Betrayed Honor: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Ivanov Crime Family Book 3)

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Betrayed Honor: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Ivanov Crime Family Book 3) Page 8

by Zoe Blake

  But dammit, I didn’t care.

  She had turned to another man.

  Opening the passenger door to my Maserati, I quickly searched the surroundings. The alley was deserted, with no other sign of activity or disturbances.

  I stopped Nadia just as she was about to climb in, caging her in between my body and the door. “You disobeyed me.”

  She threw her arms into the air in frustration. “How many times do I have to tell you, you don’t own me? You have no authority over me! Are you even going to tell me who the fuck those men were who just tried to kill me?”

  “Don’t curse.”

  Her mouth dropped open. She blinked several times before even responding. “Are you serious? Are you seriously admonishing me about cursing when there are three dead bodies inside my store right now?”

  “That is not what is important. What is important is you disobeyed my direct order. You knew the family was to stay at your brother’s for the weekend. This was a matter of family business.”

  I was aware she at least had a cursory idea of what her family business really was. She certainly now understood the reason for all the men with guns patrolling her home since her childhood. She knew the dangerous men her brothers dealt with and the reason for my safety protocols, especially during the wedding. Hell, she couldn’t have forgotten the dangers her two close girlfriends had faced recently after disobeying her brothers.


  I continued as I towered over her, using my considerable height deliberately to intimidate her. “An order given for your own safety and the safety of your family.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Poshel na khuy. I don’t care about your orders, and I really don’t care about the family business. I’m sick of it ruining my life!”

  “Fuck you? Remember what happened the last time you dared to say that to me, kroshka?” I threatened as I watched her beautiful blue eyes widen in alarm.

  Grabbing her by the back of the neck, I twisted her around and bent her over the leather front passenger seat of the car. The back of her short dress rose up to the top of her thighs. Her pale slim legs were visible down to her pink Doc Martens.

  “Mikhail! What are you doing?” Nadia tried to rise, but my hand on the back of her neck prevented any further movement.

  “Teaching you a lesson.”

  Using my free hand, I flipped up the hem of her dress. I gazed down at the delicate curve of her ass, which was covered in a pair of pale pink silk panties. Gripping the fabric, I crushed it in my hand till it gathered and bunched along the seam of her ass, exposing her creamy skin.

  Ignoring Nadia’s startled cry, I pulled up on the panties, knowing the fabric would pull taut over her pussy and cause just the slightest sting of pain between her ass cheeks.

  “Ow! Stop it! Let me up!”

  I released the fabric, confident it would stay wedged like a thong deep between her cheeks. I brought one open palm down on her right cheek.

  Nadia screamed, but I knew the interior of the car would muffle her cries.

  I couldn’t resist shifting my hips forward, rubbing my cock against her exposed soft curves, pinning her to the front seat as I watched one perfect red handprint form. Something deep within me snarled and roared to life, a primal need to devour, to claim. A beast that had just caught the scent of blood and was now hot on the trail of its prey.

  Raising my hand a second time, I brought my palm down on the same cheek again and again.

  Her small legs kicked out defensively as I continued to spank her ass, alternating between the left and right cheeks. I also punished the tops of her thighs and that perfect spot just below the under curve of her bottom with the cute freckle.

  “Stop! It hurts! Please! Mikhail, please!” she cried.

  Her pleas only made me punish her harder.

  I didn’t stop till her bottom glowed a beautiful bright red. Releasing my grip on her neck and hair, I placed both hands on her ass. My skin appeared swarthy compared to her mix of creamy white and cherry red skin. She was so small my hands easily spanned her ass and hips. The heat of her punished skin warmed my palms. My already painfully hard cock twitched. Knowing now was not the time to allow myself to fuck her finally, I couldn’t resist pulling her cheeks open. Moving the bunched fabric of her panties aside, I looked at her perfect little rosebud. With the tip of my right index finger, I caressed the puckered skin, pleased when her body jerked in reaction as her hips raised up, a futile effort to evade my intimate touch.

