A Man to Trust

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A Man to Trust Page 7

by Cheryl Yeko

  Angela wrapped her arms around him and buried her face against his neck, breathing in his masculine scent. She allowed herself to cry, sheltered in his tender embrace, his soft touch and whispered words of comfort soothing her.

  A sense of peace flowed through her and her tears slowed to a stop. Jake continued to hold her, making comforting circular motions on her back. The feel of his hard body against hers, the strength of his arms wrapped around her made her feel safe. He was one of the good guys. Her heart thudded a powerful beat.

  She needed to move away from him, but froze as a burn started in her belly and traveled to her core. A sensation of need that she hadn’t felt since before the horrifying night of her wedding captured her. For just tonight, she needed to feel wanted, desired.

  Angela lifted her face until her lips brushed softly against his. He stiffened, his hand fisted at her back. She lifted her hands to his face and kissed him with a sense of desperation. He didn’t kiss her back, but he didn’t pull away.

  “Jake, please,” she whispered, looking into his heated gaze. Tension radiated off him.

  His eyes burned with lust and the evidence of his desire pressed at her bottom. Angela pushed away the sense of unease that shadowed her thoughts. Tonight, she wanted . . . something, she didn’t know what. But she was tired of being afraid and for just tonight, she wanted the promise of passion that Jake’s eyes offered.

  For a moment, he didn’t move, then he groaned and buried his hands in her hair, kissing her with a soft, gentle touch. When he licked her lips, she opened for him and he entered to caress the inside of her mouth with his tongue. His heady flavor mixed with the taste of her tears. The sensation of him exploring her mouth sent tingles of need throughout her and her nipples tightened. She welcomed his seeking tongue with her own and they moved together as one in a mutual exploration. Tasting, touching, as exploding sensations of need and desire rolled over her.

  Jake tore his mouth from hers. His gaze scorched her with their heat, molten hot. “You drive me wild.”

  He unfastened the first three buttons of her shirt and slowly slid the fabric from her shoulders and down her arms, until it pooled at her waist. A shiver of anticipation rolled through her, tightening her nipples. She licked her lips and stared into his darkened gaze.

  His eyes flamed with desire. He leaned down and kissed the tops of her breasts. First one, then the other, then sucked a sensitive nipple into his mouth, sending a shockwave of pleasure to the apex of her thighs.

  “Jake,” she purred.

  He lifted his head and their eyes locked. “I love the way you say my name.” His hand slid to the inside of her legs and caressed a path of fire to the part of her that wept for him.

  “Say it for me, Angel,” he whispered.

  Holding her with a steady gaze, he pushed her panties aside and brushed his thumb across her sensitive bud, testing her. She inhaled sharply at the intense pleasure induced from his soft caress. With a sexy glint in his eyes, he thrust a finger inside her body. A look of satisfaction crossed his face when she moaned her pleasure and trembled in his arms.

  “Jake,” she managed, as another wave of pleasure coursed through her. A sensation she’d only dreamed of washed over her. She wanted more. More of this pleasure, more of his touch, more of him.

  He chuckled, then lowered his mouth to hers and took her in a long hard kiss as his finger began a slow dance that drove her higher and higher.

  His arm around her waist kept her from sinking onto the couch. Holding her tightly against him, he continued his intimate exploration. She gasped and her body quivered when a second finger joined his first as he carried out his wicked dance of seduction.

  Jake lifted his head and watched her with eyes that burned hot. “God you’re beautiful,” he murmured. His thumb moved to the tiny bud between her folds and sent her spiraling over the edge into a chasm of ecstasy. She gasped, then closed her eyes as she shuddered with her orgasm.

  Jake’s breathing grew harsh, then he took her mouth in a deep, searing kiss. He continued with soft gentle strokes inside her as tiny aftershocks of pleasure shook her.

  When he lifted his mouth from hers, she met eyes that still burned, sending another quiver through her.

  He gave her a sexy grin.

  Angela stared at him in a daze. “I—I didn’t know it could be like that,” she breathed.

