran her fingers across my chest. She had a look of contentment on her face, and I couldn’t help but smile down at her.

  “Can I stay the night?” she asked, looking up at me with flirtatious eyes.

  I nodded. “Yes. Yes you can.”

  Chapter Nine


  I opened my eyes, slowly blinking as I looked around the room. I had a headache from the champagne the night before, and it took me a moment to remember where I was exactly. Slowly, the events of the previous day came to mind, and I began to piece together what today would hold.

  I remembered having the disagreement with my sister, and began searching for my phone. I then remembered that I had dropped my clutch out in the living room, and figured my phone must be inside. Looking around the room, I could see that Kyle was already gone, having gotten dressed while I was still asleep.

  I hurried out to the living room in nothing but my underwear and, sure enough, found my phone inside my clutch. Kyle had been kind enough to pick it up off the floor and leave it sitting on the coffee table for me, and I ignored the feeling of embarrassment that threatened to swell up in me.

  I was a grown woman, and I was allowed to do anything I wanted—including having a one-night stand with a person that I found incredibly attractive.

  Part of me hoped that there was more to Kyle than just viewing me as a one-night stand, though I was more than willing to face the reality, should I have to.

  There was one message from my sister on my phone, but she had left it the night before. Deciding it was no longer relevant, I deleted it, ordering a cab through the app on my phone. After confirming my drop-off location, I walked back to the bedroom and got dressed, then tidied the place up a bit. Kyle had pulled his side of the sheets up to the pillow already, but I took the time to redo the entire bed, smoothing it all out and making sure there were no wrinkles.

  Wanting to look less like this was a walk of shame, I used some of Kyle’s soap to wash the makeup off my face and get rid of my raccoon eyes. My hair was disheveled, but it was nothing some water and the hair tie in my clutch couldn’t manage.

  By the time I had finished, I looked a little less like I had just come from the most bizarre party I had ever attended. My phone chimed and I glanced down at it, relieved to see that my ride had arrived.

  I could have spent the entire day in Kyle’s mansion, but I didn’t want to intrude, and I certainly didn’t want to still be there when Kyle returned if he wasn’t looking to build any real connection between us. I glanced out the window and saw the car waiting in the driveway, then hurried to the living room to get my clutch.

  That’s when I saw it. A large stack of cash sitting on the kitchen counter with a note next to it—a note with my name scrawled across the front. Curious, I glanced around, trying to see if there had been some kind of mistake.

  I walked over and picked it up, quickly skimming the text to keep my cab from waiting too long.

  Miss Shadows,

  Thank you for your company last night. You brought me a great deal of happiness, and it was a real pleasure to meet you. Please take this payment in exchange for your time, and do with it as you please.

  Take care, and best of luck in life.

  Kyle Cunningham

  I read through the note a couple times, feeling suddenly unsettled. I was confused. He had bid on me at the club—he had fought off other bidders in order to spend the night with me—and now, here was a large pile of cash that seemed to confirm the very thing I’d put out of my mind all those hours ago—Kyle Cunningham thought I was an escort.

  The sound of the horn brought my mind back to the present, and I hurriedly grabbed the money. I felt bad, knowing that in normal circumstances I would never accept money for going home with someone, but as I quickly counted the cash, I discove
red there was more than three thousand dollars there, and the note said that it was mine.

  That kind of money would help me immensely.

  Without the time to truly think through what I was doing, I shoved the money inside my clutch and hurried outside, feeling slightly self-conscious about the dress I was still wearing. I had lost my other dress at the club the night before, and though I thought they would probably give it back to me should I contact them, I decided I would just leave it.

  Besides, I was able to keep the dress I had left in—if they wanted it back, they would have to contact my sister to find out about it. They didn’t know a thing about me or where I came from, and though I would have hated to get Maddy in trouble for anything, I felt she would know how to handle it far better than I did.

  I slid into the back seat of the cab, and the driver gave me a curt nod. I started to apologize for keeping him waiting, but just then, my phone began to ring. I glanced down and saw it was my sister. The resentment I had been feeling toward her from the previous night had vanished, and I briefly hoped that she wouldn’t be mad at me for taking her ride to the party.

  I held the phone to my ear.


  “Emily! Thank goodness! Are you all right?” Maddy’s voice sounded frantic.

  “I’m fine! Just fine. I took the wrong ride and ended up at your party. I didn’t know what to do at the door, so I just gave them your name and they let me in. When did you become a fancy escort, anyway?”

  The cab driver raised his eyebrows at that, looking in the rear view mirror at me, but I said nothing.

  “What are you talking about? I’m not an escort,” Maddy said with a laugh, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

  “If you’re not an escort, then what on earth happened last night? They took me into a back room, made me change clothes, then put me on a stage where people started bidding for me! I ended up going home with a guy who just left me a pile of money on the kitchen counter. I’m on my way home in a cab now.”

  I knew that the information was coming out in bits and pieces, and I hoped my sister was able to piece together some sense out of what I was saying. I was feeling confused about what had happened the night before, and how it fit into what Maddy was saying.

  Maddy’s laughter came through the phone, and I waited for her to continue.

  “First of all, you should know that the Gathering is nothing more than a club for rich people. There are some escorts there, sure, but mostly it’s just a group of rich men and women showing off to each other. They have those bids and dates because money is the language those people speak. You’re under no obligation to sleep with anyone, and you don’t even have to go on the stage if you don’t want to. It’s kind of the way that they all show off.”

  Maddy’s voice was more amused than anything, but I still felt torn.

  “How did you get into it?” I asked.

  “A friend of mine was going a while back—it’s a party that happens every few months or so, and it’s a pretty big deal to be invited. I thought it was a lot of fun getting to be some arm candy for the night, and I enjoy the high-end style of partying.”