  “Please stop,” she whined.

  Finally, taking pity on her, I pulled her panties free and smoothed the wrinkled silk over her ass cheeks. Nadia hissed the moment the fabric covered her reddened skin. Taking her by the shoulders, I forced her to stand up and face me.

  Her soft cheeks were streaked with tears. Her bright eyes darkened with pain. Spanning both my hands along her jaw, I tilted her head back, forcing her to meet my eyes.

  “Say you’re sorry,” I ordered gruffly. I had never been into the spanking kink, but there was something about Nadia which demanded it. She was just so small and vulnerable, practically begging for some man to come and take charge, to dominate her.

  I was that man.

  I was the only one she would turn to from now on.

  I was in charge now.

  She would be under my complete control whether or not she liked it.

  Her lips thinned to a stubborn line.

  “Say it,” I growled.

  She sniffed and crossed her arms. “Why? I did nothing wrong. I have a right to sleep wherever and with whoever I want.”

  “Because, kroshka, from this moment forward, you’re mine. And you will obey me or face the consequences.”


  My grip on her jaw tightened. “This isn’t optional. Now say it.”

  She bit her lip. There was a long pause. Just as I was about to bend her back over the front seat and give her another reminder of what I meant by consequences, she capitulated.

  “Okay! Prosti,” she whispered.

  “Good girl. Now let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter 12


  I couldn’t focus. I knew I desperately needed to think about all that had happened, but right now all I could keep thinking was that Mikhail had spanked me.

  Mikhail. Spanked. Me.

  Trying not to draw attention to myself, I shifted slightly in my seat. I glanced at Mikhail's profile from under my eyelashes, and my cheeks burned as his lips lifted in a knowing smirk. Damn him. He knew I was squirming because my ass still burned and tingled from his punishment.

  Mikhail. Spanked. Me.

  Sure, he had spanked me a few years ago that fateful night, but it was nothing like this. Then, it was just a few swats and had felt illicit and sexy. This time was a full-on punishment.

  Nothing about this morning seemed real. I watched through the passenger window, the various storefronts and houses flying by as we crisscrossed neighborhoods. I didn’t dare ask where we were going. I had seen enough cop shows and thrillers to know he was probably trying to determine if someone was tailing us. He was too smart to take me directly to wherever this safe house was.

  Nervously, I twisted the hem of my dress between my hands. The small burn holes from the welding torch I was using earlier on a stainless steel necklace caught my attention. I scraped at their curled dark edges with my fingernail.

  Mikhail remained silent. The radio wasn’t even on.

  I had to say something. I should tell him I wanted to go straight to my brothers. The problem was I didn’t have the courage to break the silence. Not for the first time, I wished I had Samara’s confidence or Yelena’s brashness. Neither of them would have allowed a man to bend them over and spank them like a naughty child!

  Mikhail moved suddenly, breaking into my thoughts.

  His arm stretched out in front of me, brushing my breasts. My cheeks flamed hotter. It was like I was some ingenue who had neve
r been kissed. Actually, that was pretty close to the truth. I had to admit I liked the idea that Mikhail was obviously jealous of Massimo. It was wrong of me to let him think Massimo and I had slept together, but he deserved it.

  At night, I dreamed of being the type of woman Mikhail would find attractive. I bet he went for the sexy femme fatale type. Tall and blonde. The kind of woman who men noticed. I imagined her leaning against a bar, taking out a cigarette. Of course, she smoked in that super sexy way, just as he appeared with a light. She would say something cool and confident that would make him laugh. I had never seen Mikhail laugh. I had never even seen him smile. The image was bright and clear in my mind, like a movie reel I played over and over. I would never be that kind of woman. No matter how hard I tried.

  Without saying a word, he reached for the strap of the seat belt over my right shoulder. He pulled the strap over my body before securing it in the buckle. He then turned his attention back to the road, still without having said one word. Leaving me even more shaken than I was before. This man had the power to rattle me like no other. Even the simple gesture of buckling me into a seat belt sent my pulse racing.