  The grin dropped from his face. “What?”

  Her mind snapped back into focus and her heart skipped a beat. What had she just said? Too much. She shook her head. “Nothing.”

  His body was taut, his rock-hard erection still pressed against her bottom. He removed his hand from between her legs and his eyebrows drew together. “Was that your first orgasm, Angel?”

  Blood rushed to her cheeks and she looked quickly away. “Of course not,” she lied.

  Even to her own ears, her words rang with bitterness. She grimaced and refused to meet his penetrating stare. Her pleasure had not been high on Scott’s lovemaking radar. It was only something she’d found on her own, never at the hands of a lover.

  There was a long moment of silence and she dared to sneak a peek at him. He studied her with a deep scowl on his face. Her insides quivered. The intensity of his gaze scorched her. He set her away from him, adjusting the shirt she wore so that it properly covered her.

  “Things got a little out of hand. I think it would be best if we called it a night.” His body was tense and a muscle pulsed at his jaw. He rose to his feet and studied her with narrowed eyes.

  Angela eased herself off the couch, not sure what had just happened. He seemed angry, as though he was about to explode. Her unease blossomed and she slowly backed away, until she put a safe distance between them. Without another word, she hurried to the safe sanctuary of her room.

  Jake watched Angela flee the room with a look of fear in her eyes.

  What the hell?

  He took a step forward to follow and stopped, turning instead to walk to his floor-to-ceiling picture window and stare out. He needed to keep his distance for a while. Get his head on straight. That he’d frightened her, for even a second, was like a punch to the gut. But he didn’t trust himself to be near her yet, needing his passion to cool first.

  He could still smell her desire, and his body tightened remembering the feel and taste of her, her sweet sounds of pleasure. The look of surprise in her eyes after her orgasm. Then, her words had stopped him cold.

  He frowned. She was no virgin and had been married to Scott Beebe for over two years. Was Beebe such a bastard that he hadn’t cared about her enjoyment when he made love to her?

  Jake narrowed his eyes, waves of jealousy hitting him at the thought of Angela with another man. Even if that man had been her husband. A husband who, it seemed, had been unable to satisfy her. The bastard had abused her . . . hit her.

  A flash across the street grabbed his attention. He hit the floor in the same instant a bullet splintered the window over his head. No sound of gunfire at all. Bastard must be using a silencer.

  “Sonofabitch!” Jake crawled to the end table to retrieve his Glock, then rolled over to the window, and came up in a crouching position to peer outside. It was quiet on the darkened streets. But he knew the sniper hadn’t left. The prick was just waiting for a target. He needed a clear shot before he could return fire, not willing to take the chance of hitting one of his neighbors.

  Rage tore through him. They attacked him in his own home, where he lived with his son. The thought of his son being near danger caused his blood to grow cold. He retrieved his cell phone and punched in Rick’s number on speed dial, relieved when he answered on the first ring.

  “Rick, trouble at my place. I have a sniper across the street—” He cursed when he heard Angela open the door to her room and head down the hall. “Call for back up and get here now.” He dropped the cell and spun around.

  “Angela, stop,” he yelled, even though he knew it was too late as she stepped into the room.

/>   He launched himself at her, knocking her flat on her back. As his weight slammed down on her, she yelped in pain. Curling his arms protectively around her head, he tucked her beneath him, shielding her body with his. “Sorry,” he gritted in her ear, “but somebody’s shooting at us!”

  As if to prove the point, a fusillade of gunfire showered them with splinters from the doorframe. He wrapped himself around her and pressed her to the floor as a series of bullets passed overhead.

  “Stay low and crawl to the bathroom,” he ordered. “Get in the bathtub until I come for you.”

  “The tub?” Her voice shook.

  He rolled off her, met her fearful gaze and nodded toward the bathroom. “It’ll shield you from any bullets. Now move.”

  He didn’t have time to comfort her, expecting more trouble. Her beautiful eyes widened in alarm, and she quickly crawled to the bathroom.

  “Close the door.” He returned to the window to peer cautiously outside.