  Maddy’s voice was drifting off as though she was losing interest. Simply relieved that she didn’t seem angry at me, I was getting ready to wrap up the conversation and change my focus to the day I had ahead of me, but then she spoke again, with renewed interest.

  “Wait, Emily—are you saying you took money for sex?”

  The question hung in the air for a long, awkward moment. I definitely didn’t regret what I had done the night before, but I suddenly felt strange that I had accepted money at the end of it—even though I had decided to sleep with Kyle of my own free will.

  The money he had left had been his choice, and I had thought of it as more of a gift than anything.

  But then again, Maddy had always been the adventurous one, and the fact that she thought it strange that I had taken the money made me feel that it wasn’t the right choice. I didn’t answer for a few seconds, and Maddy prompted me to respond.

  “Hello? Did you drop your phone?” Her voice sounded impatient, and I stumbled over my words as I replied.

  “No, no, hah. We’re getting close to my place and I was just thinking about what I was going to do with this dress, is all.”

  I wasn’t going to tell her about the dress, but I wanted to get off the subject of the money.

  Maddy’s amused voice hinted at curiosity, and she suggested she come over to give me a hand.

  “After all, I would love to hear more about this night you had. Sounds like it would have been an interesting one that I would have liked to go to myself.” There wasn’t any bitterness in her tone, but once again, I felt like I had done something wrong.

  I smiled though I wanted to sigh, and I agreed.

  “All right, there is an awful lot I want to talk to you about, and I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take your ride, I really didn’t. But, of course, one thing led to another, and I ended up being out a lot longer than I thought I was going to be.”

  I laughed softly and was relieved to hear her join in.

  “I’m going to get dressed and grab a bite to eat; then, I’ll be heading your way,” she said.

  A feeling of relief washed over me and I nodded even though she couldn’t see me.

  “Sounds good. See you soon.”

  Chapter Ten


  “Now, tell me absolutely everything. I’m shocked that you even went, and I want to hear how you held up with the rest of the crowd,” Maddy said as she walked in through the door.

  I smiled and shook my head, also unsure of how I had managed to do so well with the situation I had put myself in. I wouldn’t have said that I’d handled things perfectly, but I had certainly held my own in the club.

  “You’re not mad at me, are you?” I asked as the two of us walked into the kitchen.

  Maddy laughed.

  “I have to admit, I thought it was a little strange when you hopped into my ride—but when you didn’t answer my call, I figured you knew what you were doing.”

  She shook her head with a mischievous grin and I smiled, too. I still felt the excitement in my chest, and I was eager to relate to her what had happened. Maddy took a seat at the counter and I handed her a glass of iced tea before grabbing my own glass and settling in to begin.

  “Well, as you know, we arrived at that mansion up on the hill, and I used your name to get in. I had no idea what was going on, but thought that I was going to just do as everyone told me to—I didn’t know what you were supposed to be doing there, so I thought that they would tell me.”

  I paused and Maddy smirked. I could tell she still found this entire situation amusing, and I wasn’t sure whether I ought to take comfort or offense from it.

  “They announced that all the ‘lots’ had arrived, and since I didn’t know what that meant, I just went along with it. I was dragged into the back room and they gave me this dress, then I was put out on display for everyone to bid on.”

  I held out the dress I had been given, looking at Maddy with a questioning face.

  Maddy took the dress and held it up against herself.

  “I bet this will fit me. I wouldn’t worry about it, if I were you—but I’ll trade you one of my…less skimpy…dresses, if you want to replace the one you lost.”

  She smiled and I gave her a grateful look. I hadn’t been overly attached to the cocktail dress I had lost that night, but at the same time, I didn’t have many dresses to go out in, and I would feel its absence.

  “You were up first?” she asked, looking up at me.

  I nodded, then continued.

  “It seemed to go really fast at first; then, the bidding dwindled. Right at the end, this man suddenly bids way higher than anyone else—a hundred grand, Maddy! A few people tried to bid against him, but he wouldn’t allow it. He won the round, and then I was led off the stage and spent the evening with him.”

  I hesita
ted to continue, but Maddy was leaning forward on the counter with an extremely interested look on her face.

  “And?” she prompted.

  “Well, I guess we hit it off. He took me over to the bar, then after we’d had a few drinks and talked for a while, we decided to head out onto the dance floor. I’ve never danced like that in my life, Maddy! I swear it felt like we were the only two people on the planet.”

  I paused, reliving the memories of grinding with Kyle on the dance floor and just how amazing it had felt. I would have given anything to be back there—and part of me wished we’d had another dance or two before we’d headed to the bar.

  Maddy didn’t seem as interested in the dancing, however, as she was in what happened next.

  “So, did you just dance all night? Come on, this has to get really interesting at some point!” she exclaimed.

  “Okay, okay. So after we danced for a while, we went over to the bar and had a couple more drinks. I hope you don’t mind that I maintained that I was you with him. I mean, I told him my real name, but I also kind of showed him a few of your photos and told him I was a model.”

  I looked at Maddy once more, trying to see if she was going to be upset with me by what I had done. Once again, to my surprise, she didn’t seem at all phased that I had stolen her identity for a night. In fact, she grinned.

  “To be fair, we do look exactly alike, and he likely wouldn’t have been impressed to hear that you were a nurse. I don’t mean to be offensive by that, Em—these aren’t the kinds of people to place a value on education. They want to know what you are doing with your…physical…gifts in life, and how much money you have for doing it,” she said as she sat back in her chair.

  “All right, well, after we talked for a while longer, he asked if I wanted to mingle with the others in the party. I thought he meant we were going to go talk to them, but instead, he took me upstairs. They were having, like, an orgy in one of the rooms!”


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