  Several minutes later, we pulled into an underground parking garage. I had just caught a view of the muddy grey water of the Potomac before we slipped past two massive automatic iron doors. It seemed to me we had traveled in one big circle and were back in Georgetown, at one of the swanky high-rises along the river.

  Mikhail stopped the car and got out. Feeling foolish for doing so, I remained where I was, instinctively knowing not to move until I was told. Mikhail crossed around the back of the car and opened my door. Turning, I tried to unbuckle my seat belt. My hands were shaking so much my fingers felt numb and useless. Shock was setting in.

  After a moment, his large warm hand closed over mine. I held my breath. I could feel his body pressing against my shoulder and back as he leaned into the car. With a flick of his finger, he released the belt clasp. I avoided his gaze as I climbed out.

  We walked up to a single silver elevator door. He punched in a long code. Within a moment, the door opened. We stepped inside, and he punched in another security code. The door closed, and we were racing past all the lower floors straight to the penthouse.

  He still hadn’t said a word.

  After unlocking the door, he pushed it open, then placed a hand at my lower back and guided me inside. I couldn’t contain my gasp as we walked down the hallway into the main living room area. This looked nothing like the creepy safe houses that were on television. Usually they were rundown motel rooms, or dilapidated houses with half-boarded-up windows in a bad part of town.

  This place was gorgeous. Everywhere I looked, there was expensive marble, elegant furniture, and fancy artwork. I was used to living in a nice house. First at my parents, and then when I moved into the massive compound Gregor called a house for a few years right after high school. Of course, that was more of a punishment and an attempt to monitor me after Yelena and Samara ran away. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised my brothers would have an over-the-top luxurious safe house. Unlike me with my Doc Martens, vintage babydoll dresses, and love of thrift store finds, they had expensive tastes.

  Looking around me, I could tell it definitely wasn’t lived in by anyone. There were no photos or anything personal to give the place a homey feel. It was cold and formal, like a show house with staged furniture. It was also very monochromatic. All creams and tones of beige, not the slightest hint of color or life.

  Mikhail led me into the all-white marble kitchen. It was pristine. I almost wanted to turn one of the oven knobs to see if it was real or just a prop. It was a far cry from my tiny apartment kitchen with its dented cookie tins displayed on top of the cabinets and the bowl of half-eaten popcorn still sitting in the sink.

  He walked over to the marble top island and opened a drawer. He pulled out a small first aid kit.

  Motioning to me, he said, “Get up on the counter.”

  I gripped the hem of my dress in agitation. “I’m… I’m fine. Really.”

  Mikhail stepped up to me. He was just so very tall. The top of my head didn’t even reach his shoulder! I was barely five foot two, five foot four if my Doc Martens counted. He was easily well over six feet.

  He placed a finger under my chin, tilting my head back. “What have I told you about obeying me?”

  I unsuccessfully tried to hide the soft whimper that escaped my lips.

  In response, Mikhail's thumb grazed my lip. He repeated his command. His voice soft and low this time. “Get up on the counter, Nadia.”

  Trying to control the quake in my limbs, I shimmied around his enormous form and stepped toward the island countertop. As I stared at it in indecision, his hands wrapped around my waist. He twisted me around and then lifted me high. I tried to hide my wince the moment my still tender ass hit the hard, icy surface.

  He had spanked me.

  Spanked me.

  I was still trying to wrap my mind around that.

  It made me feel vulnerable and, I don’t know, handled? Controlled but in this weird, overly protective way. This was all just too crazy. My thoughts were interrupted when Mikhail sat down on a chrome bar stool directly in front of me.

  I held my breath.

  His dark blue eyes captured mine as he once more placed his large warm hands on the tops of my thighs. Slowly, he pushed my legs open. I tried to resist at first, but that only earned a raised eyebrow and him shifting his hands to my inner thighs and applying more force. I bunched the ruffled hem of my dress between my thighs. He opened the first aid kit, raised a small foil packet to his mouth, and tore it open with his strong white teeth.