  His tension receded a little with Angela safe, leaving enough room for fury to move in. There wasn’t much he could do but wait it out, guard the door, and stop anyone from getting to her. He couldn’t have a shootout in his front yard. He struggled against the instinct to target the shooter and take his ass down.

  The sound of shattering glass from the back door reached him and he dove behind the couch and lay on his belly, taking aim at the living room entrance. His heart thudded heavy, his attention caught between the broken window and the door, not knowing how many shooters were out there or how long it would take Rick to arrive. He was the only barrier between Angela and certain death.

  Jake’s jaw clenched as he took in the sight of his shattered wide screen TV, the glass spilling over his son’s game system. Hot waves of anger burned through him at the invasion. They dared attack him in his own home!

  His eyes narrowed and he forced everything from his mind but the steely resolve to take the bastards down. He set his shoulders and waited, his gun steady in his hands.

  When a man leaped through the living room door, Jake managed to squeeze off a couple shots, before the guy rolled behind a chair. He caught a glimpse of a tattoo along the prick’s face, but couldn’t make out what it was. A pain-filled curse let him know he’d at least hit his target. But not enough to stop him.

  Only a whisper sounded from the silencer when the shooter opened fire, followed by the shattering sound of impact as the bullets ripped through his living room. Angela’s frightened cry sounded from the bathroom, giving away her location. He tensed, a hard fist twisted his gut.

  He cursed when a series of shots hit the bathroom door. This guy was not your normal gangbanger. He was a professional. And he needed to take the sonofabitch out. Now. Jake took aim at the chair shielding the shooter and emptied the clip of his gun. For the length of a few minutes, the sound of battle filled the room.

  Then all went silent.

  Jake reloaded, then rolled to a crouch. The wail of sirens drew near. There was no sound from the bathroom and images of Angela hurt and bleeding flashed across his mind, causing his stomach to churn. His grip on the Glock tightened and his muscles tensed for action. With his back pressed against the wall, he prepared to stand at the sound of footsteps running from the room.

  He took off after the shooter, noting droplets of blood leading to the back door, reaching it just in time to see the guy launch himself into a waiting car and take off. It was too dark to get the plates, but it was either a blue or black Chevy four door. He turned back. Not knowing if Angela had been injured, he sprinted toward the bathroom. Not even trying the doorknob, he kicked the door open.

  Angela was curled into a ball inside the tub and, as he’d directed, her hands folded protectively over her head. Jake crouched next to the tub and touched her shoulder. She gasped and drew her arms tighter around her head. The sound of her panicked breathing was loud in the small space.

  “Hey, it’s me,” he said in a soothing tone.

  Her body relaxed as she lowered her arms and peered at him. Tears wet her lashes, although she determinedly blinked them away.

  “What happened?” she asked in a voice so low he barely heard her.

  “Are you hurt?” He ran his hands over her, seeking any injuries.

  His tension eased when he found none. Other than being scared shitless, she appeared unharmed. The sirens stopped in front of his house.

  A strong surge of protectiveness floored him and he swept her into his arms. Her startled gasp and frightened eyes hit him hard. He needed to remove that scared expression from her lovely face. She’d been through enough for one evening. Before he could stop himself, he leaned in and covered her mouth with his own.

  Some of his tension eased when she relaxed against him and opened her lips to let him in. Every cell in his body jumped to life as he kissed her. A surge of triumph filled him when she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back as though her life depended on it.

  Lost in a haze of pleasure and relief, he groaned at the intrusion when the sound of a clearing throat reached his aroused brain. He lifted his head, taking satisfaction at the look of feminine desire that burned in her eyes.

  Jake glanced toward the door. He rolled his eyes at the concerned, yet amused, look on his brother's face as he leaned against the doorway watching them with shrewd eyes.

  “Am I interrupting anything?” J.D. raised a brow.

  Before Jake had a chance to form a reply, Rick stepped inside. “What the hell happened here?”

  Angela started to tremble as the shock of the situation began to settle in. Still holding her in his arms, he cradled her against him. “Sshh, it’s over, you’re safe now.”

  He returned to his living room and fury once again ripped through him. Not wanting to traumatize Angela any further than she already was, he kept her face pressed to his chest, blocking her view of the damage to his home. He pushed past J.D. and Rick and strode to his bedroom, gently placing her on the bed. Her arms tightened convulsively around his neck. He pried them away, whispering soothingly, until she finally relaxed and lay back against the pillow. Her eyes appeared dilated and her breathing was far too rapid, coming in short little gasps.

  “Damn.” She’s hyperventilating.

  Jake glanced back to where both J.D. and Rick had followed him inside wearing grim expressions. “Get me a paper bag!” Jake ordered.

  Rick left. The sound of police activity and conversations carried into the bedroom.

  Angela stared at him with wide, panicked eyes, her face pale. Her body trembled as she fought for every breath.

  Jake cupped her cheeks. “Hey, now, you need to calm down and breathe. Just breathe. Deep, slow breaths.” He could tell she was trying, but the harder she tried, the more frightened she became as she struggled to breathe. He turned back to the door. “Where the hell is that bag!”

  Rick hurried into the room with a brown paper lunch bag and handed it to him. Jake placed it over Angela’s mouth and nose. “Breathe now. Slow and steady,” he directed in a soothing voice.

  He held her gaze as she placed her hands around his, holding the bag to her face. The crackling of paper sounded in the room as she breathed into the bag, panic fading from her eyes as air filled her lungs.

  “That’s it,” he said with approval, brushing her bangs away from her face. “Better?” He removed the bag from her mouth.

  “Yes.” Her hands gripped the bedspread. A flush covered her face. She lowered her eyes to his chest. “What happened”?

  “Yeah,” J.D. said, a speculative tone to his voice. “What happened?”

  Jake forced a smile to his lips. “You gonna be okay while I step outside?” A look of uncertainty crossed her face. He covered her hand with his. “It’s okay. One of the police officers will stay with you.” He turned and passed a look to his brother, who nodded and left.

  She took a shaky breath, her eyes full of questions, before letting out a sigh. “Okay.” A policewoman came in and stood next to t
he bed.

  Jake gave Angela’s hand a reassuring squeeze before stepping out into the hall to speak with J.D. and Rick. The rage he’d managed to hold at bay while he comforted her, returned.

  “Whoever is after her has stepped up the game.” Jake nodded to his living room. “That was a professional hit. This is far bigger than a small-time drug operation.”

  Rick’s eyes hardened as he glanced toward the destroyed room. “Whatever she knows is worth attacking a cop in his own home.” His eyes swung back to Jake. “This case just moved to the top of our to-do list.”

  The muscle along Jake’s jaw twitched as he gritted his teeth. With a nod of appreciation, he turned to J.D. “We need to move her someplace safe until the trial. I know it’s a lot to ask, but can you spare some time to help me protect her?”

  His brother's eyes narrowed. “Is she important to you, bro?”

  J.D. always saw past the bullshit of Jake’s words and directly into his heart. He seemed to understand that Angela was more than just a case for him. Of course, the kiss in the bathroom had helped shine a light on that as well. J.D. raised a brow and waited patiently for Jake’s response.

  Yeah, she was important to him, and he needed to keep her safe. Needed to believe she wasn’t a party to the corruption that surrounded her. But his cop instincts told him she wasn’t telling him everything at the same time his desire for her said she was innocent.

  His heart struggled with the conflicting emotions. Jake raked his fingers through his hair, his eyes looking into the mirror of his own as he met his brother’s speculative gaze.

  “Yeah, J.D. She’s important to me.”


  Angela paced the living area of the hotel room in Delafield, a small town about twenty miles outside of Milwaukee. She hadn’t seen Jake since she’d arrived the night before. Two police officers sat outside her room and two more were keeping her grandmother under surveillance.

  Angela had spoken with her grandmother that morning and she seemed content at the retirement center. The police wanted Angela to remain at the hotel for the entire week, until her testimony at trial.


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