  The tip of my tongue flicked out to wet my lower lip. It was a nervous gesture, one that immediately caught his eye. His razor focus slipped to my mouth. It made me nervous, so my tongue flicked out again. His left hand was still on my thigh, and his fingers tightened. All the air in the room seemed to leave in a rush, leaving me dizzy. After a tense moment, he returned to his task.

  Unwrapping the alcohol swab, he turned his attention to my scraped knee.

  “It’s fine,” I said as I tried to pull a portion of the dress hem to cover my knee, but it wouldn’t reach.

  Mikhail only gave me a look before returning his attention to my knee.

  The alcohol swab was cold at first. Then I hissed as it stung. It was silly since it was just a small scrape, but it still burned.

  Mikhail leaned down and pursed his lips. His warm breath was on my skin. I couldn’t breathe. He blew on the cut a second time, taking away the pain. It was such a gentle and caring gesture from such a large, taciturn man.

  “Let me see your hands,” he ordered.

  I knew I wasn’t allowed to say no. Reluctantly, I untangled my fingers from my crushed hem and held out my hands, palms up. He grasped them both in his own. I marveled at how large and tan they looked compared to my smaller pale hands. While my small stature had always made me self-conscious, my small, nimble fingers were one thing that helped me be such a great jewelry designer.

  Mikhail rubbed a fresh alcohol swab over my lower palms. They were reddened but there were no open scrapes, so this time it just felt cool and wet but didn’t sting. All the same, he brought my hands close to his mouth and blew on them. How could such a simple, innocuous gesture feel so taboo and sensual?

  Mikhail stood. His enormous frame towered over me. Without saying a word, he grasped my hips and pulled me forward till my ass was on the edge of the counter. My thighs were spread open with my knees on either side of his narrow hips. With a jerk, he pulled me forward again, till I could feel the hard press of his trouser zipper through the thin fabric of my dress and panties.

  I kept my eyes trained on his white tuxedo shirt.

  He placed a finger under my chin and lifted my head. “We need to talk about what happened tonight, and about your friend, Massimo.”

  I didn’t know how to respond. Immediately my mind wondered what
the consequences would be if I were to refuse to speak to him. I thought back to the feel of his hard hand against my ass as he spanked me right there out in the open. I resisted the urge to squirm, fearing it may give my thoughts away.

  His mouth quirked slightly.

  My cheeks burned.

  He had read my thoughts, I was certain of it. I needed to get out of here. This was all too much. Our kiss earlier. Our fight. Those men attacking me. Me almost dying. Mikhail killing my attackers. His jealousy and my complete lie in implying I had or intended to sleep with Massimo. Him spanking me. It was all too much. Especially knowing half of this was my fault. If I had only just stayed at my brother’s tonight. I just wanted to curl up under a blanket somewhere and make the world stop spinning.

  I tried to shimmy out from between his arms.

  His hands gripped my hips to keep me in place.

  I grabbed his wrists and tried to remove his hands. “Let go. I have to go! I have to talk with Gregor and Damien. They’re probably worried.”

  “No, kroshka. They are not. They know you are with me.”

  I couldn’t breathe. I could feel my chest tighten with panic. Him calling me by his pet endearment for me only made it worse. “No! You don’t understand. I have to go!”


  I fought him in earnest, my legs kicking out. “Let me go!” I cried out as I tried to push at his chest.

  Shifting his grip, Mikhail easily lifted my slight weight off the counter. I had no choice but to wrap my legs around his hips as he swung around. He took several steps out of the kitchen into the living room and dropped me backwards onto the cream-colored sofa.

  His body followed.

  Chapter 13


  His weight pressed between my thighs, pinning me down.

  My mouth opened in shock. After regaining my composure, I lifted my arms to push him off. He easily grabbed my slim wrists, securing them in one hand, and stretched them above my head.


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